The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 13 Ch. 5 Table of contents

A two-day boat trip to Myarak.

Until then, we will be guarding and monitoring the Demon Lord, but we will not do it all the time, and of course we will take turns.

We don't expect the Demon King to go on a rampage, but we have to do what we have to do for the Mr./Ms. of the sailors Mr./Ms. and knights on board.


「…… So why are you here?"



I tried to rest in my room by changing guards with Mr./Ms. Leona, but for some reason Koga came to me.

I was sitting on the bed, reading while doing some magic, when Koga, who was sitting in a chair, turned to me.


"I'm free, I'm here to play."

"Get out."

"Well, calm down, we've fought so many times, aren't we?"

"Isn't that why?"


If they fought together in the same camp, they would have fought each other hard, right?


"Frankly, if you wander around the ship, you'll be scared."

"Ah, I see."

"I was sitting in the room where it was assigned to me when Amira came in and ran away."

"Work hard."


This guy ran away from Mr./Ms. Amira

Koga, who looks dazed, is paying attention to me as if he is interested in the magic rotation that I am doing.


"So, what are you doing?"

「…… Sigh."


With a sigh, he shows his left hand doing the magic spinning.

Seeing the magic moving quickly and smoothly from finger to finger, Koga nodded in admiration.


"Training in magic manipulation? Don't look at weird places."

"It was bad, in a weird place."

"No, I'm just complimenting you, right? Frankly, I'm not good at finding that kind of thing."


Saying this, Koga gathers magic in his right hand.

However, due to the nature of dark magic, it creates something more like a bump than a magic bullet, which is then moved from finger to finger.


"Oh, it's surprisingly difficult.

"It's not so easy to succeed...... The trick is not to force it to move...... It might be a good idea to imagine it moving with the flow of water."

"I see."


…… No, why am I teaching this guy how to turn his magic?

It's going to make this guy stronger again.


"How much can you do now?"

"You can unconsciously spin around while reading a book...... I think that's about it."


Raising one arm and performing a magic spin at high speed, Koga looks as if he has pulled back.


"What's that...... what?"

"Healing Accelerated Finger Bullet"

"Isn't it dangerous!?"


Koga tilts his head to avoid the healing finger bullets that are accelerated and launched by turning his magic.

Chi, don't you win?

Koga, who broke out in a cold sweat at the sight of the healing acceleration bullet that hit the wall and scattered, turned to look back at him, his cheeks twitching.


"Oh, it's dangerous, it's on the ship......

"It's healing magic, so it's okay, and you...... It's sturdy, isn't it?"

"Smile!? I've never been trusted in such a nasty direction!?"


Koga is shocked by me with a big smile.


"I probably know better than you how sturdy you are."

"I suppose you used me as a club."


It's safe to say that this guy, who has mastered my elasticity, has much more durability than before.

He used to be a reluctant guy, but now he's a more troublesome guy because of my skills.

…… Somehow, when I think about it, I'm getting sick.


"Look, dodge, it's an evasion drill."



While making both hands in the shape of a finger gun, he fires a series of healing finger bullets by turning his magic.

It's not that powerful, it's just a magic bullet that's fast, but Koga dutifully dodges it desperately.


"Speaking of which, I heard that you were teaching soldiers to train in the Demon King's army."

"What, how do you know?"

"I heard it from a soldier Mr./Ms. who seems to be one of your men."


Soldiers who fought after the battle with Mr./Ms. Amira in the Demon Castle.

His level of training was clearly different from that of the other soldiers, and above all, he worked well together.


"yes, they trained me as well."

"How did you train?"

"What? Well, it's a mock battle or something. It's also good for my training."


Mock battles?

Does Koga's training mean that it is a combat format?


"Well, it was tough against you, they were pretty depressed, weren't they?"

"No, it was tough for me if I was able to work it out, because I kind of neutralized them one by one before they did."


I could have forced my way through, but that would have been pretty draining.

In that sense, they were strong.

Koga, who looks heartless and satisfied, talks to him from there this time.


"How do you usually train?"

"What? I'm mainly running."

「…… It's short if you just put it into words, but in your case, the content is different."


