The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 10 Ch. 25 Table of contents

Assimilated forms of I, Amako, Nea, and Ferm.

He was involuntarily called a chimera, but this can destroy Kannagi's advantage of foresight.


"Woo, woo, woo, usato-kun!"

"Please leave it behind!!"


I replied to the voice of my senior who came from behind me without turning around.

I knew that reaction was coming, so I'll deal with it later!


"Well, let me tell you to the end!?"

"Suzune! Don't disturb Usato!"

"Senior, the golems are still coming one after another!"

"Whew! Then you should get rid of these guys as soon as possible!"


Along with the roar of the seniors, the sound of electric shocks resounds.

After confirming this, I confronted Kannagi again.

She looked at me now, as if she had bitten off a bitter worm.


"No matter how much I look at my memories of the past, there was no one who fought like you......."


"I suppose so."

"Is there such a person?"


It's noisy inside me.

I don't know what it is, but it feels like I can hear the voices of my heart at the same time while echoing.

This form has expanded what can be done.

I'm in combat, but I'm going to have to figure it out.


"Amako, look at the foreknowledge and give us instructions."

"Okay, and Usato."



Listen to Amako's voice.

Then, Amako's voice echoes from the inside, just like Ferm.


"Nea, try to voice your instructions to Ferm as you have done before."


"I'll predict it and reflect it in Usato."


『…… Leave it to me, and I'll see.'


Anyway, let's leave it to Amako.

If she can predict my movements with her clairvoyant magic, she can foresee the transformation of the magic and dark magic that I will seek.

By doing so, I can collaborate without having to use words myself.


"Nea, the magic of restraint in the fist"


"Ferm, a sword in Usato's hands"


"Usato, Kannagi will attack you in three seconds."



As soon as Amako finishes speaking, Kannagi attacks at the same time as the eight tails, as predicted.

He flicks them with a sword extended from his arms.

However, it is not sweet enough to surpass everything, and the tail that I couldn't play is closing in on me.

When I tried to ask Nea for a resistance spell --


"Nea, the torso is resistant to slashing"

「…… Whew!"


Just before it hits directly, a resistance spell is activated and its tail flicks back.

Amako instructed me before I said it out loud!

…… I see, this is what Amako was saying!


"This is the Kannagi style,惑巳断MadomidaDamn it!"


Kannagi with a tongue lash unleashes a slash that flickers like a snake.

Close-range skills.

I'm impatient with Sorae's unpredictable movements———、


"Don't be fooled, Usato can see through it."



Amako's quiet voice from within calms her down.

Presumably, this move is intended to deliver a slashing blow when the opponent is confused.

If you look at it calmly, it's not a skill that you can't deal with......


"I've given up!"

"Then how about this!!"


He evades it by identifying the tip at the last minute and tilting his body to the side, but eight black tails unfold from Kannagi's back.

They were tied together in a spiral and thrust towards me like a drill.


"Usato, this is inevitable, prevent it."

"Ferm! Match it!"

"Even if you don't tell me!"


At the same time that I spread my arms, the arms of the four black knights extend from my back.

Retreating from the impact, he grabs his tail with all of them.


"More like a monster......!"

"It's not what you could have said!"


The tail, which has been untied so that it pops, tries to wrap around me as if it were coiled.


"I'm going to catch you like this--"

"Ferm, support your tail with your arms.


Amako said quietly, and the four arms on my back pressed against my tail.

——— Predictive transformation that applies precognitive magic.

Even if I don't say anything, Amako will tell me the best magic and form for the situation.

In that case, I can attack without thinking about anything.

The gauntlet is covered with black magic, transforming it into a cylindrical hammer.


"On the contrary, you have narrowed the escape zone!"


"Restraint and Healing Continuous Attack Fist!"


Here, for the first time, the fist hits the main body of the kannagi.

At the same time as the fist is slammed into it, a healing flying fist from close range is released, blowing her body wide open.


"The spell of restraint, I'm in!"


- Take away consciousness with a healing flying fist as it is! This time, escape Mr./Ms.! !!

He points his hands and the palms of the four gauntlets extending from his shoulders and back to the cannagi that is being blown away.


"Six healing flying fists at the same time! Healing Six-Shot BulletChiyumugekidan……!!」

"Wow! You're making weird tricks again!


This should be able to pass the shock even if it is protected by Koga's magic.

Just as he was about to aim firmly and release his magic power at once, he noticed that Kannagi was floating golden magic in his palm.


"Or the magic of liberation......!"


"Ugh...... Guh......!"


The spell of restraint is unnaturally erased.

She spun backwards to escape my range of attack, holding her abdomen, which was protected by black magic.

Deciding that it is impossible to hit the healing six-shot bullet at this distance, he releases the magic power in his palm.


"Nea, I'm ...... now."

