I Became a Genius Swordsman in the Pretty Girl Ga…
Chapter 101 Table of contents

The senior members of the Demon Slayer Squad escorted Ryu Jinju’s workers, while Jin Yuha and Baek Seol-hee headed towards the Hunter Administration office.

Swish, swish─

“What nonsense is this…!”

Kim Jiwon, who had been poring over the documents, slammed her fist onto the desk in anger. Thud!

A round hole formed on the desk where her fist had struck.

She leaned her head against the chair back, pressing her temples firmly.

“…Hah, unbelievable.”

It was already a chaotic situation. Suddenly, complaints and sniper articles targeting the Hunter Administration flooded the internet. In the midst of hastily devising various countermeasures, Baeck Seol-hee and her disciple returned. The shocking documents they brought.

Kim Jiwon closed her eyes tightly, organizing her thoughts.

“…Hah, just the thought of these articles spreading sends chills down my spine.”

The materials they provided were shocking. Deeds she hadn’t done were recorded as her own, and even various pieces of evidence and photos were manipulated. It was enough to deceive a layman, if not an expert.

“If I hadn’t obtained these, I would’ve been completely blindsided…”

She opened her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose.

Leaning forward on the desk, she looked at her black-haired mentor and disciple.

“So, you’re telling me this commotion was caused by you? To buy time before these documents spread?”

“Yeah, it exploded bigger than expected, but analyze those documents while they’re still in disarray and prepare a rebuttal.”


Kim Jiwon let out a deep sigh.

“I owe a great deal to the Velvet Academy.”

“Well, if these articles had gone out as they were, you, the administration head, probably wouldn’t have been spared.”

Baek Seol-hee said in a calm voice.

Kim Jiwon nodded in agreement.

“…Yes, it was cleverly orchestrated. We’ll have to publish a rebuttal, assuming the manipulation in these documents is believed to be true. So, the one behind all this… was Ryu Jinju?”

“No, she’s just a puppet. She seemed to genuinely believe it was real.”

“…Is that so? Well, she’s not capable of orchestrating such a sophisticated manipulation. It’s better if the Demon Slayer Squad’s involvement remains undisclosed… Hmm. Should we attribute this to the Velvet Academy?”

Kim Jiwon spoke with a dejected tone, her blue hair draping over her shoulders.

“Now, the Hunter Administration can’t be a check to the Velvet Academy anymore.”

It went against her values for one institution to monopolize power, but there was nothing she could do. Comparing the two institutions now, the Hunter Administration was lagging behind the Velvet Academy in terms of power.

“Yeah, unavoidable.”

At that moment, Baek Seol-hee turned her head towards her handsome disciple.

And when the boy made a subtle gesture, Baek Seol-hee nodded in understanding.

It seemed like he had just followed along, but perhaps that wasn’t the case.

“…Did that boy do something about this? No, judging from the current atmosphere, it looks like he’s the one leading…?”

Baek Seol-hee turned her head again to meet her gaze.

“We’ll say you prepared and triggered this incident.”


Kim Jiwon was taken aback, her eyes widening.

‘You want to attribute this to me? Why…?’

“The Velvet Academy and the Hunter Administration are institutions that check each other. However, in reality, the Velvet Academy holds much greater power compared to the Hunter Administration.”

In a world where force equated to power, they were institutions that checked each other. But the Hunter Administration was a step behind the Velvet Academy in terms of training high-ranking hunters.

“Given the recent events, the status of the Hunter Administration is bound to take a significant hit. And to those who planned this in advance, the stumbling Hunter Administration will appear like an empty house.”

Baek Seol-hee spoke calmly.

She was right.

Even if someone had obtained manipulated documents beforehand, the situation where the corrupt parts of the Hunter Administration were exposed had already occurred.

At this vulnerable moment, all sorts of troublemakers would undoubtedly take advantage.

But what Kim Jiwon couldn’t understand was why they were attributing this achievement to her. Wasn’t it the Velvet Academy, which always resented interference from the Hunter Administration?

