I Became a Genius Swordsman in the Pretty Girl Ga…
Chapter 15 Table of contents

Kang Do-hee looked down at the crushed cigarette butt and scratched her head.

“Damn, it was expensive brand too.”

She turned to me, clearly displeased.

“Hey, who are you?”

She spoke to me informally from the start. Well, I’ll do the same then.

“Jin Yuha.”


“You asked who I was, didn’t you?”

At my response, Kang Do-hee burst out laughing, seemingly caught off guard, before quickly regaining her composure and growling at me.

“What, are you trying to suck up to me or something? If you want to, go suck up to that flower garden over there. I don’t care about that crap.”

I had to admire her blunt way of referring to Shin Se-hee.

‘Ah, Thousand Blossoms, a thousand flowers, so a flower garden. What an interesting nickname.’

It was rare for anyone to speak ill of Shin Se-hee, who was revered by so many. It took guts to go against the mob mentality like that.

‘Of course, I don’t care about that either.’

My only interest was in getting Kang Do-hee to join my party.

I nodded.

“I don’t like girls with flowers in their hair either. Especially if those flowers are poisonous.”

At that, Kang Do-hee’s eyes widened slightly. But then she let out a dry laugh.

“Ha, so you want to suck up to me instead of the flower garden? Is that it, quota student?”

“What are you talking about? I don’t need to suck up to anyone. I just want to be friends. I have no intention of sucking up to you.”

I held out my hand to her.


Kang Do-hee’s face contorted as if she had heard something unimaginable.

“Ha, this guy’s hilarious. Friends?”


Kang Do-hee’s hand slapped mine away.

“Sorry, but if you want to be friends with me, you have to be worth it. Are you worth it, quota student?”

Ouch, even though she just slapped my hand lightly, my palm stung.

As expected, despite my increased abilities due to investing in stats, the gap between a natural 5-star and a natural 1-star was still huge. I was technically a 4-star now.

I waved my hand to ease the sting and smiled at Kang Do-hee.

“You’re so prickly. What’s the big deal about being friends? Who are you, anyway?”

Of course, I knew what she was, but I knew she hated being fawned over and flattered.

“Crazy… You’re really something, thinking you can talk to me like that just because you’re a man.”

I frowned at her words.


“I don’t need that crap, and I don’t want to be friends either. Just get lost.”




Training Room C in the building right next to the auditorium.

Unlike other training rooms, this one was enclosed on all sides, perhaps to shield us from the gazes of other students.

Everyone except me and Kang Do-hee had already arrived. When I entered with Kang Do-hee, Shin Se-hee gave me a meaningful look.

I ignored her gaze and turned to the training instructor, the same expressionless female instructor from earlier.

“You’re all on time.”

The instructor, who seemed to be informal with us during training, spoke casually.

“Today is the first day, so we’ll go over the training schedule and do a skill assessment for the special admission students.”

It seemed the male quota students didn’t even get a skill assessment.

‘That’s a bit disappointing.’

I clicked my tongue.

“Here, take one each.”

The instructor handed out sheets of paper to each of us.

The paper contained a detailed training schedule.

Weekdays all followed the same routine.

Wake up at 7 am, breakfast from 8 to 9 am.

Basic training from 9 am to noon.

Lunch from noon to 1 pm.

Position training from 1 pm to 6 pm.

Dinner from 6 pm to 7 pm.

Joint training from 7 pm to 10 pm.

And on weekends, when other students’ position training ended, we were scheduled for sparring matches with other teams.

It was a gruelling schedule with only training and meals, leaving no time for rest even on weekends.

Shin Se-hee looked a little tired seeing it, but she nodded, and Kang Do-hee just checked the times and stuffed the paper into her pocket, seemingly unbothered.

However, the two men who entered with me seemed to have a different opinion.

“Instructor! This, this is ridiculous!”

“How can anyone live like this?”

The instructor’s gaze turned cold as she looked at them.

“You entered through the quota system. Without any effort, just because you’re male.”

“Even so…”

“It’s still unfair!”

“You think the Velvet Hunter Academy is a joke, don’t you? Since you didn’t even take the entrance exam.”

Her voice carried a deep sense of anger.

