I Became a Genius Swordsman in the Pretty Girl Ga…
Chapter 66 Table of contents

Kang Do-hee watched Jin Yuha’s sparring match with her arms folded, her eyes narrowed in concentration.

‘As expected, Jin Yuha is quickly becoming accustomed to the sword.’

Unlike before, when he seemed heavily reliant on skills, he now appeared to be trying to wield the sword on his own.

Among the party members, who were full of praise, Kang Do-hee was almost the only one who assessed him calmly.

As a fellow damage dealer in the same job class, and with her exceptional combat sense, she could view his abilities more objectively.

‘But his growth rate is abnormally fast.’

Of course, this was because Jin Yuha had the S-grade specialization in swordsmanship, but Kang Do-hee had no way of knowing that.

‘Didn’t Jin Yuha say that he first held a sword during his sparring match with Instructor Baek Seol-hee? And that was also the first time he had ever moved his body like that.’

To be honest, if one were to compare his performance during basic training to now, it would not be an exaggeration to call it a complete transformation.

In her life, she had never seen anyone become so strong so quickly.

Well, there was one exception.

That person was none other than Kang Do-hee herself.

Now she understood.

She knew how Jin Yuha could become so strong, despite being a man.

It was only natural that she would know.

Jin Yuha and herself were cut from the same cloth.

Just as he had lost his parents to a monster attack, Kang Do-hee had also lost her parents to monsters during the initial outbreak of the Gate in Korea.

The hatred for the monsters that had taken away their lives must have driven him just as obsessively as it had driven her.

When she first awakened her status window, why had she rushed into the Gate without a second thought? It was because the thought of finally being able to take revenge on the monsters herself had blinded her to everything else.

Revenge against the monsters that took their parents away. There was nothing else she could think of.

However, at the same time, he was different from her.

Before her hatred could completely consume her, she had met someone in that first Gate who could be called a noble and a pillar of support.

ParandisGuild Master, Choi Hye-seo.

But what about Jin Yuha?

No one.

If she hadn’t had that pillar of support, what would have happened? Needless to say, she would have undoubtedly walked the same path as Jin Yuha now.

A life ruined by the loss of parents to monsters.

It must have created an unquenchable hatred within him.

As a result, he didn’t know how to invest in himself or even develop hobbies, and his taste buds were completely ruined. He compulsively looked after those around him, concerned for their safety. He wanted to create precious relationships, but he was clumsy and awkward in his approach.

Suddenly, a memory of something Jin Yuha had said in a video she had watched previously (she still watched it from time to time) resurfaced in her mind.

-It’s only natural to save your party members when they’re in danger.

At the time, she had thought of Choi Hye-seo when she heard those words, but now, the meaning seemed quite different.

‘He must be thinking of his parents, whom he couldn’t save, when he says that.’

Even now, look at him.

He had just started wielding his own sword, but even that was precarious.

Although he had become strong quickly, he hadn’t been wielding a sword for long, so he wasn’t yet at a level where he could be considered threatening. But Kang Do-hee could instinctively sense it. The terrible malice behind each swing of his sword, and the intent behind it.

‘He intends to completely kill his opponents.’

Kang Do-hee observed Jin Yuha’s face and unconsciously bit her lip.

He wore an expressionless mask, a brutal indifference as if he were simply going about his daily work, even as he took the lives of others.

Perhaps this was Jin Yuha’s true self.

Always making ridiculous jokes that didn’t even warrant a fake laugh, or cooking mind-bogglingly terrible food and sincerely expecting praise for it.

All of it was a defense mechanism to hide this cold, burning hatred within him.

‘But it can be changed.’

She herself had changed through Guild Master Parandis, hadn’t she? Preventing Jin Yuha from wielding this cruel sword would only backfire.

Let him keep this sword as it is, but add one intense emotion to bring back his humanity. That much should be possible.

A fighting spirit.

A positive emotion similar to hatred, yet one that could bring life and vitality.

Kang Do-hee herself had overcome it, so the effect was proven.

