The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 17 Ch. 20 Table of contents

Elisha, the servant of Liz, the hero of the kingdom of Nesha.

Bouncing through the air, Elisha unleashes a volley of accurate arrows and invisible magic blades.

Thanks to his healing senses, he can deal with the approaching magic, but is it unleashed by wind magic like Mr./Ms.'s Nero?

As I thought about it, I looked at the arrows and grabbed them all with one hand.


"Lies!? Same thing with your sister...... Even though it's human!?"


Don't you treat your sister as ...... human being? I feel a little sympathy for Liz.

If her only weapon is an arrow, take her bow and break it.

As he tried to close the distance, Elisha jumped lightly and soared into the sky.


"After all, it's flying, isn't it?!"


Magic that allows you to fly the same as Keira!? No, it's a leap!

Elisha uses the air as a foothold in the air to shoot arrows at us as he ascends into the sky.

But it wasn't just the arrows that shot from her.




The healing sense captures multiple things approaching us.

He senses a palm-sized crescent-shaped invisible attack approaching at the same time as the arrow, and dodges all of them.


"Did you avoid it!? I can see it!!"

"Wind magic, is it the same type as Senri-sama?"


He creates a healing magic bullet in his right hand and throws it with only the strength of his arm.

The magic bullet that seemed to hit Elisha was blocked by the newly created transparent blades around her.




I had heard beforehand that the heroes of the Nesha Kingdom were masters of wind magic, bows, and spears——— but was that really the case? Did you feel like you were two heroes?

But I feel like that magic is a little different from wind magic.





He pushes his elastic foot and leaps to where Elisha is.

Elisha let out a short scream as I leaped at an unusually fast pace, and I reached out to destroy her bow, a little mentally hurt.




In Elisha's Handswhite・・The magic light flashed for a moment, and he waved his hand from left to right.

Then, as if spreading out from the trajectory of her hand, Elisha's figure disappears like a haze.


"Moved? You're still there!!"

"I'm getting caught!!"


From the empty space, you can hear her screaming voice.

The healing sense is still pointing to her presence.

She's becoming transparent in some way!! It's not the same magic that the devil handles, but it's a variety of abilities!


"Stay away!"



Just as I was about to reach out, a newly formed crescent-shaped invisible blade spawned around Elisha and an arrow shot from close range approached me.

Now that the outburst of magical power is restricted, I am at a disadvantage because the way to move in the air is limited!


"Then eject ——— healing afterimage fist!!"



If I were to name it again, I would call it a healing afterimage wave.

He wears magical power all over his body in the manner of a healing afterimage fist, and uses the centrifugal force of swinging his arms to shoot it forward to repel all the arrows.

The remnants of the healing magic that were ejected followed by a direct hit on Elisha as he tried to release the spell, making sure that he flinched——— and dealing with the rest of the invisible blade magic.


"Healing Sink!!"


I landed with the magic in my palm and one of the invisible blades between my fingertips, and Elisha was still in the air, staring down at me with a stunned look.


"Oh, it's completely different from a story...... She only moves strangely, just like her sister......


Isn't that really poor for your sister?

Teary-eyed and frightened Elisha twitches his cheeks as he looks at a blade that seems to be made of magic.

If you don't sense magic, it looks like you don't have anything.


"Is it because you have refracted light with a wind magic membrane or something?"


The way it disappears is too natural to create a film of air.

It seemed as if the light itself had been distorted.


"It's also possible that this was formed by solidifying the air......It's different・・・」



When you look closely, the transparent blade is enveloped in a faint white light and disappears.

How this disappears...... I know this magic.

The magical light that she showed me when she disappeared earlier was also a familiar light to me.

Brushing away the completely faded light, he speaks with a small conviction to Elisha, who is showing his alarm.


"Is your magic light magic?"

"Oh! Oh my God, what is this person really?!"


As Elisha counts the arrows, layers of invisible blades are created around her again.

The light magic that is supposed to be annihilated is somehow generated in form...... Is it Kazuki's level of magic manipulation? No, is this her own transmuted light magic?

They are released in unison, disappearing before they hit the ground or obstacles, so to the bystander she looks like she's just shooting arrows without arrowheads.


