The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 14 Ch. 13 Table of contents

After breakfast, we decided to take a short break and head to the living quarters where Mr./Ms. Gref was.

Hannah, who is in charge of assisting me, is the only Mr./ who will accompany me, and Nea will be waiting at the dormitory with Mr./Ms. Uluru.

It seems that he is very concerned about the deterioration of the system, and he will investigate it.


"Hah, what are you going to do when you come to the Demon Tribe's living quarters?"

"I'm going to see someone I know from the Demon Tribe, named Mr./Ms. Gref, Kira's guardian whom I met yesterday."


I'm sure you're talking about me, but first I have to apologize for hiding my identity.

Or rather, I think it's better to talk about it on the premise that it's going to be done.


"That's the way it is."


If you look in the direction that Hannah Mr./Ms. pointed to, you can see a place where there are many buildings lined up.

Gathering the gaze of the demon tribes around him, he walks down the street and finds two familiar children playing on the side of the road.


"Rose, rum?"


Perhaps noticing my voice, the demon boy and girl, Rose and Ram, look at me.

He tilted his head for a moment, but his expression immediately brightened and he ran towards where I was.


"'Brother Usato!'"

"Do you understand me?"

"Yes! My sister told me!"

"I knew right away because I didn't look like it had changed much!"


He's smiling more than before.

Delighted by that fact, I crouched down to make eye contact with them.


"Are Mr./Ms. Gref and Keira there?"

"Yes! I'm at home!"

"I was so fidgety!"


Are you at home?

When I was about to ask for directions to where the house was, Rose and Lamb's gaze suddenly turned to Mr./Ms. Hannah next to me.





- The two of them quickly hide behind me to a stranger.

As he smiles at them, he notices that Hannah Mr./Ms. next to him is smiling and pulling his lips together.


「…… No, why am I being guarded and Usato not being wary? It's really infuriating."

"Well, I've seen him before."

"Hey, this person is a really scary person, isn't he?"



You've given a rather terrible misunderstanding!

Mr./Ms.'s smiling words make Rose and Ram tilt their heads.


"You're not a scary person, are you?"

"You helped Uncle Gref, didn't you?"

「…… Usato-kun, did you brainwash yourself with healing magic?"




"Rose, Ram, this person has a pretty bad personality, so be careful, okay?"

"Oh! I am sorry!? I apologize! It's too shocking to be hated by a small child!?"


What does it mean to be brainwashed with healing magic?

Rather, it would be your true nature to have phantom magic.


"So, can you show me to your house right away?"

"Okay! Come on, Ram!"



I followed them as they started running vigorously.

It didn't seem to be that far away, and we were soon led to a brand new black brick house.

If you look closely, you can clearly see that the materials of the Demon Castle are used, but when you think about it, you notice that a demon girl, Kira, is standing in front of the house.


"Oh, Mr./Ms. Usato! Rose, Lamb, did you guys bring you here?"


"He said he was here to see Uncle Gref."


Keira stroked their heads and shifted her gaze to me and Mr./Ms. Hannah.


"Well, I've been waiting, Gref is inside, go ahead."

"Yes, I'll bother you."

"It's late, but isn't it too out of place for me?"


You're the one who followed me...... right?

Mr./Ms. smiles wryly at Hannah, who looks a little uncomfortable, and steps into the house at the urging of Kira and the others.


"Uncle Gref! Brother Usato's here!"

"I'm here."

"Oh, are you sure you're here?"


From the back of the house, a middle-aged demon man, Gref Mr./Ms., arrives.

He looked at me without a demon disguise, and after a little surprise, he smiled in trouble.


"I'd heard about it, but I didn't think it was really human.

"I'm sorry I tried to deceive you......"

"No, I don't blame you, come inside."


You are invited to the guest room.

Then Ram and Rosé, who were following me, pulled the hem of my uniform.


"Hmm? What's going on?"

"Hey, let's play?"

"Let's play!"

"Hey, Mr./Ms. is going to talk to Gref now."


Then, before he could say whether he would like to hang out with them after the conversation, Mr./Ms. sighed and stepped forward.


