The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 13 Ch. 31 Table of contents

Nirvarna is characterized by a national style that emphasizes "strength".

My father, his predecessors, and the generations before him have ruled the country in accordance with their national style.

Although it is a culture that is very different from other countries, Nirvarna has maintained a country because of its policies.


"Father, this meeting has been fruitful."

"Oh, I saw something interesting."


When I returned to my home country and went to the palace with my father, I spoke to my father, who was taking care of his subjects who ruled the country.


"If the Demon Race didn't have a land problem, I could understand that it was this side that was defeated."

"yes? Is that it?"


My father nodded happily at my words.


"In the end, it seems that the Lingle Kingdom has made the best choice."


A meeting to discuss the future of the demon race with the whole country.

To be honest, it seems that there is no discrimination against subhumans for Nirvarna, so although there is a grudge against the demon tribe, I don't think there is any need to be overly hostile considering the current situation they were in.


"I'm so relieved that you're back safely, Father."


When I entered the hall of the palace, I saw a large man doing his office.

He is the first prince of the kingdom of Nirvarna, and my esteemed elder brother, Lild.

While my father was away, my older brother, who was in charge of governing the country, greeted us with a somewhat tired look.


"Lild, you've had a hard time while you're away."

"Already...... Haha, for the time being, I would like to refrain from governing the country."

"What do you say? If I die tomorrow, you will inherit the throne."

"My father is going to live for another 50 years."


To the father who returns the light remark, and the older brother who returns the sarcasm.

Feeling a sense of relief at the sight, I also called out to my brother.


"Don't say that, who else is going to inherit the throne but my brother?"

"Ouka, I'll leave it to you."

"No, I'd rather be moving than sitting. All I do is act as a pawn over my brother."

"He only tells me how he's doing......


Depressed by his large bear-like body, he sighs.


"So, what happened while I was away?"

"No, not particularly, well, the crop yield is higher than last year...... Ah, but Senri ...... again."

"Well,Also・・Or? Who's this time?"

"I'm ...... Takeru, the winner of this season's fist fighting tournament."


Oh, him.

I ...... that he, a famous cat beastman in Nirvarna, offered his sister an engagement.

The difference between races is not so much a problem.

In fact, it seems that my name was given to me by the name of a beastman who was a friend of my father's.


"How did Senri get him?"

"Punch your jaw with precision and be conscious in an instant...... I don't know."

"You're too monstrous for my sister......


Involuntarily, both I and my father sigh.

When I think about my sister's record, which seems to have been born to fight, I feel anxious about the future.

Perhaps because she wants to choose a man who is stronger than her, she has a hard time finding a partner.


"So, do you have a souvenir story?"

"Oh, of course, let's talk over a cup of tea."


He sits down in a chair and tells his brother about what happened during the meeting.

Kazuki, the hero of the Ringle Kingdom and our friend.

A being called a demon.

The Demon King, the King of the Demon Tribe.

Usato of the Kingdom of Ringle.


"Not to mention the wisdom and arrogance of the Demon King, even now that he is weakened, he still has great power."

"If that's what my father says, I'd have liked to meet him."


The elder brother nodded happily.

In fact, the man called the Demon King was unusual from the atmosphere he was wearing.

Is it an air that unconsciously awe-inspires those around you?

Anyway, he was a horrible person.


"Kazuki's friend, Usato, he was a more ridiculous young man than the rumors."

"Do you mean the healing wizard who fought the Demon King with the Hero?"


He nodded at his brother's words.


"It was exactly what Kazuki said, and if I may say so, is it true to Hyde's words?"

"Oh, he said that he met him during the Four Kingdoms Conference, and I remember him because he seemed to be having a lot of fun talking to me."


When he came to the kingdom of Nirvarna to deliver a letter, he had heard about a man named Usat Ken.

In addition to being the incomparable friend and lifesaver of the Hero of Light, he was also a disciple of Rose, a well-known lifesaver in some circles, so he was paying a certain amount of attention.

When I actually saw him, he was a young man with a calm impression that was very different from the rumors...... When you put yourself in battle, the situation changes.


"No, I was impressed, because I was fighting a battle that is hard to even put into words."

"Is that it? And your father?"

"Yes, but his ability is backed up by his physical and mental strength, which he has cultivated through extraordinary training...... Hmmm, I thought you would be Senri's son-in-law somehow......"


He smiles wryly at his father, who looks disappointed.

Kazuki didn't let Senri meet him because he didn't think he was a good fit for his personality.

No, to be more precise, Kazuki was avoiding encounters with Senri with his godlike intuition.


"I was rejected."

"That's right, if he was there, he'd be angry at me for telling him not to make his own decisions, wouldn't he?"

"No, I don't."

"Yes, my father is right."


Rather, it is more likely that he was proposing a duel to Usato.

For better or worse, my sister has a sense of ...... beast.


"Well, I didn't expect you to say that......."

"He's close to Senri's age, he's better than him in ability, and above all, he's a skilled healing wizard. Even if you take away the combat power, it's the kind of person you want."


There were also reports that he also used system enhancement on the battlefield, so he is also an excellent healing wizard.

The miserable failure of Nirvarna's training of healing wizards shows how rare he is.


"Ah, yes, I ...... to get some advice from him on how to train healing wizards."


Just as he was about to pass on the advice of Usato, a healing wizard, to his brother, who was in charge of a part of the affairs of the country, a woman emerged from the shadows of the pillars that lined the palace hall.

Senri, a woman with her mother's ash brown hair tied in a braid, appears in front of us with a somewhat joyful look.


"Senri, eavesdropping isn't much of a compliment, is it?"