"It's a little incompatible."


——— if we keep fighting, we can capture him, but it will take too long.


「…… Then, senior!!"


Healing Explosive BulletsOverhead・・・While tossing and throwing, he calls out to the senior who is fighting with Liz.

His eyes met with his senior, who was handling Liz's attack like a storm while stepping back.

The senpai, who understood my intentions by the momentary exchange of glances, stepped back to avoid the side-slash of the big sword that Liz unleashed, and came back to me.





A healing explosive shell thrown high above his head explodes, and at the same time, green particles are again scattered around him.

Regardless of the situation, me and my seniors don't kill any momentum, high-fives each other as we pass——— and let my seniors share the information they have sensed in the same way as they have healed in a moment's contact.

As it is, I go to Liz and the senior goes to Elisha.


"If it's against a small and cute girl, I'll do my best!"

"Whew!? This one is less modest than a book!?"


…… Let's not say anything about the fact that the senior's motivation has tripled and Elisha is trembling with fear!

Now, now that the opponent has been replaced, my opponent is her!

Regardless of the fact that I stepped forward, Liz raised a large sword and rushed towards me.


"Come on!!"

"I think it's cute too, excuse me."


- I'm saying something that is difficult to react to, but I wear a healing coating on both hands and attack Liz!





The hilt of the sword and the crossed arm collide, and a dull sound echoes around them.

———, that's a great power......! It's not human strength!

The impact of receiving the sword from the front caused the scaffolding to run and his feet sank to the ground.


"Hehe, it's not human power!"

"This is the line!!"


After shaking off the big sword, Liz takes a step back and effortlessly wields the big sword and attacks with feints.

I respond by circulating the magic in my arms even more.

It's not a good idea to take it head-on! It will be destroyed from the top of the defense!

Dodge, deflect, and parry the barrage of large swords that are released like a storm.


"———! Hehe, that's amazing!!"


Liz lets out a joyful voice as I outwit the attack, but the questions inside me only increase.

Her strength is clearly extraordinary.

Even if he doesn't ——— as good as his physical abilities, it's as if he's dealing with Nagi Mr./Ms..


"Healing Sink"

"What's the principle of that technique?"


He parries the large sword he received in his palm from the front with a magic turn, and quickly reaches for the armband on her right arm.

However, it doesn't seem to be so easy, and she lets go of her hand from the big sword and throws her fist at me.


"Healing Afterimage Fist"



- She takes off her clothes so that the remnants of her elastic magic power remain on the spot, and take her place.

In addition, he activated the healing afterimage fist in succession, slowing down the movement so that I could see more than one———、


"Healing Afterimage Wave"


In reaction to the sudden stop from acceleration, he shoots an afterimage forward and sets up a blind eye to Liz.

Liz rolls her eyes and wields her arms to prevent the unexpected attack of the afterimage, but I, who approached from the shadow of the afterimage, was at point-blank range———


"Healing Breakdown"



It emits radiating magic with an increased concentration from her whole body and envelops Liz's body.

Healing Breaker - Her movement is slowed down by the radiation of healing magic that disrupts her opponent's pace.

Thrusting through the gap, he puts his hand on his fist and runs magic through his palm, throwing Liz's body away as if parrying it with a healing sink.




- She was caught off guard and thrown away, put her hand on the ground, forcibly landed with only her arm strength, and glared at me with a ferocious smile.

It's very different from before.

Will she be like that when it comes to fighting?


"It's amazing, I don't know what it means."

「…… I'll take it as a compliment."


I know it doesn't make sense to the other person, but when it's said straight, it's a subtle feeling.


"yes, I thought that was the case from the first time I saw it."


Liz's eyes are as sharp as a beast as she unbuttons her thick coat.

The coat I've been wearing since I first met him.

I don't know what kind of gimmick is attached to it, so I am wary.


"After all, you look like me."


Unbuttoning everything, she unfolded the front of her coat for easy movement, and the lining of the coat was disassembled and stored in a club decorated in black and gold.

It is one size thicker than the sword that fell to the ground earlier, and is more than a meter long.

