The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 16 Ch. 8 Table of contents

Our Father Mr./Ms. and Mother Mr./Ms. are gone.

Demons to protect us...... Just as they were walking through the dark forest alone, they were rescued by Uncle Gref.

It was Keira's older sister who was with her uncle.

We lived with my sister, who had a dark face that was incomparable to my bright sister now, and before we knew it, we became a family.

After that, we stopped traveling in the Demon Lord's territory and lived in the city.

We all started living together in the house and made friends.

There was a happiness that I thought would never come.


However, the people who destroy such happy days are approaching us...... I didn't notice.


"Let's see the outer walls of the city"


That's what Cal, one of the kids I've been playing with since I came here, said.

It's okay because you don't go outside the outer wall, you just look at it.

There are not many people, and I can't get angry even if I play with Mr./Ms..

With that in mind, me and Rose, and my friends Cal and My, started playing near the outer wall.


It's been the same day for a few days, and today it's going to be the same as usual.

With that in mind, when we all headed to our usual playground——— we were snatched by someone who hid his face.


When we woke up, me, Cal, and Mi were in a small iron cage, and there were humans watching us.

Humans other than Usato's brother.

The people who are completely different from the demon tribe are different from their brothers, with cloudy eyes and a smirk on their faces.


"I didn't expect to be able to catch a demon brat so easily!!"


In front of me, a blonde man with a stingy hairstyle lets out a dirty laugh.

Cal and Mi are awake, but they are just as frightened as I am, unable to speak.

…… Rose hasn't been caught for not being here...... Right?


"Are you alive?"

"Are you sure? Oh my gosh!!"



Kicked hard, the cage shakes.

The human men laugh again as we huddle together with an unspeakable scream.


"It was worth the risk."

"Oh, I'm sure the client will be satisfied, no way there are three demon brats."

"All you have to do is get out of here."


What ...... irreplacement?

Could it be that these people have come to enslave us ......?

When I arrived at that thought, I felt a chill that froze my body to the core.


"It's an easy win, you don't leave a trace, and if you're not a very smart guy, you won't be able to follow me."

"I'm sure there will be pursuers, but are you okay then?"

"Don't worry, but if you come, I'll take care of you."


One of the largest of the men raised his left arm, which was covered in dull silver iron.

A large body that you can recognize just by looking at it, a scary face, and long hair.

The man who looks like that looks down on us mockingly.


「“Flame IronEntetsu"There's Jeffry-sama, and it's going to be a twist if the Wood Demon Tribe."


Jeffri and the person who took his own bite picked up a piece of fruit on a nearby table.

What ...... do? When he thought about it, he grabbed the fruit and put a lot of force into it, and crushed it as it was.

Not caring that the flesh splattered and the juice stained the floor, Jeffrey smuggled the fruit from his hand into his mouth and smiled proudly.


"With this steel arm, the monster is shapeless!!"

"I'm counting on you!"

"I paid you a lot of money!!"


Men start making noise again.

We can only huddle together.

Scary...... I wonder if help is coming.

I ...... if I was taken somewhere like this.

...... if you are enslaved.

All I can think of is bad imagining.


"Speaking of which, the client said something about it, that there is a guy who has been sent to the Demon King Territory."

"What's wrong with him?"

"He told me to be careful because he's a healing wizard who has done a lot of things in the war against the Demon Lord's army."


The man who said this was quiet for a moment, but after a while, everyone started laughing loudly again.


"Healing wizards! It's a lie anyway!!"

"Oh my God, it's a made-up lie!"

"What are you supposed to be careful about with healing magic!? That!? - Can you cure me while punching ~ ! It doesn't make sense, it's gahahahaha!!"

"Oh, that's true, I'm sure you're going to warn me, so I'm worried."


…… Usato's brother's story?

It's really ridiculous, but I wonder if these people don't know my brother.


"Even if such a healing wizard comes out, he won't be my opponent, and it's not worth being scared of."


The story seems to have ended with the voice of an astronaut man named Jeffrey.


"There's still time before we leave, let's have a drink, okay?"

"Oh, good, congratulations on the success of the operation!"


From there, the men open the door and go somewhere.

When the last one was about to leave——— the other person who was trying to leave first pushed him back into the room.


「!? What ......?"

"I'll take turns later, so do it first."

"I can't help it."


A blonde man with a stinging hairstyle who reluctantly returned to the room while clicking his tongue.


"C'mon, it's creepy to be in a room with a demon brat."


I try to avoid eye contact as much as possible while trembling at the curse.

I want to escape somehow...... There is no way I can get out of such an iron cage.

What should I do.......



"My, what's wrong?"


Mi looks at the window as if she has noticed something.

It's already night and it's dark outside, and I don't know what the scenery outside looks like from under the cage.

But there is something like a bird by the window.




