The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 17 Ch. 22 Table of contents

It's an urgent report!

A spin-off comic for this game will be distributed!


The title is "The Wrong Use of Healing Magic ~Invitation City, Rest Valley~"


From August 15th next month, it will be distributed in advance on Piccoma!

For more information, please take a look at Twitter!


Then, on the second day, the second episode is updated.

If you haven't seen the previous episode, let's start there.



The battle with Mr./Ms. Leona was full of surprises.

As well as her technique and magic bullet skills, I never thought that I would be able to see the healing breakdown at the first look.

But I don't feel frustrated.

In fact, I was even elated by the unwavering strength of the hero I trusted from the bottom of my heart.

And ———、 intervention of Liz.

The blow from her, who was restrained by ice and looked a little irritated, easily shattered the ground and scattered a lot of gravel around her.

And the gravel has been blown like a shotgun here as well, so we will deal with it.


"Healing Afterimage Wave"


The elastic afterimage fist that flew out of my body prevented the gravel, and I grabbed all the gravel that I couldn't prevent with my hand.

As soon as he lands, he throws a pebble at Liz and cuts her down.

She flicked the gravel with the hilt of her sword, and caught my fist with her palm.

As it is, assemble it by hand and bring it to a power game.


"I'm better than you now."



In the beginning, I was more powerful, but now she is better.

With such strength, he really looks like Mr./Ms. Nagi! Are you strengthening your body in some way?

Remove the assembly and switch to kumite.

Liz takes the stand as well, throwing her sword backwards and thrusting her fist forward——— like the one she used to be.


"I'll be calm beside you."

"What do you want to talk about at a time like this!?"

"Isn't it your fault that you're making me do that?"

"It's a great accusation!?"


When she involuntarily squeaks out, Liz's fist is released like a spear.

A straight blow without gimmick.

It's an attack that would make me faint in agony if I received a direct hit, but it's something I'm used to when I'm in kumite with Rose.

Hold it loosely and parry the attack.


"Healing Afterimage Fist"

"No use, I remember the smell."


He tries to disturb his consciousness with the afterimage, but the afterimage is immediately erased and he refuses to keep his distance.




He fists without hesitation and knocks his arms to the ground.

However, instead of the arm that was grabbed, Liz put all her strength in her leg and tried to grab my arm and slam it to the ground while resisting my throwing technique.

The offense and defense were reversed so that the postures were switched with each other, and at the end, she and I grabbed each other's arms as if they were antagonistic.




I feel like I'm being read by someone else.

Is it a demon like Mr./Ms. Halfa? As he wonders, Liz, who is wrestling at close range, opens her mouth in a good mood.


"I have a good nose, I remember the smell of your magic."

「…… The sense of smell of a magical beast?"

"Did you know? I am a beastman with such a unique ability. Smell the magic."


It was the same with Bulllin, but from the shape of these baby ears, he was a bear beastman!

So, is this child watching the movement with the scent of magical power?




At that moment, Liz and I react to something else at the same time.

Oh, don't just focus on Liz here!

I use my free left arm to knock down the restraining magic bullet that Leona Mr./Ms. fired with a healing magic bullet.

———Oh, no, no! This magic bullet is a diversion!




The moment Liz and I muttered at the same time, a cylinder about the thickness of an iron pipe made of more than a dozen ice fell from above my and Liz's heads.

We let go of each other's hands and stepped back, and Ga-Ga-Ga! A cylinder of ice sticks into the ground.

Did you mean to detain us from above?




As soon as I stepped down, Liz picked up a large sword, broke the ice, and charged at me again.

And Mr./Ms., who has unfolded the icicles for restraint behind her, also comes with a wooden sword in one hand.


"Then I'll go with the way you fight against multiple people!!"


Stop the healing stream that parries the attack and activates the healing coating.

On top of that, the elasticity of the magic power is reduced, and it is changed to a thick and viscous one.


"Healing sticky fist"


A viscous magical power used to kill the human who appeared in Verhazar.