"Yes, witchcraft."


I thought he was still hiding something, but maybe it's more magic.

It's fine if it's just the magic of liberation, but of course I remember other magic as well.


"Oh, it hurts more than I ...... thought! Even though it can be cured by healing magic, I don't want to eat it again and again......"

「…… It looks like I need to use as many barrage of fists as Koga to completely stun you."

I don't want to eat this over and over again, ...... I don't want to eat this over ...... time."


Kannagi looked at me and shook his body slightly, probably because his fist was so painful.

He feels a little guilty, but he can't end this fight unless he stops her.


"Usato, I have something to tell you right now."



Listen to Ferm's voice without taking your eyes off the citrus.


"Assimilation is limited to two people, except for you and me, and if you take in more than that, your assimilation will probably become unstable...... Mix.'



Of course, there are disadvantages.

It's like I knew it, but I'm worried about the mix.


"Proportionally, you're a mixture of beastmen, demons, and demons—you're going to be a girl."

"Eh, what do you want to see?"

"Looks interesting"

"Olaa!! Kannagi!! It's a lost life, and it's a joke!"

「!? Kyu, suddenly motivated!?"


Amako and Nea's mutterings are smeared loudly as he punches Kannagi.

I'm not going to ask you now!

I got goosebumps!

Oh my gosh, that's it!

I was stupid for thinking about further strengthening even for a moment!


"I don't know how to use Kannagi's own magic, but I have no choice but to use it."


Kannagi sees a fist with a restraint spell and a kind of golden pattern appears in his hand.

The magic pattern spreads in her hand ——— transforms into a white swirl.



"The Magic of Transference"


A vortex that people can finally pass through.

Kannagi jumps into it without hesitation and disappears with the vortex.


"Did you run away......!?"


No, it's the same white vortex we were sucked into.

If she didn't use it for the purpose of escaping.


"———, Usato! Behind!!'

"That's right!!"


He barely repels the sword that was thrust out with his arm from the vortex that appeared above his head.

Kannagi emerges from the vortex and lands on the spot, smiling faintly.


"If you're equal in foreknowledge, you'll be surpassed by magic, ...... 'Flame Magic'."


Flames engulf Kannagi's sword.

I didn't want to think about it, but it seems that he can use multiple magics.

Teleportation is a nuisance, but I haven't used it before, is it simply because it consumes a lot of magic?


"You use magic, but you don't use the power that took Koga's magic from me."


"Is that magic, too?"


At my point, Kannagi erases the smile on his face.

I think I was caught up in that reaction, but I opened my mouth calmly instead of thinking.


「…… It was the hero's magical power that remained in the sword that took the magic from Koga. Light magic "seal", an invincible magic that can seal and release any phenomenon, this sword can only be used once on a target."

「…… They talk to you."

"The truth is, you were supposed to have this power, and you didn't want it now...... You don't give it to me......



As I said at the beginning, I'm not going to give up my healing magic.

Moreover, Kannagi himself cannot receive the power of the evil dragon when it is under the negative influence of the evil dragon. At worst, I myself may be manipulated by Kannagi.


"Usato, if the power of that sword is devoted to Koga's magic, then that power will not be directed at Usato."

"If there is, it's only when the Koga magic that Kannagi wears is gone."


He nodded silently at the sound of Nea and Ferm's voices inside.


"Once this fight is over and everyone in your way is cleared, I'll change your mind."


With these words, Kannagi enters the vortex again.


"Usato, left!"



A blade engulfed in flames crosses his face.

The intense heat almost closed his eyes as he tried to attack, but like whack-a-mole, he quickly hid himself in the vortex.

It's awkward.

Should I aim and slam my fist on the counter ......?


"You can't catch him at this level, so why not use the magic of magic"! Flame Magic"!"


When Kannagi jumps out of the vortex and reveals a golden pattern floating in his left hand, a pattern similar to a magic circle different from the vortex appears around me.

What are you going to do? Before I could speak, I combined the flame spell that Kannagi had in his right hand with the magic spell in his left hand.

In an instant, a small fireball burst out of the magic circle around me.


"Usato, this is the same one that fell from the sky during the war!"

"Hehe, yes, and more!"


The citrus makes the eight black tails bigger.

I thought it was going to attack me, but she made several vortices appear, and she stuck her tail in it.


"Usato, up!"



Attack from directly above.

He dodges it and raises his fist——— but it's one of the black tails extending from Kannagi's waist.

The moment you notice it, a black tail attacks you from the vortex that arises from the left and right sides at the same time.


"Huh!? Only here is a picture of hell!?"

"Nea, Ugh!"

"That's right, this idiot!"

"You guys need to be quieter!"


If you jump on it and hesitate, a fireball and a tail will fly.