He muttered, and when he approached the cage to take a closer look——— the shadow that he thought was an owl had changed to the form of a cat before he knew it.

That? I thought it was an owl...... Was it because of my mind?

…… Oh, I'm dexterously trying to open the window.



"Oh? What the hell is this? Is it a cat?"


The man approaches the black cat Mr./Ms., who is scratching the window as if he wants it to be opened, without warning.


"Cute dude...... You don't know, do you?"


The man smirks and opens the window and invites the cat in.


"Hey, do you want to eat this?"


I was about to offer him the dried meat that he was going to eat as a snack——— but he stopped moving unnaturally.

We tilt our heads to the man who wiggles his body and his eyes are hollow.

I looked at the cat Mr./Ms. in wonder and saw the red eyes of the cat Mr./Ms. glowing.


"Get out of the ——— room."



The man on guard with hollow eyes walks out of the room with a wobbly gait.

Mr./Ms., the black cat who spoke the language of people, sighed lightly and came down in front of the cage in which we were confined.


"It's an iron cage, and it looks difficult for me to open it."


"Mr./Ms. the cat?"

"I'm talking......


We are surprised by the talking cat Mr./Ms., and the cat Mr./Ms. makes a huffed face.


"Ah, you can't tell by the appearance of the black cat, is it easier for Ram to see this form?"


When she says that, Mr./Ms. is enveloped in light for a moment and turns into a familiar owl.


"Eh, you're Brother Usato's ......."

"Well, I didn't get a chance to reveal my identity, but I'm Usato's familiar, Nea, and I'm here to help you."


……。 Yes!? Owl Mr./Ms. can speak!?

I thought it was a normal monster like that......


"But what about familiars......?"

"Yes, Usato is here, I ...... I came to check on your safety first."


Owl Mr./Ms. removed the small cloth that Nea Mr./Ms. had wrapped around her neck and took out what looked like a green ball from inside.

Although the size is different, we realize that it is the same magic bullet that we received from Brother Usato's brother three days ago.


"Crush this with your hands."

"Why, ......?"

"By destroying the magic bullet, you send a signal to Usato, ——— you have ensured the safety of the children who have been killed. You can do whatever you want...... That's it."


Seeing the magic bullet containing Brother Usato's healing magic that was handed to me, I looked at Cal and My, who were in the same cage, and nodded——— and smashed the magic bullet with both hands.


At that moment, with a small sound, a beautiful green magic enveloped us.



An abandoned village hidden deep in the mountains.

We had a base in that abandoned place where no one could see it.

Although it is rough, there are solid houses, so the rain and wind can withstand the rain and wind, and people do not see them. Above all, it was good that it was not far from a city with many demons.

I don't think there's a better place to do this "work".


"I'm glad it worked."

"Oh, and it's a child, isn't it? It's more than worth it."


It was a difficult request, but I'm in a good mood if it goes so well.

At least compared to when I slapped a kid who had no relatives, there is a difference between heaven and earth in the rewards.


"But you had a good way to get to the Demon Lord's Domain, that merchant."


I nod at the voice of one of the people sitting across from me.


"When I heard that the Demon King's army had been defeated, I heard that they had built a bridge that was hidden in a tree, and that they had hidden it in the forest so that it would not be found."

"We were headset in the river."

"I don't think there's that much danger, because the river is being watched."


The river that passes between the Demon Realm and the Human Realm is kept under the watchful eye of Miarak and Ringle.

That's all you have to do to make sure they don't find you.

That's why I'm here.


"And what if I get paid?"

"You're supposed to drink and do whatever you want, do you think you're going to do anything else?"

"That's right."


My current job is easy enough to make serious money.

Besides, we're introducing jobs to people who don't have relatives.

On the contrary, I just want you to be grateful.

The same is true for the Demon Tribe.


"After all, the opponent is the demon tribe, and it doesn't matter what the people who started the war look at. Give them a chance to make amends for those who died in the war."

"You don't participate in the war, do you?"


They laugh in unison.

When I heard about the war with the Demon Lord's army, I had fled to a country where there was no damage.


"War is for us...... Hmm?"


As we say that, we suddenly notice that someone other than us is standing outside the flame of the torch.

The sun has completely set, and the figure is illuminated red in the darkness.

The hood that covers his head and the black cloak that covers his whole body are swaying as if they are melting into the darkness.




Dressed in a black robe that shimmered unnaturally, he stood there motionless, looking through his hood at the house we were in.


「…… Hey."


Noticing my stiff voice, the others looked out the window and took out their swords.



"No, it's too early to get caught."

"It's an idiot who came to help a child with a sense of justice or something."


——— creepy.

It's just shadowed, and I can barely tell it's a person, but other than that, I can't make out anything.

