The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 11 Ch. 29 Table of contents

A storm raging overhead.

Despite the room, thunder roars, and the rain and wind blow like a sting on the skin.


"Nea, resistance to electric shocks! Ferm uses his right arm as a shield! Usato defends with his eyes!

"I'm the only one who doesn't have instructions!!"


He raises the shield on his right arm, which contains the spell of Nair's resistance, upwards and smashes it into the lightning.

While watching the electric shock that is bounced by the shield and dispersed as if bouncing to the ground, he confirms the safety of his seniors and Kazuki.


「…… There it was!"


Kazuki maneuvers his board in the wind towards the Demon Lord, who stands at the center of the storm.

Along with this, the seniors are also wielding swords while wearing electric shocks, but none of them can reach the Demon King.


"I'm going to help!"

"If you go without a plan, it's a second dance!"


I know that.

But we can't afford to get stuck here.


"If you want to erase Kazuki's light magic! Nea, it's a restraint and healing magic bullet......!"

"What are you going to do!?"



When I raise my voice, Kazuki looks at me as he shoots a beam of light from the sky to the Demon King.

Noticing the magic bullet in my hand, he nods vigorously.

The intention has been reached! Then, all you have to do is throw this around!




He runs as hard as he can and throws healing magic bullets.

They are fanned by the wind, but fly straight to the Demon King.


"This is what it is! Usato!!"


At the same time, Kazuki also directs a large number of magic bullets at the Demon Lord.

At the same time, I deploy a spell to prevent them from being released, but that magic only blocks Kazuki's light magic and passes through my magic bullets.




The healing magic bullet that was restrained by the Demon King hit directly.

The wind armor repelled the healing magic bullet at the last minute, but the magic imparted to it restrained the Demon King's wind armor and body.


"Healing magic doesn't work, but magic does!" I'm going to hit this gap!"

"It's a combination!"

"This shouldn't be prevented!!"


Senpai also matches Kazuki's attack and punches him to unleash a barrage of fists.

The restraint will be released soon, but if there is a gap of a few seconds...


"Oh, Usato! Go away!"


"The Demon King is mysorcery・・I also know!!"


In an instant, the restraint spell that had stopped the Demon King's movement burst out.

―――The magic of liberation.

Of course, I thought I had it, but can it be prevented in such an instant?


"Hero of Light...... It's a bit of a hassle, ......."


The Demon King raised his palm upwards, and the rain clouds and wind caused by the magic focused on him.

After confirming that he is trapped in the rain clouds, the Demon King looks at his hands.


"Hmm, but I don't think I'll be able to do magic."

"Eat ......!"

"Healing Continuous Fist!"


The attack of my senior, who is in the state of Thunder Beast Mode 2, and me, who has a huge arm, approaches the Demon King.

The Demon Lord, who dodged my fist with only a slight movement of his body, continued to receive the senpai's attack head-on with his arm, while on the contrary, grabbed his arm and threw it upward.




The Demon King directs his magic at the senior who is soaring in the sky.

Perhaps anticipating an attack, he tried to move into an interception posture in the air.


"The Spell of Slowness"

"What's ———!?"


Along with the sound of the space vibrating, the senior's movements slowed down.

Even the electric shocks emanating from her are now in slow motion, making it clear that the Demon Lord has manipulated time only around his senpai.

The Demon King is trying to release the heat rays he released at me to his seniors.


"Come on! Neaa

"I don't know if I can go!"


Nea grants resistance spells to the magic bullets I made.

Without looking at it, he throws a magic bullet at his senior.




The magic bullet that was released jumped into a space where time was manipulated and hit the senior directly without being affected by it.




- The senior screams and blows away like a girl, but the heat ray passes through the place where her head was earlier.

Oh, it was dangerous......!


"See you again, Usato."

"I'll interrupt you as many times as you want!!"


Face the Demon King who turned his body towards you.

If you go down in a detour, you don't know what you'll do.

If so, you have no choice but to bring it into a melee battle where you don't have time to use magic!


"Elasticity ......!"


He accelerates with the elastic magic power that has moved to his feet, and he becomes a demon lord at once.

A big man who was well over my height--not as much as the ogre I had fought before, but even more intimidating, but still glaring at me.


"Everyone, get hungry!"

