The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 17 Ch. 41 Table of contents

Episode 443, the first half will be from Ulua's point of view, and the second half will be sent from the perspective of Reval.


I think the second test is a moderately interesting event.

For the time being, it will be easier if I, Liz's servant, participate, so this time as well...... Or rather, perhaps the third trial will not be participating, but I think that such an event is more fun for the viewer than for the participator.


"This time we will exchange the brave and the servant! Cooperate with different combinations of countries and cultures and face the comparison of wisdom! That's the second test!! Huh-huh, I can't wait any longer!!"


"I can't believe he's usually a serious and strict king......


Spectator seats were built in the area where the second trial will take place.

Next to me, sitting in the area located in the official seat, Nea, Usato's familiar, is muttering something like that.


"I've had an audience with him a few times, and it's true, he's a thoughtful example of a king when he's not involved in the festivities."


"Oh, I can't stop my excitement to see what kind of success I can see!


「…… What's that?"



At first, I wondered if I was a different person, but it's definitely true.

After all, I've known him since he became king of this country.


"It's about to start...... What do you think of this ordeal?"

"How are Usato and Suzune going to act? I don't have a hard time at first, but if I can predict the rest, I won't have a hard time."

"First ......?"


Even Nea, a demon who understands human language, ...... unpredictable.


"Well, but it's going to be their two partners, Rival and Elisha, who are going to have a hard time this time, and I can only see a future that will be swayed no matter how you think about it."

"Aha...... Elisha looked like he was having a hard time."


From the sidelines, I could tell that dog kami are not good at closing the distance between people.


"Rival seems to have blown away in a good way."

"If you squeeze that much, you won't have to think about the trouble."

「…… For me, it was good to see the life-saving team training."


It was a valuable experience to be able to actually witness a part of the rigorous training that makes the life-saving team a life-saving team.

Seeing me satisfied, Nea smiles wryly.


"The training we've given Rival is just the beginning."

「…… What's that?"

"Usato also knew that it wasn't enough to just train hard...... No, maybe I didn't know. But I think he understood that what he needed for Rival was not time to blame himself, but to give himself time to focus on his surroundings."


Is that the beginning? That???

As I was about to stop thinking at the shocking facts, I heard the voice of King Lambda again.


"Okay, let's count!" Ten, nine, eight..."


The moment the countdown is over and the signal to start is given——— the heroes and their attendants burst out of each entrance in the compartment at once.

At the same time, Hoobard was released into the compartment of Calmherio, which was the place of trial, and projected their scene through a magical tool.

The first thing that was projected was the revival of the kingdom of Garga———、




Seeing Usato, who jumped out of the entrance with tremendous force, and Rival, who was being carried on his back with vacant eyes, Nea and I couldn't help but utter an indescribable voice.



Really, really reluctantly, but in order to gain an advantage in the second trial, I chose to be carried by Usato, prepared for shame.

Anyway, my reputation seems to have fallen to the ground at the time of the first test.

I don't care what happens now.

In fact, I was reluctant to show this guy a scary and ugly appearance here.


———, but here I forgot the important thing.


I ...... that being carried on Usato's back meant that I would experience this guy's extraordinary speed and bizarre movements.




Immediately after the start, Usato, who jumped out with explosive acceleration, plunged straight into the cityscape of Calmherio that appeared in front of him.

Naturally, there is a house at the end of his run, and it comes to a dead end.


"Hey, Usato, it's a dead end!!"

"Don't worry! Healing Jump!!"


At the same time as I hear Usato's voice, there is an unnatural sound like something bouncing off, and Usato, carrying me, leaps high into the sky.

He easily lands on the roof of a house and continues to accelerate and jump from roof to roof.





Without hesitation, he jumps off the roof and falls to the ground.

The height of the three-story building.

If a normal person falls, he will scream at a height that could not only bones but even be life-threatening.





Without even pretending to be passive, it wraps itself in elastic healing magic, including me on the back——— falls to the ground as it is, bouncing diagonally on the ground like a ball.

The vision is swayed by incomprehensible behavior.




Kick the walls of the building continuously while jumping into the air.

I can't stop screaming.

I'm scared that he behaves like this and has almost no physical burden on me.


"Are you okay!? Reval!!"

"Doesn't this look okay!? Hey, dude! Does this look okay?!?"


This guy's back is unnecessarily stable and protected by mysterious magical manipulation.

However, the sight and behavior seen from the top of his back is too frightening to cancel it out.


"Oh, that's ......!!"


At the end of Usato's run, there is a palm-sized box on a pedestal.

It was clearly alien to the cityscape of Kamherio, and I sensed that it contained the "problem" of this trial.


"Okay, secure the first one!"


Usato grabs the box without slowing down.

As I manage to pick up the small box, Usato calls out.