Instantly, he uses his healing acceleration fist to land while dodging in mid-air, and takes advantage of the confusion to align his gauntlet with Kannagi's sword, which slashes at him.


"I wonder if I don't have enough magic anymore! Let's keep the series going!"

"Is that the right thing to do?"


"We're outnumbered!"


When he retorts, Kannagi has a stunned look on his face.


"I'm practically alone!!"

"Yes, that's right."

"What are you talking about, this person?"

"Did you go crazy?"


Which side are you on?!

- While enduring the feeling of wanting to be so nervous, she smiles fearlessly.


"What you're doing alone, we're all doing together, and we're stronger!"

"I don't know what that means!"


As she steps back, her tail disappears into the vortex.

As a result, attacks from all directions will attack me again, but I will deal with it with Amako's foreknowledge, Ferm and Nea's eyes, and my own senses.


"Well, the key is how to catch the cannagi...... …… Hmm?"


For a moment, Kannagi's gaze seemed to turn away from me.

Confirmation of the location of metastasis?


"Usato, don't be bored!"

「…… Oh, I know."


What are you aiming for?

I'm worried about that, but now I have to deal with the attacks that come from ...... surroundings!



The battle between Usato's Mr./Ms. and the beastman, Kannagi Mr./Ms., was more fierce and violent than I had ever seen before.

No, a very large stone monster called a golem before that? The battle with the Evil Dragon was amazing, and the Mr./Ms. Usato was strong during the battle with the scary dragon Mr./Ms. called the Evil Dragon.

I didn't know much about fighting, but he was a dark wizard...... The sight of Koga wielding Mr./Ms. around like a weapon was very comfortable, and I couldn't take my eyes off her the whole time.


"Wow, look, Ciel, just when you think you've assimilated with the Owl Demon, you're going to assimilate with the Beastman Child. After all, he's a bad guy. He's the one."

"Isn't it a new kind of monster rather than a human?! I am absorbed by the child of the beastman and the owl...... It looked like it had been preyed upon!?"

"Well, I guess he was assimilated by Ferm's dark magic, and from what I can see from the battle, does this mean that Usato can transform his magic and perform magic at the same time in almost no time?"


Seeing Mr./Ms. Usato's fighting, the demon tribe analyzes it in this way---Koga Mr./Ms..

Somewhat distraught by his voice, Ciel Mr./Ms. points to Mr./Ms. Usato, who is fighting.


"Who is that dark wizard Mr./Ms. in the first place!? Why are you on the other side!?"

"What? He's a former subordinate of mine. I was betrayed."


Holding the wound, he looks at Koga Mr./Ms. with a smile on his face, and Mr./Ms. Ciel has anger in his eyes.

She slaps Mr./Ms. Koga with a raised slap.


"This stupid legionnaire! This, this!"

"Ouch, ouch!? Don't hit the injured spot accurately! I really only need to be cured at the bare minimum!"

"That's because you don't like a lot of people! Isn't that person's sense of distance strange? From there, we, the demon tribe, are enemies!!"

"Hahaha, I don't know why, I don't know."

"Right now, that person is overwhelmingly more trustworthy than Mr./Ms. Koga! This useless!"


These people are a bit of a mystery.

Koga Mr./Ms. is a dark wizard like me, and Ciel Mr./Ms. is a kind and gentle person.

The two are people related to the Demon King Army, and Mr./Ms. and the others are the ones fighting the Demon King Army.

Perhaps the enemies of the demon tribe are the Mr./Ms. Usato...... Even when I realized that, I didn't feel the slightest anger or hatred towards Mr./Ms. Usato.


「…… Gru"

"Mr./Ms. Bulllin?"



Before I knew it, Mr./Ms. Bullin, a blue grizzly blue bear monster who was protecting me nearby.

While Suzune Mr./Ms., Kazuki, Mr./Ms., and Leona Mr./Ms. are holding off the golem, his eyes are clear and imposing as he watches Mr./Ms. battle with Usato.


"Usato, Mr./Ms.."


He is now fighting with Mr./Ms. Kannagi.

Turning into the form of a demon tribe and dodging attacks that cannot be chased by the eyes, it is so strong that it is hard to believe that it is human.




I've always been protected.

I caused a lot of trouble, and I asked Mr./Ms. Usato to protect me all the time and everyone Mr./Ms....... And he is protected by Mr./Ms. Usato.

Kannagi Mr./Ms. intends to kill us of the demon tribe.

I didn't know what she didn't like about us.

However, I was very scared of the eyes that I received from her head-on.

But more than that, I'm frustrated that I can't do anything because I'm just being protected by Mr./Ms. Usato.

If I had been able to use dark magic as well as Koga Mr./Ms., I would have been able to help Mr./Ms. Usato, who is currently fighting.

Why am I so helpless?

If I had the strength to fight, I could have fought too.

