The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 14 Ch. 19 Table of contents

Healing magic is really scary magic.

The guy next to him, who was unable to move his legs and was gradually falling behind, was forced to make a full recovery with the light of healing magic and was forced to run.

Fatigue does not remain in the body.

However, the spirit that is always forced to do its best is not able to cope with the change, and it is gradually chipped away.


"Keira! What's the view from there?!"

"Looks good!! It's expensive and fun!!"


If you just listen to the conversation, it will make you smile.

Unless it looks like a healing wizard carrying a blue grizzly on his back and Keira on top of ......!


"If you find someone who is about to fall or cheat, please let me know!!"

"Wow, I understand! It's a big responsibility! I'll do my best!!"

"You're a good girl!!"


Correction!! The content of the conversation is too scary!

Was that a watchman?! That's what you meant!


"Oh, Mr./Ms. Usato, that person is about to fall!!"

"Oh, that's bad...... Oh my gosh!! If you have time to pass out, run! The only thing that is a master is the attitude and the mouth! This stupidity!!"



The man's eyes go blank as he spews abuse at Usato and Kira, and he tries to fall, but before he can do so, Usato's healing magic and angry voice hit him directly.

In an instant, he is pulled back to reality and frantically moves his legs and runs.


"Hehe, hehe, I don't know when I'm going to be yelled at...... Oh, it's going to be a habit ......!!"

"Shouton!! Give me power!! Showon!!"


"Darekah, Taskete......"


- And the guys next door are so perverted that their hearts are about to break ......!

- I'm just afraid that Vina is excited without hiding it anymore!



By the end of 20 laps, we were so tired that we collapsed on the training ground.

Well, I never thought that I would be forced to run as fast as I could really ......!


"Okay, the preparatory exercise is over!!"


Your heart is about to break just by words......

When we reach the training ground, Usato's voice strikes us in despair as we descend from exhaustion.

I've wondered many times, why doesn't this guy look tired at all!?

Isn't that unreasonable?!

I was running with a blue grizzly on my back!

We are out of breath and can't get up, so Usato crosses his arms in annoyance.


「…… Can't help it. Mr./Ms. Uluru, please give me a healing spell."

"Yes, yes!"

"Hydrate yourself!!"


Seeing this devastation, Uluru ran up to us as he got used to it, and cast a healing spell on us as we fell.


"You've run Mr./Ms. a lot, I'm sure, Elle...... It was, wasn't it?"

"Oh, yes."


He must have talked to him to investigate Usato.

I was surprised that I didn't even remember his name, and Uluru wrapped his hands around my dirt-stained hands in his hands.


"Don't worry, you'll get through it. Good luck to you."

"Oh, yes......."


…… Huh!?

Oh, it's dangerous! I didn't feel like it, but I was excited.

Do all healing wizards have one or two quirks......? It's scary, it's too scary.


"Ya, it's easy ......"

"...... Angel"

"Goddess ......"


The others seem to have been dropped.

No wonder, I thought, and moistened my throat with the water bottle I was given.


"Come on, you've had enough rest."


When everyone is done with their healing magic and hydration, Usato looks around at us.

His slightly grumpy face and crossed arms are strangely visible, and he looks like a different person from yesterday's guy.


"This is scary ......"

"Oh, the devil ......."

"Demon King ......"


"Who's going to slap you in the face?" …… It's the next drill."


When it gets quiet, Usat instructs the next drill.

He raises his hands and puts them together with a popping sound.


"If I clap once, it's one push-up, it's not that hard, it's an easy exercise."


Now, spread out and get ready for push-ups! …… Following Usato's cheerful instructions, we move into a push-up position with our hands on the ground.

It's not that difficult if you just listen to the content.


"Mr./Ms. Uluru, be ready to use your healing magic at any time."

"Got it!"

"Mr./Ms. Hannah, penalty anyone who tries to take it easy with phantom magic."

"Well, do you want to go that far......?"

"I'm going to teach Kira the basics of magic now, so wait for me."

"Yes! Thank you in advance!!"


I just casually heard that it was a penalty for phantom magic.

As he thinks about it, Usato claps his hands and signals a push-up.

What do you think?

From Usato's hand, what looked like a particle of healing magic seemed to spread around him.


