The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 17 Ch. 34 Table of contents

Squire shuffle.

The shocking rules of the second trial are revealed, and the venue is in an uproar.

Lambda, the king of Calmherio, who had disclosed the unheard of rule of exchanging retinues, continued to raise his voice before his excitement cooled down.


"Lord Lanzas, the hero of the Kingdom of Mirva, has a physical problem and needs the help of a healing wizard's attendant, so as a special case, we will not change his squire!"


At Lambda's words, I could see Mr./Ms. in the hall putting his hands behind his head apologetically.

On the other hand, Rain, who is beside him, is patting his chest with relief.


"Is Lanzas Mr./Ms. with Rain...... It was great."


He needs the help of Rain's healing magic.

It's also nice that the second trial is a riddle that doesn't put a strain on his body.


"I ...... you should be thinking about me."


…… I'm probably paying attention to the fact that the people present here who have heard the rules of the second trial will exchange retinues, but this trial forgets that the previous issue is an issue.


"I'm not particularly good at solving puzzles......?"


He murmurs softly, his cheeks twitching.

He has attracted attention because he has a strong impression that he was violent with his seniors in the first trial, but the second trial has nothing to do with power.


"Usato, are you okay with solving riddles?" Suzune aside, you don't seem to be good at that."

"Eh, is Usato useless at solving mysteries?"


Ferm asks Nea, who looks worried and says rude things.


"Do you remember the last time we played together?"

『…… Ah, the second trial seems to be useless.'


Isn't it really rude?

I'm just catastrophically weak in Reversi, but I'm so sharp, right?

Do you want to hear the thoughts of your seniors here?


"Usato-kun ...... be robbed!?"

"No, it's true."


The senior is showing a real reaction that seems to be onomatopoeic with Gabin.


"Damn, Usato-kun would usually be able to manage even if he became the squire of the heroes here, but to be honest, I'm awkward ......!!"

"It's so desperate......

"This guy is not good at closing the distance between people......


It seems that it is not compatible with the opponent who does not understand the senior's groove.

So, depending on who you work with, it can be very awkward as she said.


"Huh!? Wouldn't it be nice if we could team up with Elisha and Loa?!"



It's okay to be selfish, but notice Elisha and Loa staring at you ...... closer.

I casually glanced at Claude Mr./Ms. who was nearby, wondering what about the other heroes, and he put his hand to his chin with a thoughtful look on his face and muttered something,


「…… I see. Is it a temporary period of discipleship?"


Oh my gosh, this person is trying to make me his disciple regardless of ...... trial!

Are you thinking of the squire shuffle as a trial period or something?


"Squire exchange, this is an opportunity."

"I'll ask you for the time being, but what?"


I can't help but ask when Liz, who is also nearby, mutters.


"I'm going to make Usato my squire."

"......, Liz, I'm not good at solving puzzles."

「? It's okay, I'm not good at it either. We're together."


It was a problem before the mystery was solved.

That!? Maybe there is no one who is trying to team up with my intelligence in high hopes! That's a shock, though.


"Looks like you're ready, and then, brave men, we're going to draw lots for the squires who will fight with you in the second test."


In the meantime, it seems that the magic tool to choose the squire is ready.

It looks like a roulette wheel attached to a box-shaped magic tool like the one in the game center.

As soon as the magic tool is lit up and activated, Lambda prompts you to use it immediately.


"Well, at first...... Kingdom of Flemia: Aura, the Hero of the Twin Demons!



Suddenly, her name is called, and with a shake on her shoulders, Mr./Ms. heads to the place where the magic tool is installed.

Fearfully, she touches the magic tool, and after a unique light and sound, the roulette flashes——— revealing the coat of arms of the Miarak.


"The servant of the brave Aura is from Miarak!!"


I ...... that the servant of Mr./Ms. Aura is Mr./Ms. Mirfa or not.

It's a combination that I can't imagine at all.


"I've never spoken to him...... What ...... I do?"


Mr./Ms. Aura has already reached her limit, but is it okay?


"Next, Calf Kingdom, Claude the Immortal Brave"

"Hmm? Me? Okay, I'll do it."


Claude Mr./Ms. is next.

Mr./Ms. Aura sees how to do it, and immediately touches the magic tool and flashes the roulette.

What came out was———、


"Claude the Brave's retinue is from the kingdom of Garga!!"

"Whoa, this is so funny."


Kingdom of Garga...... That is, the servants who had been twitching Mr./Ms. the other day's ordeal...... Or?

For the time being, when I glanced at Rival, the hero of the kingdom of Garga, and his attendants——— there was a gloomy atmosphere, Rival leaning his back against the wall in a lethargic manner, and his attendants showing signs of concern for him.




To be honest, I don't know how to feel about the reval of the kingdom of Garga.

The first impression itself was the worst, but oh my God...... I don't really understand what he said, because I felt a little bit of a throwaway.


"Next is the Ringle Kingdom, Inukami, the Hero of Thunder"


…… In what order do they call them? I guess I'm calling them randomly to be fair.

When his name is called, the senior walks forward with enthusiasm.


"Usato-kun...... I'm going to pull out two."

"You can only choose one person, right?"

"The brave will overturn that fate, won't it?"


Even if you say it coolly, if you actually do it, it will be treated as fraudulent.

Full of confidence that he doesn't know where it will spring from, the senior heads to the magic tool and activates it with a movement without hesitation.

Roulette showed .......


"The servant of the brave dog kami is from the kingdom of Nesha!!"

"Huh, maybe it's because I did a good job on a daily basis?"


It's amazing that he draws Elisha almost pinpointedly .......

Elisha's "What......?" I hear a voice mixed with some confusion, but it's usually amazing. …… I don't know if it's a good thing to behave.


"The Kingdom of Garga, the Next Generation of Heroes Revol"


The next person to be called was Reval.

He was unresponsive for a while when his name was called, then he looked up and walked slowly to the magic tool.


"Is he okay?"

"The first test was a mess...... I don't think it's just that.'



I don't feel the bad attitude from him like when I first met him.

Because I'm not drunk? …… From the way it looks now, I don't think that's all.

He put his hand on the magic tool and activated it, and after a flicker, the roulette picked out the emblem of a familiar country.


"The Brave Reval's squire is the Kingdom of Ringle!"

「…… Huh?"


Hmm? Did you just say the Ringle Kingdom?

Rival rolled his eyes in surprise and turned around stunned, and his gaze met mine as he tilted his head.

It seems that he has ended up participating in the second trial as a servant of an unexpected person.


"Oh, that's ......."


Liz ...... kneeling down with a look of despair on her face when she heard the results.

Did you want me to be your squire so much ......?



"Brave dog...... !! Not only Usato but also my Elisha ......!!"

"Admit defeat, Elisha's sister has become me!"

"I'm sorry, I'm ......!"

"Well, I don't belong to anyone, and I only have one sister......"


Liz is so shocked by Liz, but her seniors are immediately inflamed by her.

I think these two people are good friends who have come full circle.

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