The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 10 Ch. 23 Table of contents

Suddenly, Kannagi suddenly changed and attacked Kira and the others.

In front of her holding a sword that was supposed to be her main body, I was ashamed of my unworthiness again.

I was wrong.

Kannagi is not a bad person.

In fact, there was no secret to her childlike innocence and her somewhat twitching words.

However, her mind was terribly unstable.

I don't know what the influence is, but I'm losing myself in my hatred of the Demon Tribe and the Demon Lord.


"Koga, I'll tell you right now, I'm sorry."

"Huh? What? Why are you pointing your palm at me--hehe!?"


I point my palm at Koga and release my magic power in the manner of a healing flying fist.

A mass of healing magic burst out of his palm and struck Koga directly, blowing his body away.


"Oh, you! What the hell is going on?!"


Koga got up while rolling on the ground and yelled at me.

Thanks to the healing magic, I was able to provide first aid for the time being.


"The minimum wound has healed! You must protect Kira and Mr./Ms. Ciel! The two of them went down to Koga!!"

"Heh, I have mixed feelings, but if you can protect me at this time, please!"

"Usato Mr./Ms........"


Kira looks at me with a look that wants to say something, but to be honest, I don't have time to pay attention to that.

He turns around and jumps out in front of Kannagi, who is about to stab Kira, and attacks her.

After all, I'm trying to attack them before me, ......!


"I don't want to fight you......!"

"I'm the same!"


Cut off the edge, flick it lightly with your fist and deflect it diagonally.

He tries to swing his fist to stun him———、


"I can see it."


Attacks are dodged as if they know it.

After all, I wonder if this person also has clairvoyant magic......!

I can get a general idea based on what Amako told me and what I'm doing now, but I've had some experience fighting clairvoyant wizards!


"It's just a matter of seeing through that prediction and attacking!"

"I don't want you to put me in the company of that mass of self-aggrandizement!"


Keep an eye on Kannagi's movements and clench your fists.

She wields the sword, stops it, pulls it back, and at the same time transitions to thrusting, stopping the blade again.



"Haha! Amazing! The future we can see is changing!!"


Seen from the side, it is a mysterious attack and defense that does not touch any fists or swords.

But from my point of view, every time I respond, I am at the mercy of Kannagi's ever-changing movements.

It's different from Mr./Ms. Jinya.

Her clairvoyant magic is more accurate than what he had, and she ...... see further into the future!





Just as she was momentarily shaken by the slow movement, the sword she swung up from below grabbed her shoulder.

Seeing Kannagi smile with a twisted smile that seemed to be both joy and anguish, I smashed the ground with my raised foot as hard as I could.



"Wow, wow!?"


He jumps down before he hits the ground.

Slowly exhale as he closes his clenched right fist.


"Oh, it's dangerous! If I didn't go down now, I'd be punched in the stomach!"

"What are you talking about?"


If you react before I raise my fist, it's likely that you're looking at at least five seconds ahead.

It's awkward, but I felt uncomfortable fighting it earlier.


"Maybe...... Are you fighting for the first time now?"


Kannagi is strong.

But her movements are somewhat awkward and out of proportion to her physical strength.

She smiled shyly at my words.


"Oh, do you understand? I've fought a lot in my memory, but this is my first time."

"Heh, heh."


So, is that it?

He twitches his cheeks as he heals the wound on his shoulder.


"But even so, with my current body and memories, I can kill the demon tribe, isn't it amazing?"



The words she utters are innocent and cruel.

I don't have any doubts about my words.

First of all, you have to stop moving in order to do something about her.


"It's not going to be a simple attack......


In front of the precognitive magic that is more accurate than Jinya's Mr./Ms., a half-hearted attack will be countered on the contrary.

However, if you stay on the defensive, Kira and the others in the back will be targeted.

In fact, even in the middle of the fight, Kannagi was trying to launch some kind of attack behind me.


"I know all of your tricks."


"I've seen your journey all the way through your gauntlet, and I know what you're trying to do, and all the tricks you've developed and thought of."


