The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 11 Ch. 16 Table of contents

Armira, a flame swordsman.

She is a woman with more fire and sword skills than her former companion Alc Mr./Ms..

She is currently engaged with Mr./Ms., and I wield my right arm wrapped in a gauntlet while Nea administers a resistance spell.


"Mr./Ms. Leona! I'm here to help!!"

"Oh, we'll fight together! She's strong!!"

"It has to be ......!"


Amira wields her sword and shoots flames at the front.

At the same time, Leona Mr./Ms. releases cold air, canceling it out, and at the same time I jump out and bring it into a flesh fight.


"Don't be afraid to jump in!"

"We can't pull it here!"


Flames engulf Amira's body.

Is this the same magical armor as Nero Argen......?

But still!


"By force!"

"Try it!"


She dodged my fist by deflecting her body, and the sword she was holding became scorching.




As soon as I saw it, I was tormented by tremendous chills, and I held my neck with the gauntlet of my right arm, which was wrapped in dark magic.

In the next moment, a sword flash with a bright red trajectory passes where my head had been earlier.


"How ......powerful is this!?"

"Prevent it! Hahaha, can you prevent this!"


The dark magic robe that was used for resistance magic and defense was torn apart! If it wasn't for the gauntlet, I would have had my arm and neck cut off ......!

The sword in Amira's right hand is red-hot, reminiscent of the color of blood.


"Usato! That's dangerous!'

"If you win, you'll be burned out without question!

"You don't have to say that, I know!"

"Do you have time to talk to yourself?"



The sword swings down from the head as if it were severing both sides, and at the same time hits the floor and melts with smoke.

———, besides the sword, the heat she wears is also getting higher.

If this continues, I will not be able to breathe properly and my throat will burn.


"If I hit it, even I ...... fatally injured! Then you don't have to hit it in the flesh!!"


I've been training for that for a long time!

He deflects the slashes from his sophisticated swordsmanship with his protruding right arm.

Eight slashes -- the last blow from below -- me and Amira stash in the form of fists slamming into each other, and we stepped back from each other.



"Huh, I should have fought you sooner...... It's a shame, but I can understand why Koga is so obsessed with it."


Amira says happily, taking the same stance as me.


"Weirdo Hoihoi ......"

"Battle Junkie's Toy ......"


"These little animals, get ready for later......!"


Is there only my enemies inside and outside?

As expected, if there is another Koga-like person, I will die.

Intuitively, I sensed that Amira was such a battle junkie, so I thought so.




Next, Amira tries to wield her sword at me, and a huge block of ice released by Mr./Ms. Leona approaches her.

However, she doesn't even look at the ice block, and just lightly slashes her scorching sword to melt the ice in an instant.


"Nea, concentrate on resistance to heat! Ferm make a shield for me!"

"First of all, you have to do something with that sword!"


He charges at Amira as if running alongside Leona Mr./Ms., who runs from behind with Falga-sama's armor that has changed from a spear to a sword.

First, I deal with the red sword with a gauntlet, while catching the flames that shoot like waves with the shield of my left arm.


"Prevent it! Leona Mr./Ms., focus on the attack!!"

"Oh, I'm counting on you!"


While I hold the sword with all my might, Mr./Ms. slashes at Amira with her sword.

To match, he creates multiple ice swords and attacks them.



"I wonder if that level of cold air will reach me!"


However, the sword made of ice is melted by the overwhelming heat before it reaches Amira.

Inevitably, melee combat will take place with remote magic sealed.





Amira slams her sword into the ground, releasing a blast of hot air that could be mistaken for a shockwave.

I landed while being blown away, and held up my shield in front of Mr./Ms. to catch the hot air.


"Bumping technique......! Healing rupture...... Shield!!"


From the front of the shield, the magic power explodes in the manner of a healing magic bursting palm, and a radial shockwave is released in front of it, blowing away the heat.

He unlocked his shield and looked ahead to see Amira with an even larger flame on her sword, just about to swing her sword down.


"One more blow......!"


Amira unleashes a flame that seems to burn in front of her.

I make eye contact with Mr./Ms. before leaping with the elastic magic I moved to my legs and jumping over the oncoming flames.



"Oh, it's up!"

"No, this one too!"


Mr./Ms. slashed through the flames with a sword that condensed the cold air into the blade.


"Do you have the same skills as me......!"

"I should be able to talk to you about this!"


When Amira catches the sword, I in the air extend black magic from my left arm and bind her.




"The Spell of Restraint!"


- I suppressed the movement with the magic of restraint!

Two arms stretched out from the back are superimposed on the right arm and a healing bullet that is forcibly strengthened is released!


"Damn it, it's a three-shot healing bullet!"

"Do you want to let me--!"



