The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 14 Ch. 37 Table of contents

Name: Senri

Race: Human

Magic: Unknown


The second princess of the kingdom of Nirvarna.

Although she has the status of a princess, her personality is extremely fierce, and she is a martial princess who has traveled around the country since she was a child, fighting and training.

On the other hand, she longs for marriage, and when her sister got married at a young age, her longing exploded, and she also sought a lifelong companion that she "recognized".

However, the standard was very high, and the condition was that "beat her in an engagement duel".

She was tampered with in her position as a princess...... There is no such thing, and most martial artists are stunned or stunned by the powerful blow delivered by the senri at the beginning of the duel.


Currently, he is aiming at Koga and repeatedly attacking both physically and figuratively.

Koga herself doesn't realize that she's naturally calling Senri out, and her actions don't seem to be in vain.


He is actually aware that Nea is not Usato's wife.


Name: Elle

Race: Demon Tribe

Magic: Wind System


A soldier who was formerly a member of the II Corps.

After the war, he was able to transfer, but he didn't feel like doing anything other than fighting anymore, so he had no choice but to change his position as Koga's subordinate, ——— that made him a bad choice.


The magic you possess is wind magic.

Although it cannot handle the powerful wind of Nero Argen, it can be used in a variety of ways, from assisting its own movements to manipulating fine airflow developed by magic.


Usato's review

・ There is guts and highlights.

・ Temperament and rebellious spirit are highly evaluated.

・ImmediatelyRescue TeamHomeBut he's a talent that can make it.


Name: Nono Helestea

Race: Demon Tribe

Magic: Water System (Oil)


Cavalrymen who belonged to the former Third Army.

A disappointing girl who has joined the unit that Usato trains in order to stay away from Usato.

He mistakenly thinks that his partner Sean is being held hostage, which prevents him from escaping from the unit.


The magic you possess is water magic.

It is a magic that allows us to create water with properties similar to oil, and its applicability is immeasurable.

On its own, it can be wrapped in a sword to strengthen its sharpness, or it can be thrown to the ground to break its posture, and if it hits your hand, it can completely wipe out the weapon you are holding.

Combined with the flames spewed out by his sidekick Hiryu, it is possible to unleash a powerful and unrivaled attack.


Usato's review

・ Since it seems to be a real thing after standing in adversity, the aptitude of the rescue team is surprisingly high.

・ It's a little scary because if you forget yourself, you will start screaming strange things.


Name: Veena

Race: Demon (??)

Magic: Unknown


A soldier who was formerly a member of the First Army...... It is written on the record.

He casually speaks of perverted words and actions that ordinary people cannot understand, but he has a mysterious side that does not say information about himself skillfully.

He had a strong interest in magic power circulation and was the first to master magic sensing before anyone else in the squad.


Usato's review

I feel like I'm not a normal person.

Probably quite strong mentally.

・ It seems that there is another senior from another vector.


Name: Kevin

Race: Demon Tribe

Magic: Tree Lineage


A male demon who was in the same squad as Elle.

When he belonged to the Second Corps, he was a common sense person who got along with the members of the squad, but he was aware that he was sober and inconspicuous among the members of the corps, and it became a secret complex for him.

After the training, he found joy in physical training itself by visibly realizing the results of his training.

The magic you possess is the magic of the tree system.

You can also grow trees from the ground to create improvised weapons or grow them from the ground to restrain your opponents.


Usato's review

・ He is also good at detailed magic manipulation, and if you master the handling of magic power, you will be transformed.

When I and Koga aren't around, I think he'll be the center of the squad.


Name: Wal

Race: Demon Tribe

Magic: Earth System (Rock)


A male demon who was in the same squad as Elle.

They are not good at talking and try to convey their feelings with the minimum number of words, so they are usually unable to communicate clearly.

Despite his large physique, he has a mild-mannered personality, and even when he was confronted by his former enemy, Usato, he immediately tried to get to know his personality without turning hostility.

The magic he possesses is earth-based magic that manipulates and creates rocks.

He was able to wear rocks on himself like armor, and after training in magic power, he was able to float and manipulate the rocks he created in the air.


