The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 10 Ch. 6 Table of contents

After talking with Mr./Ms. Gref, we decided to go back to the vacant house where the seniors were.

I told him about the conversation I had with Mr./Ms. Gref and the ruins that were said to be near this settlement. I still don't know if this ruin has anything to do with Amako's prediction, but I've come to the conclusion that I should take a look at it.



"I think it's better not to go."


At this point, Amako refused to let us go to the ruins.


"There's a lot wrong with my precognition this time, no, my clairvoyant magic itself may have been interfered with by someone."

"Do you mean the beast woman you were talking about earlier?"

「…… yes."


Judging by this reaction, it's not a one-time dream, is it?

If that's the case, don't be suspicious.

If the prophecy Amako saw was manipulated by the woman, it would be more natural to assume that we were lured to the ruins.


"Hmm, I'm going into a dream, is that possible, Nea?"

"It's not impossible to do magic, but there are almost no people who can handle magic right now, and it's safe to say that the chances are zero. Ah, but a non-standard being like Farga can do it, but the chances of that happening are zero."


Nea answers her senior's question.

At the moment, it may be difficult to find the cause of the anomaly that is happening to Amako's clairvoyant magic.

Once the flow of conversation stopped, Mr./Ms., who had been gathering her thoughts alone, quietly spoke.


"The ruins that the Demon King and his subordinates used as their base before they were sealed, and on top of that, if you hear that it is the place of the decisive battle between the previous hero and the Demon King, you are not without interest...... There's no way there's nothing in a place like that......

"Certainly, it seems to have something to do with me and my senior......"


It's not surprising that anything can happen in relation to heroes.

Or rather, there must be something troublesome.


"I've been involved in a lot of commotion, and I've been stuck in a lot of trouble...... It smells nasty this time, too."




I feel a strong gaze from Nea and Amako.

When I looked at them, they looked at each other with serious looks.


"Nea, this is ......."

"yes, that's bad."


What's that exchange?

Before she could ask that question, Nea turned her head towards Mr./Ms..


"Leona, this is definitely something, especially when Usato's anticipation of an uproar."

"Oh, is that so?"


Le Mr./Ms.ona tilts her head, and Nea points at me.


"If you're traveling with this guy, there's a high probability that you'll run into trouble."

"Hey, don't forget that you're one of the culprits for all that trouble."

"Well, what are you talking about?"


This little girl ......!

As she trembled as she looked away from Nea, her voice trembling, Amako next to her opened her mouth.


「…… In a way, the constitution of Usato's encounter may be more accurate than my precognitive magic."

"Amako, don't you think I'm a plague god or something? Hey?"


I didn't cause it, did I?

It's just that I've been in trouble in a row in the country or place I'm heading to, right?


"Well, well, it's not Usato's fault that he got into the commotion, and I don't think it's something to worry about, do you?"

"Ka, Kazuki......"


You're the only one on my side ...... this place!

Don't look directly at the senior next to him, who is muttering disturbing things like "It looks fun when you're attached to Usato-kun."


"Anyway, even if you don't go inside, you should check the exterior of the ruins first.

"Oh, I'll tell you later."

"Please, in some cases, you have the option of not going inside the ruins and just passing through. As a result, I don't know how the prognosis of amako works...... At least it won't be dangerous."


For the time being, Mr./Ms.'s plan is the safest.

But what happens when you actually step inside the ruins?

It smells of trouble, but the thought of "another sword of the brave" is a bit of a catch. It's closely related to my gauntlet, and above all, it's a powerful weapon that would have been used in the final battle with the Demon Lord.


「…… Is it indispensable for the fight against the Demon Lord?"


No, it doesn't.

In the first place, the other sword is only for the previous hero.

I don't think I can even handle it now.



It was a night when everyone went to bed.

Together with Ferm, who was on duty this time, I was making a bonfire outside and keeping a lookout so that I could respond to any monsters entering the village.

Bulllyn sleeps quietly on my back, and it takes the place of a backrest that feels just right.


"Ferm, let's decide on a watchword."



As I said this, Ferm, who was sitting across the fire from me, gave me a stunned look.


"What's the secret word?"

"When I'm assimilating with you, I'm going to change the shape of my arms, or I'm going to extend a whip from my back, and I feel like I can handle a lot of different situations if I can transform you in a few words without having to explain it to you."