She understands that this is her original weapon.


"Truly, it's a shame for that thunder hero."


She lifted it up lightly and removed the headband she wore on her head.

Katyusha...... No, due to the removal of the magic tool, it became hidden and roundedBeastman Specific・・・・The ears are exposed.


"I didn't think so, but ......."


That's all the power.

I was thinking of it as a possibility...... Is this the reason why the senior's mystery sensor worked?


"Beastmen ...... light magic?"


It's tempting to think that it's a coincidence that the combination seems intentional, but it's not that sweet.

The agitated voices of the audience could be heard at this point, but Liz didn't care about it, and held the sword that she had lightly lifted with one arm behind her.


"Kannagi style, monkey dance"

「…… What's that?"


A sense of déjà vu...... No, the moment I was upset by the Kannagi-style stance that Mr./Ms. showed her, her body was enveloped in transparent light, and at the same time, she jumped at me with unusual momentum.



The hall is filled with turmoil.

Was the surprise due to the battle between Usato and the brave Inukami, or was it because Liz was a beastman?

While deciding that it was probably both, I myself calmed my agitation by watching the attack and defense of the women earlier.


"What's that move......

"Healing Magic...... Is it?'

"But it seems to me that there are more and more ......."

"And it's bare-handed, isn't it? Novels and ...... No, it's stronger than that......

"Was it more of a beastman than that?!"

"No, then that power makes sense."


"Quiet !!"


The loudened voice of King Lambda echoes through the noisy auditorium.

Surprised by the loud voice, they all draw attention to the king at once, and the king, who snatched the magic device for the loudening from the commentator next to him, spoke in a voice that could not be more emotional.


"The Kingdom of Nesha, we know that Liz is a beastman! Fufufufu, I ...... that I will be able to see the same strength as Kannagi, the partner of the previous hero, at this festival! And the ability and skill that is not different from the rumor of the healing wizard Usato! Fufufufu! Everything is different at this Hero Festival! Fufufu!!"


That king is really amazing this year.

Since the hero's partner was a beast female warrior, Kannagi, there is little tendency to discriminate against beastmen, but the appearance of being too excited without being old enough to ignore the problem is poisonous.


"So...... What is it, your lord?"


I asked Nea, who was next to me looking at the image projected by the magic tool attached to Hoobard with a thoughtful face.

The battle between Usato and Liz, which most of the audience members will not understand.

Normally, he wouldn't be able to handle the beastman's attack with his bare hands, but instead of losing his strength, he parried it unnaturally, increased, and stopped Liz's movement with an unknown magic release, which makes too little sense.


"If I can figure that out, I won't have a hard time as a familiar."


Nea replied to my question.


「…… Didn't it become stronger because of your advice?"

"Me? No way!"


Nea smiles wryly at my question and shakes her hand.


"In fact, he's just going to do weird things and come up with new technologies every time he takes his eyes off of him, right? If you look closely, you'll see that the technique that stopped Liz's movement earlier was just a momentary release of healing magic of a different concentration, right?"

「…… Oh, I see...... That's the kind of technique it is."


By releasing magic of different concentrations for a moment, did it shift Liz's senses?

Liz, who is particularly sensitive, will definitely fall for it, and if it's healing magic, it doesn't make any sense. I wonder what happens when he's a healing wizard and uses melee killing techniques......


"So, what about ...... alter ego?"

"It's a simple technique of wearing elastic magic on your body and taking it off."

"Simple...... No, wait. Resiliency in magic? Isn't it congenital?"


When I heard about the seeds, the mystery became even more!

Basically, magic lines often awaken to the same thing, but their power and strength of characteristics are never the same.

The same goes for elasticity.

Some have a special hardness of magic by nature, while others have magic as smooth as water.

That...... You made it resilient? Even the techniques that are normally used with a blank face are coveted by researchers like me.


"It's hard to be a scholar in the Lingle Kingdom."

"I'm researching the whites of my eyes every day, and Usato makes new moves about five times faster than that."


"By the way, since I came to this country, I've already developed three."



A loud scream leaked out.

I covered my mouth so that no one around me could hear it, but I was scared.