I usually don't get caught up in Kannagi's words.

However, it would be troublesome if my skills were known.


"You can't beat me, this body has the strength and foreknowledge magic of Kannagi, a warrior who has survived a fierce battle with the Demon King's army."



When he asks back, Kannagi's eyes flicker.


「…… That's as powerful as the Rose and Nero you know. I just want to kill the demons. I haven't done anything wrong, so it's okay, right?"

"No, what you're doing is wrong."

"You're not wrong!"


She raises her voice at my words.

Even in front of the sword curtain, I don't lose my expression and don't look away.


"I am! I've been killing demons for a long time! He wielded me, slashed me, slashed and slashed him...... Do you mean to say that my meaning of life is wrong ......?"

"yes, it's still wrong."


Again, he says it clearly, and Kannagi presses his right eye.

She writhes in pain, her voice in pain, and her blinking blue eyes turn toward us.


"Please...... I don't want to kill you."

"You know, don't you? If I decide to do it, I will never back down."

"Yes, but yes! Now I ......! Whew."


Kannagi, whose body trembled greatly, lowered the hand that was holding his right eye limply.

Weakened, she raises her left arm and mutters something, and a black sheath is held in her left hand.

...... her mood has clearly changed!


"If you take the side of the demon tribe, I will slash you."


With a snap and a sword in its scabbard, she lowers herself unnaturally.

Her head is lowered to the point where it touches the ground, and she looks more like a carnivore attacking you than an Iai———、


"Kannagi style"


Instantly, with a bursting sound of air, the kannagi jumps forward.

Drawing a zigzag trajectory, she leaped and pulled out the sword in its scabbard.


「———Dog RunIbashiri」



He flicks his sword with a gauntlet held around his neck.

Then, the high-speed sword approaches his neck again, but he dodges it by bending down.

I'm going to smash my fist into ...... as it is! I raised my fist, but before I could do that, Kannagi used my shoulder as a stepping stone and leaped.

As soon as it lands on the ground, it is distanced by a slow and rapid movement that does not seem human.


"It's a little bit ......!"


It's not as fast as Inugami-senpai, but it's hard to read the movements!

Ibashiri...... When you say "dog running", do you call it that because it runs around like a dog?

…… Whew, the next one is coming!!

Kannagi held his sword so that it flowed backwards.


"Kannagi style SarumaiEnbu」


What is wielded like dancing is an inevitable barrage of attacks that are wielded precisely at this key point.

He receives some swords that have been accurately foreshadowed by his precognition magic, but he is instantly healed by his healing magic and repels them back.


"...... healing!"

"If you know the species, it's not scary!"


However, Kannagi took advantage of the recoil repelled by the elasticity and made a single turn on the spot.


"Kannagi ...... way!"


As soon as he turns to face me, he unknowingly slams the scabbard he held in his left hand with his sword.



"Damn ......!"


A sword and scabbard swinging down like a cow's horn.

Then, when he was forced to step back, he was thrust with a sword and a scabbard.


「OxUshiugaDamn it!"


Catch them with a gauntlet, but ...... heavy!

After all, this person has abnormal physical ability......! She looks delicate, but how powerful is she?


"What kind of guy would fool you by your appearance......!"

"It's not what you could say!"

"Sure...... That's right!"


Push back the sword and scabbard that have been pushed back by force.

If you keep doing it like this, you will be pushed out.


"I'm not good at being passive, so I'm going to be attacked!" Then--"

"It's a force push!"

"That's what it is!!"


If all of my skills are known and handled, then I just need to make more confusion than I can't do enough!

With a bouncy bullet in my right hand and a magic bullet in my left, I ran to Kannagi, who jumped backwards.

With a smile on her face, she wields her sword and slams it into the gauntlet before I can perform the move.

A high-pitched metallic sound echoes through the ruins, stopping her and me from moving.


"I'm not going to push you as hard as I used to--"

"If you can handle it, do it."

「…… Haha!"

