The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 13 Ch. 19 Table of contents

On the day of the Allied Talks.

The venue used for the meeting is very large.

It was many times larger than the Luqvis facility used in the Four Kingdoms Conference before, and yet the security was quite tight. If this is the case, no one can enter it in the usual way.

And since Farga-sama's magical protection was also working, I could understand from Nea's words that it was strict in that direction as well.

The Demon King, who was in an important position in the meeting, was ushered into a special room in the hall, unlike the other participants.

My seniors and I stood in front of the room they were in and stood guard until the meeting was about to begin.


"There were a lot of Mr./Ms. people coming......

"That's right."


I'm in my usual uniform.

Senpai wears a white-based robe, which is her current official attire as a hero.


"Surely, Mr./Ms. Hayate and the others will be shown to the special room, right?"

"And Flana's father, the chief of the elven tribe. …… It seems that no other subhumans came, but it would be unusual for the Beastmen and Elves to come here."



That is why discrimination against subhumans is so deep-rooted.

But even so, it's a problem that I will have to face at some point.

You can't look away.



"Nea, don't go outside."


The little owl jumped out of me, flapping its wings, and stayed on my shoulder.


"It's okay here, it's okay, I'll be fine by the time the talks start."

"That's fine, but ......, does Ferm do the same?"

"No, in my case, it may be troublesome, and I can leave it as it is."


The dark magic is assimilated, and it is transformed into a shape that covers the lining and neck without showing the front of the uniform.

This makes it impossible for people from the sidelines to assimilate them, so they can deal with unforeseen circumstances immediately.


"Amako will be coming, and I think she should assimilate with you, too. It's at times like these that Amako's abilities shine."

「…… Yes, that's true. I'll ask Amako when she comes."

"It's kind of unusual for a spin to say something like that."

"It's surprising."


Nea and Ferm are usually surprised, and the senior smiles slightly.


"I'm serious, too, because I'm more alert than usual."

"That's what I want you to do all the time......

"That's an impossible consultation, because I'm serious and I only have a short period of time."

"It looks like it's already been unraveled......


While we were exchanging such light talks, a group of hooded people passed by the aisle we were guarding.

Are Mr./Ms. and Kazuki walking in the lead?

As we suspect that Kazuki is following them as a human bodyguard, Kazuki and Mr./Ms. Furana notice us and walk up to us.


"Ah, Usato, senpai."

"Looks like you're doing your best, Kazuki-kun, that's Furana?"

"Yes, that's right. Mr./Ms., Dad, these two are fine."


Mr./Ms. nodded and removed her hood, revealing the man next to her.

Underneath the hood were the elf's characteristic long ears, the same cream-colored hair as Mr./Ms.'s, and a neat face.

The elven man, who looks to be in his twenties, narrows his eyes somewhat suspiciously.


"Elven Chieftain, Luluga, I have heard your story from my daughter."

"I'm Suzune the Brave of the Ringle Kingdom."

"I'm Ken Usato, who is also a member of the rescue team and is the deputy leader."



I was stunned by a terrible face.

As expected, my eyes met for a moment at the slightly scary reaction, and my senior's cheeks twitched.

Perhaps noticing this, Mr./Ms. Fulana, who pushed her father, Mr./Ms. away, laughs impatiently.


"Hahahaha, I'm sorry, Mr./Ms. is a little scared, so I'm just making a mess inside. Don't be offended!"

"Don't say too much, what if you get caught?"

"These two don't do that, so it's okay."


Was it just being guarded normally?

Well, if you're not seen as an enemy, that's fine.

When I was casually relieved, an elf approached me.

Apparently a short, old woman.



"What? Huh?"

"You're not a healing wizard, are you?"

"Yes...... Nice to meet you."


For the time being, I'll say hello.

The old elven woman stared at my face and stepped back, somewhat convinced by herself.


"Luluga, you don't have to be wary of them."

"Is that so?"

"Both the Thunder Hero and the White Healer are trustworthy people, and it seems that there is another person in the mix."


"Did you notice me?"


He is surprised that he has seen through Ferm's assimilation.

The white healer is that, for sure.

An elven fortune teller told me...... So, is that the woman in front of you?


"Even after your trials, you still have a strange fate attached to you, and you are indeed an interesting person. I've never seen anyone like you before."

"Is that a good thing......?"



I ...... have been silenced!

I was told by a fortune teller that I was a big deal, and it was as if I didn't specify how bad luck was.


"Can you do a love fortune telling?"


"It's tougher than I thought!?"


What does impregnability depend on?

It's a love consultation, but it's ...... to capture the citadel?

Then, perhaps intrigued, Nea on the shoulder also spoke to the old woman.


"Hey, hey, me?"


"This is the one that only gives the same answer to certain people!?"

"Even if I do it, the result will be the same......


It's kind of like it's said in four letters.


"So, what about Usato?"

「…… Women's Difficulty"

""This fortune telling is real......""

"Hey, what do you mean?"


It's a fact, but don't be convinced!

It's not the same as precognitive magic, but it's still amazing when it comes to guessing.


"Usato, I'm talking about the meeting."

