The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 15 Ch. 6 Table of contents

Regardless of the form, the six members of the team survived the exercise safely.

It's also because they realized the hidden intentions behind the exercises themselves.

In the first stage, if the training of the members has reached a certain line, the next problem is another.


That is, in order to enter the realm of demons, you need someone who is familiar with the terrain.

I hate to say that I don't have any knowledge of that area.

As part of the trip, you can understand how to read the map to some extent, but it is deep in the forest...... I don't have the confidence to walk accurately in places where even my sense of direction might be dulled.

Don't you know Koga? I asked, but the answer was———、


"I don't know either."


In a sense, the answer was as expected.

However, there is no way that the Demon King is not thinking about such things, so he was introduced to people who are familiar with geography in the Demon King City.

The recommendation letter that was sent to me with the scroll I had asked for early in the morning listed several candidates, some of whom I had just recognized.


"——— is what I mean, Hannah, Mr./Ms. can you do me a favor?"


Mr./Ms., a former Third Corps commander who has been acting a lot since coming to Demon King City.

On the day she was given the recommendation letter, she gave her "hand-clapping push-ups" to her subordinates and talked to her as she watched the process.


"Hah, I understand."

"That's right, I'll say no...... What?"


I thought I would be turned down normally, but did you get it?

Mr./Ms. glared at me in amazement.


"It's probably because I'm probably the only one who knows the terrain and has the ability to enter the demon realm, or rather, who likes to go to a place where there are ferocious monsters?"

"That's true."

"And if you're not used to Usato-kun's weird behavior, you'll definitely lose your sanity."


It's a terrible thing to say.

Am I being treated as such a bad guy that I need to be mentally judged based on my usual behavior?


"I really can't help it, it's really, really troublesome, but I'm the only candidate who can handle a certain amount of combat, so I have no choice but to take it."

"Oh, I see...... Thank you very much."


Regardless of the reason, I'm glad I was accepted.

It's better to have someone you know and trust than to be with someone you've never met before.


"Besides, it's the Demon Lord, and I know there's no point in refusing anyway."

"No, if you refuse, I'll ask someone else for help...... Do you think I'm so out of character?"

"I don't think he's a bad person, but I think he has a devilish heart."


What do you mean by that?

I finally started to be treated as an outsider on the inside.

That's a bad sign, yes.

After applauding once more, I try to perform the angry performance that I learned from interacting with Mr./Ms. Nero.


"What part of me is the devil......!!"

"What are you talking about creating this situation......?"


Mr./Ms.'s gaze is on her subordinates who continue to do push-ups in silence to my hand claps.

There was no rustle like on the first day of training, and when I saw them all doing push-ups with the same movement and speed with a single clapping, I returned my gaze to her without stopping my slapping.


"......, it's a daily occurrence in the rescue team."

"Really? Mr./Ms. Nea."


Why are you asking Nea a question here?

Nea, who has been sleepily perched on my shoulder for some time, rubs her eyes with her wings as she watches the scene of the training grounds.


"Well, the harshness is about the same."

"What kind of environment do you live in?"


I guess I was reading a book until late.

Nea, who woke up with a gap after being called out by Mr./Ms., spoke to her with a slight pullback.


"Usato, if you look closely, you look like the person I manipulated."

「…… Okay."

"Hey, what's good about this?"


I don't want to sound like I've gone too far, but maybe this could be an effective tactic against demons.


"Nea, Mr./Ms. Hannah, the devil is a dangerous creature that deceives people's minds."

"Like you?"

"Like Usato-kun?"




"So now I have an idea."

「…… What are you going to do?"

"What if, by any chance, they fall under the influence of the devil...... I thought I could wake you up with this clapping of my hands."

"It's not just brainwashing."

"Why is this person trying to defeat the demon's magic with mere clap?"


I tried to fool myself by saying something random, but it didn't work.

In fact, the mental barrier has been cleared.

I think I pushed myself too hard from the first training to the exercises.

I'm also worried about the devil's interference in my mind.


「…… Ahh

「? What's going on?"

"Yes, you're already here, devil."


I suddenly realize that I see the devil Veena Mr./Ms. doing push-ups as she is told.

I didn't think of it at all because I was in training as a matter of course, but with this person, I can think of effective measures against demons.

If it is decided, it will be a quick story.

Once I stopped clapping, I approached where Mr./Ms. Veena was.


"Ha, what am I doing!?"

"You're in training, don't make a fuss......

"Why is Mr./Ms. Elle sane!?"


He smiles wryly at Nono Mr./Ms. who suddenly starts making a fuss and calls out to Mr./Ms. Veena.


"Mr./Ms. Veena, please come over for a moment."

"Oh, oh, that! I'm still training———

"Come on."

"I'm on my way!"


While calling her out, who showed a momentary resistance as if she didn't want to stop the burden of training, she turned back to Mr./Ms. who was looking at us curiously.


"I'm sorry I stopped you, please continue your training."

"After all, ...... Vina as a servant?"

"I haven't."


While being careful of El's Mr./Ms. who says ridiculous things, she returns to Nea and the others with Veena Mr./Ms..

…… Isn't it okay to reveal the identity of Mr./Ms. Vina only to the members?

I don't think it's strange for Elle Mr./Ms. to notice.


"And what are you going to do with him?"

"Do you do an autopsy?"


"I won't, I won't."


I pull back a little to Mr./Ms., who smiles and says horrible things.

…… You're kidding, aren't you?


"Mr./Ms. Veena, is it possible for ordinary people to be resistant to demonic magic?"

"Hmm, it's subtle, there is or is not...... That's what I mean. It all comes down to things like experience and birth."


First of all, when I broached the topic, he answered with a little regret for some reason.

It's quicker to ask the devil about the devil.