「…… Well, if it's push-ups, I've done thousands of push-ups when I'...... soldier."


If that's all you want, that's fine.

Especially if you're using healing magic.




A sound is heard.

Do push-ups.




A sound is heard.

Bend your arms.




There is a sound, and you do push-ups.

Such monotonous and sober training will continue forever.

I know that the body is always healed by healing magic.

I'm confident that I can keep going.


But when will this end?


Even as he was thinking about this, Usato's hand was beaten.

We can't stay mindless, and gradually unnecessary thoughts begin to cross our minds.

The time until the next clapping of hands is infinitely distant.

What are we being forced to do?

It's very, very painful.

I'm not supposed to be tired, but I'm not listening to my body anymore.

It's painful to listen to the hand clapping that is made in a regular rhythm ......!


"Oh, that!!"

"Hmm, what is it?"


Even if one person raises his voice, his hands are clapped.

The man gathers the gaze of everyone except Veena, who is ecstatic next to him, and asks a question to Usato, who has a smile plastered on his face with sweat on his face.


"When will this end?"

"......, are you done? I don't know when it's going to end."


Haven't you decided, ......?

Usato, who made eye contact with the stunned man, said the next words with no hint of malice at all.


"I guess that's why I didn't count."


And once again, the clapping of hands echoes through the quiet training grounds.



Day 8


Kokoro ga Shinu

Gradually, I can't even think of it as painful

Rise up and rise

In the end, you will not be able to think about anything.

Oh yes


This is what Satoshi and







Someone blows into his ear and he falls out of his chair.

Veena put her hand to her mouth and looked down at me with a smile on her face.


"No, no, no, no! Aren't you surprised!?"

"No, I was muttering something while writing in my notebook...... Have you come to your senses?"

「…… What?"


Why am I writing a diary?!

I'm scared of writing! What was I unconsciously writing!?

After a day's training, I returned to my dormitory and collapsed into bed...... I remember up to that point.

Before I knew it, I had been awakened by Veena's mischief and had fallen out of my chair.


"Why are you here in the first place?"

"Don't you remember? Mr./Ms. Nono and I are going to stay in your room from today, right?"

「…… Oh, by the way, ......."


Originally, this was a soldiers' quarters, and I didn't live there alone during the war.

When the war ended and some people stopped fighting, it ended up being like a single room, but .......

Today, Nono and Vina, who are one of the few female members of the team who have been recruited, have decided to live here.


"And what about Nono?"

"I'm just as unconscious as you were on the bed there."



If you look at it, you can see Nono sinking into the bed as if he were dead.

It's understandable, because I was the same way.


"But he was exactly as I had heard.

"Why are you so energetic......?"


No matter how you look at it, I honestly wonder about the energetic Veena compared to me and Nono.


"I love the emotions of people crying, their suffering faces, and so on."


Why am I sharing a room with this guy!?

I've been using a room for 4 people by myself, but I can't move this guy to another room from now on!


"But more than that, I like to be in that situation...... Hehe."

"This pervert !!"



- Don't pant sexily in vain!

What the hell is this damn guy! Where have you been hiding until now?!

Please, let me rest while I'm in the dormitory...... Whew!!


「…… Hmm? What's that, Nono?"


Nono, who had been sleeping in bed a while ago, has disappeared.

Did it happen? No, not even so...... Hmm?


"Her luggage is gone, but ......."

"Hmm...... This is it, isn't it? I ran away."


Did you run away......

Well, as far as that kid is concerned, he joined to get away from Usato, but he's a sorry kid who ended up being trained by Usato, so there's no reason to stop——、


"It's just the two of you, Mr./Ms. Elle."

"After all, I'm going to bring Nono back!!"


I don't want to be in a room with this pervert!

I felt that I was in danger rather seriously, so I rushed out to call Nono back.



For me, that healing wizard is still traumatic.

It's haunting everywhere I go, so maybe it's completely targeting me.

At the end of the day, even Hannah's Mr./Ms. ......!


"I've become a puppet of the devil ......!!"


I have to run away alone.

With such a determination, I escaped from the dormitory with my luggage and jumped out into the dark night road.


"I'll join Sean first, and then I'll ......."


Let's figure out what to do with it.

As long as you have a reliable partner, Sean, everything else will take care of you.