"Yes, I know, Kazuki, and if something happens, we'll take the initiative."

「…… Let's look out for each other. I have a bad feeling about it."

「…… yes."


He looks at Kazuki and nods.

I also have a bad feeling about it.

We know something is going to happen, but we don't know until it happens.


"Okay, Usato, senpai, I'll show you around Mr./Ms. the elves later."

"See you later."


He waved his hand to see them off and the elven people as they left.

They say that elves live a long life, but I wonder if the Mr./Ms. of Luruga is over 100 years old or .......




A voice came from the opposite direction from the direction Kazuki and the others were walking.

I immediately noticed who it was, and at the same time turned around and caught Linka, a beast girl who jumped on me.


"Let's stop jumping on your head, Linka."

"Eh, because Suzune's sister would be happy if she did this."

「…… Well, I would have been happy for the seniors."


He has a very disappointed look on his face right next to him right now.

Don't do anything weird to a fourteen-year-old.

As she lowers Linka, who has jumped on her gently, Hayate Mr./Ms. and the others, guided by the Knights of Miarak, come from the direction she came.

Among them are Amako and Mr./Ms. Nagi.


"Hi, Usato."

"Mr./Ms., were you okay on the way here?"

"Don't worry, the knights of Mialark have guarded us. Besides...... Well, with Amako and Kannagi, it was a matter of concern."


There are two people with precognition magic.

Whatever comes your way, you can deal with it, and Mr./Ms. Nagi is as strong as Rose and Nero in the first place, so you don't have to worry about combat.

He bows apologetically to the two knights who guided him and speaks to them.

First of all, I have to get permission from Hayate Mr./Ms. .......


"Mr./Ms. Hayate, would you mind if Amako join you during the meeting?"

"Amako? But are you sure?"

"Oh, Usato, do you mean that?"



I nodded to Amako who understood.


"What do you mean?"

"I'll explain it now, Ferm."



Amako, who called out to Ferm, walked up to me and assimilated as if sinking in.

Hayate Mr./Ms. and the Knights of Miarak Mr./Ms.who were there looked at me with astonished eyes.


"What? What!?"

"It's not my own magic, but it allows Amako to be present at the meeting."

"You can see it inside."

「…… I thought I was used to it, but you're really an unexpected person. Haha. Okay, Amako should act with Usato."



Then, for what I thought, Linka jumped at me again.



"I want to join too!"

"It's like ...... such an attraction."

"I'm sorry Linka, this Usato's three-seater."

"Yes, yes! Sluggish!!"


What do you mean I'm a three-seater?

If you work hard, you can carry more than five injured people at once, so that's the wrong expression.

Explain to Linka and ask him to leave.


"Mr./Ms. Nagi, will you speak at the meeting?"

"Ah, yes, I think it's okay because Falga-sama is there. …… No, I don't care what happens. Human malice is a familiar sight."


"Ugh, the inner me!?"


Mr./Ms. Nagi's head shook as if he had been hit by something.

She changed the color of her eyes for a moment before returning to normal, and then shook her hand in a somewhat panicked manner.


"Ha, hahaha, the people of this era are different from my time.

"Well, thank you for your concern, the other Nagi Mr./Ms.."

「! Uh-huh."


At this point, it's clear that Nagi's other character, Mr./Ms. Nagi, warned Nagi Mr./Ms. something not to make us feel uneasy.

While stopping the senior who is trying to approach Nagi Mr./Ms. while waving his hand next to him, he next talks to Hayate Mr./Ms. about the meeting.

At the meeting, Mr./Ms. Hayate himself is treated as one of the representatives, so he does not seem to stand out.


"I mean, Linka will be in the room with his men, so I don't think there's much to worry about."

"I'm going to stay quiet......"



In fact, Amako must have done the same.

Linka was unfaithful, but she didn't speak out of selfishness.

…… I can't talk about it here forever.

After finishing the conversation from time to time, he turned to the Knight Mr./Ms. of Mialark who was waiting for him.


"I'm sorry, I let you take my hand."

"Don't worry! It's an honor for us!"

"Oh, is that so......?"


The look of respect from the knight of Miarak from Mr./Ms. is itchy.

Perhaps because of the Charon Mr./Ms., I feel indebted .......

As it is, I see off Hayate Mr./Ms. and the others, and I and my seniors go back to security.

The difference from the previous one would be that Amako is now there.


"I'll count on you again."

"Leave it to me."


Amako, who has deactivated her assimilation, stands next to me with her hood pulled over her eyes.

As with precognition magic, if Amako is the control tower, I can concentrate on what is in front of me.


"Okay, we're ready for this, now we just have to wait for the talks to begin."

「…… If it ends without incident, that's all the better."

"Judging by the appearance of the Demon Lord, it may be difficult."


It's because the Demon King predicts something ...... happen.

I'm very anxious because it might have something to do with the devil.


"The Leader's men, perhaps."


If a stolen corpse is used and resurrected, it becomes even more troublesome.

It's certain that things will happen that are not very good for me, at least mentally.


No matter how you explain it, it's an assimilating ability that doesn't make sense......

The talks are about to begin.

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