"From here on, it's unknown even to me! Healing elastic legs!"


Stomping his feet and kicking in recoil.

Kannagi dodges it with a smile on his face, but he keeps his hands up and unleashes his moves.


"With two hands, it's twice as powerful!" Healing burst palms!"


Kannagi slashes through the approaching shockwave with his sword at the same time.

Fresh blood gushes from his left hand, but he ignores it and jumps out into the cannagi with his right arm thrust forward.


"Kannagi Ryu--no! First of all!?"

"Strengthening and healing eyes!!"


An outburst of magical power using the entire gauntlet that covers up to the elbow.

As a result, a shockwave of magical power is emitted in front of Kannagi's eyes.

However, Kannagi, who foresaw even that, closes his eyes and tries to protect his eyes——— but that's what I expected.


"Healing Choop!"


"Don't avoid it! Healing Lariaat!"



Kannagi dodges the lariat that is wielded while releasing a shockwave by rolling while screaming.

While giving her a tongue-lashing, she wraps the healing magic bullet she made in her palm into her fist.


"Oh my gosh! Healing Diffusion Fist!!"


"Fuhaha! What's up with the swagger just now! Mini Healing Explosive Bullets!"



Kannagi manages to avoid a small explosion caused by the healing explosive bullet he created with his fingertips after the healing diffusion fist.


"What's that, I don't know!"


If you can deal with it with the techniques you have used so far, you can think of something new.

Fortunately, the vision of the technique is fixed in my mind! After that, if you do something with it appropriately and let it go, it will take shape!


"Which one is the enemy......?"



For some reason, I feel like I'm being pulled by the people behind me who are supposed to be protecting me, but right now I'm concentrating on what's in front of me!

- She loses her cool due to the accumulation of confusion, and I throw a magic bullet that gives her elasticity without letting go.


"Healing Bullet!"

"Oh, it's dangerous, heh, heh! Something like this--ugh!?"


He narrowly avoids it, but a magic bullet bounces off the wall behind him and hits him directly in the back.

She stares at you with teary eyes and shows you how to move the sword.

In response, he raises his bouncy right leg high and slams it to the ground with all his might.


"Olaa!! It's just a heel drop!!"

"It's not even a technique!?"


The heel drop, which has become even more powerful due to the addition of elasticity, smashes the floor and slams a wide area.

As a result, Kannagi's arm, which was about to lose its position, was caught by the sleeve of her clothes with her index finger, and her body was thrown into the air with only the power of her fingers.


"I ...... thrown away!? But if I could foresee your actions, I would avoid you--"


Knock it down with a healing fist before it falls.

If you show a dodging motion, launch it with a healing bursting palm and heal flying fist.

If the healing flying fist comes off, it can't be helped, so it's a healing continuous attack fist.

If you have a way to move in mid-air, use a healing blast to blow it away with an area-of-effect attack.

At worst, it is assembled in the air and tightened down.


―――Never take it off.


Think about how to deal with kannagi as much as you can think of in your head.

Then, her expression turned pale as she held her sword in mid-air.


「———…… Huh!? Oh, yes."

"What's wrong? Respond with foreknowledge. If you can do it."


With a smile on her face, her cheeks twitching, she unleashes a full-power healing fist.

The fist-sized magic power that was released approached Kannagi.


"Oh, yes! Stretch out!"



The healing flying fist that she released seemed to hit directly, but just before that, the black magic that covered her body covered her entire body, protecting herself from the power of the healing flying fist.

Koga's dark magic armor.

The exact same movement made me cry out in amazement.


"Oh, it's dangerous......


Kannagi landed while dispelling black magic.

Perhaps the dark magic that was stolen from Koga by the magic of the hero who resided in the sword.

I thought I just took it away because I hadn't used it in the previous battle, but can it be used normally?


「…… It's awkward."


The reason I was able to gain an advantage in this battle was because Kannagi was not used to fighting.

Whether it was fighting with a sword or using a tactic using clairvoyant magic, I was able to hunt her down so far.


