The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 13 Ch. 25 Table of contents

The meeting after the attack of the demon Rapud was naturally canceled.

However, just because the meeting was canceled that day, it was decided to hold it again at a later date, so I was glad that the discussion that took place at the first meeting itself was not wasted.

However, it is true that their existence has become public due to the attack of the devil.

I have to think about how they will become more powerful in the future, and more than anything——、


"What do you mean I'm being called a demon slayer......

"Of course."

"What are you really talking about?"

"It's cool, it's cool."

"As a person who was watching from the sidelines, you were acting worse than a hero."

"I guess that's what the rust from the body means."


It's all over the place.

- In the lounge of the inn, Ferm, Nea, Senpai, Koga, and Amira Mr./Ms. give me a raging tukkomi.

It was really hard after that.

After giving Farga the ashes of Lapud, he was surrounded by great people from the kingdoms and spoke to him in a great way.

As for the content, well, it should have been pretty much the same.

Even though I've gotten used to it, I'm usually in trouble when I come in a group.


"I didn't know, but how did you know where the devil was? You didn't even know what was going on, did you?"


Answer Mr./Ms.'s question.

It's not something to hide.


"I had a healing magic particle wrapped around it, and when it was activated, I was able to locate it."

「……? I'm sorry, is that possible in a normal sense?"

"This guy was able to do this because his sense of sensing magic has been abnormally sharpened by a technique called magic spinning, so it's impossible to do it normally."


When Nair explains on my behalf, Mr./Ms. and Senpai look worried.


"So, if I master that magic power rotation, will I be able to sense like Usato-kun?"

"Oh, I can't be sure, but considering the nature of Senpai and Mr./Ms.'s magical powers, it might be possible."


Mr./Ms. seems to be able to do the same thing as me with the electric shocks that run on the ground and in the air, and the sparks scattered around her.

As a test, I show them the magic power that I always practice.


"This is it."

"I know, but it's faster than it used to be."

"You're dexterous, ...... but there are some similarities with the techniques that my master and I ......."


Anyone can do magic.

It takes motivation and perseverance to keep going, but .......


"If there are more people who can do things like me, it will be a deterrent to the devil's hiding techniques."

"They're hiding in a weird way...... Are you going to teach it to other countries for free?"

"What, why not?"


Nodding to Koga, he looked surprised, but quickly let go of a smug smile.

It's something that anyone can do as long as they learn how to do it.

There's nothing you can hide, and you'd better spread the word to everyone.

When I get back, I'm going to tell the rest of the group, including Rose.


"No, it's because you're the one who doesn't want to be weird, and that's fine."



For some reason, I was convinced.

I wonder if they thought they would take the money.

- When I think that it is out of my mind, I notice that my senior is glaring at Koga with jito eyes.


"Hey, Koga."

"What's that?"


Koga is called out by his seniors and braces himself with a somewhat wary look.


"I suspect you're a little bit inclined to do that, but what is the truth......?"

"Hey Usato! This brave man suddenly threw a bomb! Oh my gosh!? Don't blatantly distance yourself from me! I've said it before, but it's different!!"


Koga yells at me for reflexively distancing myself from Koga.

No, I know, but I'm scared of that kind of desperate reaction.


"Koga...... Everyone's hobbies are different, but in moderation."

"The first kind words I ever said to you were too harsh!?"


Mr./Ms. puts a hand on her shoulder and he twitches his cheeks.


"Oh my God, you're the kind of person who's going to lose a lot of money if you don't get into a fight."

"Considering the nature of dark magic, it seems to be serious."


The perception from Nea and Ferm is also terrible.

It's about time I felt sorry for him, so let's clear up any misunderstandings.


"Senpai, Koga is a dark wizard who loves to fight, and he's just a bastard who persistently challenges me to battle. Hahaha"

"That's right......

"Are you aware that your true intentions are hurting me the most, Teme......!"


…… I think it's about time.

As the scenery outside began to turn the color of the sunset, I stood up.


"Senior, it's time to go."

"Oh, it's about ...... time."


The senior also stands up and carries the sword of the hero at his waist.

I'm not going to go into battle, but I'm going to need some equipment after the demons are out.


"Nea, Ferm can stay at home."

"I'll let you do that."

"Is it okay if I don't go?"

"Don't worry, I'm just going to Lloyd's."


