The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 13 Ch. 11 Table of contents

Basically, we thought we couldn't leave the place where the Demon King was, but it seems that we can move more freely than we expected.

One reason for this is that there is a Falga-sama here.

Since this was already Farga-sama's domain, the Demon King couldn't imitate him, and in addition, Leona Mr./Ms. and Charon Mr./Ms. were waiting nearby, so I and my seniors had some time to move freely.


"It was surprising that Ferm didn't come."

"I'm sure he's thinking the way he does."


The day after arriving in Myalark.

As I walked down a deserted street lined with the same buildings, I remembered the conversation I had just had.

He had to use his free time to go outside to figure out the location of the buildings around him and the building he was staying in, but Ferm refused to go outside.


"If I follow you, there might be a ruckus, I don't want to bother you, so I'm keeping quiet here for now."


Perhaps Ferm cared about me.

Grateful for her care, he walks down a mostly deserted road with an owl-like Nea on his shoulder.


"It's a strange feeling to expand a city."

"It's weird to think there's a lake down here."


The place I'm walking on was on the water until the other day.

The magic of making it possible to do something as crazy as expanding a city and creating new structures on top of it is truly amazing.

It would never have been possible to make it at such a fast pace with the technology of the original world.


"It's good that I'm not popular, because they won't be suspicious if I speak."

"Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, it's going to be different."


Representatives of each country will arrive in earnest from tomorrow.

There are a lot of people coming from countries that I know and that are far away.




What worries me is the discrimination against subhumans.

It is known that the meeting will be attended by the elves, the beastmen, and the most hostile demon races.

The Demon Clan is not too worried because there is a weak but dangerous guy called the Demon King, but they are worried about other things.


"Don't you have to look around?"

「…… Ahh

"I wish I could relax my shoulders at times like this."


Nea on his shoulder is constricted.

It's important to take a break.


"Then let's go see the rumored training ground!"

"How do you relax your shoulders?"


A training ground that I thought I would never go to.

You can only go at a time like this, so let's go see it while we can.

There would be no people now.


"Don't be excited......

"Your childishness is crazy...... Well, if you want to go, why not?"

"It's decided."


If that is decided, let's go straight to the training ground.

The land added to the Mealak is quite large, and the training ground is so vast that it can fit in an entire area.

Moreover, it is quite conspicuous because it is located in the middle of a lot of inns where many inns are built.


「…… No, it's big."


There are spectator seats, and the area around the training ground is surrounded by walls as high as a small stadium.


"Didn't you care about the appearance after all? It's like a place for entertainment."

"Do you feel like you're comparing your guards?"

"It's going to be a competition for appearance."


I'm scared when that happens......

I'm worried that I and my seniors will be involved in the Demon King's evil ride.

Apparently, the door is free, so I step inside.




When you enter, it is quite spacious.

A target that is installed on the edge of the ground that has been leveled tightly.

Training weapons such as wooden swords were well prepared, and it seemed to be the perfect place to train.


「…… If you think about it, there's no point in coming here, right? I don't think you can use it on your own."

"Certainly, you can't force yourself to enter here because of your position."



Well, it's okay because I could see as much as I could see.


"I don't choose where I train......

"I don't want to understand, but it's unreasonable to understand because I've known you for so long ......."


I was training to make the most of the place during the trip.

In fact, there are only a few people who have done it properly.




As I was looking at the training ground from the place where I was in the audience, I suddenly felt someone's gaze from behind me.

You're not a senior...... Who?


"What's wrong? Usato?"

"Is anyone there?"


Somewhat wary, I called out to the entrance behind me, and a figure came out from the end of the passage.

When I braced myself for the presence and appearance of no one I knew, the person who came out hurriedly raised his hands and came out to the place where the light was shining.


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to alarmyou you."

"You're ......."


What came out was a boy wearing a distinctive robe.

As on his hips, he is equipped with a sword resembling a cutlass in a scabbard.

Looking at his androgynous appearance and weapons, he realizes that he is the boy he saw on the street yesterday.


"Well, we met yesterday, didn't we? Do you remember?"

"Oh, I was in the city yesterday...... Why are you here?"


Without letting his guard down, he asks why he's here.


"Oh, I'm here—"


As he said this, he tried to walk in front of me, but his foot was caught in a step on the ground and he fell.

He fell defenselessly, and I ran to him while being stunned, and I woke him up as it was.


"No, it's okay, don't worry! Oh, I'm sorry! I'm ...... to smell so bad sometimes! I'm a countryman!"

"I'm not angry, so don't worry about it.

"Oh, yes."


Make him stand while making sure he is not injured.

Then, he notices that his right hand, which he took when he woke up, is bandaged.

The bandages wrapped around his delicate hand, which does not seem to be carrying a sword, are oozing blood.


"Is your hand hurt?"

"No, this is ...... I fell ......."

"You didn't fall and get hurt, ......'ll heal you with healing magic, okay?"

"Uh, yes."


I don't know who this person is, but it's a pretty bad wound.