What's inside is different, huh?

No, there are too many differences between humans and demons besides training.

Even I don't fully understand the whole story.


"Oh, then."


"I'm free on the boat, so is there anything I can do to get my body moving?" You're good at thinking about that kind of thing, aren't you?"


As for me, I want you to be quiet on the ship.

Suddenly, I look up and see something glittering on the ceiling.




It is a metal fitting that hooks the magic tool that turns on the light.

When I saw the two of them lined up at just the right distance, I had a new idea of training.


「…… There's just the right fittings on the ceiling."

"Hmm? Oh, that one for hanging magic tools."


If you look up at the ceiling, there are two metal fittings that just hook up.

It's meant to hook a magic tool and illuminate the light, but it may have been renovated or something, but the lighting-type magic tool is attached to the ceiling, so the metal fitting is meaningless.

I point to it and explain it to Koga.


"I'll try grabbing it with only my fingers and hanging it."


"Make sure you can afford it with your own weight."

「…… Wow."

"Then you can do reverse push-ups."

"Wait a minute, that's crazy......


Koga gives me a pat on the back as I tilt my head.


"What are reverse push-ups? The reverse of push-ups!?"

"I can't help it, I'll give it a try."

"Why do you look like I'm crazy ......?"


Jumping lightly, grabbing the metal fittings on the ceiling with only the strength of his fingers, and hanging.

When you know that the metal fittings can properly support your weight, raise your body so that it is parallel to the ceiling with only your arm strength, and start push-ups so that you pull your body to the ceiling.

After doing this about ten times lightly, he lands on the floor.


「…… Once again, I understand the absurdity of your idea."

「…… I really ...... done it!"

"What do you mean by being the most surprised...... I can think of something that would be interesting."


It seems that he has also created a ridiculous training method.

Again, he talks to Koga, who is sitting on the bed and looking up at the ceiling.


"What are you going to do now?"

"What's going on?"

"The Demon King's army will be dismantled, right? Doesn't that mean you're not going to be a corps commander?"


In response to my question, Koga nodded with a slightly troubled gesture.


"Well, you're going to be working for the Demon Lord for a while, fighting off demons and, well, dealing with humans coming from outside?"

"You mean it's not that different from when the Demon King Army was there?"

"Ah, I had the option of going on a trip, but--"


Koga points his finger at me.

He continues with a hateful smile on his face.


"I want to see what you're going to do."

"Don't talk like I'm going to cause a ruckus."

"It's going to happen, actually, because you're being eyed by some interesting people, aren't you?"


Did the Demon King teach you?

Well, I'll tell you that, I think, and sigh.


"Even after the war is over, you're still a troublesome ......."

"I've always been like that, and I can't change it now."


Don't say it yourself.

…… The first time I fought this guy, he was messed up.

Even after that, the rotten relationship with this guy has somehow continued.


"I'm getting hungry, do you want to go to the cafeteria for something to eat?"

"It's too free."


- She stands up, stunned by Koga who suddenly says such a thing.

In terms of time, it was dinner time.

Koga would be scared by the other sailors on his own, but he would be fine with me.


"Don't make a fuss, okay?"


"If you wake up, I'll clean you up."



Sighing at Koga following him from behind, he opened the door and made eye contact with a senior who was about to knock on the room at the end of it.




Perhaps he was trying to invite me to dinner, but he looked at Koga behind me with a surprised expression.

The senior, who had changed from his shy expression to a stunned one, tilted his head in confusion.


「…… Boys' party?"

"Don't call it like a girls' party."


It's amazing when those words come out in the first voice.

Then he smiled brightly at what he thought.


"I want to be a part of it."

"You're a girl, aren't you......?"

"Huh, that's sweet, I'm a who can even be hubbed by a girls' party, right?"

"Please stop blurring that is difficult to react to."


What kind of girls' party is that?

With a wry smile on his face, he asks his seniors what he needs.


"Well, why are you here?"

"Oh, yes, I thought I'd invite you to dinner."

"We were going to the cafeteria, so why don't you go with us?"


It's just right, so let's go with the seniors.

Keeping an eye on Koga behind him, he walks out of the room.


