The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 10 Ch. 32 Table of contents

Name: Gref

Race: Demon


A strange demon tribe traveling in the Demon Lord's territory.

She acts as a parent to the children she picked up along the way, Rose, Lamb, and Keira.

He is also a hot-blooded man who is unusually affectionate for a demon tribe and cannot overlook those in need. Such a personality often suffers from disasters.

He knew right away that the Usato were hiding something, but he didn't dare point it out because he knew from his years of travel that they didn't have any malicious intentions.

After breaking up with Usato, he sees Kira in a good mood and thinks that she is close to being separated from her parents, and when she says that she wants to leave him, he thinks that he will send her away warmly without holding back.


Name: Keira

Lineage: Darkness (Self-Defense→ Desire for Doom → Protection)

Race: Demon


A demon girl with dark magic.

Ever since he was lied to by his biological parents as a child and sent to a realm inhabited by demons, he has lost faith not only in his own dark magic, but also in himself.

Perhaps because she was a child and her mind was young, her own dark magic was also very unstable, and when Usato and the others first encountered her, she didn't listen to what the dark magic said and started to move on her own.

After interacting with Usato, she grew spiritually, and with a strong awareness of what she wanted to do, her dark magic transformed into a cloak.

When he is able to stand on his own, he is determined to head to the Kingdom of Lingle.


Dark Magic: Guardianship

Her ability is to automatically defend against Kira and the targets she recognizes she wants to protect.

Due to her own inexperience, she can still move on her own, but she can defend against most attacks.

In addition, although it is limited to Keira, it is possible to fly to the sky, and it is possible to travel long distances with practice.

It can be said that this is a characteristic that has taken shape from the feeling of "going to see people wherever they are."

After Kira, who is the wielder, he tends to take possession of Usato.

This is the embodiment of the feeling of "I want to follow you even if I cling to it."

Since Kira herself is still very young, there is a good chance that her dark magic properties will change as she grows older.

Name: Kannagi (sword)Race: Inorganic


Consciousness born from the sword of the brave.

Possessing a combination of Farga's memories and Kannagi's, Seo-rae endured hundreds of years of loneliness and dreamed of one day going out into the outside world.

It has been contaminated at the soul level by the influence of the hero's sword that pierced the evil dragon, and the hatred of the demon tribe and the demon king has increased to an extraordinary degree.

When Usato pulled out the hero's sword in the battle with the evil dragon, the sealed Kannagi was finally able to interfere outside, and it was only then that she finally got to know Usato ——— the first human she had ever seen.

Having endured loneliness for a long time, she has seen Usato's journey through the gauntlet, in which the hero's sword has been transformed.

As a result, he naturally began to think that he wanted to save himself, and he started to move when he entered the Demon Lord's Realm.

Since the soul affected by the evil dragon was cut off, the hatred of the demon tribe subsided and he returned to sanity.

Now that she is able to go out into the outside world as a form, she thanks Kannagi and Usato, who saved her as a result, and agrees to help her fight against the Demon Lord.


She has memories of Kannagi and Falga, but her mentality is young and selfish.

Eventually, he merged his soul with the real Kannagi to become one and the same, but he became one of the simple dual personalities, moving Kannagi's body on the front to attack Usato.


Name: Kannagi (true)

Magic Precognitive Magic

Race: Beastman (Fox)


In the era before the Demon King was sealed, a beastman girl who served as a companion of the hero.

He was 19 years old.

When he was a child, he was about to be used as a decoy by the Demon King's army, but he was saved by Hisago, the previous hero, and he ended up following him in that period.

He thought of Hisago like a father to him because he was more than ten years apart in age.

More than anyone else in that era, he was angry at the humans who cared about Hisago and hurled unreasonable words at him.

To her at that time, both demons and humans were untrustworthy enemies.


He possesses the same precognitive magic as Amako, and before he was sealed, he was able to see parts of parallel worlds, but when he separated the souls contaminated by the evil dragon, he lost that ability, and now he can only use ordinary precognition magic.

The Physique Enhancement is a magic eye that attracts parallel worlds, and when activated, it requires extraordinary magical power, so it cannot be used around the risk of losing vision.


He had temporarily lost the function of one eye due to having Kazuki and Suzune meet Usato in a parallel world.

When he was assimilated with Kannagi (sword), his eyesight returned, but the color of his eyes changed to purple.


Her fighting style, which has fought on many battlefields, is swordsmanship that uses foresight with precognitive magic.

In addition, since he has unparalleled physical abilities as a beastman, his ability can be said to be on par with Rose and Nero.

In addition to being untouched by peace before he was sealed, he had been betrayed by most of the people he had befriended, so he had little experience of living as a decent person.

Therefore, even casual and normal interactions are awkward, and I am inwardly quite frightened by Suzune's bizarre skinship.

The scenery she had seen through Usato's gauntlet was indescribable to her, and she longed for the outside world in the present, although not as much as a kannagi (sword).


- She is a mess when it comes to romance, so she's terrified of when her other self will go crazy against Usato.




[List of Kannagi style]


・ [Nino type] Ox 薙ぎ / Ox 穿ち

A striking technique that uses a scabbard and a sword at the same time.

It is also a skill that can be demonstrated because of Kannagi's extraordinary physical ability.


・ [Rokuno type] 惑巳断ち

A technique that deceives the opponent with an irregularly flickering slash and slashes into the gap when exposed.

It is difficult to dodge because it is an attack that is anticipated by precognitive magic.


・[Kuno-type] Monkey dance

It's not an attack, it's more like a gait.

Interweaving feints, he performs slow and rapid movements and slashes from leaps.

A technique designed for group battles.


・ [11 no type] Dog running

This is also a walking method, not an attack.

