I Became a Genius Swordsman in the Pretty Girl Ga…
Chapter 85 Table of contents

The next day.

As we exited the Academy’s warp gate to tackle the B-rank dungeon, 「Thorn Prairie」, a barrage of  camera flashes bombarded us relentlessly.

Pop! Pop-pop-pop!

In front of the warp gate stood dozens of journalists armed with cameras and microphones.

Lim Ga-eul’s eyes widened in surprise, and Kang Do-hee clicked her tongue in annoyance.


Yoo-ri, experiencing a hiccup for the first time in ages, looked startled.

Shin Se-hee, surveying the scene, pinched her brow and sighed in exasperation.

“Sigh─. I thought we had shaken off most of them… Seems like some journalists caught wind of it…”

Se-hee turned to me and muttered

“Sorry about this.”

“It can’t be helped.”

I replied, licking my lips.

Even though Velvet Academy had approved our party registration, we still needed to register with the Hunter Administration Bureau for official external activities.

I had entrusted that part to Shin Se-hee. She seemed to have planned for us to quietly complete our mission, but…

Kang Do-hee and Shin Se-hee were no ordinary cadets.

Their stunning ‘looks’, Overwhelming ‘strength’, And vast ‘potential for growth’, Not just one but all three attributes combined had the public in a frenzy.

Even before entering Velvet Academy, Shin Se-hee and Kang Do-hee were as famous as top-tier celebrities among the general public.

No matter how capable Shin Se-hee was, she couldn’t falsify our names on the Hunter Administration Bureau’s party registration and dungeon reservation forms. Our mission schedule had inevitably leaked through several channels.

‘In the game, whenever the characters went out for dungeons or battles, flashes were always going off. Now that the game has become reality, this is how it plays out?’

I watched the reporters with a sense of curiosity.

“Tsk, this is less than usual.”

“T-this is less than usual…!?”

Do-hee’s cynical remark made Ga-eul stammer in disbelief.

“Cheonhwa! Over here!! Look this way, please!”

“Cheonhwa, you’re still a new student at Velvet Academy. Isn’t it impossible for you to form a party yet!?”

“Fighting Dog! Wave to us!!”

“Kang Do-hee! You’ve been soloing dungeons until now. Why did you decide to form a party suddenly? Did something happen at the Academy that changed your mind!?”

“Which of you is the party leader!?”

“Everyone! Calm down! Calm down!”

The journalists, charging at us like a pack of monsters, were relentless.

At the scene, Secretary Kim tried to manage the situation, but it was futile.

Flash! Flash-flash-flash!

The incessant flashes continued to blind us. At this rate, we would miss our generously allocated gate reservation time.

Shin Sehee’s expression hardened beside me.

“Jin Yuha, go ahead. I’ll handle this.”

“…Are you sure?”

“Yes, this is partly my responsibility, so I’ll take care of it.”

Even though there was no particular mistake and it was an inevitable situation, she spoke with a sense of responsibility.

“But there’s one thing I need to get your permission for… How much of your information can I disclose?”

“Shin Se-hee.”


“I’ve entrusted you with managing the party. You can make those decisions without asking me for permission.”


“Why, are you unsure?”

When I asked playfully, Shin Se-hee, who seemed caught off guard, smiled.

“Hah, just leave it to me. I’ll have everything ready to surprise you when you return.”

It was a confident, dazzling smile.





Watching Jin Yuha’s retreating figure, Shin Se-hee took a long, deep breath.

Turning her head, she saw the bemused expressions of the reporters. They looked puzzled as to why she was the only one staying behind while the rest of the party headed to the gate.

‘Fortunately, it seems like no reporters are following the party because I’m the one drawing the most attention.’

Despite being accustomed to the cameras that always followed her, she felt a tension she hadn’t experienced before. Unlike the past, when she only had to worry about her own image, her words now could affect the entire party’s reputation.

‘This is Jin Yuha’s first step.’