"I'll take care of it for you, so you can talk to usato-kun."

"Mr./Ms. Hannah?"

"I don't know what you're going through, so I can't participate."


…… I wonder if you are a child lover unexpectedly?

No, it's rude to say it's unexpected.

Lamb and Rose are left to Hannah Mr./Ms., and I sit facing Gref Mr./Ms., and Keira sits next to me.


"How's your leg doing?"

"I was surprised that he took the bandages off after that and didn't have a single scratch. After that, it was said that a healing wizard appeared in this city, so maybe...... That's what I thought."


It was a pretty bad wound, so I'm glad it healed completely.


"Like I said, I don't blame you, I'm just grateful."

"No, I don'...... that."

"It's one thing to heal my injuries, but it's also because you saved Keira, and since then, this kid's dark magic hasn't gotten out of control."


I get a little itchy at the words of gratitude straight up.


"But how did you turn into a demon? You didn't understand it at all, did you?"

"Ah, it has to do with another dark wizard who isn't here."


Briefly explain Ferm.

He looked very curious about the assimilation, but he was convinced that he had become a demon only in appearance, and nodded curiously.


"My real magic is healing magic, and dark magic is like the magic of the child."

「…… I didn't expect that the healing wizard of the Ringle Kingdom would be you. It's famous here, too."

"Oh, you mean that in a bad way......?"

"No, I can't say that at all."


Well, I was so targeted that I was called the devil and made an enemy on the battlefield.


"I've heard a lot of stories about soldiers who have been horrified by you, but no one has ever said that you killed their comrades."

"Well, most people have sunk it with their fists."


I was prepared for it, but I didn't do it.

Rather, it was more efficient to quickly stun the obstacles in front of me, since human life was basically prioritized.


"That's why I'm scared isn't about life-threatening situations...... Ah, it's okay to think of it as something like when you encounter a ghost or a demon."

"It's complicated in its own way...... Aha."


I smile wryly at Mr./Ms.'s words.

I really have to do something about the devil.

I'm scared that I was worshipped in the morning.


"Speaking of which, how long has Mr./Ms. Gref been here?"

"About a month ago, I was thinking about lamb and rosé and I thought it was time to live in a proper place, and then the living quarters were liberated and I moved in."


Was it relatively recent?


"I'm glad I was able to find a place to work right away, because there's always a shortage of people here."

"What is Mr./Ms. Gref?"

"It's a clerical job that draws on my experience traveling around the Demon Lord's Domain, calculating where to supply supplies and how much manpower and time it will take. Surprisingly, there are no people who are familiar with the geography of the Demon Lord's Territory, so it is quite useful."



You've been entrusted with an important job.

It will also be difficult to distribute food and other supplies sent from other countries, including the Kingdom of Lingle.


"How long have you been here?"

"It's about two months, and during that time, I'm going to follow the Demon King's instructions and train the expeditions sent to the Demon Realm."

"Hmm? It seems that the expedition is under the direct control of Koga-sama, is it different?"

"He asked me to do the training."


Recruitment will start soon, and I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of people will gather.


"Eh, Keira, is it true that you know Koga-sama?"

"yes, they seemed to get along normally."

"Was that also true......


I've been surprising since the beginning.

You'll have to get used to being surprised right now.


"Well, it's a long stay."

"That's what it's going to be."


It seems long, but considering what I do, it may still be short.

Well, it may be the first dispatch, so I may come to the Demon Lord's Territory again soon.


"Oh, that."

"What's the matter, Keira?"

"Again...... Can you see my magic?"


Kira said hesitantly.

Seeing the magic, huh?

Ferm isn't there now, but he might be able to teach me something.


"yes, I don't mind, maybe I'll prioritize the training of the expedition ......."

"I'll be there then."

"You're very motivated......


Isn't this kid a lifesaver?

Keira's motivated gaze gives her the same feeling as she did when she was knacked.


"Oh, and also! My dark magic has changed a bit since then."

"Has it changed?"

"It's a little different from Mr./Ms.'s Ferm, but now I can do something similar!"


Different but similar?

Is it a variant of dark magic? Dark magic itself is a magic with a lot of mysteries, so I'll check it later.