It's nice to have more things to study, but I feel like it's a little different if there is more research while I'm still researching.


"And just now, you were using a trick that I didn't know about."



A skill that she does not know that will always be by her side.

In other words, he who is fighting now has developed a new technique on the spot.

There's nothing I can do about this, so I have no choice but to go as a partner with such a premise.


"May I ask you a question this time?"

"Oh, yes."


Keeping an eye on Liz and Usato's fight, he braces himself for a moment at Nea's question.


"Your student. That's the previous hero'sreappearance・・Don't you?"

「…… Well, there was a lot of intention to do that."


Elisha, a rare light magic user, and Liz, a beastman.

They are one hero in their own right.

I tried to get Elisha to act as a squire to get rid of it, but I think it's useless to hide it from her next to me, so I'll reveal it to her.

I also got a lot of explanations here.


"But I didn't choose him to be my apprentice, because the two children I tried to train from an early age to become heroes were children with special beasts and light magic."

"I've often found kids with light magic."


Even though it's rare, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

It's a miracle that I picked it up.


"But Suzune the Brave seems to have guessed it."

"I guess I didn't tell you because I don't know for sure...... I wonder? He's a bit of a jerk because he's usually thoughtful, so he's troublesome."


Even though they're friends, they're treated badly .......

As he smiled wryly at the recognition of the brave Suzune, a roar ran through the audience seats.

Turning his gaze back to the video at the sound of his voice, the battle between Liz and Usato is intensifying even more.


"Nhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Whew!! Waves!!"


Boyon! Boyon! While bouncing around the ground and the walls of the building with a comical sound, the magic bullet created in the palm is released into the ground and the healing magic explosion (?) Usato releases a .




In response, Liz added:magic・・and erases the shockwave in a way that brushes it off, closing in on Usato.

The spectators, who were upset by the two fighting a fierce battle even with pure physical combat, gradually increased their enthusiasm.


"It's going to be amazing......

"Was healing magic magic capable of doing such a thing?!"

"Wow, that person who got bad again while I didn't see ...... for a while."

"The heroes of the Nesha Kingdom are also cool!"


It reminds me that the king and the people are the same for a country that loves festivals, but I'm a little scared that the wrong perception of healing magic is going to spread.


"Your Majesty! Is that going to be an offensive action?!"

"Mmmmm!! This is the hard part!! The technique itself is not directed at Liz the Brave, and considering that it is a healing magic, it is ———safe!!"

"It's up to His Majesty's discretion already!"


I'm a little drawn to the King's IMHO judgment.

No, well, I understand that it is very difficult to judge because all of Usato's techniques are healing magic...... which is important.


"He's got a habit of not liking killing each other, but he's a person who loves mock battles, so he seems to be having a little fun."

"Liz seems to be letting her beast instincts go from the start."


To be honest, I didn't expect him to be so tossed around in a hand-to-hand fight.

No, his manipulation skills using magic are amazing, but the physical abilities that unleash from his own well-trained body are also astounding.


「…… By the way, what kind of beast person is Liz?"

"What? …… Hmmm."


I tilt my head at Nea who asks me what I was interested in.

I don't think I can say this separately.

If you look closely, you can see the shape of the ears peculiar to beastmen.


"Liz is a bear beastman."

「…… Ah, aha, I see. That's why I was nostalgic for him in such an instant...... Yeah...... Sigh."



I was wondering why that girl, who has a lot of likes and dislikes of people, was so close to him when I met him for the first time......

If you're convinced, please let me know if you can...... What?!

While Liz and Usato are fighting, something shiny white falls down with the wind.


"Is that snow...... No, ice?"


Seeing the tiny ice crystals that reflected the sun's rays and shimmered, Usato's smile grew somewhat amused, and he glared at Leona, the hero of Miarak, who was participating in this battle from the rooftop.


"Brave of Mialak!"

"Ah, if you become an enemy, a nasty person will come ......."


A three-way battle between two heroes and a healing wizard.

As the battle became more and more chaotic, the cheers on this side of the audience grew louder.



The Kingdom of Nesha was a combination of two heroes, a light magic user and a beastman specializing in physics.


That's all for this update.

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