As a non-combatant, she couldn’t join the battle inside the gate. But despite that, she no longer felt any inferiority or anxiety.

Jin Yuha had firmly stated that she was a member of the party too.

Recalling that moment, a soft smile appeared on Shin Se-hee’s lips.

‘Huh, it feels like our roles are reversed…’

She steeled herself. Regardless, this was her battlefield now.

Shin Se-hee faced the cameras and spoke in a clear voice.

“Alright, journalists. You’re all curious, right? Why I’m the only one left behind when the rest of the party has gone ahead.”

Like an actor, a warm, gentle expression spread across her face.

“From now on, I’ll sincerely answer your questions about our party, ‘Utopia’. Please ask your questions in an orderly manner.”




The ensuing interview with Cheonhwa resembled a public hearing.

At first, the excited reporters rushed at her, but soon they began to look bewildered.

They shared similar sentiments as they whispered among themselves.

“Is this real?”

“She’s so composed, answering everything so thoroughly.”

“Yeah, and did you hear her explain their strategy? It sounds like they’ve planned everything to the last detail.”

Shin Se-hee’s responses were meticulous and confident, which gradually calmed the journalists. She handled each question with grace, exuding an air of professionalism that left them impressed and slightly awestruck.

Meanwhile, Jin Yuha and the rest of the party had entered the gate, the initial chaos at the warp gate now a distant memory.

“Wait, what’s going on?”

“Well, I understand that they won the group duel and received the right to form a party in advance… It’s typical for the winning team to receive various rewards. Getting it as a party formation right seems strange for Fighting Dog and Cheonhwa, but…”

“…But Why isn’t Cheonhwa participating in the gate conquest? Just managing from behind?”

“Kang Do-hee isn’t even the party leader…”

“A male cadet we’ve never heard of. And he’s even part of the male quota…?”

“Yeah. Oh, wait! Photos! Did you take any photos!?”

Suddenly, a reporter exclaimed, and other reporters began checking the photos taken by everyone.

“Oh no, I was too focused on taking photos of Cheonhwa and Fighting Dog, and the focus is all off!”

“Me too! I felt like the guy was important, but I was too flustered to see clearly.”

“Hey, here, a photo where his face is somewhat visible! But, what is this…?”

For a moment.

“……” “……” “……”

The reporters fell silent as they confirmed Jin Yuha’s face.

“Damn, did they choose the party leader based on his face?”




One hour later.

Another party arrived to conquer the “Thorny Meadow” dungeon.

They were dispatched from the guild 【Darkness】.

Since they had reserved a different route from the one Jin Yuha’s party took, overlapping conquest times weren’t an issue.

Among them, the party leader, Joo Tae-rin, with her short ponytail, looked around, frowning.

“…What are all these people doing here?”

Tap tap—

“Oh, it’s me! Checking emails now and sending them right away. Just proofread for typos quickly! Speed is essential!”

“It’s a real scoop! Hurry, send out the article! Skip the cross-checking and just publish it! Cheonhwa said it herself! If we’re even a bit late, we won’t attract attention!”

“Even if the guy’s photo is blurry, enhance it as much as possible. His name is Jin Yuha, part of the male quota, but his skills are not inferior to Fighting Dog and Cheonhwa! Use that as the headline!”

Dozens of people who seemed like reporters were sitting, typing on laptops or shouting over phone calls.

It looked like a chaotic morning market. For the B-grade dungeon “Thorny Meadow,” it was unusual to see so many people. Joo Tae-rin was bewildered by the sight.

“Is some celebrity visiting or something?”

Among them, one particularly striking woman caught her eye.

She was elegantly seated, giving an interview to a reporter. Seeing her, Joo Tae-rin’s face hardened.

‘… Cheonhwa? Isn’t it too early for her to be out of the academy?’

The second daughter of the prestigious Hunter family, the Shins. Cheonhwa, Shin Se-hee.