"Reval, what are you going to do!? Do you want to solve this problem first!?"

"No, it's more efficient to solve the problem all at once! I will check this section while collecting the problem as it is! !! I'm going to go up to the tallest building and check it out!!"



Usato, who leaps high, bounces on walls, jumps on rooftops, and traverses the city of Calmherio.

In the midst of this, I understand when I see them collecting the boxes with the problem one by one.

That this is the true essence of Usato, the healing wizard who ran on the battlefield, the lifesaving team.


"Over there!!"


And within a few tens of seconds of the start of the trial, Usato, who reached the center of the trial place, kicked the wall of the tallest building, ——— "Hoobar's Sending Inn" where Hoobard is active (?) I ended up on the rooftop.


"Okay, okay, first of all!!"

"Oh! No, it looks like we're not the only ones here!"

"Huh? What do you mean--"


Just as he is about to raise a question to Usato, who has a hunch about something, two shadows appear on the rooftop.

Just like Usato, there were two pairs who came up from the ground: Inukami, the brave, and Liz, the brave. What's more, it is certain that the brave Inukami is on his back...... A girl called Elisha, a servant of Liz, the hero of the kingdom of Nesha, is carried on his back.

And Liz the Brave carried two servants of the Kingdom of Fremia on her shoulders.




The surprised voices of Usato, Inukami, and Liz overlap.


"Huh, I didn't expect to use the same tactics as you guys!!"

"It's faster to carry and move."

"After all, this tactic has been proven to be effective......!!"


Are heroes like this...... It's just stupid.

Looking at the dog's back, Elisha, who looks somewhat twilight, is clinging to the dog's back.


"Besides, Liz, your sister is now my sister......!!"

"Oh, no, it's not ......."


Elisha calmly denies it, but Liz is shocked and dismayed.


"Elisha, that's it."

"Sister, listen to me?"

"What's that!?"

"It's not you......


As Liz interacts, there are two attendants on her shoulders with expressions of despair, adding to the chaos.

It's such a mess that I can't pick it up no matter how hard I try.


"Speaking of which, Usato-kun!!"


"I said in advance that it was a competition, but I'll correct you! This trial seems to be more interesting than I expected!!"

"What? Interesting specifications?"


Did Inukami tell Usato that this test was a competition?

What does that mean? - When I think about it, Inukami, who showed her back to me, wears a white electric shock on her body while carrying Elisha on her back.

If it's electrified, it should affect Elisha on his back, but he doesn't seem to be numb and puts his foot on the edge of the rooftop.


"Mr./Ms. Suzune? I don't think so, but are you trying to jump off? From this height? Were you afraid to go up?"

"Well, you'll notice it right away, but I dare say it!" See you soon!! Elisha, scaffolding!!"

"Are you listening!? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


After uttering the meaningful words, the dog jumps off the rooftop, and shortly afterwards Elisha's screams are heard.

Usato, who was watching the series of events, sighed lightly and then smiled.


"Then let's go too."

"I said something meaningful, okay?"

"yes, because it doesn't change what we need to do."


Inukami's remarks are worrisome, but certainly the purpose of this trial has not changed.

For the time being, he is satisfied with Usato's words, and then he sees Liz, who is still carrying his two servants.


"Well then, Liz, let's do our best for each other."

"Can I follow you?"

"I don't think so."



Are heroes really only weird people?

While he was thinking about the question in his head for the first time today, he realized that he had become accustomed to the situation of being carried by Usato in some way, and he felt delicate again.



After breaking up with Liz, we decided to run around the city to collect more problems before moving to a square in the city to open the boxes of problems we had collected.

There are eight boxes in my hand, including those that I and Usato.

There may be two problems with any of these, but let's open one to see what kind of format it is.


"I'll open it."



After checking with Usato, he opens the rectangular box and looks inside.

Inside the box is a piece of paper with a problem written on it, and the paper seems to have nothing but a red border.

For the time being, pick up the question text and read it.




"Problems from the General Application"

Answer the following questions:

You can't see it, but no two things are the same, and what is said to be big or small, or high or low?






This isn't a test of knowledge. No, it's a general application, so it can't be helped?

It's true that the questions were solicited from the general public, so I didn't expect to have particularly difficult questions, but it's not the knowledge aspect that will be tested in this case, right?


"Hey, Usato, it's time for your creativity to come in."

"Huh, do you have any hints?"

"Don't give up right away......


I was so proud of it, so let's do ...... do our best!

But from the perspective of this question, the answer is ...... "mountain"? No, it's not true that you can't see it.

When you are thinking about a problem and worrying about it. Usato, who was showing deep thought, had a surprised expression.


"Got it!"

"Be serious."

"Don't reply on the premise that you're going to come off!? Well, I'm sure the answer is ...... to Hoobird."