“I understand that much. But why attribute this to me? What reason—”

“We have a reason.”

The words came from the disciple of Baek Seol-hee.

‘Isn’t he named Jin Yuha…?’

Kim Jiwon turned her gaze to him.

“We hope the head of the administration can be our fulcrum.”


“Yes, if you become the one who triggered this incident, you can clean up a considerable number of internal enemies who have been hindering us. It’s like cleaning. Although the power of the Hunter Administration itself may weaken, after completely eliminating the rotten parts, we can rebuild from scratch, right?”

He spoke with a pure voice, as if this was simply how things should be.

‘Perhaps he’s too young to understand the complexities of power relationships…?’

For a moment, Kim Jiwon had a sinister thought. Maybe it would be best just to accept this proposal…

However, Jin Yuha added, as if denying that thought.

“Indeed, concentrating power in one place is not good.”

Her own thoughts had just come out of his mouth.

‘……Yes, but why me? There are plenty of people who can do this job without me. We’ve just met today. Can you……. can you trust me?’

Kim Jiwon asked him, convinced that Jin Yuha was behind this.

‘Of course…….’

Saying that, the apprentice looked back at his teacher.

He smiled charmingly and gave her a trusting gaze.

‘My instructor told me that you are quite a nice woman.’

Then, Baek Seol-hee ‘s eyes widened. She coughed and blushed.

‘……ha. I’m in for a lot of surprises today. That slaughter maniac blushes and makes such a shameful face?

“…Okay, I get it. I’ll accept the proposal.”

Although momentarily perplexed, this aspect wasn’t worth dwelling on.

“But it still doesn’t quite add up. If this continues, I’ll continue to feel indebted to you both. Then, I won’t be able to fairly intervene against the Velvet Academy. Regarding this matter—”

“In that case, how about this?”

Jin Yuha added, as if he had been waiting to say this.

“Not as a matter of the Hunter Administration, but as Kim Jiwon, the hunter, on a personal level.”

‘So, you want to leave the debt solely on me? Completely separate from the Hunter Administration. How audacious.’

Although it felt like being deceived from the start, Kim Jiwon’s mouth curled into a smirk. She felt she could handle any deception like this.

“Baek Seol-hee, you’ve really raised a bold disciple.”

To that, Baek Seol-hee nodded affirmatively, as if in agreement.




“Our youngest member!”

“Wow, so cute!!!! Your skin is amazing!!”

“Um, would you mind if you call me older sister?”

“Gosh, do you have to wear mask even when you’ll bein the Slayer unit? Your face is too fine for that.”

“When are we going to start the real action?”

After coordinating with the Hunter Administration in various situations, I stepped outside, only to be surrounded by the ninja, or rather, the senior members of the Demon Slayer Unit. They had quite an energetic personality.

“Um, hey, youngest one. Can I, um, pet your head just once…?”

One of the seniors, wearing a rabbit mask, asked.

“…Um, sure.”

I nodded, feeling a bit awkward but still appreciating their hospitality. Having my head petted wasn’t a big deal.


Just before her hand touched my head…


A chilling voice cut in.

It was Baek Seol-hee.

Immediately, they all straightened up, standing at attention.

“From now on, monitor the Hunter Administration.”


“If anyone approaches Kim Jiwon or tracks Ryu Jinju, report it. Once you’ve confirmed the orders, move to your positions.”

Then, the seniors wearing animal masks silently dispersed from the spot.

“Jin Yuha, let’s go.”

Baek Seol-hee turned her back, walking ahead with a composed expression.

“Yes? Where are we…”

“They probably won’t show up.”


“They might hesitate in unexpected situations like this.”

“But what about the seniors…”

“It’s just a precaution; don’t worry about it.”


“Now that class is over, let’s head home.”


‘…But did she intentionally prevent the seniors from petting my head?’

Nah, that can’t be.

“Hurry up.”


I quickened my pace to catch up with her.

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