When Nea's magic is included, it's a healing suction fist, but it's not lost on the nastiness here!




Liz knocks down the magic bullet I threw with her hand, and there is a sticky onomatopoeic sound.


"What......s this!? Oh, I can't get it off! Ugh!?"


When he is upset, he continuously hits his legs and joints with magic bullets to block his movements.

However, the magic itself is the same as the healing magic, and there is no impact or attack power.

Instead, the viscosity is lowered, which clings to her hand and makes it difficult to swing the weapon.


"And Mr./Ms.! This is for you! Healing sticky bullet!!"

"Huh, at your feet!?"


He swings his arms wide and throws magic bullets at Mr./Ms.'s feet as she approaches him with centrifugal force.

Wow!! When she stepped on the magic that spread on the ground like a liquid, the ground and her feet stuck together like melted candy.



"It doesn't have any offensive power, but it's the best in terms of nastiness!!"


And I'm aware that it doesn't look very good.

He can't produce shockwaves, and he can't use healing or healing strikes, which are key to parrying attacks, but he's good at blocking his opponent's movements.


"It's okay, just look at that!!"

"Isn't this really two to one!?"


No, it's natural to be targeted because I have six points for the squire, but it's really tough to be targeted by two talented heroes at the same time! Right now, I'm using my skills to get into one-on-one situations, but once they get used to my moves, I'm in a real pinch!

With the sticky green magic clinging to one arm, Liz slams the sword with one arm.

It's as powerful as ever, but with only one arm, the power is halved!


"And yet!!"


Considering the weight of the sword and her insane arm strength, it's tough to take it head-on.


"There, get me an armband."


I showed a big gap in the blow from above, and Liz reached out her hand.

He grabs her outstretched hand at the last minute and stops her, but she doesn't care.


"No matter how much you do, I'm ——— more powerful."




He interferes with Liz's magic with his healing synchronization, while at the same time disrupting her magic and interfering with any magic she is using——— interfering with any magic she is using.

Whew, the transparent magic that was wrapped around her disappeared, and her insane power weakened.


"What? My magic?"


I saw it as a magic system that strengthens the body!

Liz has a confused look on her face when she is about to snatch her gold armband from ——— leona Mr./Ms. when a flurry of icicles and magic bullets from Leona's fly at her.


"Mr./Ms. Leona!?"


Immediately after dodging with Liz, I saw Mr./Ms. with a magic bullet made of frost and a restrained icicle deployed.

You were making this while me and Liz were fighting!! Isn't it reasonable to use a magic bullet for restraint?

No matter how you look at it, the suppression attack that is coming to you switches the magic power that you tried to generate to sense healing into an explosive bullet.




The healing explosive projectile that was thrown at it crashed into the ice magic that was approaching it, causing a huge explosion.

Shockwaves and ice crystals soared into the air, counteracting each other———、




I reacted to the slight remnants of magic that remained around me.

I flinched at the sight of a creature-like flying thing--for a moment something grabbed my left armband.


"Oh my God!?"


My armband was stolen!?

Only one was stolen, but now it was targeted at a time when the effectiveness of my healing sense was fading!

When I followed the creature that immediately took away the armband, I saw a translucent block of ice shaped like a bird. They flutter their wings like living creatures as they return to a woman on the rooftop.


"I'm sorry! Usato-kun! I got my armband back!"

"Mr./Ms. Mirfa!"


Leona's Mr./Ms. servant, and Mirfa Mr./Ms., Charon's Mr./Ms. Mr./Ms..

Leona Mr./Ms. and Charon's Mr./Ms. colleagues, and I knew she was a talented person, but could she manipulate ice like a living creature?


"Leonor! I'm leaving!"


Mirfa re-attached the armband to her own arm at a distance, Mr./Ms. turned her gaze in the direction Leona Mr./Ms. was fighting before walking away.


"Hero of Mialak, are you going to run away!?"

"It's impossible to fight endurance against him!"


Wow!? The draw is too vivid!