I can't explain it to you while I'm moving.

If you can manipulate the black magic with a single phrase, the gap will be reduced.


「…… Don't say things that make sense unusually. It's usually just a mess."


It's superfluous to mess up.


"First of all, yes, if I say 'arm mode,' can you grow your arms from your back?"


"Next, in 'Defense Mode', make a shield on your arms."

「…… I get it."

"With 'Full Body Defense', it feels like you cover your whole body with black magic like when you go beyond the flames of a flying dragon."

"Oh, that's it.

"'Only for Koga!' If you say that, make your right arm huge. It's even better to have black magic for capture so that the opponent doesn't escape around the fist. …… You can take him down with one blow."

"Wait a minute."



Was there something wrong?

As expected, the arm mode was too sharp in terms of naming?


"The name and everything is wrong, but it's strange that there's only one for that stupid legionnaire."

"No, it's natural to deal with Koga who takes the initiative to fight me, and he will take hostages and threaten everyone around him in order to fight me......

"Well, that's honestly sympathetic."


I know I won't take such measures, but I think I might do it, which is the bad nature of the Koga Demon Race.

It's not that Itachi is self-proclaimed to have the worst personality.

However, even though he thinks it's troublesome, he doesn't hate Koga. He's also a guy, and like Ferm, he has a complicated upbringing, so it's hard to hate him.

Then, after deciding on a few watchwords, I suddenly remembered the content of the prophecy I heard the other day.

I'm going to work with Nea to perform an evolutionary technique of healing explosive waves...... It's a premonition that it might be.


"Is it a different technique from the advanced version of the healing explosion wave that I am thinking of now......?"


Or are they the same thing?

The technique itself was changed before I saw it, so I didn't know what kind of technique it was...... If you're going to have the opportunity to use such a technique, you'd better think about it just in case.


「…… Do you think about a form for healing explosive waves?"


By forming a cannon-like launch port with black magic on the right arm, it is like fixing the direction of the impact.

The image is a firework, or if you want to name it, a healing eight-foot bullet.

It is a miracle technique that scatters the magic of healing magic like an eight-footed ball of fireworks, and can be expected to have a good appearance and healing effect.

…… Frankly, I don't know how many fireworks are in the eight-shaku ball.


「…… Whew, maybe my imagination is outstanding."

"Isn't it just ridiculously funny?"


Or noisy.

However, there is room for improvement in this healing explosion wave.

Rather, due to the elasticity and Ferm's black magic, I only feel that it is a possibility.

As a test, he creates an elastic magic bullet with a gauntlet in his right hand, transfers it to his left hand, and then creates a magic bullet in his right hand.


"If you use elasticity for explosive waves...... On top of that, with dark magic...... And the healing flying fist...... Wait, here we ...... apply Nea's Restraint Spell and Resistance Spell."

"Wow...... Hmm?"


Ferm sees me doing this and that with the magic bullets in my palm, and I'm pulling back.

As I concentrated on my hand, Ferm, who suddenly had a huffed expression on his face, was enveloped in his own dark magic and assimilated into me through the ground.

- I was in a demonic state in an instant, and I called out to her who was assimilated while being surprised.


"What's wrong?"

"Somebody came out of the house where Gref and the others were!"

"What? At such an hour?"


When I look back with my hands on the bulllyn behind my back, I see a figure approaching me with a slightly unsteady gait.

Judging who he was from his height and hazy outline, I called out to the figure, Keira, as I put away the gauntlet that had been unfolded to hide it.


"Keira, what's the matter?"

Mr./Ms. Usato, why are you awake?"

"I'm a lookout, because it's not always possible for a monster to take advantage of the darkness and attack you."


I don't think it's a problem to be honest here.

In fact, it's true.

However, after looking around, Kira returned her gaze to me curiously.


"Uh...... What about Mr./Ms. Usato...... Were you talking to someone?"



Was he seen talking to Ferm from the window?

No, from this angle, Ferm's body should be hidden by Burlin's.

All they could see was me having a conversation with someone.

Fortunately, I don't seem to be able to find out that I'm human by the light of the bonfire.


"Hahaha, I was talking to this guy."


To disguise it, he puts his hand on the sleeping bulllin.


「…… What? Isn't it a blanket though?! Well, a monster!?"

