The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 9 Ch. 16 Table of contents

"Ciel, I have a request for you, will you listen to me?"


It was shortly after the return of Mr./Ms. of the Demon King's army.

The Demon King said such a thing to me, the Demon King's handmaiden.

The place was on top of the citadel overlooking the castle town, but for a moment I thought that my ears had gone crazy at the unexpected words of the Demon King.


"What? Demon Lord, what are you doing now?"

"I asked you, in other words, I said I had a favor for you."


The Demon Lord, do you want me?

Currently, the Demon King, who has used a large amount of magical power, is living with the power he exerted on the Demon King Realm to a minimum in order to recover it.

Perhaps because of this, the Demon King's range of action has expanded from the hall of the castle to the outside, and he walks outside more than before.

However, such a request from the Demon King.

Moreover, it is a substantial order disguised as "please".

I wondered what kind of unreasonable orders would come, and secretly decided to write a suicide note to my mother, who had quarreled with me in my hometown.


"I don't know why you look like you're dying, but it's not that difficult."


"Won't you head to this place now?"


The Demon King took out a map from the magic circle floating in space and showed it to me.

There is a detailed map of the Demon Lord's Territory and a kind of red mark attached to it.


"Um, where is it?"

"This is the place where our army used to be based, and I want you to check it out a little bit."


Apparently, it's in a rather distant place.

However, it is a request of the Demon King. There's no way I could say no.

I know that she is the closest servant as a handmaiden, but I am not aware that the Demon King is giving orders.

It's simply because you trust me, but it's bad.


"Why me? I'm a maid ......."

"Well, I trust you. I'd love to hear about "that place" from your point of view. …… Don't worry, I'll have an escort."



I was excited for a moment when I heard that I trusted him, but I was worried about the way he said it.


"Demon Lord, do you want to call me?"


Then, another person appears in the citadel.

When he turned around, he saw that there was a silver-haired demon tribe, Koga Dingal Mr./Ms. the commander of the Second Legion.

I had heard that he had lost his left arm in this fight, but he was holding up his left arm, which should not have been casual.


"Koga, is your left arm important?"

"It's not a problem at all, in fact, I feel like I'm more familiar with my magic than I was before."


The blackened left arm of the Koga Corps Commander deforms and wriggles like a living creature, turning into a sharp blade.

When I realize that his arm is not real, but was made with dark magic, I can't help but think, "Ugh," but he laughs happily without worrying about me.


"So why are you here?"

"I wanted to ask you to escort my maid."

"Escort? Are you going somewhere?"

"Well, it seems to be here."


The commander of the Koga Corps looks at the map in my hand.

Koga nodded curiously, and the Demon King spoke.


"Now that you're rebuilding your army, you're not on your hands, are you? It's more convenient for us to move it than to let you rot here. And that's it."


After a pause, the Demon King looked at the commander of the Koga Legion and twisted the corner of his mouth slightly.


"Where you're going as an escort might be interesting for you, right?"

「…… Truly, the Demon King is good at carrying people. I understand that you are in charge of the escort."


The commander of the Koga Corps is escorted by Ni with a noisy smile.

The Demon Lord seems satisfied, but to be honest, I'm scared of the Koga Legion Commander.

After all, he's famous for not doing his job, and he's heard rumors that on the battlefield ahead he was laughing and getting into a fistfight with a terrible healing wizard named Usato from "Kyuumeidan".


"Well, then, I'll leave it to you, and I don't mind adding more guards. I'll leave it to your discretion."

"Leave it to me."


After saying that, the Demon King left me and the commander of the Koga Corps on the spot and went back to the castle.

I freak out and look at the Koga Legionnaire, who is smiling as he looks at the castle town.


"Ah, that's the commander of the Koga Corps......."

"yes? Oh, you're not even one of my men, you're the Demon King's precious handmaiden. I don't care if it's Koga."

"So, Mr./Ms. Koga, what are you going to do now? Are you leaving?"


In response to my question, the commander of the Koga Corps ———no, Mr./Ms. Koga crosses his arms as if in contemplation.


"Well, you can leave right away, but first I'll try to get someone who can take you with me, I'll be enough to escort you, but I don't know what's going to happen."



I'm surprised that he thinks so well about it.

He's younger than me in terms of age, but he seems to be more solid than I've heard from him.


"First of all, it's clear that the Demon King has something in mind when you put me as a legion commander as an escort, so you should bring a decent guy to escort you."


"What about Amira ...... As soon as he returned, he started training with Nero's old man, Mr./Ms.. If he doesn't...... It seems to be relatively idle, and it can fight reasonably well...... Gilled's old man Mr./Ms. is no good. If he is gone, the Demon King's army will collapse."


Mr./Ms. thought about it for a few seconds and then her face became stunned.

His expression was that of a child appropriate for his age, and my impression of him changed slightly.


"Alright, let's go."

"Oh, wait a minute."


Mr./Ms. Koga immediately puts his thoughts into action.

Wondering who on earth would be the escort, I followed Mr./Ms. Koga.



Mr./Ms. Koga headed to the soldiers' quarters outside the castle.

Today, wounded soldiers are being treated and their units are being rebuilt, and even here where the soldiers live, there are fewer people.


"The rebuilding of the army is led by Gillett's old Mr./Ms....... I wonder how long it will take. At the very least, it seems that the Demon King is thinking of organizing for interception rather than marching. Haven't you heard anything about that as a maid?"

"No, from my point of view, I don't hear much about that."


