The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 13 Ch. 27 Table of contents

A banquet of representatives from each kingdom.

In other words, I decided to participate in a place that was not out of place, which should be called a standing dinner party, and in addition to my seniors, I became a guard with Ciel Mr./Ms....... Well, I was heading to the venue with Koga.


「…… Why is it Mr./Ms. Koga!? I asked Mr./Ms. Amira to do it!?"

"Hahaha, I'm worried about leaving the Demon Lord's bodyguard to me alone."

"Ugh...... I'm worried that you can't rely on me ......."

"Hey, you're a former corps commander, aren't you?"


When Koga says that, Mr./Ms. tilts her head.


「? …… I don't think your strength or humanity have anything to do with it?"

"You're pretty foul-mouthed......


For the time being, it was Mr./Ms. Ciel and Koga who participated in the venue.

Well, this guy is decent in some places, but he will do what he needs to do, so you don't have to worry too much.


"I thought you would be asked to wear something because it was a banquet...... I didn't think it would be okay to stay in uniform."

"It seems that you need to wear a certain amount of formal clothing, but I don't think it's too much of a problem for you and me because the way we are now is like formal dress as a position."


Senpai wears a white-based battle uniform as a hero.

I'm in my usual uniform.

Honestly, this outfit is the most comfortable, so it helps.

While I was inwardly relieved, Nea, who had been assimilated with me, jumped out in an owl state and changed into the form of a dark-haired, red-eyed girl.


"Fufufu, I thought I might have to wear a dress for the party, but I'm going to go here with you in a team uniform ......!!"

"Even if you wear a uniform, you're remodeling......

"It's not a modification, it's an arrangement."


I wonder how that's the difference.

Today's Nea is dressed in a group uniform on top and a skirt on the bottom, and there are cuts in the upper arms and belts, which are different from my and Rose's uniforms.


"How cute are you?"

"Hmm? Oh, it looks good. yes."

"Well, I know what you're talking about!!"


So why did you ask......?

It's difficult to move as a lifeguard uniform, and it can be said that it is an arrangement that emphasizes appearance...... Well, Nea is in charge of logistical support, so you can let him do whatever he wants.


"Usato-kun, will you join the rescue team after all?"

"Suddenly, what's going on?"

"I'm also in a team uniform."

"Isn't the motivation too ......?"


It seems that the seniors can do it normally in the rescue team...... This man is a brave man.

It's also bad to put on two pairs of sandals and put a burden on them, .......


"Honestly, I don't think the title of hero means much to me now."

"What? So, what is it?"

"Look, I've already finished my mission as a hero."

"But isn't there something else to do?"


At Nea's point, the senior shook his head with a wry smile.


"Now that the battle with the Demon Lord's army is over, I don't have to fight, I can do castle work, but I'm not the right person to do that."


"Besides, I'm not going to lead my men as a 'hero' like Leona."


I can, but I'm not suited to it.

It's understandable considering the personality of the senior.

Besides, even though there are demons, there is no opponent to fight like the Demon King's army from now on.

Therefore, the title of hero does not mean much.


"Oh, it means a lot to you, Kazuki-kun, after all, he's with Celia, isn't he?"

"Isn't Kazuki different?"


What do you mean?

What's more, what about Celia-sama...... Oh, that's what I mean.


"So Kazuki needs the title of hero."

"I don't know yet, but it's no secret that Kazuki-kun and Celia are on good terms. Above all, Mr. Lloyd agrees."


If Kazuki continues to remain in this world, he may one day become the king of the Ringle Kingdom.

I had never thought about such a thing.

I'm sure it will be as good a country as it is now under the rule of Mr. Lloyd.


"So, to the rescue team?"

"yes, yes."

「…… Hmmm."


It's getting more complicated than I expected.

I can't decide this on my own .......


"Master Lloyd told me to let me do the same, and the rest is for you and Mr./Ms. Rose."

「…… For me, there's no reason to stop."

"Well, if you have such a reason...... Hey."

"Quite a bit, you're thinking."

"Isn't my rating too low......?"


The seniors twitch their cheeks at the evaluation of Nair and Ferm.


"When I said I wanted a school uniform, I was half honest and half joking."

