The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 9 Ch. 8 Table of contents

The day after training with Kazuki and the others.

A messenger from the castle came.

The content of the message was that Mr. Lloyd was going to give a serious talk in the royal hall, and he wanted me to participate with Amako.

I immediately put on my white uniform, which is the official attire of a life-saving team member, and left the life-saving team's dormitory after leaving Nak and the others to stay away. After meeting up with Amako on the way to the castle, he followed the castle staff to the hall where Lloyd was.


"Usato, how was yesterday? You trained with Mr./Ms. Leona, didn't you?"

"There was a harvest, and don't be surprised to hear that, right? I came up with a wide-ranging healing magic bullet."

"You've come up with another weird trick."

"Excuse me, please stop talking like I'm making weird tricks every time."


It's an excellent thing that can drown out the opponent's attacks and support your allies, right?

He shrugs his shoulders and smiles at Amako who walks next to him.


"Is there a technique that Usato came up with that wasn't weird?"

"What the hell are you talking about?"


I was told such a thing with very clear eyes.

This is it.

This little fox thinks so from the bottom of his heart.


"I was just thinking that I was going to create a spell to blow away a bunch of enemies, and that's what Usato could do."

"Yo, it's cowardly to use clairvoyant magic!"

「…… Huh?"



Amako looks up at me with a really surprised face.

When I realized that I had dug a grave, I coughed and looked forward.


"Hmm, there are ways to use it, but it's mainly a technique that you can shoot upwards and scatter healing magic magic."

"Hmm, yes, that's a great skill. yes, yes."



What a sense of defeat.

What is this feeling of defeat?

Feeling a strange sense of defeat at the smirking Amako, she arrives at the hall where Lloyd is.

There were Lloyd, Sergio Mr./Ms., Welsey Mr./Ms., Kazuki, Senpai, and Leona Mr./Ms..

Noticing me as I stepped into the hall, Mr. Lloyd changed his seemingly smug expression to a cheerful one.


"Oh, you're here, Usato, I'm sorry, I'm sick."

"No, no, I don't care."

"Amako also came here a lot."

"Yes, Mr. Lloyd."


I'm very grateful that you're concerned about me, but I'm more worried about Lloyd.

Perhaps because he was dealing with the post-war process and response, his expression was exhausted, and he was so exhausted that he could see it from a distance.

Without having time to care, he is urged to sit in the place where Kazuki, Senpai, and Leona Mr./Ms. are lined up.


"Good morning, Usato-kun, Amako."

"Good morning."

"Good morning, Suzune."


As I was greeting them in a low voice, the door to the hall was closed, as if everyone was ready.

After a few seconds of silence, Mr. Lloyd looked around at everyone in the room and turned his gaze to me.


"Usato, I've heard about your success, and you've done a good job as a lifesaver."

「…… Yes."

"Normally, we should be given a long rest instead of such a short period...... I'm sorry."

"No, I think I know what the situation is."

"I see...... You've heard it from Amako, haven't you?"


I nodded at Lloyd's words.

Kazuki and Senpai looked at him curiously, but I'm sure Amako's prescience will be explained later, so let's keep quiet for now.


"The details of this call are confidential, so only a limited number of people have been gathered here. First of all, let me tell you that."


At Lloyd's words, Mr./Ms. Leona shows a puzzled expression.

She's a Mealak person, so she seems to have doubts about being here.

Perhaps sensing the question, Mistress Lloyd turns his gaze to her.


"It's a matter of yours as the hero of Mialak, and I should have told you beforehand, but I was reminded not to divulge as much information as possible to Falga-sama."

"No, I think it's a natural decision."


After all, is Falga-sama also involved in this matter?


"The coalition won the battle against the Demon King Army, but we were hit hard by the Demon King's ultra-wide magic attack, and the damage was not small, and we were unable to even pursue the defeated Demon King Army."


I don't know how much damage was done there, probably because I was stunned, but it was an attack of that magnitude. A lot of people must have been injured.

