The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 13 Ch. 7 Table of contents

After a long boat ride, we arrived safely at Mearlark.

Fortunately, there was no commotion on the way, so we decided to pack up and go down to the port of Myalark.

When I descended to the harbor with the Demon King and Koga in the lead, I was greeted by a familiar face.


"Mr./Ms. Charon!"

"Oh, it's been a while, Usato!"


Mr./Ms. Charon, a large man with an impressive cheerful smile.

He is a knight of Miarak who used to run amok due to the power of the dragon.

He waved lightly at us, then spoke to the Demon Lord in a serious manner.


"You're welcome, Demon Lord."

"Well, are you a Farga kinsman?"

「! Did you know......

"Of course, there are not many people who are mixed between dragons and humans."


He scratched his head in embarrassment at the Demon King's words and saluted with a fist on his chest.


"I will take you to the Norn, Queen of Miarak."


It seems that Mr./Ms. Charon is a guide to the castle.

After confirming that the Demon King had agreed, he turned to face him.


"I'll take care of the rest, and you guys can move towards the inn."

"Understood, the innkeeper ......."

"As I told you beforehand, it's near the Demon Lord's Palace."


From here, the Demon Lord will come face-to-face with Norn, Lloyd, and Farga.

We hand over the duties of escort to Charon Mr./Ms. and Leona Mr./Ms. and head to our base quarters in this country.


"You look more fearless than before, Usato."

"No, no, not yet."

"That's the same as ever."


Charon Mr./Ms. pats me on the shoulder and looks at Leona Mr./Ms..


"Leona, don't take a detour and show me around."

"I know, you're the one to do your job."

"Hahaha, I'll see you later."


As he watches as he, Mialak, and the knights of the Ringle Kingdom and the two kingdoms head towards the castle with the Demon King, he notices something.

Isn't Mr./Ms. walking normally without a cane?


"Did Mr./Ms.'s legs get better?"

"To the extent that it doesn't interfere with my daily life, I'm on my way to recovering with Falga-sama's magic, potions, and rehabilitation. I can't fight like I used to."

"That's enough."


It was really good.

Mr./Ms. is simply relieved that he can now walk without a cane.

Then, I noticed that the senior next to me had a difficult expression on his face.


"Senior, what did you do?"

"Oh, yes...... I've met Charon from another world once. It's kind of a strange feeling when you think about it."



Senpai used to fight me in a parallel universe with Kazuki.

I had forgotten that I had encountered Mr./Ms. Charon in that world there.


"The reason he was like that in the parallel universe was probably because Usato didn't meet me."

"Really? Nea"

"Because the power of Charon's dragon went out of control because the soul of the evil dragon was revived."


Nea tried to manipulate the corpse of the evil dragon to capture me, and the soul of the evil dragon was revived by the impetus.

If it weren't for that encounter itself, there would have been no Charon Mr./Ms. who would run away due to the awakening of the evil dragon, and so in the parallel world, there would have been Charon Mr./Ms. as the hero of Mialak.


"Well, it's a little lonely when you think about it."

"It's just a little bit me."

"Actually, I'm not too worried, you've been converted for the time being, haven't you? Then you're going to meet me someday."


I'm strangely convinced.

Well, to be honest, that's how I think too.


"I'm already dead, so I'll never see you!"

"I'm probably dead, too, or I'm so avenged that I won't even meet you!"


"If you're depressed, you shouldn't have told ......."

"Are you stupid, these guys ......?"


I and Nea are stunned by the seniors and Ferm who are depressed.

Yes, I'm over there, and I'm not going to get to the reality I'm in now.

Senpai and Kazuki are missing.

I couldn't stand that reality, so I kept fighting until I hurt myself.

He probably thought it would be a punishment for him for not being able to save his senpai and Kazuki.


"Still, there was a reason to fight......


I'm sure I had a reason to fight other than revenge.

Because of that, I kept fighting for someone without stepping over the last line.


"Hey, hey, Usato."


"Look at the streets of Mearlac."


At the sound of Nea's voice, he turned to the castle and moved the location from the harbor to the castle town.