"Are you half serious......

"I really want to help people, not fight...... If I could, I wouldn't want to take anyone's life anymore......


The story of the battle with the Demon King's army?

As long as he fought as a hero, it was inevitable that he would have to deal with the attacking demon tribe .......

My senior, who had a thoughtful face, hurriedly raised his index finger.


"Oh, and even if I train, the nature of my magic limits the number of people I can train with."

"Ah, as expected of an ordinary knight Mr./Ms., it would be difficult for you to train using the Thunder Beast mode."


Who can play a mock battle with seniors in the castle is Kazuki and Mr./Ms.?

Both of them are busy, so their time is limited.


"yes, to be honest, it's been a long time since I've used Thunder Beast Mode 3 in a mock battle here. Until then, I wasn't able to train satisfactorily...... Aha."

"Satisfied, training...... Can't ......!?"


I realized that my senior's current situation was more serious than I had imagined, and I pressed my mouth in shock.


"That's ...... It's painful, isn't it...... Really."

"I feel like I've never made you look like that before."

"This guy is a training idiot."


Will seniors lose their title as heroes?

Normally, you would think that it would not be so easy to remove, but Mr. Lloyd is a person who respects our wishes, so it is not surprising that he allows us.


"Okay, okay, I'll make a recommendation to the leader."


"I'm ...... to the title of Deputy Commander of the Rescue Team!!"

"Well, if you bet that much, you're going to get scared......


For the time being, I have to be prepared to be.


"I wonder if it's because of my mind that the Rescue Team belongs to a demonic ......?"

"It's been a long time, and with Rose and this guy, things are the same as they are now."

"But we're going to run out of rooms, so maybe it's time to build another dormitory."


That's it for now.

Thinking that my seniors are also having a hard time, I talk to Ferm, who is saying something rude.


"Is it okay for Ferm not to go outside?"


I call out to Ferm, who is assimilated with me.


"Oh, it's all right, if you have food, let it assimilate with the plate you put on it. I'll eat inside.'

"Hahaha, anything is possible."

『…… No, I don't want you to be the only one ...... to tell me."

"Don't reply in a serious tone."


This one got me serious.

With a shrug of his shoulders, he checks the members again.

Koga to Mr./Ms. Ciel.

And I, who was assimilated by my seniors, Nea, and Ferm.


"Well, I'm going to relax my shoulders for now......


I've been on my toes all day, and it's good to take a break.

With that in mind, I made my way to the venue.



When we arrived at the venue where we arrived—or rather, in the great hall built inside the building used for the meeting, a large number of representatives of the Mr./Ms. had already gathered there.

As soon as we arrived, the feast seemed to begin, and the Norn, the queen of Miarak, first went up to the stage prepared for us and gave a greeting.


"There were a lot of problems, but I am very happy that we were able to reach this moment today."


Then, after greetings with Norn and Lloyd, Mr./Ms.'s food was brought from the back of the venue.


Are you really human?

"Magical power turning will be a great discovery in history, may I tell you about it?"

"Aren't you actually half-Asian?"

"What is healing magic?"

"To be honest, it was a move that was far from human......


How is it that half of the people I talk to are questioning whether I'm human or not?

I thought it would come to a certain extent, but isn't half too much?


"Look, Ferm."

"Thank you"


After putting the food on a plate, I move to the wall and let the dark magic on the back of the clothes swallow the plate.

When the plate disappears, as if pulled from the inside, I take a sip of the drink in my hand.


"Hah, I'm not used to it."

"Mugugu, it's hard."

"I want you to take my place, absolutely."

"It's useless, so give up...... What about Koga and Ciel?'

"I'm close."


Less than ten meters away from me, Ciel Mr./Ms. is eating his food crisply.

Somehow, from Koga's languid appearance, it looks like he's being swayed in the middle.

Senpai and Kazuki will be attached to Lloyd-sama...... Hmm?


"What ...... Nea?"

"Speaking of which, where did he go?"


I was close to him a while ago, but before I knew it, he was gone.

As I looked around the venue on the spot, I immediately spotted Nea...... It seems that he is being talked to by about three men.

Are they even being persuaded?


"It's him."



Hmm? Why are you looking at me?