Sit him down in one of the nearby auditorium seats and take a bandage.


"No matter how you look at it, it's not an injury caused by a fall."



There are a number of lacerations carved from the tip of the hand to the bottom of the elbow.

I was familiar with this wound, so I called out to the boy who turned his face away awkwardly.


"Did you strengthen the system?"

「…… Do you understand?"

"It's dangerous, so you can't do it, right? The magic that explodes will hurt you. If you don't do it right, you may never be able to move again."


Under Nea's gaze, wondering which mouth is speaking, she heals his wounds with healing magic.

I don't know if it's a recent wound or if it's a recent wound that healed quickly...... For a normal person, this injury must have been quite painful. If you put up with it, it's not much of a compliment.

For the time being, he will cast a healing spell on himself.


"Thank you, I didn't even give you my name......

"It's okay."


He was still suspicious, but as a healing wizard, he couldn't leave an injured person alone.

Well, it's possible that he was injured and got close to me, but I don't think he's acting when I look at him in front of me now.

For the time being, I put my hand to my mouth and ask Nea on my shoulder.


"Nea, does it look like acting?"

「…… Nope."


If Nair says so, it's certainly not acting.

…… It's a hunch, but this person doesn't look like a bad person.


"Usato, you know what?"

「…… You don't let your guard down, do you?"


She nods to Nea who whispers in her ear and turns her gaze to the man next to her.

Then, he was rubbing his healed right arm, and he spoke to me in a fearful manner.


"My name is Shea, and my name is Shea Ghamio."

"Well, I'm ......."

"It's Usato, isn't it? Usato Ken. I know you very well. In the kingdom of Ringle, a healing wizard of the Rescue Corps...... The one who ended the battle against the Demon Lord."



Wait a minute, I'm honestly scared.

I'm scared of the fact that people know about me without my knowledge.


"I don't know why, but you're a celebrity, and I think it's weird not to know."

"No, it's usually more senior than me, Kazuki...... I think the two heroes are more famous......

"For me, it's not like that."


He muttered in a very serious voice.

Wait, to say that you know not only me, but also the rescue team.


"I mean, who wants to join......?"

"Where are the idiots who go to hell on their own......


Pressing her hand to her mouth, she murmurs, and Nea, who is on the opposite shoulder from where Shea is, slaps her cheek with her wings.

As my name spreads, the number of people who want to join the club will increase.

This has never happened since the end of the battle with the Demon Lord, but is it possible that it is about to happen here ......?


"I'm traveling, and I didn't know there was going to be an Allied meeting here, so I was very surprised when I saw you."

"Come to think of it, I was surprised."

"yes, I was walking around thinking it would be nice to see you."

"Isn't it too haphazard?"


It's amazing that you encounter me with that.

Are you lucky ...... natural?


"Who is this guy......

"But he doesn't seem to be a bad person."


While talking to Nea in a small voice, I get down to business.

He doesn't look like a bad person, but he's definitely approaching me, so I'll have to find out why.


"Why were you looking for me?"

"One of the reasons is that I simply wanted to meet him, and I fought that demon lord, so I wondered what kind of person he was."

"Is there one or another?"



He nodded his head and gave him a troubled look for a moment.


"I owe you a debt of gratitude."

「…… It's the first time we've met, isn't it?"

"Yes, this is the first time we have met."


…… What do you mean......!?

I can't help but be puzzled by the way he smiles so happily.

Who did I help? No, I don't remember anyone who left such an impression.

Could it be a relative of the person who helped as a member of the rescue team? It's highly likely.


"Oh! I forgot to tell you, but I'm a woman."

「…… Huh?"

"Hah, I thought it was ......."


I'm confused and indulged in thoughts, and I'm about to fold ...... even more!

Eh, a lie...... Is it ...... girl!?

Nea sighs in agreement, but it's too unexpected for me.


"It's good."


Shea takes off the robe she was wearing.

However, that alone completely changed her from a boyish impression to a girl.

Reddish ...... No, this is called a mesh?

I awkwardly look away from her when I touch her hair shyly, which looks like black hair mixed with red hair.


"Of course, I knew."

"Is it true? Well, I'm used to it, so it's fine."


「…… I'll tell Leona later......


He overhears Nea's disturbing murmurs.

No, I think he's a normal man because he calls me ......!

It's a robe that hides almost everything except from the neck up, so it's a mistake ......!


"Besides, it's easier to be mistaken for a man to travel alone."


"But I've only been traveling for about six months."

"I think it's amazing if you're alone."


Even the journey to deliver letters is three months.

If it's six months, it's twice that, so it's amazing at that point.


"Why travel?"

「…… Ah, it didn't come out of me, it was that...... Out of necessity."



Is there a reason for this?

As expected, it's bad to let the person I met today talk about the circumstances up to that point, so shouldn't I ask any more?

Then, somewhat upset, she blatantly turned to face me as if to divert the topic.


"Oh, it's better...... May I show you your gauntlet?"

"Do you mean these bangles?"

