The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 10 Ch. 9 Table of contents

After that, Senpai, Kazuki, and I and Amako decided to head to the ruins.

In fact, they should all go there to check, but they can't leave Gref Mr./Ms. alone, so they leave Nea, Ferm, Leona, Mr./Ms. and Bulllyn in the village.


"Senior, what happened in the ruins?"

"To put it simply, me and Leona's armor reacted."

"How do you react?"


In response to Kazuki's question, the senior who was walking in front of him told him about the situation at that time.


"When you get close to the place where you can see the ruins, you can say, 'Wow!' I felt like I had an aura like that. In the next moment, the weapon is deployed on its own, and it reacts in a way that resonates with something in the ruins, and it's amazing!"

"You don't feel too nervous, Suzune."



With a wry smile on his face, he understands why he called me and Kazuki.


"You're going to see if the same thing happens to me and Kazuki?"

"Oh, I don't know, but if the same thing happens twice, you'll be sure, right?"


He nods in agreement with his senior.

However, when it comes time to head there, there is something that makes me nervous.

This is a place where the Demon King once made it his root castle and used it as a place for a decisive battle with the brave. From my point of view, who has known Senpai and Kazuki as a hero, it is a place that seems to have some kind of connection.


"Usato, how far have you progressed in your training with Kira?"

"Come to think of it, Usato taught the dark wizard how to use magic."


Suddenly, Amako, who was walking next to me, asked me about it.

Senpai and Kazuki also seem interested.


"It's going well, I'm a quick learner, and I think I'll be able to get my magic in no time."

"It's pretty easy."

"Not really, I had Ferm who knew a lot about dark magic, so it was like he taught me."


If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have been able to advise Keira.

Or maybe he didn't even know why there was a problem with her magic in the first place.


"Somehow, don't you remember when you were Nak, Usato taught him a lot of things back then."

"Hahaha, that's true, I miss those days."


We set out on a journey to save Amako's mother and the mission of handing over letters.

At that time, I didn't even imagine how eventful the journey would be.


"What surprised me during the trip was that Amako's mother, Mr./Ms., had a rather playful personality."

"Oh, really? What kind of person was he?"

"Woo, Usato!"


A senior who was interested in the words he suddenly muttered asks, but Amako, who is in a hurry, stops him.

Is it embarrassing for Amako because it's a relative?

I should keep quiet here——— but I'm going to continue because it's just right for the seed of a story!


"She was a beautiful person, a little careless, but very energetic. I feel like I might have a personality that matches my seniors."

"I see...... Amako's mother ......."


Glancing at Amako, the senior thought for a few seconds, and then turned to Amako with a sharp face.


"Amako, can I go see your mother Mr./Ms. when this battle is over?"

"Suzune, if you want to see your mother Mr./Ms.--I'll be the one to deal with you."

"Ready for battle!?"


- I don't want to see you too much, Amako says with extraordinary determination.

Perhaps I didn't think it was that much, but the seniors who should have been blurred turned into tsukkomi.

When I was thinking that it was an exchange with an unusual combination, Amako talked to me.


"Usato, do you know what will happen if you let Suzune meet your mother's Mr./Ms.?"

"What? Friends...... Will it be?"

"Sure, I'm going to get along with Suzune, and I know that."


Mr./Ms. has an easy-going and kind personality, and I think she can talk well with her seniors.

But what's wrong with that?

As I tilt my head, she mouths the next words with a devilish expression.


"Suzune also goes well with Linka, who is in good shape."


"Linka and Suzune will be joined by their mother Mr./Ms.."

「…… yes."

"It's definitely going to be hard, and to be specific, Mr./Ms.'s stomach will explode."




In my mind, the image of Mr./Ms. Hayate, who is working hard every day as the head of Hinomoto, comes to mind.


「…… Senior, it's okay for me to say it...... I'm going to stop you."

"Well, that side!? Aren't you on your side!?"

"Hayate Mr./Ms. I have to protect ......!"

"Who!? Is it enough to make you look so bitter!?"


I'm already sick to my stomach because of Kanoko Mr./Ms..