"If you come this far, I'll be with you!"

"Do it! Usato!'


"Oh no!? I'm really scared!?"


I'm the only one crying, but I have no choice but to go!!

While turning the elasticity, he sets up a melee battle against the Demon King.


"Interesting...... Let's go along with the frolic of it."


An attack using healing magic will heal the Demon Lord!

If so, I will use my magic power in the direction of assisting my movements with all my might.


"Healing Accelerated Fist!"


He unleashes his fists at the Demon King while unleashing magical energy from his elbows, feet, and fists.

In response, he lightly raises his arms and blocks my fists with his wind armor.


"A combination of fighting, healing magic and sorcery, how can it look harmless and ......?"

"I'm going to distort that smug face......!"

"Dual personality or something?"


——— knew from the previous battle, the Demon King is impossibly high not only in terms of magic but also in terms of physical ability.

I was fighting that Hisago Mr./Ms. on an equal footing, so it's not surprising...... It's said to be declining from its heyday, so it's a monster ......!


"Ferm! Give me more arms!!"

"Devil Usato!"


I didn't say that!!

However, Ferm does as Nea wishes, and grows wings with hands on my back.


"What, what's this, Usato has finally turned into a monster!?"

"I just grew wings! Calm down!'

"It's true, it's no different from the usual Usato......


Amako, it's strange to be convinced by that!

However, when the Demon King saw four wings growing out of my back, he laughed merrily.


"Haha, come on, isn't that just the devil? No, you look more devilish than the devil I know, don't you?"

"I did it! Usato! It's the Demon King's endorsement! Give it back!!"

"We're all enemies!!"


Why do I have to say I'm a monster in the middle of a fight like this, this bastard?

I want to say out loud that you are the best monster ......!

While venting all his anger on the Demon King, he punches the Demon King with his own arms and the four wings on his back.




The Demon King uses the magic floating around him as a shield to intercept the attack of the wings, and uses his arms to deal with the powerful fists of the servant.

I can follow the movements of my seniors in Thunder Beast Mode 2 with my eyes, so I ...... be able to predict my movements!

Besides, maybe the Demon King is watching this figure of me through a familiar or something!


"But there's no reason to be intimidated here!"


He slams his arm like a hammer from above.

His expression changes when a crack appears at the Demon King's feet, who has received it head-on.


"The shockwave caused by the outburst of magic and the acceleration?"

"Whew, Healing Bullet Fist!!"


- You can catch the right fist thrust that was unleashed just because there was a chance.

Seeing the elasticity in his fist, the Demon King let out an impressive voice.


"Is this making the magic resilient? It's a technology I hadn't seen before it was sealed. It's called a magical outburst, is this a common technique in the Ringle Kingdom?"

"......, that's right!!"

"Why are you lying there!?"


I ...... thinking that I need to show my mental strength here!

When the magic power exploded from his fist and he pulled his fist -- the next moment, the Demon King's outstretched hand approached.

What I could faintly see was the magic floating in my palm.


"Don't take it!"

"After all!"


Hearing Amako's voice, she leans over and a hand grabs her shoulder.

Then, the magic of the dark magic in the touched area dissipates, and the white uniform is exposed.


"Dark magic has been melted!?"


Ferm's impatient voice.

He narrowly avoids the approaching hand and glares at the Demon King.


"The Magic of Magic...... It's magic that eats away at magic. Your dark magic defense doesn't make sense, does it?"

"You can do anything!"

"Even with this, about seventy percent of the power is sealed."


Hopeless information, thank you very much!

The Demon King turns around and sets up a fight that interweaves magic.

If you keep it like this, you'll just be scraped! If......!


"Nea, no moreCan you go?・・・・!?」

"Yes! I've seen enough!"

"Then get caught!!"

"Well, what are you going to do--"


Charge forward with your right hand behind your back.

He takes the Demon King's outstretched hand with his left shoulder and touches the Demon King with his left hand, which is imbued with the release spell that Nea has given him.

As a result, the wind armor that covered the Demon King's body shattered like glass.



"At this distance, you can't defend yourself!"


In his right hand, which he had hidden, he had a healing explosive bullet.

Holding it in his right hand, he slams it into the defenseless Demon King.