The talk with Mr./Ms. Gref ended in about an hour.

We just talked about each other's recent situations and positions, but I think it was a fun time for me.

Later, he went to call Hannah, who was taking care of Lamb and Rose Mr./Ms.——、


"This is the story of a terrifying, terrifying healing wizard......


"Brother Usato, you're very strong!"

"Ugh, I ...... brainwashed that much!"


For the time being, I punished Hannah Mr./Ms., who was telling me my demonic story in the style of a fairy tale, with a healing decoupin.

For some reason, Lamb and Rose looked at me with envy.


"I'm not convinced."


"The fact that people like you is liked by children."


Still say?

After leaving Mr./Ms. Gref's house, Hanna Mr./Ms.h and I went back the way we came to return to our quarters.

I look at her with jito eyes as she puffs out her cheeks as if she is sullen.


"What do you think of me......

"Like the devil...... Monsters?"

"You can't even call me a human ......?"


It's too much of a mess.

As I involuntarily shrug my shoulders, I notice that there is a lot of noise down the street.

Is someone running at a great pace?





Koga, who has a very impatient face, comes to us as if he is running away from something.

- When she notices me, she stops in front of me as if she were happy.


"Usato! It was just right!!"

"What's up, Koga?"


"I was chased around by Senri-sama and ran away in desperation, but I looked as if I was being hunted down by a mysterious tracking ability!!"

"Laughing more refreshingly than ever ......! Oh, you're right......!"


Rather, what other reason is there?

Then, as if arriving late, the second princess of the kingdom of Nirvarna, Senri-sama, arrives.

She stops in front of me with a sprint that doesn't seem like a princess.


"Uh-huh...... I've caught up! Mr./Ms. Koga!!"

"Oh, I beat you!" So give up?"

「? Why do I have to give up if I lose to you? You don't know what that means, do you?"


Wow, it's a line that doesn't sound like someone who has sunk a fiancée across the board in an engagement duel.

Cornered, Koga went around behind me and held me out in front of Senri-sama.


"Hey, look, there's Usato! Is this good?"

"I'm not a woman to look out for anywhere else."

"It's completely different from yesterday's behavior!!"


Apparently completely locked on to Koga.

Didn't you try to put me in your place now?

Leaving my question elsewhere, Koga sticks his finger at Senri-sama.


"Oh, I don't like you!!"

"Then why don't you just like it?"

"No, this guy is too strong!?"


…… Isn't it surprisingly suitable?

This assertiveness of Senri-sama has something in common with Koga.


"Leave this to me, Koga."

"Usato ......."

"I'll take care of it."


Thumbs up to Koga behind him and turns to face forward.


Let's pretend to be Koga's support here and assist Senri-sama!


"Totally, both of you, please stop talking nonsense with me in between."


When I said that while showing a troubled look, Senri-sama, who was in front of me, put his hand on my cheek as if shyly.


"What, how can you talk like that...... It's still early!"

"Oh, hey...... Is it okay? Can you believe it? Hey!?"


He pushes through Koga, who grabs his shoulders, and pushes him further.


"They say, 'I hate it, I hate it, I love it,' and Koga just hasn't been able to be honest."

"So what do you mean you don't like ......?!"

"Are you like that?! , this is how it goes——"

"Mr./Ms. Hannah!!"


Mr./Ms. Hannah, who immediately read my intentions, slams the phantom magic into Koga's head at a speed that seems to have already been prepared in advance.

Koga, who tried to escape, weakens with the whites of his eyes peeled off.


"It didn't have much effect, but I gave him the illusion that he had escaped from this place."

"It's nice......!"

"I don't hate that aspect of you, I rather like it."


Only this time Mr./Ms., he feels like he has a heart-to-heart with Hannah, but he turns to Senri-sama.


"Senri-sama, it is often said that we are close enough to fight, but please choose the time and place."

"The more you fight, the more you show how close you ......?"


It's become a ridiculously otherworldly proverb.

As expected, I shouldn't make that mistake, so I corrected it and then took care not to cause a ruckus.


It was Usato and Hannah who got along in a strange way.

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