"You've always had a relationship with him."

"I'm aware of it, but this guy is approaching me on his own."

"It's too bad to hear, no, it's true."


He points his finger and says that, and Koga twitches his smile.

Senpai himself is not as scared of demons as I am, so it helps that he can talk normally.


"I haven't spoken to you since the ruins, Koga-kun."

"Oh, wow."

"I've heard a lot about you being wielded as a weapon by Usato-kun."


Koga looks at me with a very troubled face, but ignores me.

Because if I do it poorly, it will ...... to me!


"Well, I remembered that it was more of an archaeological site."

"You've blatantly changed the subject......


I wonder if he doesn't want to talk about how he was weaponized.

Koga, who turned to me, twitched his smile and frantically brought up the topic.


"You had a kid with you, didn't you?"

"You mean Keira?"

"Oh, your name was Keira, and she came to visit me a while ago."




To my surprise and my seniors, Koga tells me about that time.


"I was surprised to hear that a dark wizard kid was coming, because it was the first time since Ferm."

"Was it just Keira?"

"No? There was a guy who looked like a guardian. It's rare for a dark wizard these days, and I've been blessed with people around me."


Gref Mr./Ms. .......

His leg injury seems to be healing, and I'm glad he seems to be doing well.

But why did you visit Koga?


"Tell me how to deal with 'dark magic'."

"To you?"


Dark magic has gone out of control again...... That's what I mean.

At the time of us, we were working hard to make dark magic our own, but now we wanted to learn from Koga how to handle it in order to live with it.


"But I thought I didn't need to tell you because I'm pretty good at what I'm doing...... Still, you want me to tell you--"


"I ran away with the excuse of being in charge of escorting this time."



With a smile on my face, I grabbed Koga's shoulder and squeezed his strength.

Next, talk to your seniors.


"Senior, why don't you throw this thing overboard now?"

"Can I have an alibi that me and Usato-kun had dinner together?"

"That's good."

"Wait, wait, wait!?"


Koga is in a tremendous hurry.

I sigh and listen to his excuses.


"Think about it, am I the one who can teach people anything? Even if you can, you're going to fight, right?"

"That doesn't mean you can't leave it alone."

"She's my sister."


Senior, don't make Kira your sister.

Passing through the senior's blur, Koga shakes his hand.


"Well, well, listen to the end of the story, to be honest, I can't teach you dark magic because I also use it with my senses, so I thought I'd leave it to someone who knows more about dark magic than I do."

"Who's that?"



Koga points at me.

I looked behind me, but there was no one there.



"Oh, I'm more of a dark wizard than you areCompatibleHighly dependentI don't want to do that."

"Doesn't it have any implications?"

"It's my fault."


Damn it...... Is it because of my mind?

I can't help but feel like I was a little stupid and malicious.

I tilt my head, and Koga continues to speak.


"By the way, it was you and Ferm who taught Keira how to use dark magic, right? Then I'd much better throw it to you."


…… That's true, but she's still a child of the demon tribe.

It's too tough to come here.


"It's impossible for Kira to come here, it hasn't been long since the war ended. It would be dangerous to bring her into the Lingle Kingdom in this precarious situation."


I'm worried about Keira, but I'm more afraid of what will happen to her.


"Then why don't you come over here?"

"Wait for that simple."


...... I'm going to the Demon Lord's Realm?

It's a reversal of ideas, but maybe it's not such a bad idea.


"Dispatch Rescue Team...... No, it's not something to take lightly."


Cancel your thoughts that come to mind.

Whatever you do, the priority is the life of the Ringle Kingdom.

I can't afford to act selfishly and cause trouble for Mr. Lloyd.


"Anyway, when you get back, take a look at Keira's dark magic."

"Ah, okay, well, I'll tell you something."

"I'll also send you a letter to Keira."

"Can I send it too?"

"Haha, of course."


Nodding to his seniors, he thinks of Kira, who is working hard in the Demon Lord's Realm.

He's trying to face his magic and hone it.

I would like to help them do so, but for now I have to concentrate on the Allied talks in front of me.


It was Kira who was trying to do her best in the Demon Lord's Realm.


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