“You think this schedule is tough? Well, I guess it’s to be expected from those who’ve never trained before.”

The instructor sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

“It’s only three weeks. If you can’t even handle that, then you don’t deserve to be students of the Velvet Hunter Academy.”

She had a point. The entrance exam for the Velvet Hunter Academy was notoriously difficult. Those who entered without even taking the exam… It was understandable that the male quota students would face such scrutiny.

“Ha, that bitch, what was she thinking…”

The instructor muttered to herself, her breath heavy with frustration. She rubbed her temples and spoke in a slightly calmer tone.

“Still, I won’t put you through the same schedule as the special admission students. I know you can’t handle it, and you shouldn’t even try. I’ll make some accommodations, so drop the complaints.”

The two male students fell silent, though they still looked unhappy.

‘That’s why Jin Yuha managed to survive the training period.

Still, is that enough?’

I raised my hand.

The instructor’s gaze shifted to me.

“What now? You have a complaint too? If you can’t handle it, then just lea—”

“No, that’s not it.”

I interrupted her and continued.

“I want to train with the special admission students.”


“Didn’t you say this was joint training? If we keep making accommodations, what’s the point of joint training?”

The two men glared at me as if they wanted to kill me, but whatever.

“You think joint training is pointless?”

The black-haired instructor’s eyes narrowed.

“Yes, I thought the point of this training was to observe and learn from the special admission students. But how can we do that if we’re not even experiencing the same things?”

“Hmm… It’s bold, but reckless. You and they are on completely different levels.”

“I know. But I still want to try.”

After a moment of silence, the instructor looked at me with a neutral gaze and nodded.

“Fine, I’ll allow it. But if you ever feel like you can’t handle it, give up. … What was your name again?”

“Jin Yuha.”

“What about the other two? Do they feel the same?”

The two men looked like they’d rather die than agree, but they couldn’t very well say no.


“Yes, I’ll do my best.”

“Alright, that’s the end of the schedule announcement. Now, we’ll proceed with the skill assessment for the special admission students.”

The instructor took out a notepad and a pen.

“Shin Se-hee, come forward.”


She bounced forward, her long hair swaying.

“Your position is special, a magician. Correct?”

“Yes, that’s right!”

“Manifest and maintain an appropriate magic.”

Shin Se-hee extended her hands forward.



With a short exclamation, blue magical power gently flowed from her fingertips, forming intricate magical patterns in the air.

Then, a fireball appeared out of thin air.

Even from a distance, the heat was intense.

“Hmm, manifestation speed, purity of magic, form, and maintenance… Pass. All that’s left is to test the power.”

The instructor carefully observed and made notes.

“Shoot at that empty space over there.”

The instructor pointed to the center of the training room.

“Yes! Hyah!”

Shin Se-hee exclaimed cheerfully and drew her index finger through the air.

The fireball flew and hit the empty space.


A huge explosion rocked the room, sending dust and debris flying.

The two male students watched with wide eyes, while Kang Do-hee clicked her tongue.

‘As expected, magicians are OP for mob control.’

The instructor nodded, seemingly satisfied.

“You’ve added an explosion attribute to it.”


“Impressive. Truly worthy of a special admission student. Pass.”

“Thank you!”

Shin Se-hee bowed and returned to her spot.

“Next… Kang Do-hee. Come forward.”


“Your position is dealer, a martial artist type who uses Tae Kwon Do, right?”



The instructor put down her pen and notepad and got into a stance.

“Then I guess I’ll have to be your opponent.”


As soon as the instructor finished speaking, a loud crack filled the air.

Without any preamble, Kang Do-hee lunged at the instructor, their bodies colliding.






Instead of the sound of fists and feet, each collision produced a loud explosion.





Their bodies, cloaked in magical power, engaged in fierce combat.

“Holy shit…”


The two male students stood there with their mouths hanging open, cold sweat on their brows.

‘That’s to be expected.’

They probably couldn’t even see the movements of Kang Do-hee and the instructor.

Their quick, agile maneuvers, like hands and feet disappearing and reappearing, each blow carrying the same destructive force as Shin Se-hee’s fireball.

‘That’s what it takes to defeat monsters several times your size with your bare hands, huh?’