Just as I was about to strike a blow at the immobilized Amira, a spear flew at me in the air from the side.



"Usato! Be careful!'


He twists his body in mid-air, dodging the oncoming spears and grabbing only one.




As I landed while flicking the throwing spears that were coming at me one after another, the soldiers of the Demon King's army, who seemed to be the elite soldiers brought by Amira, stood in front of me.


"Healing wizard, I'm going to do everything in my power to stop it here......!"

"I'm not going to let Sister Amira do ......!"

"Dealing with a horrible human who has fallen into a demon, huh, that's enough reason to risk your life."


…… Somehow, they are people with incredibly strong characters.

But he clearly has a different vibe than the other soldiers.

I was separated from Mr./Ms..

Behind the walls of soldiers, they are fighting, spreading cold and hot air. …… I need to get there as soon as possible......


"Let them go through that."

"For our will and pride, we won't let you go any further from here!"


A group of elite troops of the Demon King's army throw spears at you.

A bow and arrow can grab you, and a spear that can stop you from moving to intercept -- no, it's not.

If you look closely, this spear is not an ordinary one, is it?


「…… Tree?"

"It took you!"


The pointed wooden spear that pierced my feet suddenly grew to take root on the floor and wrapped around my body.

Tree system magic!?

Looking ahead, he sees a soldier with dark green magic in his palm.


"Finish it off!"



When the roots of a tree are wrapped around her legs and her movements are blocked, a female soldier who adores Amira as her sister attacks with a sword in one hand and an agile movement.

For the time being, he tore off the wooden restraints that had climbed up to his upper body, and lightly flicked the tip of the sword that was thrust out at the critical point with his fist, and when he lost his position, he grabbed the part that was the back of his hand.



"Nea, restraint--"

"Usato, it's in front!"



This time, a soldier in full body armor rammed him with loud footsteps.

He doesn't need to be hit, so he tries to leave, but he notices that the floor under his feet has deteriorated like mud and he can't move.


"Oh, it's the same earth-based magic ...... as Hyde Mr./Ms.."

「! Let it go!"



The back of the hand that was holding the female soldier became lighter.

A large man in full armor comes forward to replace the female soldier who glared at Mr./Ms. at him, perhaps because he had removed his hand from himself.


"Can you stop the armor of this rock mass?"

"...... you're wearing a rock?"


Is this also the magic of the earth system?

As he runs, a man in a rock armor is about to ram him at full speed.

You can't dodge because your feet get stuck on the muddy ground, but that's not a problem.




Thrust out your arms, put your strength into your legs, and stop the man wearing the rock directly in front of you.


"I don't think I'm going to back down...... What a bravado ......!"

"I don't have time to compare my strengths anymore!"


As it is, he lifts his body with only his arm strength and tries to take away consciousness by slamming it on the ground, but this time he is interrupted by the female soldier mentioned earlier.


"Usato, you're linked!"

"As expected, it's going to be troublesome if you do this endlessly......!"


A wizard who stops me in my tracks.

Then there are the soldiers who specialize in speed, and the powerful and heavy wall roles.

There are other soldiers who are also supporting, so it is quite difficult for me to do it alone.

While dodging the mud under your feet, you have to deal with the throwing spears that attack you one after another and the swords wielded by female soldiers.


"No matter how much you look like a monster, you're not alone!"



While following the female soldiers moving around with his eyes, he silently responds to the provocation.

The wooden spear is still being thrown, so I look around to avoid it.


"We have gone through rigorous training under the Second Corps Commander of the Demon King Army's Second Legion!"

"Tough training! What the hell is that?!"

"What!? Uh-huh......"


The training method of the Demon King's army.

I'm interested in their training, which is physically capable of higher than humans.

Perhaps he didn't expect to be asked such a question, but the agile soldier had a puzzled expression on his face.


"I've been immersed in hand-to-hand combat for a long time, and I'm used to the movements of a monster like you!"


Accustom them to the movements?

Is it training to keep being beaten until you can avoid it?



"Damn, I didn't expect Koga to be doing the same training as me......!"

"I swear, I'm not the same as you."


Koga, after all, is a man to be reckoned with.

In addition to imitating my skills, I didn't know that I would even create my own training method similar to Rose's.


"After all, it looks like you have to settle things with him once and for all......!"

"Before that, you must be defeated before our tactics--"

"But first, we have to do something about the situation in front of us! Hmmm!!"


Before he could say that, he trampled the ground with his feet.

The leg strength raised by the strength of Bulllin's legs shakes the floor greatly as a trembling leg.

The ground shook and knocked several people off balance, and in the meantime, they threw a healing magic bullet containing a restraint spell.



"First of all, you're fast!"


With strength in his legs, he moves in front of the female soldier who continues to move in one breath.

