The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 14 Ch. 27 Table of contents

There is a legend that the brave sleep in my hometown.

One of the many heroic lores that exist in various places to sweep and throw away.

Among them, the place where it is said that the brave spent his last years and buried his bones was the place where the house where I lived is located.


"The brave were the last to visit this place."

"Don't see a peaceful world"

"Don't look at people"

"Nothing is left."

"Leave nothing behind, don't tell us anything."

"Ending his life unknowingly without having anything to do with anyone"


Of course, I didn't believe that.

In fact, everyone in the village didn't believe it.

It was hard to believe that a hero would leave such a hollow legend.

The strange scholar Mr./Ms. was interested, but most of them lost interest in the end and left the village.


There are no heroes who were active in the past in this era, but I have heard that the Demon King has risen and invaded the Ringle Kingdom, a land far from here.

Although the information was conveyed in a choppy manner through rumors and articles...... To be honest, I didn't think it was that relevant to me.

He is the hero of the Ringle Kingdom,

It's an invasion of the Demon King's army,

Healers who run on the battlefield,

The story of the Ringle Kingdom and the Demon Lord's Realm was only a foreign story, so it was always someone else's business for me.


"We also sent troops from Kamherio, and this is the result...... It's good news that we won the battle against the Demon King's army, but this is like a pain share......"


Usual morning.

My father, Mr./Ms., who was reading the newspaper that had arrived in the village, muttered to himself.

At the muttering, my mother, who was preparing breakfast food on the table, Mr./Ms. with an anxious expression.


"The Demon King's army in this world, it's scary."

"Don't worry, we won't be here, the Demon King's third march into the Ringle Kingdom was unsuccessful."


The story of the Ringle Kingdom delivering letters to various countries is a common story these days.

It is said that they will be aware of the dangers of the Demon King's army...... It still doesn't feel very real.


"Besides, I heard that there are two very strong heroes in the Lingle Kingdom, and if the countries join forces with each other, they will be fine."

"Mr./Ms., I think that's too optimistic."


I sip on a piece of bread and warm milk and talk to an optimistic Mr./Ms..


"Sia, you can't think about all the anxious things, can you?"

「…… That's true, but-"

"Sister, that's also it!!"


He claps his hands to prevent his younger brother, Berio, who was sitting next to him, from trying to snatch the bread from his plate.


"Stop it, you're so mean."

"Berio, there's still bread, so don't do it."

"Damn ......."


He sighs at his younger brother, who has begun to act in a way that overlaps with his growing prime and rebellious period.

It's also a problem to be too naughty.

Even if we are five years apart, it doesn't .......


"Shea, Berio."




I look up at my father's voice, Mr./Ms..


"It rained heavily the other day, didn't it? You know that caused a landslide nearby, right?"

"yes, but it's not that close to home, is it?"

"Yes, but it's dangerous, so please don't get close to both of us."



I replied in unison with my brother and focused on breakfast again.

So I turn to myself.




My mother's Mr./Ms., my father's Mr./Ms., and my younger brother.

I was born in an idyllic land, and I thought I would be able to live a quiet life for the rest of my life.

Someday find someone you like, and become an adult.

Have a child and watch them grow.

That kind of...... If you can find happiness that you take for granted...... That's what I thought.


"This is ...... It's a dream. …… What a dream?'


Memories of being happy in my casual daily life someday.

As I watched the scene come back like a running light, I could only watch the nightmare that was about to happen.





I think the reason why I became this way was when I was looking for my brother Berio.

After walking around looking for my younger brother, who was playing and running around in various places——— I found a cave with its face sticking out of the collapsed mud.

It was as if the cave was the only one that was beautifully empty, and in retrospect I think it was just an eerie sight.




I stepped into the cave, which had been unseen for hundreds of years.

What they found there was a single-edged sword in a scabbard and someone———s corpse.


"Whew, a corpse!?"


The corpse, which was reduced to only bones, held a shining crystal-like sphere in the hands of .......

It popped on its own, and the golden smoke that burst out of it ——— entered my body as if it were being sucked in.


"——— !!?."


The feeling of being rewritten in your head.

Pain in the head being shown the memory of someone you don't know.

The "anger" and "hatred" of a human being named Hisago are pasted on my existence.