Usato's review

- A quiet and serious person.

・ Mentally, I am the calmest, so I can deal with things calmly in an emergency.


Name: Thane

Race: Demon Tribe

Magic: Earth System (Pu)


Unlike Elle and the others, the villagers came to the city on a whim during the decline of the Demon King's army.

He saw applications for the well-paid squad and was confident in his skills, so he decided to participate in the training.

Being naïve and coming from a village with few people, he thought that the training imposed by Usato was normal, and he completely misunderstood the horrors of the city and the general level of training (the fact that the roommates were Kevin and Wol also added to the misunderstanding).

Perhaps because he had a background from the beginning, he gradually adapted to the training and is now working hard as a respectable member of the team.

Possession magic is earth-based magic.

Unlike swords, Thane's magic is a type of magic that is close to mud.

He is good at using terrain tactics such as diving into the soil and manipulating it, and it goes well with Kevin's tree-based magic.


Usato's review

・ I don't have much actual combat experience, but my background is immeasurable.

・ There are some parts that are a little out of the ordinary in terms of daily life, so I think that part should be corrected as well.


Name: Kayla

Race: Demon

Possession of Magic: Unknown


One of the demons that had been sealed by Hisago.

His personality is angry and short-tempered to match...... However, he also has a cautious side.

He has an extraordinary murderous intent towards Usato, who is called a demon and is feared, and even if he is severely beaten once, he will attack again with his fellow demons.

Somewhat, Usato's healing guard is traumatized.


Dark Wizard Twins

Race: Demon Tribe

Magic: Darkness


They are twin demons whose corpses have been dug up and used by demons, and decades ago——— they did their utmost to plunder as the head of a group of thieves in what could be said to be the dark age in the Demon King's territory.

The dark magic "thread" they control is a powerful dark magic that can entangle and cut everything with a thread composed of magical power stretched from the five fingers of both hands.

They believed in each other and were sure that they would never betray each other, but that absolute trust was broken little by little with a small fray.


My twin sister was fine with her hunger.

However, her sister sought pleasure in repeating the exploitation of her unresisting compatriots.

There was no one who could stop her from taking her life senselessly and repeating more atrocities than necessary.

Except for one sister, who shared her blood with him.


It was too late to say a word.

The older sister to stop the younger sister.

The younger sister is to get rid of her sister who betrayed her.

Their fight escalated into a killing spree using dark magic, and at the end of the fight, the two of them lost their lives without a second thought.

Their story ———should have ended when their bond and the magic they believed in became a tool to kill each other's most important beings.


Time passes, and the women, who have been resurrected as corpses, become enemies of humanity and stand in front of Usato.


[List of Usato's additional moves]


・Healing Afterimage Fist

An evasive technique realized by applying elasticity.

A technique in which the stretched magic power is thinly wrapped in oneself and released during movement to make the opponent appear to have left an afterimage on the spot.

If activated normally, the difference between the afterimage and the main body is obvious at a glance, but if it is used during high-speed movement with a slow speed, the opponent will see Usato's body as if it were an alter ego.


・Healing Guard

An outrageous technique that grabs nearby enemies and uses them as their own shields.

It's a technique that is mainly used only on people who don't hurt their hearts, but it also casts healing spells on them, so it's unharmed as a result (it can be said that it can be used as a shield many times).


・Healing sensing

By scattering healing magic particles around the area, it is a technology that detects the reactions of living beings and the movement of objects with senses other than the five senses.

Originally, it is also a technique called magic sensing, but since it has the properties of healing magic, Usato calls it healing sensing.


・System deterioration

A technology developed to increase the efficiency of magical power.

In the case of healing magic, the healing power is reduced, and the magic power consumed is reduced.


・Healing breakdown

A technique that can be used when the system is constantly radiating magical power due to system degradation and is aware of the opponent's movements by sensing magic power.

At the moment of the opponent's attack, the magic power that had been weakened due to the deterioration of the system is restored, and by radiating it again, it pierces the opponent's void and stops its movement.


They were twins, dark wizards who live a sober and fierce life, and Mr./Ms. Thane, who is involved.

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