The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 10 Ch. 30 Table of contents

Quiet Tale of Two and One


By severing off a part of my soul, I was able to merge with another me—the personality born of the sword of the hero.

To be honest, I don't realize how much I've changed from what I used to be.

The only thing I can say is that I have been reincarnated as Kannagi, a beastman with two personalities.




Usato faints while escaping the ruins.

We immediately carried him unconscious and escaped the ruins, where we put him to bed in a room in a hideout in the village.

It was my fault, but we were all mentally and physically tired this time, so we decided to take turns guarding.


"Everyone, leave his care to this Suzune Inugami, don't worry! I have a lot of energy!! I'm the woman who never sleeps!'


With a big smile on her face, Suzune came forward to take care of Usato, but she was immediately rejected by Amako and the others.

I thought I had seen the strange behavior of the tin many times through the gauntlet, but I was reminded that the real thing is different.


「…… It's really, really real."


Usato was laid on the bed.

As I sat on the chair beside him, I couldn't help but mutter.

To be honest, I didn't think I would ever be able to look out again.

I was in despair that I had no choice but to continue to live as a soul without being able to move.


"Thank you, Usato."


I put my hand on his sleeping profile and muttered.

The world I saw through him was very different from what I knew.

A peaceful time without ugly strife between human beings.

Interaction with good people.

The fact that I was in danger of the Demon Lord's army was the same, but everything else was dazzling to me.


「…… I wonder if Hisago wanted me to see a peaceful world......


It may be for the purpose of making me see the future, but if possible, I would like to have such a thought.

My time was hell.

This is an era when beastmen are discarded as a matter of course, and it is common for them to be treated as less than objects, let alone people. I spent all my time fighting against the Demon King's army, and I didn't know what a decent life was.

Of course, I didn't regret it because it was a path I chose.

But even so, I dreamed of a peaceful world where no one would betray me and I could calm my mind -- when I was fighting with Hisago.


"Even if I get into the futon now, I won't get caught, will I?"

「…… Huh?"


I return to myself when I hear a voice from within me as I indulge in emotion.


"You're here! evilDeviousMy whispers ......!"


- She whispers quite often, and I can stand the voice of the other person.

As a result of the fusion of souls, the other me began to speak to me in this way, but there are also eyes around me, and I really want you to understand this kind of thing.


"It's okay, I don't care if it's Usato."



My arm, which began to move on its own, was stretched out to the futon that was hanging on Usato.

Do it! I stop my arm, but I try to move it not to be outdone.

My battle ...... me and my insides!

Wondering what I was doing, I trembled as I shook my arms with my arms sticking out.


"Well, wait, wait! Let's talk about it for ......!"



Is it a child?! No, spirituality is like a child!

You're fine in me, but I'm going to be treated as a pervert in the outside!

That's really bad!

I'm not as strong as Suzune, and I can't bear to show such ugliness!


"It's not like I hate you either!"

"Yes, but ......! But there is no such thing as order ......!"

- "Don't be naïve, this love miscellaneous woman! He said I'd help you out of here!'

"No, don't!"


Who's a!

No, before it was sealed, there were basically only outsiders or people around it, and it wasn't like I was getting tired of that kind of thing!




Suddenly, the strength that was trying to move my hand was released.

Involuntarily, he looks at Usato, who is sleeping on the bed, and notices that there is an unnatural bulge right next to the futon that is draped over him.

…… What?

Tilting his head, he slowly rolled up the futon, and there it was—


"Suh, swooh, hehehe."




There was a black owl, Nea.

Even though she is an owl, she is lying on her side and her cheeks twitching as she sleeps.

When did he sneak in? At least I'm pretty sure they were sneaking in before I ...... here.


"——— was here."



Voices from behind.

I was so surprised by the unusual thing in front of me that I turned around with a strange scream, and I saw a sleepy-eyed Amako standing at the entrance.

She glanced at me in surprise before approaching the sleeping Usato, who was sleeping, and looked at him for about ten seconds.


「…… Okay."


- Grab Nea, who is sleeping as it is.

She turned around and was about to leave the room with a small squeak in her face.

His eyes are somehow piercing.



"What's that?"

"Don't imitate me too soon, do you?"

"Ha, ha."


Perhaps convinced by this, Amako left the room with Nea in her hand.

Again, in the silence of the room, I sit in my chair, stunned.

I can't hear my voice inside me anymore.

Maybe he was scared of Amako and withdrew.


"Take care of me seriously......"


I don't want to offend Amako.

Regardless of the difference in raw ability, I was quietly taking care of him until the time of the change.




The change he made


Ordered by the Demon King, he headed to the ruins with Ciel, the Demon King's personal handmaiden, but there he encountered Usato and the heroes.