「…… I've come to understand how to use my powers. I'm getting used to the feeling in my right eye only."


But now Kannagi is starting to grasp his powers.

As proof of this, the black magic that covers her priestess clothes changes shape at her will, transforming into a blade as sharp as the sword in her hand.


"I know I can't get you to stop fighting anymore."


"If you really want to protect those demons, I'll force you to immobilize and serve your purpose."


A number of small swords grow out of the dark magic robe he wears, and Kannagi points the tip of his sword at me.

Kannagi's precognitive magic, physical abilities beyond the boundaries of beastmen, and Koga's dark magic.

Even one thing is troublesome, but if it is three at the same time, I will not have enough hands.


"First of all, I'm going to immobilize your legs."

"Come on!"


Kannagi jumps out while transforming the dark robe.

Just as she was about to attack me, the ceiling of the corner of the floor we were on collapsed without warning.


"Come here, Kannagi!"

"That's right, Suzune! I can feel Usato's presence from here!



A familiar voice and the same voice as the person in front of me made me and Kannagi stop moving in surprise.

But at the same time, I notice that there is something black crawling on the ground and something flying in the air approaching me.



"Aren't you guys too scared of how to arrive!?"


Nea, who has been transformed into an owl, and Ferm, who has assimilated with dark magic.

From the sidelines, it's a truly horrifying scene, but for me, I couldn't be more supportive.


"It's noisy! I've been desperate to get here!!"

"Don't even know the hardships of this one, this monster did something this time!!"


It's a terrible thing to say to the head of the encounter.

Just as he was about to greet them, he heard Amako's voice from above.


"Usato! Pseudo-Kannagi is trying to stop the coalescence!!"



Without hesitation, he believes her voice coming from the broken ceiling and unleashes a healing magic bursting palm at the kannagi in front of him, blowing it away.


「……! Amako has come! Damn it, Kannagi, it's more ......!"

"So the conditions are the same......!"


Assimilated with Ferm, with a nair on my shoulder, I faced Kannagi again with a bitter expression on his face.

When she saw me dressed in black magic in her uniform, she stood up and raised her right arm.


"Not yet...... It's not over yet......


Then, the walls and floor of the ruins slide, revealing a large number of golems.

Some of them are the same as the ones we were fighting, and some are as big as humans.


"I can't stop until I kill ...... demon tribe!"


I looked at Kannagi who was muttering something and putting his hand on the hilt of his sword, and Nea let out a dry laugh as she began to slap my cheek with her wings.


"That's right, Usato! You're dealing with the worst possible scenario! That's it! Yo, this plague god!!"

"Huh, don't compliment me."

"I'm not complimenting you, this idiot!!"


The seniors who came down from the ceiling are surrounded by golems.

I'll leave the golem to my seniors, and I'll continue to deal with Kannagi.

But in this melee, if Kannagi goes to Kira and the others, I may not be able to make it in time.


…… I don't want to use this method, but I have no choice but to do it.


"Kannagi, I'm sorry."



When I apologized, she looked up.

However, perhaps foreseeing the future in a few seconds, she turned pale and dropped the sword from her hand.


"Stop it! Please, don't do that!! It's disgusting!"


『…… What?'


If she has feelings of hatred for the demon tribe and is out of control, you can take advantage of it.

Ferm, who has assimilated with me, still seems confused because he doesn't understand the situation, but he doesn't have time to talk about the situation, and he doesn't have time to get lost.


"——— Demon Tribes mode."



In an instant, the color of my skin changes, and black magical horns grow on my head.

Kannagi, who saw me transforming into a temporary demon tribe, let out a heartbroken cry as he picked up the sword he had dropped and attacked me without hesitation.


【Kannagi style】

The black history swordsmanship created by Kannagi at that time, who was taught various things by the previous hero, with a sense of urgency and momentum.

This was passed down to future generations.

I was told (despair)


The countermeasure against precognitive magic was to come up with new tricks and bug the main body.

From Kannagi's point of view, it's a terrifying thing.

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