As I walked between the dormitories built for each unit, I saw Mr./Ms. Koga.

In fact, I've been curious about the "healing wizard" that has been rumored in the Demon King's army for a long time.

Whether it's true or false, because of his position as a handmaiden who doesn't go to battle, he can't confirm the truth of it, but if he actually faced and fought, he might be able to tell the story.

With that in mind, I mustered up a little courage and decided to ask Mr./Ms. Koga about the healing wizards of the Ringle Kingdom.


"Oh, Mr./Ms. Koga."

"Hmm? What? Uh-huh......"

"Ah, it's Ciel, and it's about the healing wizard that is rumored in the Demon Lord's Domain...... Is that a true story?"

"Yes, it's true."


Oh, it was easily recognized.

As my cheeks twitch, Mr./Ms. Koga squinted happily and talked about the healing wizard without permission.


"He's a really bad guy. Even though he's a healing wizard, he fights hand-to-hand combat. The first time we fought, I don't know why, he used his healing magic to send me a shockwave."

"Shockwave with healing magic?"

"I found out later that it was a deliberate outburst of system reinforcement, which is a good thing that I didn't expect."

"Bursting out on system reinforcement?"

"Well, it was quite a bit before I used it, after all, he would hit me at close range against me wearing dark magic. I mean, I really enjoyed it then."


Wait, I can't keep up with the understanding.

What? Human being? You're talking about humans, aren't you?


"And the next time we fought, he ablated with my former men."


"In other words, it's a coalescence, and he's taken in the power of dark magic, and he's bursting out of magic from all over his body. That kick, to be honest, was a real blow that almost knocked me unconscious."

"Bring in dark magic?"


Where is the healing magic element?

No good. Just by listening to the story, the image of the healing wizard does not come to mind as a human being.

It has been fixed in the image of Nanika in the form of a muscular human with a height of 3 meters.


"I've heard that you did a lot of things after you fought me, but I guess that's pretty much true."

"Tentacles, demonic wings, or the back of a blue grizzly that turned into a tank and overran ...... monster?"

"I haven't seen it, but it's probably true. In his case."


It's a lot of trust.

I don't know, there's more to Mr./Ms.'s speech than a completely hostile opponent.


"Well, he...... There are also people who have been traumatized in various ways by Usato. He was knocked down by a flying dragon, grabbed by an arrow he shot at point-blank range, and was knocked down on top of it, and this time alone, he was quite violent."

"Even though they're enemies, they talk happily."


The opponent is a being who avenges the demon tribe as well as the hero.

Mr./Ms. Koga, who talks about it happily, has become a little thorny.


"He's my opponent, and the stronger he is, the stronger I am when I fight. Well, it would be annoying from his point of view, but he doesn't care because he's an enemy."


"Hey, stop blatantly distancing yourself from me."


Pulled normally.

Although he was an enemy, he had a little sympathy for a healing wizard named Usato.


"Well, back to the trauma...... Some of them are particularly bad. You know, he's the commander of our Third Corps."

"What, Mistress Hannah?!"


Hannah Romer.

She is the new commander of the Third Corps and a user of illusion magic.

He is a man who is skilled in trickery and wisdom, and when I met him in front of the Demon King, I thought he was good-looking, but at the same time, he was a person who gave me a slightly scary impression.


"No, I was trying to cast a genjutsu on Usato, and for some reason, he didn't seem to be able to use the illusion, so he was surprised and caught."


"Haha, it's a masterpiece.


Isn't it the devil or something?

How can we develop a tolerance for illusions?

That? Is it enough to keep showing powerful visions endlessly? If you do that, you'll definitely break your spirit.


"So, I can't take that Hannah as an escort."

「…… Maybe it's ...... you're heading right now."

"Hannah's here, you know, I'm just starting to see you."


If you look in the direction Koga pointed to, you will see a building that is one size larger than the other soldiers' quarters.

Although it is a little old, the exterior itself is no different from the dormitory.

First, Mr./Ms. Koga stood at the door and shouted, "Hannah! It's Koga! Open it!" I raise my voice and call for Mistress Hannah, but there is no response.

Mr./Ms. tilts her head.


"Hmm? I don't know. Are you in the back?"

"Oh, it's better not to go ...... way."


As if it didn't matter, he walked to the back of the building.

Wondering if this quick action and decision is the reason why he is the commander of the Second Corps, I follow him and find a neatly arranged flower bed behind the building.

Then I find a woman crouching in one of the flower beds with her back to me.


"Fu, fufu, if it's a nutritious soil outside the Demon Lord's Domain, it will grow splendidly.


There was Hannah, the commander of the Third Corps, tending to a flower bed with a shovel in her hand, with a sinister smile on her face.

It was so different from the image of the Third Corps commander that not only I but also Mr./Ms. Koga was speechless.


"Huh, hmm? …… Huh?"


And when she finally notices our presence, she looks at her hand alternately and at us, and her face turns pale at once.

When Mr./Ms. saw this, she gave a thumbs up and gave Hannah a big smile.


"It's surprising, but it's a cute hobby! yes!!"


"It's a little bubby! I think it's good!!"



Why did this person make such an oversized stir?

Without saying a word, Hannah generated countless purple magic bullets.

Mr./Ms. Koga hurriedly puts in the words of excuses.

In the face of the rush of magic bullets, I was about to lose my mind at this point.-


If you lose, it's unreasonable to be a gag character.

Except for the battles, it was basically a koga with no delicacy.

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