"Let me introduce you to my buddy Bullin. Well, I just fell asleep."


When you tap it lightly, Bulllyn makes a carefree squeal of "Gufu".

With a wry smile on his face, I move my seat slightly and encourage Kira to sit down.


"It's going to be cold if you're standing, it's better to sit down."

"Oh, thank you."


Glancing at the sleeping Bullin, he sat down where I was sitting and rested his back against Bulllin.


「…… It's warm."

"Grua ......"


"It's okay, it's okay, I won't hurt anyone, so don't worry."


He calls out to her and reassures her, who is frightened by the squirming Bulllin.

When she regains her composure, I ask her why she woke up at such a time.


"Didn't you get much sleep?"

"I'm having a scary dream, ......."

"It's a scary dream."


Don't remember the time of Eva.

In reality, it was a story about her mother and successive Samarian kings protecting her from being tormented by a soul bound to Samariar.


"I was scared in the middle of the day, and I couldn't help dreaming."

「…… Yes."


Kira drools in dismay.

Don't ask me what kind of dream this is. Let's change the subject.


"You said you were going to teach me how to handle dark magic, right?"




When she asks, Kira replies in confusion.


"My dark magic doesn't listen to me."

"Don't you listen ......?"

"It's common for dark wizards of this age, dark magic is a direct reflection of the user's emotions."


Listening to Ferm's voice muttering in a whisper, he wrestled.

It's not like you're thinking and moving, you're moving with your emotions.


"I can control it to a certain extent, but sometimes when I'm snappy or when I'm scared...... When you are lied to, you ...... act on your own."


「…… No, no, nothing."


Not wanting to talk about it, Kira bites her lips painfully.

Maybe that's what Mr./Ms. Gref was talking about.

It's better not to pursue this as poorly as a dream story.


"I want to make my magic my own as soon as possible, and if I continue like this, I'll cause trouble for Gref and the others."

"Annoying? Does that mean you're going to hurt me?"

"That's part of it, but it's natural for people to think it's creepy when there's a dark wizard like me, and it's ...... if they know it's not being handled."


Duh, huh?

I thought I understood the situation of the dark wizards, but the environment surrounding them seems to be worse than I had imagined.

In fact, it may just be that forward-thinking dark wizards like Ferm and Koga are rare.

I put my hand to my mouth and feigned contemplation as I spoke to Ferm in a low voice.


"Ferm, how do you see it?"

"He's consciously trying to keep the magic away from him, and if you don't do it right, it's going to get worse."

"What happens then?"

"I'm going to leave this guy's will and run away, and that's what the magic is indiscriminate about. Even though it's my magic from the beginning, I know it's not my own, so that's how it degenerates.'



Dark magic is magic that depends on the emotions of the user.

Now, right now, that thought came to my mind.


"I could leave you alone, but I'll leave it to you, and if you want to help me, I'll give you some advice."


I thought that I wasn't being honest with Ferm who said it so bluntly, and I let go of the hand that was covering my mouth.

I was silent from the side, but Kira gave me a questioning look.


"Usato Mr./Ms.......? Well, if it's a nuisance, you can refuse ......."

"I'm sorry, I've been thinking about it for a while. I'm going to teach you how to use dark magic, but I'll take it."

"What...... Are you sure?"

"It's only for a short time."


The period is really short, about two days at most.

In the meantime, we have to give this child a chance, if not solve the problem.

As I made up my mind, Kira, who still has an anxious look on her face, looks over the bonfire. That's when Ferm and I notice something unusual happening in her shadow.


"Really...... What is it?"


Her shadow flickers as if to express the anxiety and elation of her heart.

Kira herself doesn't notice it, but looks at me intently and mouths the next word.

Her eyes were dim, reflecting the flickering flames of the bonfire, and the darkness seemed to wriggle in her own way.


"———'s not a lie, is it?"


It dodges the light of the bonfire and crawls on the ground in an octopus-like motion, enclosing me.

She didn't seem to be trying to attack her, but it was clear that she was acting against her will.


"Usato, isn't this dangerous?"

「…… Whew."


It's been so long that I forgot about ......!!

The people I encounter on my travels have a high probability of having some kind of problem...... Whew!!

I thought that what Nea and Amako were saying was correct, and I couldn't help but want to cry.


Mine placement completed!


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