She changes direction and moves at a moment's notice, but she immediately uses acceleration with elasticity to get ahead.


"Lie, quick--"

"Healing restraint bullet!"

"——— huh?"


A female soldier whose legs stopped moving due to a healing restraint bullet falls down.

When she gets up, she notices that her legs are no longer moving, and touches them in distraught.


"Oh, my legs don't move...... Why, ......? Huh!? No, no--"


He immediately places a hand on his shoulder and performs a restraint spell to stop his entire body from moving.

If you look away from the soldiers who are not moving, you can see the soldiers who have not yet lost their will to fight.


"This monster! Whew!?"

"Eat it! Guha!?"


Before the sword is swung down, he continuously wields his fist to knock down the soldier who comes towards him.

Turning his gaze back from the soldier who was falling to his knees with the whites of his eyes peeled off, he turned to Mr./Ms..


"Call me from the guy who wants to pass ......!"


As I tried to move forward with a warning, a large demon tribe in full body armor stood in front of me.

Earlier, the soldier wearing rock armor.


"From here on, Mr./Ms.!"


A soldier swings a spear that is as tall as his body.

In an instant, I stepped forward with the elasticity grant and entered the pocket in one breath, and with the magic power turn, I slammed the elastic grant that had moved to my right fist into the bare torso -- and activated the healing barrage fist.


"Healing Bullet Fist"

"Whew!? ———Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


The next moment after the fist pierced, the man in full body armor was blown backwards with a delayed impact due to the magic of the bouncy and the outburst.

The soldier, who still did not lose his will to fight when he saw this, glared strongly at me and threw a spear made of wood at me.


"Don't hold a grudge......!"


Flicking his spear with his left hand, he approaches -- a healing explosive bullet that strikes into the bottom of his palm and shoves it into the soldier behind him.

In the next moment, a healing explosive burst burst and blew up the soldiers in the vicinity.


「…… Okay, now there's a way."

"Looking at the scene in front of me, I'm glad I was defeated by you when you were still weak......"


Ferm's hoarse voice goes through.

Pushing through a space full of green particles, he finally arrives at Mr./Ms..


"Are you safe?"

"Oh......! But it's a tough situation......!"


Good, he doesn't seem to have any major injuries.

Moving next to her, she sees Amira still alive a short distance away.

While wary of her, he casts a healing spell on Mr./Ms. Leona.


"She's strong, I have an advantage if I fight with you, but that would be too exhausting for me."

"Then I'll stop her."


There was no need to hesitate.

Mr./Ms. and me, if I had to prioritize one or the other, she would have to give it a priority.

No matter how you pursue it, Leona, who is only a healing wizard, should go ahead Mr./Ms. Leona, who is more capable than me.


"Mr./Ms. Leona, leave this to me first--"

「…… That kind of lack of hesitation is really like you. But hey, ...... Usato!"


She looked at me and gave me a small smile, and what was going on, pulled me by the shoulders tightly and pulled me back.

What......!? The next moment, a wall of ice was created to block me and Mr./Ms..

Wall due to system strengthening!?


"Mr./Ms. Leona!?"

"Suzune and Kazuki-dono need you, and I'm going to hold Amira and the others here. So I let him do the rest."


When the ice wall completely divides the passage, the next moment there is the sound of flames burning at the end of the thick ice wall and the metallic sound of steel hitting each other.


「…… Whew!"

"Usato, there's no time to mess around, because there are still enemies."

"Oh, I know."


There is no point in regretting it here.

If Mr./Ms. is stranded, we just have to move forward so as not to waste her resolve.




With his back to the ice wall, he saw soldiers on guard.

Until now, they had tried not to get caught up in the aftermath of the battle between Mr./Ms. and Amira, but their goal had changed to me.


"Nea, Ferm, from now on I'm just going to fight."

"Are you okay?"

"Your power will be preserved for the Demon King and the next opponent."


Approaching before the soldier in front of him can move, he slams his fist into his abdomen and reaps consciousness.

Before the soldier next to him notices, he grabs the breastplate and slams it to the ground.

He punches, throws, and punches as he stuns the soldiers who move into his eyes without using healing magic.




Glaring at the soldiers who were on his back, he stepped forward again.

While dealing with the soldiers, footsteps that seemed to be reinforcements were approaching from the end of the passage.

And beyond that, I could smell the sweet scent of magic, similar to Ferm's.

Needless to say, I knew what it was.


"It's time to settle things with you, Koga."


I'm sure you'll be waiting for me with your usual fearless smile, right?

I think he's a really nasty guy because he's sure I'm going to be there.


The soldiers who appeared this time are the ones who appeared in Chapter 6, "Tales of Silence: After the Battle".

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