The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 13 Ch. 29 Table of contents

For the Demon Tribe, this meeting had a special meaning.

It is a matter of determining the future treatment of the demon tribe based on the understanding of the demon tribe that humans have and the current situation of the demon tribe.

The result must have been good.

Although there was still some distrust of the Demon Tribe, some understanding was gained.

We were to take a short two-day journey on a boat to return to the Demon Lord's Realm.


"I wonder what will happen to the demon tribe in the future......


As I walked around the ship, I suddenly muttered something like that.

Originally, he had to fulfill his duties as an escort under the Demon King, but the Demon King said, "The escort is fine, you can rest."

It didn't really shock me, because I knew that he cared about me while I was working, but I wasn't as easy-going as Koga, so I walked to my room on the boat with a sense of disgust.


「…… Hmm?"


Is anyone sitting on deck?

With an owl on its head and a sitting position crossed, I immediately recognized who it was, so I headed towards it.


"Mr./Ms. Amira?"



After muttering so, he is surprised to see Usato, who turns to face him.

I could sense the signs...... Why? No, maybe that's part of it, but I ...... he knew it was me even before he saw me.


"What's wrong?"

"I'm passing by...... What are you doing here?"

"Nea seems to know a lot about magic sensing, so we're practicing it here."

"I'm here too!"


Maybe it's because the deck doesn't disturb people.

…… It's a bit of a stretch now, but he's a really strange guy. This guy.


"You're so keen on training."

"I'm just a person who loves training."


Perhaps unraveling the assimilation, Ferm comes out of Usato.

As she rests her back on the railing of the deck, Usato calls out to her.


"No, only this time, it's a request from Nea, I've just been reading a book in my room. Or rather, you assimilated before you knew it."

"Huh? I've got permission."

"Is that so......?"


Usato's head tilts at Ferm, who turns his gaze slightly at an angle and fiddles with his silver hair.


"Well, I guess I just overheard it."

"yes, that's right."


…… Absolutely not.

Seeing Ferm, who didn't hesitate to assimilate, and Usato, who didn't care at all, he pulled back slightly, and Nea, who had turned from an owl into a humanoid, shrugged his shoulders in dismay.


"Your magic sensing range is large, about a radius of about 10 meters, and over time you will be affected by the wind, but within that range, you can sense the presence of all living things and react to moving inorganic matter."

"It's quite narrow......

"No, I don't think it's narrow."


At least that's enough for Usato, who mainly fights with his fists.

From my point of view, it's pretty troubling that Usato, with his incredible reflexes and melee combat abilities, has the ability to perfectly detect the approach and attack of his enemies.


"If the devil doesn't get that close, we won't know...... Uh-huh, yes."


Perhaps coming up with something, Usato creates a magic bullet in his palm.

On top of the magic bullet, he covered it with something like a film of magic and handed it to Ferm.


"Ferm, will you take this and leave me?"

"What is this?"

"Healing Explosive Bullet"

"What the hell are you doing!?"


Ferm screams as he receives a magic bullet with a noisy name.


"No, it's not that powerful even though it's an explosive bullet, because it just spreads the magic lightly. Break it away from me and slam it on the ground."

"It's true, isn't it? It's not dangerous, is it?"


She was about 10 meters away from us, and with a slight startle, she slammed the magic bullet in her hand to the floor.

With a small popping sound, the magic bullet cracks and particles scatter into the air.


"Huh...... I see."


Usato, who had closed his eyes, grinned.


"Nea, I feel like I've discovered a new skill. If you want to name it...... That's right, ...... healing sensor."

"You can do this just by throwing a healing magic bullet, and you don't have to name it, right?"


Usato nods at Nea's words.

The range of healing magic, including the place where the magic bullet landed...... It's becoming a technique that focuses solely on hunting down demons.

Now that he has mastered his master's skills and mastered the mysteries of magic, he never thought he would be able to learn from ...... humans.


"Do you have any tips on how to turn that magic?"

"Is it a trick? Well, it's weird that I don't think about it."