She was a person of interest, so even the Darkness Guild kept track of her movements. Of course, they knew she had entered the academy recently and wasn’t supposed to leave for a while, so they had relaxed their vigilance temporarily.

But personally for Joo Tae-rin, it was a bad omen.

“…How is she here?”

The answer came from the dealer of the same party who was next to her.

“…Huh!? W-What is this! Cheonhwa and Fighting Dog formed a party!? And they received a party formation right as a reward for winning the duel? Utopia Party…?”

The dealer shouted, looking at the phone.

“Give it here.”


Joo Tae-rin snatched the phone from her hand as if taking it away. Scrolling with her finger, her face gradually showed incredulity as she read the article.

“What nonsense is this? A male cadet leading Cheonhwa and Fighting Dog in a party?”

“But, this seems real? Look, Cheonhwa hasn’t entered the dungeon yet.”

“…No, just ask her directly.”

Thud. Thud.

With a determined face, Joo Tae-rin approached Shin Se-hee, who was being interviewed.




“That… Is it true? That male cadet… No, Jin Yuha cadet actually won against Fighting Dog and Cheonhwa in a duel!?”

“Yes, even a little investigation would reveal the truth. Why would I lie? Rumors have already spread within the academy, you know?”

“…But, is it okay to write this as it is…”

“If you’re concerned about Kang Do-hee cadet’s image, you don’t have to worry. Actually, Kang Do-hee cadet has always had an attitude of not wanting to join a party unless someone stronger than her is the leader, right?”

“Uh… So, Kang Do-hee cadet has been soloing dungeons all this time because of that…”

“Yes, exactly.”

Shin Se-hee was having a one-on-one interview with a reporter who was influential and favorable to her. Mixing truth and fabrication skillfully, she crafted Jin Yuha’s image. In fact, the party formation right was compensation Jin Yuha received for the Demon Misunderstanding incident.

And Kang Do-hee’s solo activities were due to her not being able to open up to others after the Parandis Guild incident. But the reporters, unaware of this, were busy jotting down her words as they were.

“If I can’t hide it from the start, this is the right move.”

It was earlier than expected for Jin Yuha’s revelation, but Shin Se-hee had been thinking in this direction from the beginning.

Once their party, which included herself and Kang Do-hee, became known to the world, it was only a matter of time before they discovered Jin Yuha’s role as the party leader. And it was only a matter of time before his role as the party’s DPS, his male quota status, and his exceptionally handsome appearance became known.

Once people paid attention to those things, how would the Utopia Party be evaluated? It was a certainty that there would be all sorts of provocative remarks belittling Jin Yuha.

Of course, with time and activity, evaluations of him would slowly change. But even for just that moment, Shin Se-hee wanted to reduce the weight on him. She knew better than anyone how deeply the public’s judgments, even for a moment, could affect someone’s heart.

So she chose to reveal Jin Yuha’s role first, and then, using her and Kang Do-hee’s fame, she aggressively positioned him on the same level. ‘Of course, even doing this won’t completely avoid criticism.’

That’s when it happened.


When Joo Tae-rin, who had approached her without realizing it, called out her name. Shin Se-hee slowly turned her head to the side.

“Oh my, who is this!”


“Who was that, really?”

With a natural smile, Shin Se-hee tilted her head.

Joo Tae-rin’s forehead veins bulged suddenly.

“You… You’re still the same.”

Then, Shin Se-hee changed her expression back to a calm one.

“Oh, it’s just a joke, Joo Tae-rin. It’s been a while. Are you here to conquer this place today?”

“…What nonsense are you spouting?”

“Nonsense? It hurts my feelings to hear that.”

Shin Se-hee, who had been staring at her, suddenly lowered her voice.

“Anyway, you’re speaking to me so boldly… Seems like you’ve been doing well. Must be nice.”

With a slight nod, she gestured to the reporter.

Joo Tae-rin’s impression distorted fiercely.

“Just quietly conquer and leave. We’ll turn a blind eye to it like we are now.”

Shin Se-hee warned in a chilling tone.

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