The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 14 Ch. 23 Table of contents

It's a tantrum, but we have to survive in this forest.

As long as those demons are watching, you can't leave the forest because if you try to escape, you may be punished further.

The immediate problems are food shortages and availability of beds.

Fire can be started in the experience of camping, but this is in a forest where ferocious monsters lurk.

There is no safe place.

The important thing here is that each person does not act arbitrarily and does his or her part.


First of all, let's make effective use of the notebook left by that devil.


Day 1 of forest life


Baggage confirmation

・Knife ×6

・Water bottle×6

・Food: Approximately 3 days' worth



No matter how long you estimate it, you only have enough food for three days.

That stupid white coat was stuffed with stones in his luggage to disguise his weight.

So far, I'm unbelievably out-of-the-way in my work, but I'm not sure if I'm aware of it.

In any case, you can predict how much you can move in a cornered situation, to cultivate teamwork, or to cause a split in the group.


Today, the day ended just by finding a place to live in the future.

The location is near a river with clean water.

It has a great view, and if you are attacked by a monster at any time, you can deal with it immediately.


Tomorrow we will procure food and take a walk around the area.

Divide your team into two groups and explore the area around the river and in the forest to see what monsters might pose a threat.


Ryan is as cute as it is.

When we look at the journal together, we feel relaxed.


Day 2 of forest life


It is said that a group of men who explored the forest witnessed a ferocious monster.

A monster that is large and yet has a bear-like.

Suddenly, it appeared in view like smoke, and it seemed that he left the place without paying any attention to Kevin's attack.

Moreover, it is said that there are three of them.

To be honest, I thought that with our current ability, we could beat most of the monsters, but Kevin's dismay was amazing.

Attacks slip through and don't hit.

It's awkward.

I've never heard of such a monster, and I don't think it's a test for Usato to achieve?

It's too awkward that he wouldn't be surprised at any impossible task.


I could find some fish in the river, but there weren't many of them.

If you take too much, it may run away and disappear, so it cannot be said to be a stable hunting ground.

Fortunately, Nono is knowledgeable about wildflowers, so I'll rely on her sole.


You can hear the monster growling.

It can be heard from near and far away.


There is no way you can sleep peacefully when there is a terrifying monster nearby.


Day 4 of Forest Life


Lin was snacking on the fish for food.

There was no reason to be angry, and in fact, it made everyone, including me, feel cheerful.

I was surprised to eat Mr./Ms. unexpectedly.



Day 5 of Forest Life


I saw that monster.

During the day, Nono and I witnessed a terrifying beast that glared at us as if it were trying to determine its prey, and then disappeared into the darkness of the forest.

What the hell is that?

I don't think it's a creature of this world.


We don't say it, but we're getting tired.

I haven't run out of food yet, but I haven't slept well.

If that terrible beast attacks you, you won't be able to hold back, even if you keep a lookout.


No one was injured.

There is still plenty of food.


But our hearts were definitely weakening.


Day 6 of Forest Life


I'm at the limit of my patience.

You should find and defeat that monster.

Otherwise, this will be ruined.


The seventh day of forest life


I searched for the monster yesterday and today, but I couldn't find even a trace.

I don't understand the meaning.

Such a terrifying, big monster could be easily found.

Even though there is no figure, only that terrifying roar still echoes from the forest.

It may be the first time I've ever felt so scared of a monster.


The eighth day of forest life


For a long time


For a long time, I can't get the male kebi out of my head.


I can still hear it from afar, from near and near


I'm afraid to close my eyes.


I'm sleepy, but I can't sleep.


I can't stop trembling when I think that the monster that appeared from the darkness at the moment when I fell asleep will bite my throat.


Will we be able to wake up in the morning?




"That's how it feels."

"Thanks for the report, Nea."


It was the seventh day of the exercise.

Nea, who had been sneaking into his subordinates as a cat until today, had returned to me to report.

It's quite late in the day, so the three of them are asleep now.


"Do they notice?"

"We've left the element to notice, and it's up to them to find it."


I don't think it helps if I can't find it.

That's what I did, and the results are still good.

As I heated the water in a pot over the fire, I told them one of the purposes of this training.


"They lived closer to the ferocious monsters than we did, so I think somewhere in their hearts they underestimated the demons."

"Actually, yes, there was a part of me that was optimistic that we could get away with the worst."

「…… Well, there was a part of us that used demons as a force."


As Koga said, during the attack on the Ringle Kingdom, they treated the demons as a fighting force.

In that sense, we must change our perception of demons.

Since you are in an area where many demons live, it is natural that you are on a different level from the demons in the area where humans and demons live.