"Is that the bracelet? But it's not a gauntlet...... shape."


…… Don't know about gauntlets?

Come to think of it, when I solved the case of Myalark, my sketch with a gauntlet was a newspaper? I heard from my seniors that it was used for.

Is that the information you got from that?


"Do you know what this is?"

"I don't know much about it, but I know it's amazing...... I want to touch it as a souvenir."



It's like a tourist spot.

…… Well, it's okay to show it.

Gradually, he relaxes his guard against Shea and wears a gauntlet on his right arm and shows it to her.


"This is ......."

"He's my buddy because I've been fighting with him for a long time."


A gauntlet that I have relied on since the time of Mialak.

It was made by Mr. Farga, and there were many scenes that would have been dangerous without it.

She touched her right arm fearfully and stared at the gauntlet for a moment.




I don't even look around, I just spend time staring at the gauntlet.

It must have been about a minute later.

She was looking at the gauntlet with an indescribable expression, and she noticed that there were tears in her eyes.



「…… Oh, I'm sorry."


Was there an element of crying?!

I don't know what to say about myself, but I'm just a stiff gauntlet!


"I'm so happy...... Thank you...... Thank you."



I was thanked many times while crying.

A thank you that does not make sense will only lead to bewilderment.


"Usato, it's too bad, kid, you're too emotionally unstable......


As expected, Nea also seems to be pulling on the strange shea.

I don't know anyone else who would be so emotional just by looking at my gauntlet...... No, I immediately thought of my senior, but on the contrary, I was surprised that there was someone other than him.


"Have you calmed down?"

"yes...... yes, sorry.I・・・…… I'm relieved."

「…… Rest assured?"


Shea stops crying, but makes a meaningful statement.

This kid has something on his mind.

I realized this from my experience over the past year, so I took a deep breath.


「…… Okay."


I am aware that I am destined to attract people who are in trouble.

I can't say that I've accepted it yet, but if she's having some big problems right next to me right now, I should just talk to her.

Having made up my mind to do so, I turned to her who was looking down again.


"I know you're in trouble."


"I don't know if there's anything I can do...... Why don't we talk to you?"


What do you think......?

Nervously, Sia gives him a stunned look before dropping his gaze to the bottom of her mind.

Silence for a moment.

As I waited for her to speak, who was struggling without saying a word,


「…… You know, Usato. My magic is--"

"Hey, Usato.



Shea was about to tell me something when she heard a familiar voice coming from the corridor she had just come from.

At the sound of the voice, he turned around and noticed several footsteps approaching from the direction of the aisle.



"Hey...... I was like, oh my gosh, I really was."

"Amako is right......

"I told you, you're at the training ground."


It was Kazuki, Mr./Ms. and Amako who came out.

Kazuki and Mr./Ms. Flank don't know why Amako is there, but they're surprised that they're here.


"Kazuki, why ...... here!?"

"I'm here to see you, and I finally have time to rest. I went to see you and your seniors, and I heard that you were outside, so I was looking for you."

"What about Amako?"

"It's the same as Kazuki...... I was accompanied by Kannagi to the inn, so it's okay."


In other words, Amako came to the inn just like Kazuki.

He came to the inn where we were with Mr./Ms. Nagi, and then came with Kazuki to look for me.

Amako, who wears a hood to hide her ears, leans over to look next to me and tilt her head.


「…… Was anyone there? I heard you talking."



When he turned around, there was no one in the place where Shea had been sitting earlier.

Even the blood-stained bandages around her arms were gone, and when I looked around, I couldn't see her anywhere.


"Shea ......?"

"Usato, what's wrong?"

"There was a girl here a while ......."

"When we came here, there was no one but you, right?"


I twist my head at Mr./Ms.'s words.

Yes, she was there.

The amount of magic power that has been reduced speaks for itself, and above all, there is a witness named Nea.


"Did you see a vision?"

"No, I don't think it's nearly impossible to hypnotize you."

"I don't know if I'm going to say that......


Mr./Ms. Furana affirmed it.

If the illusion magic user says so, yes, but I don't know.


"Even if all living beings except you are hypnotized, if you are wrong, I will believe it more than I know it."

"Are you happy about that......?"


I can't help but feel like I've been called a monster unspokenly.

As they talk to that point, Amako talks to Nea this time.


"Nea, what happened?"

"Usato pulled me in again."

「…… Huh......"


I let out a heavy sigh.

It's nice to save the trouble of explaining, but it's a pretty tricky problem for me.


"Isn't it fast to guess......!? What do you mean!?"

"Usato, a weirdo hoi-hoi"

"I don't know what that means!?"


Mr./Ms. Furana is confused because she can't swallow the situation.

——— an unidentified girl, Sia.

Looking back, I knew very little about her other than her name.

It seemed like he was deliberately hiding his identity, and he was asking me for help.

I don't know who she is.

But she gave me a sense of danger that was different from the people I'd interacted with before.


The new characters were deliberately depicted in a way that gave an incongruous impression.

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