Leona Mr./Ms., did you instruct Mirfa Mr./Ms. to listen to my gap from outside the sensing range from the beginning!?

Mr./Ms. retreats from the place where Liz and I are, and releases the same ice magic in a row as if she were blinded.




Icicles and magic bullets are released all at once.

I tried to make another healing explosive bullet to deal with it, but before I could do that, three arrows with electric shocks flew from behind me, just before the icicles and magic bullets were flying.Arrow-to-arrow・・・collided with each other and scattered a terrific electric shock.

All the icicles and magic bullets created by it were destroyed, but Mr./Ms. Leona was no longer there.

No, the electric shock earlier is ......!


"It's chaotic, Usato-kun!!"

"Senior!! I'm sorry, I was robbed of one of my armbands!!"

"I don't care!! In fact, they did a good job of doing it all!!"


After all, is it a senior?

When he returned from the battle with Elisha, he was carrying a quiver with a small bow and arrows on his back instead of a wooden sword.


"What's the matter, that bow?"

"I borrowed a weapon because it was broken!!"


"Wow, give me back my bow!!"


Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Elisha, who had been wrapped around the city with a rope, crying out with teary eyes.

Isn't it correct to say that I took it away rather than borrowed it?


"Senpai, have you ever used a bow?"

"Usato-kun, there must have been an archery club in the original world!!"

"Eh, was it the senior archery club!?"


It's the first time I've heard of it!


"Huh, no, I was allowed to test fire two arrows with the authority of the student council president! No problem!!"

"Isn't that a problem in general......?"


I think it's amazing to have the courage to say that it's okay, but is it really okay?

When he is surprised by the senior who has only bitten more than expected, the senior suddenly pulls out four arrows from the quiver and holds a bow and arrow at Liz, who has recovered from the confusion and is about to come towards him.

However, the arrow that was released was grabbed by Liz, who is a beastman.


"I don't know how ——— to go."


———, but immediately after that, due to the movement refined by Thunder Beast Mode 0, three arrows were fired almost continuously at Liz.concurrent・・Hit directly.

Arrows without arrowheads.

Liz groans as she receives an arrow in her shoulder and chest with a rounded tip that makes it difficult to injure.




While groaning in pain, she continues to deflect the arrow fired by her senior, but Liz, who understands the danger of her senior's arrow, tries to bring it into close combat without taking a distance.


It's only the first time I've seen it, and this is what makes sense."

"Senior, please support me from behind...... Hmm!?"


After looking twice at her senior's back, he jumps out in front of her and counters it with a large sword and a kick that is filled with the magic power of elasticity.

Liz and I, who stepped in while squirming, thrust out our fists at the same time and collided again, but the magic of elasticity wrapped in our fists caused me and Liz's bodies to move away as if repelling.




"From my point of view, there's nothing in the quiver!"

"Ehehe, it's all gone."


Don't think you can fool yourself by being cute!

Brackish! You can't receive Liz's power if you're an untouched senior!


"Senior, to my back! I'm going to procure a weapon once!!"

"Usato-kun!! Go!!"


But it's just right to rearrange it!

I jumped on my back and tried to run away from the place——、


"Master! It's over there!!"

"Oops, you're late!"


Just as I was about to ———, I heard the voice of a new intruder from above.

Two shadows falling from a position much higher than the house.


"That's Mr./Ms. Claude!?"


The girl who came with him was...... His squire?!

Mr./Ms. and his attendant girl, who somehow fell down the mountain from a height of several tens of meters, repeatedly accelerated mysteriously in the air and threw their spears wide.


"Loa, match!"

"Ha, yes!"


Claude Mr./Ms. and his attendant girl put their magic in the tip.

Are those two of them the same magic lineage?!

Whew! The two of them, with the tips of the two spears together, released the gray magic that thrust out the spear at the same time.






At that moment, Liz, who was there, and my body, which was carrying my senior, felt a familiar intense pressure.


At this time, the seniors who were carried on Usato's back were also affected by the pressure from above, and it was difficult in another way.


That's all for this update.

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