"It's a battle with yourself, either you're going to be beaten by the monster you've imagined, or you're going to be defeated by it...... Whichever way they fall, it's going to be a meaningful exercise for them."

"I've always thought that you're good at doing outrageous things with mental distress."


I've said it many times, but the soldiers here are physically built to a certain extent, so we have only decided on this policy as a result of prioritizing mental training.

Well, it's not that I'm not aware of it.


"I'm aware that I'm doing some pretty terrible things in this training."

"You're aware of it......

"It's necessary, too, because I don't want anyone to die."


The Demon Realm is a dangerous place, so no matter how much preparation you make, it will not be enough.

And above all, if one of the Demon Lord's requests is also there, I must be quite enthusiastic.


"I'm sure they're getting used to life in the woods by now, so I'd like Nea to see when the time is right for them to guide them."



Then, I wondered what I was thinking, and Nea, who had transformed from a girl to a black cat, curled up on the clothes that were folded and placed beside me.


"What are you doing?"

"This way you don't have to sleep on the hard ground, and I'll allow you to stroke me."


"Because I'm a cat now."


No, what kind of logic?

- Before she asks for something quite unreasonable, she can't refuse, so she lightly strokes it with her free hand wrapped in healing magic, and purrs pleasantly.


"No, it's a cat."

"I don't think you're a vampire, dude."


Koga looks a little dumbfounded, but Nea seems to be satisfied.

Well, he doesn't stop his hand as he hits the bonfire and talks to Koga.


"I think it's time to go, can I leave it to you?"

"yes, I know what I'm going to do. You just have to do the Demon Lord's request."


I don't want to leave, but it's now or never.


"It's a poisonous zone, what's waiting for you?"


One of the requests of the Demon King.

He wants you to recover one of the powers that was stolen from him by the hero Mr./Ms..

Of course, it is not the arbitrary decision of the Demon Lord, but the information has been shared with Ringle and Mialak, so it is not an official mission...... There is, but only a limited number of people know about it.

It's a dangerous mass of power, and you have to recover it because it has a negative impact on the Demon Lord's Domain...... The question is where it sleeps.


"Either way, it's not just healing magic."

"It's a dangerous area where healing wizards can't even enter the Demon Clan that won't wake up, and even though I'm the only one who can go there, the Demon King won't be able to say anything nonsense."


It was for this reason that we chose this land as the training site.


"Are you sure you're going to go alone?"

"I need Nea to watch my men, I wish Ferm was there, but she's in the Ringle Kingdom right now."

"Ah, if it's his assimilation, it has nothing to do with poison."


So I had to go and collect it by myself, and I got a magic tool for that.

I know where it is, and I'm going to go there and come back.


"Then why don't we take Keira with us?"

"No, I can't."


He looks at Kira, who is sleeping on Bulllin's body, and immediately denies it to Koga, who tells him so.


"This guy can get into the dark magic cloak he created, and he won't be affected by the poison."

"You can't take this kid to a dangerous place......


As someone who is in charge of Gref's Mr./Ms., I can't let him be in danger.


"You don't understand."

"What are you doing......?"

"I guess you want me to rely on you at times like this, but it's not a good idea to be overprotective, right?"


It's true that Kira won't be affected by poison, and even if she does, she'll always be able to take the effects of my healing magic in her cloak.

But that'...... not true.


"I'm going."

"Oh, were you awake?"


Kira, who has risen from Bulllin, rubs her eyes and says.

Perhaps he was listening to the conversation just now, but he seemed sleepy, but he was stubborn and did not give in.


"If you can help me, let me go......!"

"But ......."

"No, ......?"


I am worried when I see Keira depressed.

At this rate, I feel like I'm hiding and following me...... Above all, it can be said that what Koga is saying is not wrong.

As Ferm said, I might be a little overprotective.

Sometimes, this can be an extra inconvenience for the person in question.


"You listen to the instructions, don't you?"

"Ha, yes!"

"If I tell you to run away, I'll fly away and let Koga know, and if you can keep it, you can follow me."

"I get it......!"


There should be no danger other than poison, so I don't think I'll fight .......


"If nothing happens, that's fine."

"I think something is going to happen when you say that, in your case."

「…… I regret saying it now."


I guess this kind of thing is called a flag.

Anyway, if you're going to take Kira, you have to make sure she doesn't put her in danger.


They were always chasing down the existence of monsters in their lives.

It's not dangerous, but it's mentally draining, and it's a sobering and painful training.


The reason why only Usato could go was because the place he was asked to go to was a space covered in poison.

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