Somewhere in his mind, he felt uncomfortable, and Jeffrey, who had violently slammed the liquor in his hand on the table, stood up with a belligerent grin.


"I thought it wasn't enough to be a brat."


As he clucks the steel gauntlet on his left arm, Jeffrey smiles sheepishly.

Oh my gosh, the nastiest thing is getting motivated.

He can't get away with lying either.


"You reckless bastard, I'll take care of you. After you hit me."


He turns his attention to the outside of the window from Jeffrey, who is going out of the house.

Jeffrey walks out of the house and walks in front of the figure with a leisurely step.

If you look closely, there is a height difference, and Jeffrey is more than a head ahead.


"It's over."

"Did you try to freak me out with the way you looked?"

"Let's bet on how many shots will kill you?"

"Oh, it's not a gamble, is it?"


Jeffrey sticks out his left arm.

An iron arm that crushes fruits with only grip strength and crushes even rocks approaches the figure.

Everybody, including me, was expecting him to be blown up like trash.


——— Goo...... Ng


It wasn't the sound of a person being beaten.

The arm that Jeffri was about to slam was caught by the palm of the mysterious shadow sticking out.


"Come on, Jeffrey, don't mess with me!"

"Are you going to play?"


He laughs as he turns to his comrades.

Oh, yes, I hired him because I thought he was going to be a good guy.

There's no way he can lose to a monster, let alone a human being.

…… It should be, but I wonder if it's because Jefrey's face looks distorted in the light of ...... torch.





Jeffrey is surprised and tries to pull away.

No matter how much he struggles, his thrust fist won't move from where it was grabbed.


"Oh, come on."

"Isn't something wrong......?"


When the setting sun was completely obscured by the mountains and darkness enveloped the surroundings——— Jeffrey let out a scream loud enough for us to hear, and burst out of flames from his ungrasped right hand.




In an instant, a kind of dazzling light of flames and a flash of green flashed across our field of vision.

As a result, the light of the torches that illuminated the outside was extinguished, and the outside was enveloped in complete darkness.


"Hey, Jeffrey!? What are you doing!?"

"What's going on outside!? Turn on the lights!!"


I don't know what's going on outside!

We hurriedly turned on the lights in the room——— but shortly afterwards something broke through the window and blew the magic tool away.


"What's going on this time!?"


What did that bastard do?

When he illuminates his feet with another magic tool, he sees that he has broken through the window.

Sole is———、


"This is Jeffrey's ......."

"Lies...... I don't know."


This is why Jeffri is called a fiery iron, and he was a steel gauntlet that he was very proud of.

Only it was lying haphazardly on the ground.




The steel gauntlet was distorted without a shadow to be seen, and it was as clear as if it had been crushedHand Marks・・・is engraved.

Did the demon tribe do this......?

No! In my experience, there is no way that a demon tribe can crush steel with one hand!


"It's a different story, isn't it?!" I've never heard of such a monster!!"

"Oh, calm down, don't shout!! ———Ahhh


There's something behind the guy who's making a lot of noiseNecessary・・。

Something black stretched out of the sole, which only the shadow could recognize——— wrap around his companion's legs and pull his body into his body.


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Leaving behind the sound of scratching the ground, his companion is dragged somewhere and disappears into the darkness.

Immediately afterwards, there is an uncomfortable silence when the screams stop.

No one here was stuck.

I had no choice but to freeze because I couldn't make a normal judgment about the situation that happened in front of me.

At ——— moment, a green light flashed for a moment.





The sound of something slamming into the wall and then falling to the ground echoes.

Immediately afterwards, something lurking in the darkness attacked his friends.


"No, no, no!?"


As soon as the green light is emitted, the companions disappear.

Without knowing what he was doing or what his movements were, the skilled friends he had gathered could only shout.


"What's going on!?"

"What is the other party!? Is it a monster?! Are you a demon?!?"


My vision was pitch black and I couldn't see anything!

Moreover, if you try to wield a sword indoors like this, it will hit your ally!

Why did you go on a rampage in such darkness in the first place?

As they were in the confusion of bumping their bodies against each other, something green crossed their field of vision at high speed and hit their companion who was just next to them.


"Huh?! What?! What's going on, sticking ......!?"


Something suspiciously glowing green that sticks to it.

His face was illuminated by the light, his face contorted in terror as he tried to tear it off——— and it burst in front of him.


「…… Huh?"


I was stunned by the fact that it blew away with the light in front of me and disappeared into a pitch-black field of vision.

And did he die?

Does it explode when you touch it?

I couldn't even try to check if he was alive or dead, but I couldn't hear his voice.


"I can't see, I ——— help."

"Damn it!!"

"I don't like it, I don't like it, I don't like it!!



Something rages around the room, and my friends scream and cry.

An unbelievable situation that makes your head refuse to understand.