‘Hah, I’m really sorry for insulting your cooking without knowing the full story. But I can’t bring myself to apologize or say cheesy things like that.’

In the end, she decided to help Jin Yuha in her own way.

‘You’re a handful, Party Leader.’

Kang Do-hee chuckled and approached him.





“Kyaah! Stop it, I said!!!!”

In the middle of giving Lee Min-young a knuckle rap on the head.

“Little fool.”
“Let’s fight.”

Kang Do-hee approached and spoke.

“What…? You want to spar with me?”

I looked at her with confusion.

‘Kang Do-hee wants to fight me?’

In reality, there was no reason for Kang Do-hee and me to fight in this class. After all, exchanging grades with someone of the same A-rank was meaningless, and we could end up tired and lose to other students afterward.

Even though we could regain our grades, Fighting Dog losing to a regular student would be a significant risk to her reputation.

‘Hmm, and I’m sure I will lose…?’

It was still early in the semester, so the difference between a 4-star and a 5-star was too great to overcome. And Kang Do-hee was well aware of this fact.

So I couldn’t help but hesitate. I didn’t have a hobby of jumping into fights that I was bound to lose.

No matter how many simulations I ran in my head, all I could see was me losing.

‘At least if I could use skills… No, wait, then couldn’t she use Berserk too?’

Not to mention, there were no mana restrictions like there were before.

Honestly, think about it.

Even if Baek Seol-hee wasn’t serious, the fact that a freshman student went toe-to-toe with an instructor in a fistfight and ended in a draw was insane and unheard of.

‘I should decline here…’

Just as I was about to decline her offer to spar, Kang Do-hee abruptly raised her head and gave me a condescending look.

“Hey, scaredy-cat?”
“Are you scared?”

For a moment, my face contorted.

‘Wait, are you really going to say that here?’

That taboo word, which would scratch any gamer or man, came out of her mouth.

And my pride, which had just been provoked.

Her gaze, looking down on me as if I was nothing.

All of it was familiar.

It was like rubbing salt on a wound that hadn’t even scabbed over yet.

‘Yeah, you were the one who disrespected my cooking, weren’t you…?’

She even sent me basic cooking recipes via personal chat, thoroughly coaching me like a noob.

If a man heard that and ran away, he should honestly be castrated.

‘Kang Do-hee’s weakness, weakness…’

I bit my lip thoughtfully.

As I continued to ponder, a thought suddenly crossed my mind.

‘Oh, that’s right. Now that I think about it, Kang Do-hee hasn’t learned how to deal with that yet, has she?’

It felt a bit iffy to rely on luck, but if I played my cards right, I might be able to win…?

And if I won and refused to fight her again, wouldn’t I be the winner for life?

It was a petty thought, but who cared?

It’s only right to return the favor when someone has given you a thrashing.

I glared at Kang Do-hee and said, “Hey, Kang Do-hee, don’t regret this later?”
“Regret? Are you talking about the regret I felt after eating your cooking?”

She scoffed, returning my provocation with interest.


‘You’re really screwed now, Kang Do-hee.’

And so, the second match between Kang Do-hee and me was set.




“Just so you know, it’ll be quite different from last time. There are no mana-restricting shackles now.”

Kang Do-hee stretched her arms overhead as she spoke.

“There’s no point in being scared of a dog that can’t even use Berserk.”

I didn’t back down and retorted, “A dog? I have no history of letting anyone who calls me that live.”
“I’m going to walk out of here healthy. I’m even going to donate blood outside.”
“Hah. Your jokes are as unfunny as your pineapple kimchi stew.”


At that moment, Hong Jinada, who had been watching the two of us engage in a war of words, spoke up.

“Skill usage is prohibited. And as soon as one of you makes a declaration of defeat, I will consider it a loss.”

She glared at me, still a bit annoyed that I had continued to pummel Lee Min-young even after her surrender.

“Yes, I understand.”

I nodded to her, acknowledging her instructions. It would be troublesome if she didn’t stop us in the middle.

“Then, let the sparring begin!”

With the instructor’s signal.


Kang Do-hee and I charged towards each other, our feet pounding against the ground.

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