If that senior, combined with Linka, who seems to be the personification of that energy, were to run over Hinomoto, there was no doubt that he would be more stressed than when he Mr./Ms. Jinya......!

That's the only thing you have to avoid......

I have to protect him......!!


"Damn it, as expected of Amako, it's my rival......! I don't think it's going to be so easy to get Usato-kun to ...... side!"

"I think the tin should be dead first."

"Huh, if you do that, it's not me! I can see that they are rather worried!!"

"It's bad to be able to do a good self-analysis."

"I'm sure I'm worried......


Kazuki and I are involuntarily convinced.

At the very least, if he were to return to his senior, who had the personality of the world he was in now, he would be more worried than surprised.


"Well, we'll be at a place where you can see the ruins, and I think it's probably more than you can imagine, so you might need to be prepared."

「? …… I get it."


After all, since it is an archaeological site, is it a place like that?

Questioning the way his seniors said it, he walked through the forest and came out into an open space.


"This is ......!"


The first thing that caught my eye was a blank land.

I was stunned to find a place hundreds of meters away, where not even vegetation grew.


"This is the Demon Lord's Domain......?"


Far from the forest I have walked through, it is truly a "dead land".

I was terrified of a place where I didn't feel a shred of life, but not far from here, I found something like a structure.

A half-destroyed temple-like building.


"Senior, that's ......."

"Ah, the ruins where the Demon King and the Hero fought."

"It's kind of creepy."


Kazuki nodded in agreement, and the next moment, something like a gust of wind blew from the ruins.

A warm breeze with something like magical power.

The moment I felt the wind, the armor of the hero that I, my senpai, and Kazuki had unfolded on its own.


"Wow, senior, I didn't expect this ......!"

"After all, it seems that when you get close to the ruins at a certain distance, the armor of the hero will unfold on its own."


We are amazed to see the armor of each hero.

If you look closely at my gauntlet, you can see that it emits a small sound as if it resonates with something.


-- Come on, no. Woo--to--!!




Suddenly, a woman's voice sounds, as if speaking directly to your head.

When I feel a slight pain and dizziness, and I stagger, Kazuki supports me.



"Oh, dude, are you okay?"

「…… Thank you, Kazuki. But don't worry, I just heard a mysterious voice."

"Usato-kun, I don't think that's okay ......!?"


The pain in my head is instantaneous, so don't worry...... Should.


"Don't come, someone said I didn't know."

「…… Is it a warning?"

"There was a hint of desperation in his voice...... It's like they're telling us to run away ....... Didn't Amako feel anything?"


I asked Amako, who was keen on this kind of feeling, but she shook her head.


"I could feel some kind of eerie atmosphere, but I couldn't hear any voices."

"I see......


Is it my auditory hallucination, or is it a mysterious voice that only I can hear?

If you warn us to run away, we may not be the enemy.

Is anyone being held captive?


"Let's get out of here."

"Well, it's one thing that has some kind of influence on Usato, and I don't think I should be here anymore."

"I think it's better that way, too."


If I stay here any longer, I may be affected in some way again.

Considering the danger, we decided to return to the village where Mr./Ms. and the others were waiting for us to report.



As it turned out, we didn't go to the ruins, but took a detour.

First of all, we were out when our hero's armor reacted strongly, and above all, we heard a mysterious warning voice, so we decided not to go there.

I don't disagree with the decision because I don't want to get into trouble, but somewhere in my heart I'm wondering if it's really the right thing to do.

We can't help but wonder who the mysterious woman's voice was, or that the hero's sword might be what we need.


"Where's Ferm......?"


As the sun went down and the sky turned orange, I walked between the empty houses, looking for Ferm.

He wears a hood of his uniform, so if Mr./Ms. sees him, he won't have a problem, but he doesn't want to be suspicious as much as possible, so he has to find Ferm as soon as possible.


"I heard that Nea is here......


Since he did not introduce Ferm to Mr./Ms., it is unlikely that he has appeared.

As he walks around, paying attention to his surroundings, he finds her figure in the shadow of an empty house nearby where he had been watching Keira train in the morning.

With her back against the wall, she seems to be watching something from the shadows.


"Ferm, were you here?"