"Okay, keep going——"

"Huh? Mr./Ms. Nono?"




In the backyard of the dormitory, the presence of a voice that emerged from the darkness made me tremble from the bottom of my body.


"Hey, healer wizard......!?"

"Hahaha, I'm out of training right now, so it's okay with Usato."


He approached me with a smile that looked good-natured, and I hid my luggage in a whisper.

Ah, the demonic figure at that time flickers in my mind.

He came out to the light and bowed to me.


"I'm sorry I surprised you the other day."


"I was infiltrating the Demon Lord's Territory for a while, so I needed to disguise myself, but I didn't expect you to be so surprised, ...... asked Hannah Mr./Ms.. It seems like it's been quite traumatic......


I'm surprised to be apologized normally.

What, ...... use different personalities in the same way as during the day!

…… Maybe Hannah's Mr./Ms. is letting her guard down, and maybe she's not such a bad devil .......


"That's ...... It was during the war, so there was no need to apologize...... I think."

"It's not that I'm a demon or anything, it's just that my companions used their abilities to make me look like a demon or a demon."

"Isn't that bad, isn't ......?"


How do you come to look like a demon and a demon?

As he ponders his questions, a somewhat relieved Usato cuts out the story.


"Oh, I asked Mr./Ms. Hannah, but there is a flying dragon named Sean in Nono Mr./Ms.'s partner."

"Oh, yes...... Well, no way something will happen to Sean!?"

「? No, I thought it would be difficult to take care of the flying dragon from here. I brought him to the stables."


Does that mean Sean ...... here?

Could this person ...... a good person?


"I thought it would be better to get your consent......, but for some reason, Hannah Mr./Ms. rushed me."

"Oh, thank you."

"Me too...... I have a blue grizzly as my companion, and I understand how much you value it."


As ex-soldiers, we all know that this healing wizard has a blue grizzly as his sidekick.

…… In that sense, he might be the same as me and Sean.


"Now I can concentrate on my training without worrying about it."


"If you have a buddy nearby, you won't lose focus."


That? Does this mean I can't escape?

I can't leave here because Sean ...... moved here!


"Maybe ......."


Didn't you bring Sean here so that I wouldn't be able ...... leave here?!

I don't know what this man is thinking, considering the sudden change in the daytime, and whether his words and actions are from good intentions.

The only thing I can say is that I can't get away from it anymore.


"Oh, that's it...... I'm ...... training."


"Stop...... No, what was the meaning of today's training......?"


I can't say that I want to stop training, .......

Usato laughs a little embarrassedly at my question.


"I thought that the demon Mr./Ms. were physically trained, so I thought I'd train my mind."

"...... heart?"

"Yes, from what I've heard, the Demon Realm is an environment where you never know when you'll be attacked by a ferocious demon, so what is required is the concentration to keep your nerves sharp at all times and the mental strength to maintain your sanity in a harsh environment."


So ...... continued, Usato, who suddenly snapped his hand.

The same sound as when I did a push-up today made me shudder and felt an uncomfortable sensation running down my back.



"So, in terms of training policy, I thought it would be better to train the body and push the mind to the edge and make it stronger...... Are you okay?"

"It'...... okay."


No, the trauma is etched into my body.

I'm scared that I'm about to do push-ups by accident.


"You look tired, and I don't want to talk too long."

"Oh, yes......."

"It's time for me to go back to my quarters."


I don't know which is the real one, the scary face during training or the face now.

No, it's still scary because they're both real.


"See you tomorrow."



"Uh, well, thank you ......."


He answers with a trembling voice to Usato, who tilts his head curiously.

Perhaps that's the end of it, but he walks down the dark night road away from his quarters.


「…… I can't escape."


He wanted to get away from the healing wizard.

But just as bad, today's training was bad.

Sean was brought here, so I couldn't move around.


"Hah, no way, Hannah, Mr./Ms. know this......!? Ugh, what a betrayal ......!!"

"When I thought I was leaving, what ...... doing at the door?" Nono"


Mr./Ms. Elle came out of the back door and gave me a curious look.

Still, I could only put my hands on the ground and lament at this helpless situation.


*Usato and Hannah moved Sean with good intentions.


There's nothing scarier than something that doesn't know when it's going to end...... It was Usat who did it.


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