At the same time, my body is enveloped in dark magic to protect myself from the shockwave of the bursting healing explosive bullet.


"———, it's finally a blow."

"Aren't you stupid!? Isn't it a suicide bombing or a stupid thing?! Take better care of me!?"

"I'm sorry, I'll make up for it later...... Concentrate on what's in front of you."


He immediately removes his magical armor and looks in the direction where the Demon King was.

There was the figure of the Demon King, who was sticking out his palm in front of him and had a surprised expression on his face.

…… He was blown away, but he didn't seem to respond in the slightest.

The storm and thunder created by the Demon King are still raging here.

If I don't do something about it, Kazuki will too.


"Usato-kun! I'm sorry I let you fight alone!!"


While shouting, the senior who jumped in front of me fired an electric shock from his palm and suppressed the Demon King.

She looks back at me and gives me a smile that doesn't fit the occasion.


"It worked a while ago, but it helped!"

"Oh, yes......."

"That's the whip of love!"


For the time being, I know you're business as usual.

However, Kazuki is trapped in the wind and rain clouds and can't get out.

Besides, I didn't mind fighting the Demon King earlier, but I have to watch out for electric shocks from the sky.


"Usato-kun, this Suzune, you've found a secret plan against lightning."

「…… Yes?"

"Let's put it into practice now!!"


While saying something strange, a senior jumps up with a sword.

…… No, no, wait a minute! If that's the case, aren't you going to be struck by lightning ......?

The next moment I thought so, sure enough, lightning struck my senior, and her figure was enveloped in light.


"Se, Senpai!?"

"What are you doing!?"


Away from me and Nea's screams, the senior's high-pitched laughter echoes from the light.


"Hahahaha! Devil! Thunder against me is a bad move!!"

「…… What?"


Although struck by lightning, the senpai's figure was unharmed.

No, on the contrary, her sword contained an overflowing electric shock, and with both hands clasped in her hands, she spun around in the air and unleashed an oversized electric shock at the Demon King below.


"Bumping special move! It's a blitzkrieg dog!"


With a technique name that looked like a mass of sense, the dropped electric shock instantly engulfed the Demon King's form.

When I was stunned by the scene, the senior who landed beside me showed me a dodgy face that I didn't know how many times today.


"Huh, I'm the one who controls the thunder."

「…… No, I mean, it's a good idea ......."


What you're doing is really ridiculous.

I can rely on it normally...... I wonder what it is.


"——— you've come this far, and you've got a lot of crooks."


The rainwater evaporates due to the lightning released by the senior, and the Demon King emerges from the place where the water vapor rises.

His hands are slightly stained with soot and appear to be from a hand wound.


"It's good just to know that the attack is going to work."

"Yes, I do."


But the two of us and my seniors can't push through.

While wary of the Demon Lord, Kazuki looks up at the rain clouds in which he is trapped, and suddenly notices that light is leaking through the gaps in the rain clouds.


「…… It seems that the brave men over there are no less flashy than you."


As the Demon King spoke, a thick beam of light shot out of the rain clouds.

They spin around and disappear while destroying the jutsu that covers the sky.

In an instant, Kazuki destroyed all of the Heavenly Storm spells and descended on us with smoke radiating from the gauntlet in his left arm.


"I'm sorry, I rubbed my hands."

"No, I'm fine here."

"It was good......


He stroked his chest in relief and glared sharply at the Demon Lord.


"After fighting, I found out that my magic is being countered by the Demon Lord."

"Oh, I guess it's because Mr./Ms. Hisago also used light magic."


The lineage enhancement is different, but the light magic should be the same.

It wasn't surprising that it had magic to counter the disappearance of light magic, like the golem in those ruins.

Perhaps realizing this, Kazuki releases multiple magic bullets into a disc shape.


"I'm going to support Usato and my senpai."

"It looks like you should do that, and I'm going to give it a try."


Then I'm going to destroy the magic with Nea so that it will be easier for my seniors to attack.

After confirming the roles of each, we will face the Demon King once again.

The battle has only just begun.

The Demon King's power is still unstoppable, but if everyone here works together to fight, they will surely find a way out.


The correct use of healing magic bullets that Usato had envisioned was to help and heal his allies.

In addition, it seems that the senior who was saved will be blown away by the impact.


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