A technique that accumulates power to the limit while bowing its head and slashes at the enemy at full speed.

It is a technique that requires inhuman reflexes or prescient magic to anticipate it, and it is also a dangerous technique that can self-destruct if handled poorly by those who do not have it.

Although it is a technique designed for one-on-one combat, it can also be used when running through a melee battlefield while cutting down enemies.




[Chapter 10, List of Techniques]


・ Healing Elasticity Fist (Episode 220)

A healing punch with elasticity.

The power has been greatly reduced due to the elasticity, but the power to blow it away is stronger.


・ Magical power turning (Episode 220)

It is the basis of magic and a technology that delves into the movement of magical power.

By moving magic power at high speed, he raised the elasticity that could only be made by the gauntlet of his right arm to a practical level.


- Healing (Episode 220)

A technique that makes it possible to repel attacks with less force by wearing the elasticity in the hand.

Combined with Usato's reflexes, it shows its true value.


- Restraint and Healing (Episode 229)

A technique that grants a restraint spell to a healing player.

It can deflect attacks and at the same time block the opponent's movements.


・Healing Jumping Fist (Episode 232)

Punch the ground with your fist and leap as it is.

Since it does not involve magic turning, it comes out quickly.


- Healing Explosive Bullet (Episode 232)

A technique that envelops a healing explosive wave with elastic healing magic and turns it into a magic bullet.

When it hits the opponent directly, it explodes -- scattering healing magic particles and shockwaves.

According to Usato, "a healing magic bullet that heals a wide area"


・ Healing Bullet Fist (Episode 238)

A healing punch that combines elasticity and systematic blasting.

Strike a wedge with a healing elastic fist and hit a healing barrage fist from above to pass the impact to the depths.

Its power is so powerful that it blows the face of the evil dragon away.


・The Power of Our Friendship (238)

The means used by Usato, who wanted to use the dark wizard Koga as a weapon and defeat all the evil dragons in a hurry.

Sometimes they betray each other, but the two of them are Nakayoshi.

In terms of fighting style, he may be the most compatible with Usato.


- Strengthening and Healing Eye Crushing (Episode 241)

A technique that hits the eye with a healing magic bullet, an advanced type of healing eye crushing.

It emits a magical shockwave from the side of the gauntlet, destroying the opponent's vision.

The range is wide, so you don't have to bother to hit your eyes with magic bullets.


- Healing Bursting Two Palms (Episode 241)

A healing magic bursting palm that is released with both hands.

According to Usato, "If you shoot with both hands, the power will be doubled."


・Healing Chop (Episode 241)

Chop with healing magic.

At the same time as a direct hit, it hits an outburst of magical power.


・Healing Lariat (Episode 241)

Lariat with healing magic.

Since it is elastic, if it hits directly, it will be slammed to the ground by the recoil of the elasticity.


・ Healing Diffusion Fist (Episode 241)

A healing magic bullet that is released in the manner of a healing flying fist.

It's a move that can be fired in close combat, so it's very difficult to avoid if it's released.


- Mini Healing Explosive Bullet (Episode 241)

A healing explosive bullet the size of a ping pong ball.

It's not that powerful, but if you hit it, it will blow you away normally.


・ Healing Bullet (Episode 241)

A healing magic bullet with elasticity.

When it hits a wall, it bounces back, so it can be used in a variety of ways.


・ Great Strengthening Healing Eye Crushing (Episode 242)

A technique that has made strengthening and healing eye-squeezing even more extensive.

By assimilating with Ferm, it is possible to release a magical shockwave from the upper body and frighten opponents at close range.


- Healing Six-Shot Bullet (Episode 243)

A technique made possible by assimilation with Ferm.

From his two arms and the four arms that grew from his back, he unleashed six simultaneous healing fists.

Although it was not released in the main story, it could not be used unless it consumes a lot of magic power and can definitely take away the opponent's consciousness.

If you want to do it, you can also shoot healing flying fists from each arm in succession.


・ Healing Eight-Foot Bullet (Episode 244)

Possible by assimilation with Ferm nea amako.

A cannon that transforms Ferm's dark magic is filled with a healing explosive shell, and on top of it is given the spell of Nea's restraint and the spell of resistance.

A technique that allows Amako to predict the opponent's position in order to make sure that it hits directly, and then shoots it with a healing flying fist.

Although the healing magic contained in it is almost non-lethal, it transmits a considerable shockwave, so at the same time as the direct hit, the movement is blocked by the restraint spell, and even though it is healed by the healing magic, it will continue to be exposed to the shockwave.

Keira says, "It's beautiful like a green flower Mr./Ms.."






[Explanation of form]

・Chimera Usato (Usato IN Ferm + Nea + Amako)


Ferm, who is assimilated with Usato, accepts Nea and Amako even more.

It is a form that can be said to be the culmination of the previous ones, combining elements of humans (?), demons, demons, and beastmen.

By taking this form, Amako, who can anticipate the movements of the opponent and Usato's with precognition, will become the control tower, so Usato will be able to concentrate on the enemy in front of him.


In order to assimilate, you have to gain a certain amount of trust from Ferm, so the only people who are currently known to be able to assimilate are Usato, Nea, and Amako.

Depending on the assimilator, the combination of abilities that can be handled will change.


Example: Suzune + Amako = Usato who uses prescient magic and fast movement in Thunder Beast mode.


Of course, there are disadvantages, and if you assimilate with more than three people, except for Usat and Ferm, the assimilation will be unstable and changes will occur in Usato's body.

Usato, hearing the contents of the disadvantages, vows to never assimilate with more than three people.


I was surprised that there were twice as many techniques as I had imagined.

After all, it's bad that Pokoja made a technique against predictive magic.

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