The city was full of people, and there were many stalls and shops selling seafood like a market Mr./Ms..

I was fascinated by the completely different scenery from the last time I came.


"It's more picturesque when it's crowded with people."

"I wanted to show you what this city is like...... The last time you visited, the people of Myalak were evacuated......


Before, Mr./Ms. had been swallowed by the power of the dragon and was out of control, so the people of this city had taken refuge elsewhere.

Because of that, this place had become a ghost town, so this cityscape full of people today is the first sight I have ever seen.


"Mr./Ms. is selling a lot of fish."

"After all, it's lively when there are people."


Ferm, who is assimilated with me, and Nea, who is in the owl state and on his shoulders, are also looking around with interest.

Although he doesn't show his dark magic powers, he has attracted a lot of attention from the people around him when he has an owl on his shoulder.


"Is that Usato-sama a hero......

"He's what keeps us here......

"He's still a child, but he's magnificent."


…… No, it's really getting a lot of attention.

Is it because there is Leona Mr./Ms., the hero of this city?

Perhaps noticing that I was twisting my neck, Leona Mr./Ms. spoke to me with a wry smile.


"You're the one who saved this city, and of course you know your face."

"What...... It's kind of itchy...... isn't it?"

"On top of that, as one of the people involved in ending the war, as a person in the midst of the love affair of Suzune the Brave, his name is spread in many ways."



Me and my seniors choke at the same time.

Regardless of the Demon King relationship, it was really surprising to hear the senior's voice here.


"Well, I didn't expect to come here and make mistakes in the past...... I'm sorry, Usato-kun, I'm extremely sorry for this, but ......!"

"No, no, I know you don't mean any offense, so I won't blame you anymore......"


Besides, the Ringle Kingdom has corrected the rumors, so even if you have doubts, you shouldn't be misunderstood.

Or rather, I would like to think so.

However, it is depressing to think that there are people in this attention who have such a misunderstanding.

I don't think it's going to be a very pleasant thing for my seniors anyway...... either.


"Huh...... Hmm?"


At that time, I suddenly see a figure in my field of vision that has a different atmosphere from the people of the city.

When I stopped and looked at it, I saw a girl with an androgynous appearance wearing a gray robe like the one worn by travelers. …… He was a boy.

In addition to the robe, a cutlass, in a sheath? It is equipped with a curved sword similar to the

With his reddish-black hair tied back, he stares at me intently, but when he notices my gaze, he waves at me with a friendly smile.


"Usato, do you know each other?"

"No, it's not...... I'll shake your hand for now."


It's bad to ignore them, and they politely wave back.

Then, with a slight movement of his gaze, his expression suddenly changed to one of bitterness.





I tilt my head because I don't know why he distorts his neat face so neat that I can see it from a distance.

You're not looking at me, and I'm not going to ask you about it.

As I was thinking about this, a senior who approached me stopped and put his hand on my shoulder.


"Usato-kun, what's wrong? Stop there."

"Oh, no...... Earlier, there ...... Isn't it?"


The boy who was there a moment ago is nowhere to be found.

Did you go there because there was an alley nearby?


"No, it's nothing."

"Really? Then let's go ahead."


…… For the time being, let's remember the boy from earlier.

I just realized that when he changed his expression to a bitter one, there was a senior in front of him.

There is a possibility that it is someone who has a grudge against a senior.




"Do you remember holding a grudge against someone? Except for me."

"Oh, no, I don't? …… Do you have a grudge against me!?"


Well, it would.

There is no way that this person would be resented by others.

…… No, even if you think about it here, you will never get an answer.

In the meantime, let's report this and do what we can now.



Mr./Ms. led me through the city to a section that used to be on a lake.

Apparently, he has enlarged the city for the upcoming meeting, and built an inn on it for the Demon King, the upcoming royal family, and his associates.

There are a number of large inns lined up in the area that extends from the city, and it is amazing that all of them are inns where people who come for meetings stay.

The reason why we can build something of this scale in such a short time is probably because of the existence of magic, but I understood why this place is called a floating city.


"Ferm, you can unassimilate."



When they arrive at the inn, they dissolve their assimilation with Ferm.