I was put in such a situation———、




——— was pathetic, and I had no choice but to put my hands to my ears against the wall and curl up like a child.




I couldn't bear the screams of my companions, the sound of something going wild, and the despair that crept in even though I held my ears.


"Can you stay in a place like this......


I don't care about the demon kid or the money anymore!

If I'm here, I'm definitely the second dance of my friends!

The other party is a monster that is suspicious whether it is even a living creature. I can't fight properly!

I don't like it, I don't want to die.

Crawling on the floor, he fumbles his way out into the hallway.

The monster is still attacking his friends.

Then get out while you're ...... decoy!


"What's this!?"


There is the figure of a companion fixed to the wall with the whites of his eyes.

There was something green translucent pasted on his mouth, and another green thing between his back and the wall.


"Hi, hi!?"


The first thing that came to mind was the worst imagining of these guys being tied up alive as bait.




The green light that stands out in the dark just looks incomprehensible.

I fell backwards without hesitation, and something hit my back as I stepped back.




There is no wall behind it.

The screams of his friends, which had echoed so much, could no longer be heard.

Silence reigns in the hallway, with only my frightened voice and the demonic breathing of someone other than me coming from just behind me.


"Ahh......hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I am sorry...... I'm sorry......"


Don't look behind you.

When you see it, it's over.

But my body turned around against my will———、





Someone's screams echo through the house.

His voice made my shoulders tremble, but I wasn't scared.

Usato's brother is fighting.

I had heard that from Mr./Ms. Nea beforehand.


"You're doing it in a flashy way."


Sister Nea says this wistfully as she dexterously turns on the light on the magic tool with her feet and brightens up the room.


"He's very angry this time, so it's okay."

"Do you mean Brother Usato?"

"Yes, I heard that you guys were beaten."


…… After all, my brother hasn't changed at all since I first met him.

When he helped his uncle, he helped me without showing the slightest hesitation.


"Actually, Usato's not really angry, but at times like this, it's scary enough to feel sympathy for him."

"Oh, that's right......

"When Usat was beaten in Samaria--"



A scream that interrupts Mr./Ms.'s voice approaches, and a stinging blonde man rushes in while vigorously opening the door.


「…… Ah, the fear broke the hypnosis. If you look at that person now, it's possible."

"What the hell is that monster?!" ,!! Don't ask me!!"


The man who held the door with his back to Mr./Ms., who was convinced of his disapproval, spits out foul words.

He immediately looked around and saw us locked in a cage and smiled twitchingly.


"Oh, yes, if you use the kid as a decoy......!!"


His bloodshot eyes were directed at us, and his body gave up.

Nea Mr./Ms. stepped down in front of the iron bars in the form of an owl and tried to protect her——— but suddenly, Nea Mr./Ms. lowered her outstretched wings.

Just as he was wondering, an arm broke through the door that the man had stopped behind his back.




The arm that protruded from the elbow to the top grabbed the man's chest without hesitation and lifted his entire body with tremendous force.

We are also stunned by the appearance.


"Who are you going to take hostage?"




Ignoring the man who was floating in the air and flailing his legs, the owner of the voice said...... Breaking down the door, he dragged the man into the hallway and disappeared from our sight.




A green light flashes from the end of the broken door.

And the screams that have been heard many times will disappear this time.

Just as the men's voices were no longer heard, the footsteps of the shoes of Katsukatsu were heard, and Brother Usato, wearing a black cloak, arrived.


"Whew...... Have you cleaned up?"


Brother Usato's brother came to us with a look of deep relief.

…… The look in his eyes is still tremendous.


"I'm glad you're safe, well done, Nea."

"Usato, your face hasn't come back."

"Oops, don't."


As soon as he ruffled his hair, he returned to the kind brother we knew.

I'm not scared anymore, but I ...... my brother looks like this.


"Keira, are you okay with me now?"



I was stunned by my brother's voice, but immediately after that, my sister jumped out of her black cloak and appeared in front of us.


"Ram!! Safety!? Are you hurt!?"

"Sister, Chan."


I almost cry at my sister, who is checking to make sure I am not injured with the momentum of jumping into the cage.


"Usato, I'm going to find the key to the cage for a while———"



The older brother lightly grabbed the door of the iron cage and banged! It is removed with a light sound.


"Oh, yes, I didn't need it. I knew...... Sigh."

"It's going to be okay now......


When the cage that confined them was broken, I was so relieved that I finally realized that I had been rescued, and tears welled up in front of my eyes.



"Good...... I'm really glad ......."


I was hugged by my sister and started crying.

Before I knew it, Cal and Mi were jumping on Usato's brother and crying just like me...... That's how scary I was.

It was too horror from a human point of view.

In this viewpoint, Usato is thought to be a monster that shoots green mucus that explodes in the dark.


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