As a corps commander, it was a situation that could not be overlooked, but above all, since there was a good enemy in the form of Usato, there was no way to do nothing, and the fight was sold, but the situation developed into something that even I did not expect.

Anyway, there were a lot of things.

Well, for the most part, I was skewered with a katana or something like that, and I was in a pinch of being deprived of dark magic...... In the end, it was manageable.


"Koga-sama, wow, I almost encountered that demon and almost took my soul!!"

"What are you talking about?"


I succeeded in leaving the place with the help of the Demon King and escaped from the ruins, and after waking up Nono, who was unconscious for some reason, I was flying in the sky on a flying dragon to return to the Demon King Castle.


"No, that figure still burns in my mind, brown skin...... Twisted corners...... Oh, that's the devil......

「…… Aren't they just demons? It's it."


Or rather, you too.

Nono is shaking his body but dexterously manipulating the flying dragon.

According to the story, while waiting for me and Ciel, Nono, who was idle outside, encountered Usato, who had become a demon.

She fainted from the trauma of the previous battle and the shock of having horns growing on Usato, and she was engraved with a new trauma.

In the meantime, her partner, Hiryu, seems to have been protecting her all the time.

…… Well, it's too funny.


"I'm convinced...... It's not a healing wizard, it's a demon who wears human skin and manipulates humans from behind ......! Otherwise, the healing wizard wouldn't be making such an insane move......!"


What the hell did Usato do to this guy?

I can imagine, but I think it's quite a bit to instill fear so much.


"And he's after me and Hannah......!"

"No, why?"

"That's the only way you can think of coming to such a desolate and stained land......!"

"What do you say to your birthplace......


I don't have any fond memories either.

The last memory I saw of my mother was when she was left behind in a forest infested with monsters.

I don't know if she's listening to me or if she's going through it, but she shakes and shakes tightly, gripping the reins that are controlling the flying dragon.


"I'll have to report this to Mistress Hannah when I get back! I'll report back and leave the rest to Hannah!"

"I don't think you're thinking of moving the target to Hannah and running away, are you?"


At that moment, the flying dragon swayed greatly as if to express her agitation.

He clings to it as he almost falls, but along with it, the wound from the stab by a woman named Kannagi hurts.


"Oh, you can't do that! Hannah is a beloved boss, so I thought I'd share some information with ......! I have no intention of sacrificing it to the devil in my place!"

"Okay! Because I get it! Fly properly!"


Relieved that Hiryu has stabilized, he places his hand on the wound that was stabbed by Kannagi and traps the magic of dark magic.

Usato gave him first aid, but he was not completely cured.

Combined with healing magic, dark magic closes the wound.


「…… At this level, it seems to heal quickly."


If I had to be greedy, I would have liked to have cured it a little more.

…… No, in this case, should we assume that Usato has healed well?

I'm aware that I'm embarrassing you in a troublesome way.

Normally, it would be better to kill me on the spot.


"Does that mean I'm in debt......?"


It was unfortunate that he couldn't deal with the surprise head-on, but it wasn't a bad idea to owe Usato a debt.

Somehow, it was fun to work with him.

…… Well, I'm sorry to be grabbed by the legs and swayed.


"You've gotten stronger, man."


At first, he let the magic power explode, and this time he made the magic power elastic.

To be honest, I never thought of making magic resilient.

On top of that, it's an assimilation with Ferm.

In addition to Ferm, he assimilated into the demon and the beastman with precognitive magic and strengthened it tremendously.

Even I can't imitate that.

I've been fighting alone, and I can't even hold hands or cooperate with anyone else like that.

…… No, if I had to say it, this fight with Usato might be a sore spot for me, but it doesn't make sense if the opponent is Usato.


"I wish I could fight more."


I don't care if I win or lose.

It's always fun to fight him.

It's scary because you don't know what's going to fly.

Creativity that exceeds expectations.

Words and actions that even I don't like.

I enjoyed it all.


——— once the battle between humans and demons is over, will there be no more such battles?


Such a thought crosses my mind.

No, I felt a kind of loneliness somewhere in my heart that I was going to be cut off from him before that.

Does that mean I'm just as affected as Ferm?

When I returned to my own thoughts and couldn't help but smile, I noticed that Nono, who was looking back at me, had a disgusted expression on his face.


"Koga-sama, your face is disgusting, isn't it? Hah, is it the work of the devil!?"


"Oh, ah! Ouch, don't squirm your head! Hey, Sean! Help!"


As expected, it hurts, so I lightly hit it with my fists from both temples.

If Ciel was here, he would give me a cool pat, but if he wasn't, I'd be lonely.


Nono was ready to take Hannah's place.


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