At the very least, there are more injured than the healing wizards of the Rescue Corps can heal in a matter of days.


"At that time, an urgent message was delivered from the Divine Dragon of Mialak, Lord Falga, suggesting that the attack at the end of the battle was due to the magic used by the Demon King."

"Demon Lord...... Huh!?"


The parent of the demon tribe who has not interfered directly until now.

When he learned that the previous large-scale attack was caused by the Demon King, he understood how powerful the Demon King was.

And at the same time, I finally understood the intention of the attack.

It was also an attack to divide the pain, and it was an attack to let the demon clan escape.


"We were hurt by the attack of the powerful Demon King, but on the other hand, we were able to learn about an existence that we had not been able to grasp even a part of until now."


However, it can be said that it was the other way around, witnessing the overwhelming strength of the Demon King.

Can a mere mortal person compete with a demon lord who can do so many attacks? Somewhere in my heart, I feel anxious.

Trying not to show his anxiety on his face, he listens to Lloyd's words.


"'The Demon King is weak,' that's the conclusion drawn by the Divine Dragon, Falga-sama."

"Are you ...... weak? What does that mean?"

"The current Demon King seems to be less powerful than before he was sealed, and Master Falga said that he has exhausted a lot of power with this attack."


Well, that's why the Demon King didn't use the invasion method described in the Hero's Diary.

If the invasion had been carried out as brutal as described in the diary, the Allies would have fallen without a fight......


"Over the past few days, we have discussed with Farga with the ministers and come up with a plan."


Mr. Lloyd becomes silent as it is.

I could see regret and bewilderment on his face.

After a dozen seconds or so, Mistress Lloyd begins to describe his plan as if to squeeze it out.


"A small force to defeat the Demon King's army, and the three heroes, Suzune, Kazuki, and Leona, as well as the healing wizard who assists them, will form a squad of elite elite based on Usato, and send them to the Demon Lord's territory."


"Now is a good time for us to use the best power on the human side to exploit the gap and go on the offensive at once."


Everyone except me and Amako had a surprised expression.

Kazuki, Senpai, three heroes including Leona Mr./Ms., and a healing wizard servant.

…… Even if you think about it again, why me? But maybe Mr. Farga recommended me.

Honestly, I can't think of anything else.


"To be honest, I didn't agree with this plan because it would drive the surviving masters to the dead again. I tried to appeal to Falga to see if there was any other way, but I couldn't find an alternative. In addition—"


Lloyd's gaze turns to me and Amako.


"Amako saw a premonition that the Lords would embark on a journey to defeat the Demon Lord, so it was decided that the plan would be carried out."


Amako's prophecy has never been off.

It must have already been decided that Amako herself, me, Senpai, and Kazuki, who appeared in her foreknowledge, would go on a journey.

Still, Lloyd looked up and looked at us with straight eyes.


"But I still ask your lords, whether or not you accept the task of slaying the Demon King. Of course, I don't blame you if you refuse. I want you to give me an honest answer."


Silence reigns in the field.

The first to break the silence was the senior.


"Master Lloyd, I am already ready, and although it has only been a short time since I was summoned to this world, the Kingdom of Ringle is my second home. If it is for the benefit of the people who live here, I will take this sword."

"I feel the same way as my seniors, and if I can protect the lives of the people here with my power, I will fight the Demon King."


Kazuki then says so.

Like my seniors, I'm ready for it.

Once, when I turned to face Amako next to me, she grabbed the sleeve of my school uniform.


"If it's Usato's decision, I'm not going to say anything, will I?"


He nodded at her words and turned to Mistress Lloyd.


"Mr. Lloyd, I will also participate in the defeat of the Demon King as a member of the rescue team."

「…… Do you mind him?"



If you shy away from it here, you will be beaten by the leader again.

And apart from his mission as a lifesaver, he also has a great desire to help his senpai and Kazuki.

Let's do something that only I, a healing wizard, can do.

Yes, the three of us declared, and Mr./Ms. Leona took one step forward at the end.

She knelt down in front of Lloyd, paused for a moment before opening her mouth.