As I was wondering why Nea was pointing at me with her palm with a fake smile, she came back to me after leaving the three of them.


"Phew, innate beauty is a sin, isn't it?"

"Usato, can I hit this guy with dark magic?"

"Stop, so what happened?"

"I've seen it, I've been persuaded."


Well, this guy is a beautiful girl without favoritism.

It's a bit of a mess, though.


"Well, then, what did you just look at me and say?"

"Well, you're my husband, and when I told you so, he gave up."

"Don't say facts that are too misunderstood!?"


If you don't know that you're a monster as a premise, you'll definitely be misunderstood!

That's not a mistake because it's a relationship between a familiar and the lord!

But don't you think that because I am a human being, I will be recognized in a different way?


"Oh, Usato."

"Oh, Harold, Ouka-sama."


As I hold my forehead, Harold, the king of the kingdom of Nirvarna, and his son, Ouka, come to me.

Apparently, Mr./Ms. Hyde is not here.


"I heard you were here, and I thought I'd see you for the last time."

"I'm sorry, I should have asked you here."

"Are you unfamiliar with a place like this? I'm not the one to be blindsided by something like this."


I'm open-minded.

As I was admiring, Ouka-sama noticed Nea next to me.


"Hey, Usato, what about that girl?"

"Oh, she's ......."


You won't be able to tell by the way it looks, so I'll introduce you as a familiar here.

As I was thinking about this, Nea hugged me in my arms.


"It's my ♪ wife."



Nea made a bombshell statement in a bouncy voice, and not only me, but also Harold and Ouka froze.




What are you going to do, this air?

Grinning at the freezing air, Nea quickly slips away from her arms.


"Just kidding, I'm actually a familiar."


With a light popping sound, Nea, who has transformed into an owl, stays on my shoulder.

Harold rolls his eyes at that, but he immediately smiles hard.


"No way, it's a humanoid familiar I've heard rumors about, I didn't think I would notice it at all."

"It's not that great, it's just a 300-year-old vampire."


Boom!! He is slapped on the cheek with a wing, but he ignores it.

Perhaps he knew that it didn't work, but this time he poked his cheek with his beak and poked his cheek like a woodpecker, but he ignored this as well.


There are only a few humanoid demons, and there should be few examples of them becoming familiars......

"It's like I was forced to sign a contract...... Hahaha"


I was really made to sign a contract without my will or anything.

Now, though, I'm glad Nea was there.



"Yes? What can I do for you? Ouka-sama."

"You don't have to put it on.Brother-in-lawAniueBut I don't care."


- Oh my gosh, I'm going to be my brother-in-law.

I think it's time to say no.

Then, this time, Master Harold spoke to me with a grim face.


"I was convinced by what you did the other day, Usato, can you give me a daughter?"

"Even if you say it with such a serious face...... I'm sorry......"


It made me look very earnest.

- Nirvarna is also bad, but isn't it quite dangerous for a daughter to make Harold look like this?

Damn, if this happens, I have no choice but to sacrifice Koga and escape this place......!


"Whoa, leave it at that, Usato is in trouble."

"Well, you're ......."


Third-party testimonials.

When Harold and I turned around, there was a familiar man standing there.


"Lucas...... This raccoon ......!"

"You're talking a lot of funny, Harold.


A ridiculous insult popped out of my mouth!

The two kings of Samarian and Nirvarna, who are in a position that could have been neighbors in terms of location, are glaring at each other like sparks.

…… Is it a picture of hell?


"Wouldn't it be better to leave this gap?"

"Shall we?"

"That's the way it should be."


Before he knew it, he quietly left the place with Nea, who had become a human form.

It may be rude, but somehow I thought that this was just right for these people.

It's really rude, though.


"Hey, Ciel, you're eating too much."

"If you don't eat it now, you won't be able to do it......!"

"How stressed do you usually ......?"


Koga, on the other hand, was stunned by Mr./Ms., who was eating a plate full of food with great vigor.

He's got a tough ...... too.


For better or worse, it was a nair that disturbed the place.


The senior's fundamental idea of "wanting to enjoy a different world" and his position as a hero did not mesh well, so he came to the conclusion that he should step down as a hero at the same time.


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