Now that Mr./Ms. is out, I have to talk to Lloyd.

He seemed to know about the Mr./Ms. ...... Owl too.


"Okay, Koga, Amira is also a guard, thank you."



We leave the inn to the two of us.

The destination is the inn where the representative of the Lingle Kingdom, Lloyd, is located.

My seniors and I put on hoods to hide our faces as we walked down the street.


"Usato-kun, I think you're a little too pretentious."



Then, suddenly, a senior talks to me about such a thing.

Suddenly, he wonders what happened, and when he looks at her, he looks at his own hands and turns his magic.

From finger to finger, I admire her as she accelerates her magic so much that I can't believe she just started, and turns it smoothly.


"I understand that you take your mission seriously, and I know that you are working for the Demon Race. But you know, sometimes it's self-indulgent."

"That's right...... Is it?"

"That's right."


I was affirmed.

I wasn't aware of it, but I wondered if my seniors thought ...... so.


"Ultimately, you're thinking that you should do this, or at least do this, and that final choice may even cost you your life."

"I don'...... that."

"If you lost the battle with the Demon Lord, you were prepared to let us escape and stop ourselves on your own, right?"


"I know, I know what you're thinking. After all, I'm your senior."


He couldn't say that the battle against the Demon King was already over.

I was honestly surprised that the determination that I hadn't told my seniors was unspeakable to her.


"I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but if it's an action that ignores the emotions of me and Kazuki-kun, that's probably the best solution."

「…… Yes."

"But maybe if that happens, me and Kazuki-kun will be angry, not only to you, but also to the Demon Lord, even the Demon Clan. I'll do whatever it takes to get you back."


With any hand, ?

I hadn't thought about it that much.

At the time, I was just thinking that I should be able to make the most of my seniors and Kazuki for the sake of my future hopes.


"From what I've seen of you in a parallel world, I can tell you that I'll be the same after losing you, and I'll fall into a demon with all kinds of cowardly hands."

"No, my seniors ...... do that."

"When I saw you do that, I thought the same thing."



After losing my senpai and Kazuki in the first battle, I became a person who wasn't even a member of the rescue team.

I can understand the feeling that has happened.

Friends who came to the same world.

We came to the same world and became friends.

There is no way I can be decent without losing these two people in front of me.


"Well, as I said, it's working, so I don't blame you."


"It's the future that matters."


The senior, who suddenly seemed light, raised his index finger.


"It's a battle against an unknown enemy called the Devil, and you have to fight against Mr./Ms.'s former subordinates."

"It's going to be a tough battle......

"Oh, you're going to get caught up in that whirlwind a lot, and that's why——"


She stops and turns around and undoes her hood.

Her black hair flutters in the wind, revealing the proud face of her senior.


"I'm here to make sure you don't turn into a real demon!"

"......, hahaha, what is that?"

"You can frown, but you'd better be smiling, not Mr./Ms. Rose, not an ogre, much less a demon. You're you."


I'm me...... Or?

It feels like it's been a long time since I've been told that.

I started walking again, and the hooded senior looked at me with a stunned expression.


"Oh, I'm like a heroine now!"

"If it wasn't for that one word, it definitely would."

"I'm ......."



I think he's a really fun person.

When I think that I can still feel this way because of this person, I am reminded that he is really hard for me.



When I arrived at the inn in the Ringle Kingdom, I was guided to the room where Mr. Lloyd was waiting.

Senpai seems to be waiting at the door with Kazuki, and I'm the only one who talks to Lloyd and Sigurd Mr./Ms..

When I was invited to a particularly large room, there was Lloyd and Mr./Ms., and a large number of papers were piled up on the table, probably because they had been working until a while ago.


I'm sorry to call you, Usato."

"No, I'm sorry I'm busy."

"You can sit in that chair."


When he sits down in the seat he was prompted to, Lloyd stands opposite him and Mr./Ms. Sigurd stands beside him.


"You fought Rose's former subordinate, Awl."

「…… Yes."


The story is about Mr./Ms. and his friends.

Seven well-crafted warriors stolen from the graveyard of the Kingdom of Ringle.


"I was expecting it, I was prepared for it. But I didn't expect him to appear so much the same way he was alive."

"Did Mr. Lloyd know about Mr./Ms. personally?"

"I have not forgotten a single knight, not one who lost his life in battle, but still serving his country."