When Usato looks up at the sky, one of the blue bird monsters ——— Hoobard, which has been roaming the sky, descends on us.

The Hoobird's torso is equipped with a magic tool, and it seems that he can say the answer to it.



"You have the right to answer up to three times."

"Come on, do you hear a voice from a magic tool?"


Is it useless if you make a mistake three times?

Usato approaches Hoobird, who is flapping his wings in front of us, and calls out to him fearfully.


"Here's the answer, right? Well...... The answer is voice."



At Usato's answer, the magic tool on Hoobird's chest lights up blue.

At the same time, a woman's voice can be heard from there.


"That's right! One point is earned!'



…… That's what I mean.

Voices can be loud or quiet, low or high depending on the person.

And yet, no two people have exactly the same voice.

It seems to be a problem that is not so difficult if you don't think about it strangely.


"Is it a recorded voice? Maybe this is also Samariar's technique."

"Rokuon? Well, I know what Samaria's technology is."

"Lucas, the King of Samaria once took a word for it, haha."

"What happened to you ......?"


Suddenly,twilighttwilight- She is confused by Usato, who shows an expression.

It's ridiculous when the king of a country has his eyes on you.

But thanks to Usato, I was able to score a goal.


"But I didn't think I was going to hit it."

"You said you were confident in your creativity, didn't you?"

"I thought the word brain was for you."



He really has a lot of creativity.

To be honest, this kind of flexible thinking is something I don't like...... No, it's something I've been ignoring and I want to learn from.

I'll never say it out loud.


"We'll see the next problem."

"Let's go and go."


When you open the box, you will see that it has a blue border instead of red.

Could it be that the type of problem is different in edging?




"Problems from His Majesty Lambda"

The kingdom of Flemia is the home of Aura, a hero who specializes in magic.

In this kingdom of Flemia, where papermaking and bookbinding technology is thriving, what is the name of the special tree used as a raw material for paper?




「「…… Huh?"


...... the name of the raw material? I was suddenly required to have specialized knowledge due to the problem of the play level!

Isn't this usually difficult? I'm good at hero-related questions, but I can't answer this!


"Hey, Usato, do you understand?"

"I don't know."

"That's right."


Moreover, if this is a problem from His Majesty Lambda, it is troublesome that there are two points because it is a problem raised by the organizers.

If you have time to worry about this problem, wouldn't it be easier to secure two more problems and solve them?


"The only people in the kingdom of Flemia can understand this kind of problem."

"......, oh, that's what I mean."

"Hmm? What's wrong?"


I look at Usato, who mutters something softly, and he glances at me once before smiling wryly


"Haha, nothing. …… yes, let's put this issue on the back burner."

"An afterthought? Isn't it okay to leave it alone?"

"I think it's too early to judge that."

「? Well, it's next."


Don't say anything meaningful after Inukami.

He quickly switches his thoughts, and this time Usato's mouth opens the box and pulls out the question statement.


"Is the red border a problem?"

"Okay, then let's read it."

"Yes, let'......、!? see."


When Usato sees the question statement, he stiffens unnaturally.

His eyes widened and his hand holding the paper trembled, and I looked into the question text.



"Problems from the General Application"

In the seventh and ninth chapters of the popular novel "Thunder and Healing: Journey of Destiny" by Kamherio, answer the words of love from the healing wizard Usato to the hero Inukami.






I thought this was a pity.

It's too bad that this was chosen as a question solicited from the public, and it was not interesting for Usato to answer it himself.

…… I can't help it.


"Usato, I'll answer for you."

「…… Answer instead? What, Reval?"


He takes the question from Usato's hand as he returns from his stiffness and mouths the answer to Hoobard.


"The answer is, 'I want to heal your heart with my love...... It is."

"Aye? …… ...... heart?"


I don't know what it was, but I thought I heard boos and screams from the audience.

Usato, who is next to him, is muttering a few words as if his thoughts have stopped.


"That's right! One point is earned!'



Immediately after saying this to the magic tool attached to the hoobird, a sound sounded to announce the correct answer.

As I was relieved to have been able to answer properly, Usato, who was next to me, put his hand on my shoulder.


"Rival, I'll ask you a question."

「…… What's that?"

"Do you know what the book is about?"

「…… It's basic to gather information before the festival."


An awkward silence reigns the place.

Previously, one of my servants recommended me to read the entire volume, but the content was usually interesting, but it became even more awkward.

We look away from each other, and when I feel awkward, I suggest that we quickly change the subject.


"Let's move on to the next one."

"Well, yes, let's do that...... yes."


It's so awkward......!!

I know the novel itself is mostly fictional, but it's really awkward.

This ordeal may be a test that is chipping away at our spirits more than we thought.


This episode is the 500th episode to be updated, including various episodes.

The story of Usato's will continue in the future, so please support <(_ _)> the web version

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