"Is what you just said true?"



Bad, I was asked.

Hmm? Isn't it bad? …… No, it's usually bad.

Nirvarna should not take brute force.


"Senri, calm down, this is what happened in Myalak and he refuses to talk about ......."

"Brother Ouka, what do you think...... I'm not that ignorant, am I?"


Yo, good .......

Apparently, there is a sense of reason.


"And where is my good husband?"

"Lild, Ouka, she seems to have lost herself. …… I asked for the rest."


"Wait, father, don't run away!!"


I'm too scared of the fact that it's already a decision.

While stopping my father from standing up on the spot, my brother and I persuade Senri.


"Well, you're only 18, aren't you? You won't be in such a hurry, will you?"

"I can only feel a sense of crisis that there is only one warrior who will put dirt on me at 18, Uncle Hyde?"


"The fact that your uncle was a married man broke my heart once?"


I couldn't say anything.

Or rather, that was when you were only 9 years old!



「…… Wow."

"Where is he?"

"The Ringle Kingdom...... He'll be sent to the Demon Lord's Territory right away, right?"

"So, let's head to the Demon Lord's Territory right now!!"



My brother and I jump on my sister who is trying to go ahead at the same time and stop her.

However, the opponent is a genuine combat man who has turned all the qualities necessary for royalty, such as gentleness and manners, into military power, and even two men cannot stop him.


"Brothers! What is it to touch a lady!!"

"Don't deceive a lady only at times like this, sister!!"

"You're only decent with your words, aren't you?!"


My brother isn't really serious either, but I'm really trying to stop Senri.

If this continues, Senri will head to the Demon Lord's territory!


"What are you trying to do to the Demon Lord's Territory?!" You are the second princess of the kingdom of Nirvarna! Father! Please stop!!"



That!? Maybe it's a little ant? I'm worried about a face like that!

Sure, from my father's point of view, it may not be such a bad story, but I want you to think about the impression of the other side!


"Then I will abandon this position as the second princess here and now!!"


Don't try to quit royalty in vain!


"What is it that stirs you up so much!?"

"I'm worried about the future!!"

"Don't confide in me about your real problems!!"

"Before this anxiety, nothing can be an obstacle to me!! I was convinced, this is exactly the fork in the road ...... fate!!"


Oh my gosh, ......!

Because of his strength, he beats down the warriors of Nirvarna, and because he is so strong, he is looked at with pity by the same sex.


"Mostly, Usa—"

"You don't have to tell me your name! You can tell who my destiny is at a glance! I will set up a marriage duel and make the one who defeated me and show me my husband!!"

"You're telling me not to bring Nirvarna's culture outside!?"


And it's a vicious street demon!

From the other party's point of view, it's a terrifying ritual that if you defeat it, you will be made a husband!

Damn, it's no good......!!

Senri tries to make his way out of the palace like a wild boar.

However, in front of her, Hyde, the leader of the Nirvarna Warriors, arrives.


"Excuse me, I'm busy...... Hmm?"

"Hyde! Please stop Senri!!"


If he is...... He's known us since we were kids, and he's going to do something about ......!

He looks at me, my brother, and Senri and tilts his head curiously.


"Uncle Hyde......!?"

"Oh, Senri-sama? What did you think?"

"I'm going to the Demon Lord's Territory! Please don't disturb me!!"

「…… Hmm."


Seeing me and my brother trying to stop Senri, and my father closing his eyes in thought, Hyde points to his beard and turns his gaze back to Senri.


"I understand that you are trying to find a good person for you in the Demon King Domain."

"Do you understand......!"

"Yes, of course."


As expected, ...... is quick to understand.

Please stop Senri as it ......!


"I accompanied him to the previous meeting as an escort, and the person who was guarding the Demon King Hall seemed to be quite a powerful person."

"Even from my uncle's point of view!?"

"From my point of view, I think it was someone called Koga. Regardless of the strength of the demon race, the body that he had trained was nothing short of magnificent."



Senri, who brightens her face, and me and my brother stand up while being stunned.

It's still a great power, .......

My brother didn't show any signs of tiredness, but I was very tired.


"Then, let's go to the Demon King Territory!"

"But not now."


"Because travel requires preparation."


I took a deep breath and looked over to see that Hyde was holding Senri well.


"Even if you say you're okay, the people around you won't."

"But ......."

"I can fully understand your desire to be in a hurry, but it is not your intention to cause problems between countries by careless actions, is it?"

「…… Yes."


That's ...... Hyde.

Perhaps only two people can convince my sister in this way, either her father or Hyde.

Hyde calmly watched Senri walk out of the hall and turned his body towards his father.


"I'm sorry, I ...... to imitate you too much."

"No, I don't care, I'm sorry for my daughter. Hyde"


"As it is, it seems that we are going to the Demon King Territory on our own, so it would be better to talk to the Ringle Kingdom here so that we don't have any problems yet."


I never thought that my sister might go to the Demon King Territory, .......

I'm worried...... ...... demons encounter their sister.


"As for the Lingle Kingdom, we don't have any trouble with the understanding of other countries, because it is inevitable for us to know the current situation of the Demon Tribe."

"So, right away?"

"Ah, I'll send a letter to Lloyd to see if I can send some men from Nirvarna as well...... However, this is not the same as the work that he will do as soon as he returns...... I can't help but feel ......."


My father mutters a little tiredly.

Seeing this, my older brother turned to me and shrugged his shoulders.


"For the time being, I don't want to be king.


Normally, I don't say that, but this time I couldn't say such a word, and I had to nod silently.


The appearance of Senri, a princess with all combat skills.

And it was Koga who casually took a stray bullet.

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