System's POV
Chapter 356.3 Table of contents

Shana's face became pale when she noticed that only seven Valkyries were flying in the sky.

Since she knew that all Squads were formed by twelve people, it meant that five of them had already died.

Thirteen was currently on top of the Humvee, and manning its built in Cannon, but he had no intention of firing at the Monsters just yet.

"Nautilus, use Athena to lock onto my location," Thirteen spoke to someone using an artifact similar to a walkie talkie. "Prepare all main cannons, and raise output to half. Wait for my orders to fire."

"Understood," the High Orc, Jubei, who was the captain of the Nautilus, replied to Thirteen through the walkie talkie. "Raising output of the Main Cannons to Half. Currently waiting to connect to Athena. Please stand by for confirmation."

Thirteen narrowed his eyes because this wasn't supposed to be the time that Nautilus would be used.

It was one of his Trump Cards, and it was still not fully operational.

Even so, he had no choice but to do it because if he didn't the 69th Battalion might all end up dead before they reached the safety of Sector 1.

If he had to choose between saving his subordinates, or keeping his Trump Card hidden, he decided to do the former.

"Nautilus is now connected to Athena," Jubei's words snapped Thirteen out of his daze, making the latter give another batch of orders. "Colbert, Alcapone, Alexis, Paul, Pietro, Piper, prepare Formation X!"

After hearing his orders, the Wanderers divided themselves into their respective Squads and dismounted from their mounts.

They take out their Empyrium Cannons, but they didn't use it to aim at the Flying Monsters in the sky.

No, they used these cannons to merge with other cannons.

Each Squad was composed of five people, and all of them carried one Empyriuim Cannon each.

These Cannons could be combined together, forming a Grand Cannon of shorts, which would fire a concentrated beam, which was ten times more powerful than the regular output of their Empyrium Cannons.

The only downside was that once they used this method, their cannons would deteriorate, and eventually be destroyed after shooting three times.

But, desperate times called for desperate situations.

In the span of a minute, sixty Grand Cannons were now operational, and only waiting for Thirteen's orders to attack.

The teenage boy was paying close attention to the Roc, who was the biggest threat in the battlefield.

Right now, its attention was focused on the Valkyries, who had whetted his appetite.

Humans were the favorite food of the Jinns, and strong Wanderers were a delicacy.

This meant that it would not allow the Valkyries to escape and was simply toying with them, just like what they did to its subordinate.

Finally, it had decided to attack another Valkyrie, and this time, it planned to target Viola, who was the strongest of the group.

With a flap of its wings, it made a nosedive from the sky, and went for the kill.

But, when it was only a few meters away from its prey, something bright caught its attention.

Before the Roc could even identify what it was, a blue beam collided with the side of its body, making it screech in pain as a gaping wound appeared at the point of impact.

Blood spilled from the body of the Roc, paralyzing it for a brief period of time.

A few seconds later, two more beams flew in its direction, hitting one of its wings, making it explode.

The Roc immediately lost its ability to fly, and fell from the sky.

"69th Battalion, target the Giant Eagles, and the Vultures, Open Fire!" Thirteen ordered.

The Grand Cannons lit up and fired at their targets, using the lock on system that Thirteen had installed in it.

It was one of the Trump Cards of the 69th Battalion that could be used when facing off against Rank 5 Monsters up to Rank 6 Monsters.

Although it could only be fired three times, it packs enough damage to make even these monsters feel a world of pain.

Even if it didn't kill them, they would be seriously injured, making them easy pickings later on.

"Cristopher, go and kill the Roc," Thirteen whispered. "I will cripple it, so make sure you get the last hit. It is a Brute type monster, so make sure to kill it."

The chubby boy nodded, and summoned the Blaze Skunk Avatar to run in its direction.

"Jubei, target the Roc, but make sure not to kill it," Thirteen said through the walkie talkie. "Cristopher is heading towards it to subdue it."

"Understood," Jubei replied.

Not long after, three more beams descended from the sky, and bombarded the Roc, who was already running away from the battlefield, using its clawed feet.

The Nautilus Main Cannons were extremely powerful, but it was still only using Half of its maximum output.

The reason for this was that Thirteen had still not stressed test it because he didn't have enough Empyrium back then for any kind of shooting tests.

Because of this, he didn't dare to use the maximum output of the submarine's main cannons because it might get destroyed in the process if it gets overheated.

Although its attack was not enough to kill the Rank 6 Monster with a single hit, it was more than enough to give it serious injuries,which would accumulate as it got bombarded by more cannon fire.

The only problem was that the main cannons use a lot of Empyrium, so the expenditure must be worth it.

Since he was certain that the Roc was a Brute Type Monster, he decided that it would be a worthy investment for Cristopher, who would gain the Avatars of any Brute Monster, if he was the one who landed the killing blow to end its life.

With the Grand Cannons giving them cover fire, the Valkyries decided to retaliate, and engage their enemies in Aerial Combat.

While all of this was happening, Cristopher had arrived at the area where the Roc had crashed.

There he saw Rocky, coiled around the Roc's body, who could no longer offer any resistance after it had been hit six times by the Main Cannons of Thirteen's Submarine.

Cristopher then summoned Brutus, and ordered it to repeatedly stab the gaping wound on the side of the Roc's body, which had been hit by the Main Cannon.

He knew that it would be easier to target the parts that were already damaged, so he decided to focus on targeting those areas.

Brutus hacked, stabbed, using the sword that was given to him by Gerald.

The Roc kept on struggling, but Rocky's hold on him was enough to keep him in place.

The Magma Bal-Boa was also a Rank 6 Sovereign, so it didn't have any problems in subduing the seriously injured Roc, whose advantage lay in its ability to fly.

After a few minutes of non-stop stabbing, the Roc screeched one last time before dying with its eyes wide open.

Clearly, it didn't expect that it would die in this manner, filing it with regret at its last moments.

Cristopher then received a notification, making him do a fist pump.

Although the Roc's rank had degraded from a Rank 6 Sovereign, to a Rank 6 Overlord, he was still happy to get a new powerful monster, who would allow him to fight in the sky, if the need arose.


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