Do you remember the faces and names of all the knights, Mr./Ms.?

Looking at Mr./Ms., it seems to be true because he also nodded silently.


"I'll have to tell Rose."

"What do you think......

"He's strong, impeccable. But he also has a weakness as a person."

"Weakness...... Is it?"


Well, in that person's case, I would never show it to others, and I somehow understand it since I became the deputy leader.


"But I don't have to worry about that with you, for you are Rose's best disciple and heir to her will."

"I'm still immature...... Aha......"


I need to gain more experience.


"How does the Ringle Kingdom plan to deal with Mr./Ms. and the others?"

"Hmm, I'm going to spread the word, but it doesn't make much sense to be working with the devil. Anyway...... We have to tell them that there is a way to bring the dead to the people."



In addition to Mr./Ms. and others, there is no way that the now-deceased powerful people of each country can be revived as silent bodies.


"Owl...... He was a moderate crook. Sigurd"

"Yes, you were a troublemaker from the beginning, but when you became Rose's subordinate, you stood out......


Perhaps remembering those days, Mr./Ms. said with a wry smile.


"Lord Usato, was Owl the only one who had a will?"

"Yes, that's for sure. The other six are...... It was like a puppet."

"It makes sense considering the strength of her spirit...... But at the same time, Owl has a very nasty way of thinking......

"Do you mind if I tell you specifically?"


I've heard it from Rose, but I'd like to hear it from Mr./Ms. Sigurd.


"No matter how outnumbered she is, no matter how surrounded by monsters, no matter how much rubble she falls and she is trapped in a cave from which there is no escape, she does not despair and never stops in her tracks."

「…… It's amazing."

"From my point of view, I would say that I am similar to you."


Don't give up?

I don't know if they are similar or not, but Owl Mr./Ms. is a person I can look up to as a predecessor.


"The others were all good at it, Mr. Lloyd, do you remember the incident where the liquor from the liquor store in the castle town was drunk overnight?"

"I'll never forget something so shocking, even if I wanted to."


What does it mean that the liquor in the liquor store was drunk overnight ......?

As I tilt my head, Lloyd and Mr./Ms. Sigurd give me a somewhat distant look.


"Among Rose's men are two female knights named Beth and Narka, who have very bad drinking habits, and on top of that, they are very heavy drinkers, and often go down to the castle town, drink as if they were drinking, and return to their knighthood the next morning as if nothing had happened."

"Are they human......

"There's more, two big guys, Chris and Gilg, roaming the streets half-naked at night. Josh escapes from the exercise and goes to woo the woman. And while he hasn't done anything particularly wrong, he's unusually overshadowed and easily forgotten."


They have ridiculously dense characters, ......!?


"I still think it's a terrible story to think that all of them have come to be controlled by Rose's skill."



I mean, it's the same with today's tough guys, but I'm a little happy to think that Rose is still Rose in the past.

That's why I think it's itchy to see the current situation where such seniors are being treated as they like by the devil.


"But somehow, the members of the rescue team, including myself, don't seem to have much of an impression."


「…… Huh?"


Why was he silently turned away...... Dear Lloyd?

Then, as if suddenly remembering something, Mr. Lloyd turned to me.


"Oh, yes, I have to show you this."



He behaves somewhat suspiciously and shows me some documents.

Pick up one of them and look through it—your body stiffens.


"Mr. Lloyd, is this ......?"

"It's a sentence to contact you."



I honestly wonder what he would do when he met me.


"Don't worry, I'm going to turn it all down. Still, I thought I'd tell you ......."

"Thank you."


Heartless Lloyd also looked exhausted.

I felt sorry for him, but when I rolled up the papers, as expected, there was one that belonged to Harold of the Kingdom of Calmherio.


"Kazuki and Suzune received the same thing, and you received the same amount."

"In the eyes of others, I'm in a more comfortable position than the hero......

"In addition to that, there must be a lot of work to be done, and together with Suzune and Kazuki, he saved those who were held hostage and defeated demons with his singular skills."


Although it can't be helped, I ...... it was too conspicuous.

It's hard to be involved in political matters like this, but I ...... that if you want to be involved in the problems of demons and demons in the future, you have to face these kinds of problems.


In addition to Owl, it was Rose's subordinates who were full of problem children.

By the way, Rose hardly drinks alcohol.

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