"Huh!? Oh, don't surprise ......!"

"Haha, I'm sorry...... So what's going on?"

"Look at that."


Looking in the direction Ferm indicated with his chin, he saw that Kira was practicing dark magic at the place where he had been training in the morning.

I've told him to rest, but he's trying to control dark magic by himself.

I guess I should be careful here...... I understand her desire to do something about her power.


「…… If this isn't the Demon Lord's Domain, I'm scouting for the Rescue Team."



He kicks me in the shin with my toe.

It's just a teaser, but isn't it too powerful?


"I'm kidding...... How long has he been training?"

"As soon as you go."

"Have you been doing it ever since?"


He tells Ferm to assimilate and goes to Keira.

When I turned into the form of a demon tribe and was about to get out of the shadows as soon as possible, I saw the dark magic controlled by Kira approaching the stone I had placed during my training, and I involuntarily stopped in my tracks.

Forget your frustration, swallow hard and watch over Keira.


"Go for ......."


Naturally, I would say that.

Then, slowly, the black magic that moved by her will could indeed touch the stone.

He leans against the wall and looks at her again——— but for some reason, Keira doesn't seem happy that she's achieved her goal.

I'm just staring at the stones.





After staying like that for a few tens of seconds, her body suddenly wobbled.

——— bad!?

I jumped out of the shadows and took it as if to support her back.

Then, cast a healing spell so that it goes unnoticed.


"Oh, Mr./Ms....... Usato!?"

"You could have taken a break, didn't you?"

"———, I'm sorry! Oh, since when?"

"Just a moment ago, I found you on the verge of collapse and jumped out."



Perhaps because she has used so much magic, Kira's expression shows tiredness.

On top of that, he took his eyes off me, wondering if it would be awkward to find out that he had been training in secret.


「…… Even after all this practice, I couldn't even touch a stone."


…… Hmm? But it just seemed to be working.

Was it a mistake?

Maybe you were shocked that it didn't arrive at the last minute?


"Don't worry about it, let's rest first and try again tomorrow."

「…… Huh?"


After saying that, she slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

I can't believe I'm going to do it until I'm so tired...... Don't be reckless.

No, it's my fault.

I understood her desire to do something about her magic, but I didn't stop her from doing so.

Reflecting on his lack of consideration, he takes Kira and heads towards the vacant house where Mr./Ms. and the others are supposed to be.



"Hmm, what's wrong?"


Ferm, who had been silent until now, spoke to me in a grave voice.


『…… He's ...... Maybe it's not just about being abandoned by your parents.'

「…… What do you mean?"

"When I was in the Demon King's army, I heard a story about a certain village."


The story of the village?

When he was in the Demon King's army, he was called the Black Knight.


"What's the story?"

"It's a disgusting story about parents who can't raise their children and send them to the abode of demons and eat them."

"Do you ...... feed your child to a monster?"


What's that?

I am tormented by a freezing sensation from the core of my body.

I don't want to hear more about it -- but I have to.


"I didn't think this was the case, but after seeing this guy's actions 'earlier', it's becoming more likely that it was a sole."

"Did he do something wrong with what he just did?"

"He lied, the dark magic had indeed touched that stone. And yet, I hid it from you.'

「…… What for?"


To my bewilderment, Ferm continues.


"It's the same dark wizard I've never met, and he's not afraid to accept his dangerous magic. But this alone is not a reason to lie and deceive———

"So, does the story of feeding children into monsters come into play?"



It may be painful to put it into words, Ferm stammered.


『…… That's why when I send a child to a demon's abode, I always tell a lie."

"It's a lie......"

"It's a lie to make sure that the child doesn't come back to his parents, and that the monster will eat it."


Listening to Ferm's story, he involuntarily glances at Kira, who is holding him.

When you are lied to, the magic power of dark magic goes out of control.

It's a trauma that's etched in Keira's mind.


"'Sending the damned' is the most vicious custom I know."


I thought that Keira had been lied to by someone and had suffered some kind of terrible thing, but what Ferm told me was far more cruel than I could have imagined.

By the way, there is a reason why Kira is mentally unstable.

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