The exterior felt more like a luxurious mansion than an inn, but the inside was also quite spacious.


"As you know, you will be living here as the Demon Lord's bodyguards and watchmen."

"Of course I know...... Is Kazuki-kun Lloyd-sama's place?"


Leona Mr./Ms. nods at her senior's words.


"Kazuki-sama is the same base as King Lloyd's bodyguard, and it's not too far from here, so you might want to go and see him. It'...... just."


Mr./Ms. shifts her gaze to Ferm and looks complicated.

She tilts her head curiously, and Leona Mr./Ms. speaks in a grave tone.


"Demon Tribe...... Ferm should try not to go outside as much as possible. Gathering here are royalty from other countries and their associates. As with the image of the demon tribe, there are probably many people who have discrimination against subhumans. So--"

"I know, you're saying it for me, aren't you?"

「…… I'm sorry."

"It's okay, thank you."


The battle against the demon tribe ended not long ago.

It is not surprising that some countries still have a terrifying image of demons.

Ferm knows that too.


"Or rather, it's just that the Lingle Kingdom is strange, and it's rather normal, you don't have to worry about it."

"Oh, ......?"

"Oh, when I go outside, I'll assimilate with Usato or Nea and follow him, so it's not a problem."

"Huh, can I do it? Ferm"

"You can't do it physiologically."

"I'm the same girl!?"


- Gabin is shocked by Ferm's words.

Later...... The same can be said for the Demon King, Mr./Ms. Ciel. Amira wouldn't do that.

The problem is Koga, but as for him, I should be watching.


"Shall we continue talking?"


Then Leona Mr./Ms. explains about this inn.

First of all, I would like to talk about consideration and support for the employees who work here.

The story is that Miarak hired someone who has no prejudice or reluctance towards subhumans, but the other party is still a tall demon lord who gives off a sense of intimidation just by being normal.

Even people who aren't scared of subhumans are scared of them, so we were told that we, who were based here, would help them.

This is a story that cannot be helped, so my seniors and I agreed to this story.


"Well, I don't want you to use this too much, but there is a training ground in the area where this inn is located."

"Training ground? Why?"

"Did you say that from now on, the royal families of many countries or their associates will gather in Myalark? Some groups arrive a few days before the meeting, so we have set up a place for entertainment, like a training ground, so that we don't have too much time to spare."


The royal family themselves train them...... Isn't it? If so, does that mean there is a place to watch the game?

Mr./Ms.'s concern is that I am worried that I will do it at the training ground.


"Don't worry, I've decided that I won't be training like I did in the lifeguards while I'm here."

"It's not like the idiot who did the crazy thing like reverse push-ups on the ship."

"I'm sure you're going to do something weird in a different direction, you know, I know."



Without a word, I grabbed Ferm and Nea by the neck and turned to Leona Mr./Ms..


"Mr./Ms., can you tell me the location of the training ground? ―――With these kids for a momentdrivetagI'm going to do it."

"Oh, it's a lie, isn't it?! That's why you don't train when you're traveling!?"

"Let it go!"



Well, it's a joke, so I release the two of them.

Mr./Ms. smiles wryly at the two of them, their faces turning pale.


"If anything happens, let the innkeeper or the knight on guard know."


"I'm going back to the Norns, and I'll take care of the rest."

"Yes, thank you so much."


I see off Mr./Ms. as she walks out of the door of the inn.

She turned to look at me as if she remembered something as she put the door in her hand.


"Ah, yes, I heard from the guards earlier that there were others besides you who had already arrived."

"What? Is that so?"

"I'm the chief of Hinomoto, the land of beastmen, and there are Amako and Kannagi at the inn where he is, so why don't you visit him?"


Is Mr./Ms. Hayate coming!?

It's true that Miarak and Hinomoto are next to each other, so it's not at all strange to come early.

There's still a lot of time before the Demon Lords return, so let's go say hello to Mr./Ms. Hayate before then.


Arrival of Mealak & appearance of a mysterious person.


An interesting twist occurs that Charon in the IF world has already been awakened, so he will not be affected by the awakening of the evil dragon.

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