"Originally, I came to this place on a mission as a hero, and if so, I have no reason to refuse the task of defeating the Demon King. And—"


Mr./Ms. glances at me.

She gave me a small smile as I tilted her head, and continued to speak.


"He, Usato, and I have survived the death line, and with him, I will be able to wield my power as a hero without any hesitation."

"Hey, Leona Mr./Ms......."

"At the place of oath, it's an appeal, ......!?"


When I say that, I usually get embarrassed.

For some reason, my seniors are frustrated in a small voice, but it is very reassuring for me to have Leona Mr./Ms. on my side.

After listening to the responses of the four of us, including myself, Mr. Lloyd shrugged his shoulders weakly.


"I will entrust the fate of the Lingle Kingdom, or rather, the people of the continent, to the Lords."


"Suzune, Kazuki, and Usato, I feel sorry for them as an adult because they have to carry the burden again. But still, let me tell you. Without fail...... Please make sure you come back alive."


I can't imagine how difficult the journey to defeat the Demon King will be.

Even so, since I have been entrusted with it, I must absolutely fulfill that mission.

Make sure you come back alive.

Yes, I engraved in my heart not to forget Mr. Lloyd's words, and I replied strongly.



After announcing our participation in the task of defeating the Demon King, we were guided to another room after receiving an explanation of the full story of the task of defeating the Demon King and the foreknowledge that Amako saw.

We sat on chairs lined up in a room where materials and maps were collected, and Mr./Ms., who put the materials we were holding on the table, told us about the Demon Lord's territory that we were going to go to.


"Now that the Demon King is weak, it is better to leave as soon as possible...... First of all, it would be dangerous if you didn't know the geography and information about the Demon Lord's Realm."


Mr./Ms. Wealthy, who has a map of the continent on her desk, points to a black land labeled Demon Lord's Territory.

Across the Demon Realm is the Demon King's Territory, which is adjacent to the Beastman Country.

While looking at the map intently, I listened to Mr./Ms.'s explanation.


"To be honest, the Demon King Territory is the same as the Beast Nation, and it is an unknown land for us."

"Is there anybody in there?"

"It seems that there were many people who tried to get in, but very few people came back alive."


Is it such a harsh land?

No, it is possible that the protection of the demon tribe is simply tight.


"The only thing I have is that the Demon Lord's Territory is inhabited by ferocious demons."

"Then it might be difficult to get the horse to run properly."

"Yes, it's very likely."


At Leona's Mr./Ms., Welsey Mr./Ms. nods.

If it is not possible to travel by horse, it is limited to walking.

Due to the fact that you are carrying luggage, you don't want to move with heavy luggage...... With Burlin, you might be able to move around without fear of monsters.


"The problem is that you don't know how to get to where the Demon Lord is."

"Yes, we have interrogated prisoners, but in such a short period of time, no useful information has come out. To be honest, it would be very difficult to head to the Demon King Territory at this stage."

「…… You can't let a captured demon tribe guide you along the way. If you don't do it right, you're going to fall into a trap."


A senior who crosses his arms and says so.

Even if you let a prisoner act as a guide, there is a high possibility that you will be taken to the worst place of lies, or you will be trapped and put in danger.

In the first place, it's hard not to feel comfortable traveling with a hostile demon captive.


"Can you show me around, Demon Tribe?"


I have an idea.

But I'm not sure if it's okay to invite her.

…… No, there's no point in worrying about it just for me right now.


"Mr./Ms. Welsey, I have an idea."

"Could it be her?"

"Yes, but do you mind if I just wait a day?"

"I don't mind that...... Are you okay?"


I tell Welsey Mr./Ms., who has an anxious face, that she doesn't have to worry.

She is no longer a danger, but she is definitely in a difficult position for both the human and demon sides.

Besides, considering her past, she might refuse to go to the Demon Lord's Realm.

First, let's go back to the dormitory and talk to her -- Ferm.


After training and gathering friends, I was able to stand at the starting point in a sense.


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