If he had handled his magic well, he wouldn't have been a hindrance to Mr./Ms..

Better yet, I could have been treated as just a weapon like Mr./Ms. Koga.

Because dark magic is more capable for Mr./Ms. Usato than such a useless me.


"Oh, calm down!"




- She screams strangely at the sudden voice from next door.

When I looked next to me in surprise, I saw a person floating in the air who looked the same as Mr./Ms., who was just as surprised as me.



"I'm glad you calmed down, oh, it was dangerous. It would have been tough if I had been out of control in this situation.''

「…… Ahh


When I turned to myself, the shadows under my feet were about to move.

Also, my magic was about to start working on its own.

During this period, I tried to pull Mr./Ms.'s leg again.


"I'm sorry for my half."


"Actually, it's an ego that was born inside of me, but it doesn't matter."


Kannagi Mr./Ms.glances at Koga Mr./Ms. and Ciel Mr./Ms. who he hasn't noticed yet, and then looks at Usato Mr./Ms. and Kannagi Mr./Ms..


"She's just like you."


"I've been abandoned by the person I trust the most, and I've lived a time of mad loneliness...... The only thing she could rely on was the first person who had ever shown her the light—Usato.'


Is that person the same as me?

I was abandoned by my family, who I thought was important, and the image of Mr./Ms. Kannagi is superimposed.


"But there's a definite difference."

"What'...... different?"

"You have the kindness to care for someone."

「…… You can't do anything like that with kindness alone......."



If you think about it, it's just a relaxation.

When he returns the thorny words that are not like him, Kannagi Mr./Ms. looks at Usato's Mr./Ms. with a gentle smile and continues to speak.


"For me, dark wizards are a nuisance on the battlefield...... It was just a recognition of the poor enemy. But his ...... The more I watched Usato's journey with my own eyes, the more I changed my perception of the demon tribe and the dark wizards."


Saying this, she turns to me and makes eye contact.


"Keira, dark magic responds to your pure thoughts, and it is a wonderful magic that manifests your strong desires, your unique thoughts. It's not nasty magic.'

"Strong...... Wish"


I wonder how I've always used magic.

Because of this magic, I was abandoned by my mother Mr./Ms. and father Mr./Ms. and I was shunned for a long time.

I didn't need this kind of magic.

I wish this magic was gone.

I've always thought so, so I didn't try to believe in this magic.


"My Thoughts"


The thoughts I put into this magic.

If it was going to take shape, the answer was much simpler.

Noticing this, I naturally wiped the tears from my eyes and thanked Mr./Ms. Kannagi.


"Thank you, sir."

『…… Is it an era when demons and humans can understand each other? I wish I was born in a time like this......


Mr./Ms. Kannagi looked a little lonely.

However, at the same time as a loud sound echoes from the direction where Mr./Ms. is located, he looks at it with a grim face.


"You've been completely engulfed in a grudge against the Demon Clan, and the only way to deal with it is to stop moving or to destroy the child himself...... No, wait. If you use that sword--"


Mr./Ms. Kannagi noticed something?

Just as I noticed something unusual about her floating next to me, I heard a buzzing sound right next to me.

I immediately looked over and there was a white vortex there, and out of it something like a black tail grew, grabbing my arm.


"——— huh?"


"Na, you're nice, Mr. Bulllin! , you didn't care what you pretended to be!'


However, Mr./Ms. Burlin, who reacted faster than anyone else, erased it by biting off the black tail that grabbed my arm with tremendous speed.

However, I was relieved to see a number of white swirls appear around me.



"Oh, ......!? Whew!?"


The moment Mr./Ms. was distracted by the whirlpool, an arm stretched out from under her feet grabbed my leg.

As it is, it is clenched with a force that seems to be crushed, and it is pulled into the vortex.

After a momentary flickering of vision, I am hugged by someone.


"——— can't help it, because you're not going to give up."


Mr./Ms.'s voice was speaking earlier.

When I opened my eyes at the voice, I saw Mr./Ms. Usato——— in front of me with a startled expression.

The person holding me, the scary Kannagi Mr./Ms. puts a silver sword-like blade around my neck and speaks to Usato-Mr./Ms. in a voice so bright that it is out of place.


"Usato, unravel the assimilation?"


That's when I finally realized.

I was dragging Mr./Ms.'s leg at the worst moment.


It's called a healing six-shot bullet, a technique that ensures that consciousness is skipped.

It is a myth that it is not six consecutive attacks, but simultaneous attacks.


With the addition of Amako's brain, Usato was able to fight without thinking.

The biggest strength is that the four of us can do different things.


Assimilation naturally has its disadvantages.

If three or more people assimilate, the assimilation becomes unstable and they cannot handle each other's abilities, weakening them.

In addition, some changes appear in Usato's body, which is the center of assimilation.

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