An Extra’s POV
Chapter 712 Table of contents

'H-high Elder!'

Aurora El Slavarai's thoughts screamed out as she caught the pathetic sight of their High Elder completely obliterated by one of the Dragon Generals.

She was currently held up by her neck, almost like a trophy—a thing, rather than a person.

Merely seeing the oldest of all the Elves being treated like this made her blood boil, but Aurora knew better than to get let her anger cloud her judgment in any way.

'I need to figure out a way to be productive here…' She allowed herself to think this, rather than dwell in rage.

It was easier said than done, though.

In all honesty, despite how strongly she felt about the matter, Aurora was powerless to save the High Elder due to her plate being already full.

'This person… he's too strong!' Her eyes returned to her opponent.

—The Dragon General, U'riah.

'None of my attacks reach him, and he simply slips in and out of spatial rifts if I get too close to him.' Her frustrated mind echoed.

They had been at this for a while now—enough time for R'azak to be done with his own opponent, and for Ce'phas to have defeated a handful of Elves already.

Yet… she had not made a single progress yet.

"Haa… haaa…" She let out heavy breaths as she held onto her staff with resolve.

'How can I beat him? No matter the Skill or Spell, he always…' Before she could complete her thoughts, something sparked within her mind.

'H-hold on… I think I've figured it out!'

U'riah seemed to be a defensive and evasive fighter. He would block her assault by distorting space, and then if she got too close, he would slip away—returning any progress made to the same starting point.

'But why? Why doesn't he attack?' Aurora had an inkling of what it could be.

'Maybe he can't attack and defend at the same time. Also, him slipping away when I get too close means there are things he can't defend against by warping space.'

With those thoughts running through her mind, Aurora began to formulate a plan—some sort of strategy that could ensure her victory against the enemy. It didn't have to be elaborate or finely tuned to the last detail.

It just had to work!

'I think I got it…' She narrowed her eyes as she watched the calm demeanor of her opponent.

He hadn't spoken a word throughout the fight, and even now he was just floating around, staring at her with his glowing blue eyes.

'Okay… I better wrap this up quickly to help the Head Elder.'

Tightly gripping her staff and pointing it towards the Dragon General, she sent gusts of winds towards him—of course resulting in the same as always.

Space distorted, causing none to reach her.

However, this wind wasn't meant to serve that singular purpose. It was just the start.


In a flash, a whirlwind was born, completely circling around her target. In that moment, she grabbed a stone from within her pocket and launched it towards the swirling gusts of wind.

The result was…


… A massive explosion.

'It's a good thing I kept that Item from back then.' Even though Aurora gave away practically all of the items she bought from the humans, she kept one or two for herself.

One of those was the Combustion Stone that she just used.

Of course, she didn't expect it to deal any kind of damage to her opponent. Instead, she simply wanted it to impede his vision as she prepared for the next phase of her plan.

'I know he can slip away, but he hasn't displayed those defenses and his teleportation at the same time. He can't use both at the same time… I'm sure!'

That was her line of thought on the matter.

In order not to let him guess the direction she was coming from, Aurora chose an all-encompassing attack that would both block his field of vision and keep his spatial distortion busy.

'And now…' Her glare intensified as she applied Magic on herself to vastly improve her speed.

According to the analysis she made, he couldn't use the Spatial Distortion on her, which was why he kept slipping away when she got close, but now all of that had changed.

Not only could he not slip away, but he had to constantly keep up his spatial distortion.

The result?

'I can hit him!'

And so, preparing her most fatal attack in the form of a massive spear made from her Nature Magic, infusing it onto her staff to create a five meter long spear of unparalleled destructive force, she readied herself.


The winds sent her flying high into the air, granting her a much higher terrain platform than her opponent.

Once this was done, she propelled herself downard, wielding the powerful spear that she now thrust forward with all of her might.

'Hurry! Hurry and hit!'


The swirling winds, spearheaded by her ultimate attack, pierced the swirling tornado, instantly dispersing everything within a second.

At that very moment, Aurora felt her weapon finally hitting something.

'T-this it is! I did it!' All this time, her attack would simply fizzle out into space, or crumble without ever reaching a target.

But she felt it this time—the touch of flesh!

'Push harder! Faster!' Her thoughts desperately screamed as she thrust with all her might.


"It's useless." U'riah's voice reverberated through the air, instantly causing Aurora to look down at him.

The moment she did so, she was welcomed with an impossible sight.

"N-no… no way…"

The tip of her spear was being stopped by a single finger that U'riah stretched upward, and he had a bright smile on his face while his eyes shone bright blue.

It seemed so effortless to him—the way he stopped her attack.

"While it is surprising to see an Elf use her wits in battle, all of your strategies are useless." U'riah spoke very softly and calmly.

"Now that I've satiated my interest, it's about time I also finish this and end your life."

Before Aurora could speak up or complain, he was right in front of her.


He grabbed her by the neck, paralyzing her whole body in an instant.

It was most likely the effect of a Skill, but the way Aurora felt it, it almost felt like her body was being restricted within an incredibly tight space.

Not only was it uncomfortable, but it was incredibly painful as well.

Too painful.

'N-no… no, please stop!' She tried to scream out, but her throat was being tightly held by his powerful might.

In his presence, she was too weak to do anything.

"You probably thought I was limited in some kind of capacity, didn't you? That perhaps I could not attack and defend at once… or that you could somehow breach my defenses if you tried hard enough."

Aurora felt like she was naked before this man. He saw everything… right from the start.

"You only thought what I wanted you to think. Nothing you've done in this fight has been of your own accord. I decided everything… just as I am deciding what happens to you now." As he uttered those words, Aurora gulped.

She already knew the words he would utter.


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