I asked him a little further, and he crossed his arms and was worried.

He looked around and nodded before looking up.


"If you compare the magic that flows throughout your body to a river, the magic bullet you create is a ship, and if you imagine that the ship only directs you to the destination, and it is the flow of the river that moves you forward, it may be easier to do."

"Hmm, thank you."


In other words, the magic bullets to be moved are only a guide, and what is important is the flow of magic power itself.

The art of accelerating the flow of magic and developing the ability to sense magic itself.

It takes a lot of practice to get to that point...... Amusing.


"But ...... the subject."



Suddenly, I remembered what I was about to ask, so I decided to ask here.


"You say you're coming to the Demon Lord's Territory soon, but have you heard what you're going to do?"

"Broadly speaking, reports on the ground and the support of the Demon Clan's Mr./Ms....... Isn't it?"


At worst, it would be surveillance.

Somehow I sensed that I had chosen my words, so I spoke to him without pursuing them deeply.


"It's easier for me to come than someone I don't know, and I don't object to that."

"Haha, thank you."

"There's going to be chaos......

"I guess it's ......."


In the battle in the city, the soldiers mistake Usat for a demon.

Hannah was also traumatized at one point.

He's clearly not good at Usato, so he'll be horrified when he learns about the dispatch.


"As for me, it's Keira...... Oh, I had to meet the dark wizard I met on my journey, so I was going to go to the Demon Lord's Realm anyway."

"A dark wizard's child? That...... Are you okay?"


Speaking of dark wizard children, they are mentally unstable.

He worries that there is a danger that dark magic will run out of control at some point, but Usato's smile smiles and shakes his head.


"Don't worry, I've got dark magic for myself now, and I was so eager that I went to Koga to teach me dark magic."

"Is that so......?"

"I wonder why you're so enthusiastic......

"Firmly, this guy is pulling me ......."


I was curious that Ferm and Nea were talking about something in a whisper...... I wonder if this is also the ability to influence the dark wizard in some way......


"I'd also like to talk to Mr./Ms. Nero Argens......"

「…… I heard that my master almost killed me, is he okay?"


When I ask such a question, Usato's face looks stunned for a moment.


"Hahaha, I'm used to that kind of thing."

「…… Huh, I see, that's what I mean. You've heard something strange."


There have been many times when I have prepared myself to die during training with ...... master.

If Usato is the same, then the previous question was meaningless.


"Wait, there's a conversation that's not supposed to mesh."

"You're similar in that you have a terrible master......


Those who have non-standard teachers.

Considering that they were related to each other, it is not without their .......


"I didn't fight you after all."

"Eh, you fought in the Demon Castle, didn't you?"

"Is that something that goes into battle?"


Rather, the battle with Leona after that will be the real thing.

He knew about his existence during the second invasion of the Ringle Kingdom, but in the end, the war ended without a fight against Usato.

I definitely didn't want to continue the war, but as a warrior, I wanted to fight a healing wizard who was out of the ordinary.


"When you come to the Demon King Domain, why don't you join hands?"

"It's all right as long as it's not killing each other, right?"

"It's decided."


I was able to look forward to the rest of it.

Then, Nea is talking to Usato, who is sitting on the floor.


"Are you sure? I assure you of such a safe situation."

"It's not a fight for life, it's a hand-to-hand fight, it's part of the interaction with the demon tribe, and there's no reason to refuse."


…… I think it's time for me to go back to my room.

With that in mind, I let go of the railing I was leaning on and started walking, when I noticed Ferm looking up at me right next to me.

I'm upset that she's a little short and is looking at me for a long time.


"What's that, Ferm?"

"Okay, you're different."

「…… What?"

"For the first time, I'm glad you're a man-dominated brain-muscle swordsman."

"Isn't it terrible ......?"


I've been insulted like never before.

Moreover, the fact that he was not aware of it made me not know whether to be angry or depressed.


For the time being, if you throw a healing spell where someone is likely to be, you can now figure out the location and number.

Now you can find the injured person out of sight......



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