Of course, I could see it all.

The flexible, powerful movements of their feet and elbows in the air.

Kang Do-hee seemed to be on par with the instructor.

‘Hmm, she’s still in her natural state, right? And she hasn’t even used her Berserk skill yet. But she’s matching the instructor? Ah, the instructor isn’t a martial artist type, I guess.’

Even so, for a newly enrolled preparatory student to have a similar level of skill as a professional instructor who was currently serving in the academy was astonishing.





Their fists met, locked in a stalemate.

The ground trembled slightly, and the two figures paused, their stances still connected.

The instructor was the first to break the hold, wiping the sweat from her brow.

“Hoo, no doubt about it. Impressive.”

The instructor, for the first time, looked genuinely pleased.

“Huff, huff. Yes! Thank you!”

Kang Do-hee, a little winded, quickly regained her composure and bowed.

I smiled at the sight.

‘The instructor acknowledged her because she’s on par with herself. Kang Do-hee probably realized it too.’

Kang Do-hee must have known that the instructor wasn’t a martial artist type.

So, despite being a newly enrolled student, she had a similar level of skill, which surprised her.

“That’s it for today. Go back to your assigned dorms and rest. Make sure to be back here on time tomorrow.”




On the way back to the dorms, the two male quota students who entered with me confronted me.

“You! What the hell were you thinking?!”

“How could you say that?! How are we supposed to train with those monsters? I can’t do it!!!”


I looked at them coldly, blocking their way.

These guys were already whining because things got a little tough.

‘I already said that if it gets too hard, you can just give up.’

Maybe men really do need to go through military service. That way, they’d learn to just do what they’re told.

“Why, you two were fine with it, were’t you?”

“How could we say no in that situation?!”

“Damn it, if you hadn’t said that…”

‘Are these the kind of guys I have to be in a team with?’

Right now, I completely understood why Kang Do-hee gave me that look like I was a bug.

Great Sage, you were wrong this time.

Out of the five, three are trash.

Well, one is a different kind of trash, but still.

“So, what? You two are pathetic.”

I spoke with clear annoyance.

“Aren’t you ashamed?”


“You! How dare—”

“I’m ashamed enough that I got in through the quota system. If I act like you now, do you think people will look at me favorably?”

I took a step forward, and they took a step back.

These guys, who got in just because they were male, were pathetic.

“Whether you want to do it or not has nothing to do with me. They already said that if it gets too hard, you can just give up, but what’s with all the complaints?”



The two men were left speechless, mouths hanging open.

Yeah, it’s embarrassing. That one-day trial must have scared them, and they can’t very well say that now.

‘But on weekends, I’ll have to team up with these guys and face other teams…’

Our team will probably have some hefty penalties.

Honestly, with just Kang Do-hee and Shin Se-hee, no other team could beat us.

Even with Yoo-ri’s team, they’d only be able to hold out for a bit.

In a test of teamwork, it wouldn’t be fair if our team was too strong, so they’d probably nerf the special admission students.

I clicked my tongue.

“Hey, you two. It’s nice to ride the bus, but do you know what the average mortality rate is for students here?”

One of the things that shocked me the most when I arrived in this world was the death rate in the game.

In Velvets, a game that showcases the beautiful and happy daily lives of strong and beautiful girls, student deaths are not shown.

In the game, when you lose, you’re taken to the infirmary, not killed. And when you reload, you’re back to being healthy and happy.

So, it never occurred to me…

The death rate at Velvet Academy.

“Every year, 10% of each class ends up in a coffin. Of course, if you graduate, you’re treated well, but 10 out of 100 students die before they graduate. Now, which one of you thinks you’ll be in that 10%? I, for one, don’t plan on being in it.”

I pointed at the two men alternately.

“Think about it. Do you really think you can make it through the academy like this? If you just wanted to get in easily and graduate easily, you should drop out now.”



I left the two dumbfounded men behind and headed toward the dorms.

Meanwhile, a little ways away.

“As expected, he’s interesting.”

Shin Se-hee observed Jin Yuha’s retreating back.

“I wondered why he was looking at me like that from the start… He’s even more interesting than I thought.”

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