"Ahh......hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Hate...... Stop ......!!"


The memory and magic of the brave Hisago forcibly fleshed out in my heart.

A memory that cannot be expressed in words.

This world where people from another world kill each other and he ends up in a world where he is separated from his beloved wife and child by death...... It was just as harsh and cruel.

As I was shown some of those memories and my existence was being repainted——— Hisago's voice echoed in my mind.


Kill the ——— Demon King

———You must kill the Demon King


I think I understood that it was just a remnant of a memory left by Hisago in the past.

But I couldn't resist.

My emotions were already possessed by a person named Hisago, and I was about to lose even that freedom.


"Thus I was changed."


IMySwayed by the impulse, he left the village.

He was not allowed to say anything to his family, and he was accompanied only by a sword———CollapseKoroI went to the Demon Lord's Territory alone to do so.

At first, I had no choice but to go as I was swayed.

When I regained consciousness, I was too tired and hungry to do anything.


"I was fortunate because I was able to earn money by defeating bandits."


When his consciousness gradually became clearer, he was not even allowed to think about returning to his hometown, and he was just about to head to the Demon Kingdom.

We are only allowed to act in order to live.

I was allowed to bathe, eat, and sleep, but I was not allowed to go back the way I came, and I continued to walk earnestly during the day.


"I was scared when I was going to sleep."


When I woke up, I was unconscious.

I was scared that I would be repainted into a consciousness influenced by Hisago's consciousness, and I always cried before I went to sleep.

My magic had already turned into something else, light magic, and my red hair, which was said to be beautiful Mr./Ms. my mother, was now almost a jet-black color that shines in the darkness of the night.


"If I had fought the Demon King, I would have definitely been killed."


I couldn't handle magic properly, and my actual combat experience was only a memory, but going to defeat the Demon King was like dying.

You can easily defeat the bandits and the thugs in the area, but you can't beat the Demon Lord.

What can you do with mere light magic?

I couldn't handle the lineage enhancement, and I was a village girl who didn't even think about hurting anyone...... I don't think I can fight......

But it doesn't stop.

I didn't stop until the ghostly voice whispered in my head led me to the Demon Lord.


"I knew I was going to die, but I had no choice but to go......


At that time, there was nothing but despair in my mind.

For no reason, the memory of a man named Hisago is implanted in him, and he is proceeding on a reckless journey according to his impulse.

Even if I try to commit suicide, the memories strongly linked to my emotions will not allow it.


"He saved me."


The defeat of the Demon Lord.

The Demon King was defeated by the heroes who infiltrated from the Ringle Kingdom, the healing wizard Usato.

I remember very well 、——— time when I was at the scene where the battle was over, mingling with the soldiers of the demon tribe.

After the Demon King and the heroes who fought him came out of the basement...... The Demon King has declared his defeat.


[We decided to entrust the future of our demon tribe to this human]


The Demon King is alive, but the human side has won.

The memories and emotions of being a brave Hisago, not me, made me feel indescribable.


I think it was a joy.


A boy about the same age as me, called Usato——— indirectly saved my life.

Even if he didn't want to, I couldn't help but be grateful.

I'm done being swayed by these memories.

I can go back to my hometown and be with my family.


"Yes, I thought so...... This damned memory still wanted me to do something.'


But it never ended.

After the Demon Lord, it's the absurd task of killing the demons.

It was painful because my arm was full of wounds due to the system reinforcement that was forcibly activated.

You don't want to hurt anyone, you don't want to fight, so why ...... the devil? I've got to kill somebody.


Why did the hero leave such a thing?


If I were to erase what I had left behind, I would have to leave it in the first place.


No more.


I didn't want the power of a hero.


I want to go back to my father's Mr./Ms., my mother's Mr./Ms., and the house where Berio is.




"Help me......



A voice muttered in his sleep.

I open my eyes to the strong and clear response.




A gentle and soothing healing magic light.

A warm hand holding my hand.

When I finally became conscious of the feeling of being real, I saw Usato, who had saved my life, in front of me.


It was the story of a girl who was implanted with memories and forced to live to defeat the Demon King.

…… For the time being, Kannagi is forgiven even if he beats up Hisago once.

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