"The magic of our demons is what we call temptation."


"It paralyzes the mind and dulls the mind, and there are expressions such as intoxication. It's almost impossible for a slightly stronger person to endure."


Does that mean that the only way to counter it is to be a mentally strong person like me, or to use Nea's resistance magic?

Perhaps, from the point of view of feeling, if you have a certain level of ability, you can resist it, but even so, it can be considered that it has a small effect.


"We, the devils, pierce the voids of our hearts and deceive people."

"I see," he said, "and that's why you mentally hunt them down and make them suspicious and make you fight. You're a despicable monster, devil."

"Well, manipulating the mind sucks, isn't it?"


A vampire who manipulates people and an illusion wizard who can make people fight with hallucinations are saying something.

If you think about it, all three of them have the kind of ability that affects the mind.


"Aren't there many people here who have the ability to chase down their hearts?"

"Yes, there are four of us."

"It's true that the four of us here have the same things in common."

"I'm a healing wizard, right?"


When I said that, Nea and Mr./Ms. Hannah laughed at me.

When I was determined to take revenge on the overly treated, Mr./Ms. Vina made a pink magic bullet in her palm and spoke to me.


"Mr./Ms. Usato, can I try to hit my magic for the time being?"

「? I don't mind."

"Usato-kun, I think it would be okay to listen to what you just said and allow it normally......?"



Vena Mr./Ms., who passed through the astonished Hannah Mr./Ms., hit me with a slight pink magic.

There was a slight impact as a magic bullet, but nothing in particular seemed to have happened.


"Wow, it's really not working, how do you get that mental power?"

"I got used to it mainly through training and the psychic attacks of hundreds of souls bound by the curse of Samariar."

「…… Uh-huh. Do you think I'm stupid?"


It's a fact.

He said with a puzzled expression.


"Hey, Usato, the fact that the devil can't believe you is so funny that you're going to laugh."


I know it's not working, but I'm glaring at Nea who is about to blow out.

Well, you just found out that the devil's magic doesn't work completely on me.


「…… For the time being, it's a countermeasure against the devil."

"What are you going to do about it?" Are you going to make all of your squad members feel magic?"

"No, that's too late, I don't even know if magic sensing is a skill that anyone can handle in the first place."


It may depend on the magical properties, or it may depend on the qualities of the person himself.

I don't have enough time to find out.


Can't help it.


"Temporarily suspended training!!"


Stop the members who are silently completing their training.

I looked around at them with a curious expression on their faces, and first of all, I wrapped the magic power in the gauntlet that was deployed in my arm.


"What are you going to do ——— usato?"

"Healing Magic Bullet"


We swung our arms around and sprayed magic around us, making sure that there was no one else in the room but us.

Turning to face the confused looking members of the squad again, he pushes Mr./Ms. Beside him forward.


"Mr./Ms. Veena is the devil."

「…… Huh?"



Everyone's stunned voices leak out.

That's natural, but it's just the difference between being found out early and late, so it's better to break it up quickly.


"Go back to your original form."

"No, are you sure?"

"I don't mind."


Mr./Ms. is confused, but she breaks the magic and returns to her original form of the devil.

She urges the members to calm down and explain to the members who are surprised and rustling at her transformation.


"Actually, this person is a demon who came to spy on us from the enemy forces, but after many twists and turns, we decided to cooperate with him."


"But her position remains the same, she's part of the squad and she's not going to change the way she's treated."


…… Apparently surprised, no one seems to object to her presence.

When I was just a little relieved, Mr./Ms. raised her hand.


"What is it?"

"Well, it's like you're always called the devil...... Guy?"


"No, it's nothing."


Mr./Ms. tilted her head with a smile on her face and pulled back.

Hahaha, I wonder why.

…… Nea and Mr./Ms. squirted behind me, and I'll remember it later.


"This is a confidential matter that should not be leaked to the outside world, but I thought I would reveal it to you in an important position."


"Exploration into the Demon Realm, because the obstacle to this mission is the intervention of the Devil."


There's a reason why the devil is the enemy in my eyes, but that's only part of it, and the main thing is the battle for the Demon Lord's sealed power.

The power of the Demon King should never be given to the devil.

To that end, we must do what we can in the short time we have left.


"We'll talk about the details of exploration in the right place, but for now we're talking about countermeasures against the special magical powers of the demons."


This is where the devil comes in.

I will explain the dangers of the demon's magical power as briefly as possible, and then move on to the content of the training I am about to administer.


"From now on, everyone Mr./Ms. will be under the influence of the Veena Mr./Ms.'s magic."

"Uh, uh, Mr./Ms. Usato?"

"Well, you said something weird, kid."


If there's a demon here, there's no reason not to make good use of it.

If you know the magic power of the devil, it will be easier to deal with it, and above all, you may be able to build resistance.


"The demon's magic is a nasty thing that affects the psyche, so you need to have a sense of magic and the mental strength to resist it. That's a new addition to the training."

"Do you mean to do the training as usual?"



As for the content, it is about continuing to endure the sweet temptation to "escape from painful training".


"If you are reluctant, please come forward now."



At this point, Nono Mr./Ms. raises his hand, but he doesn't budge...... "I'll do it!" Seeing Mr./Ms. who is burning with a rebellious spirit, she hesitantly lowers her hand.


"Mr./Ms. Nono, can I refuse?"

"Yarimasu ......"


Why is it such a disappearing voice......?

I'm not forcing it.


"Oh, that, Mr./Ms. Usato?"

"Now, Mr./Ms. Veena, please."

"Hey, my intentions are nowhere to be ......!"


You're the one who said you'd cooperate.


"As a devil, I mean, there's a sense of camaraderie among these people, and it's kind of embarrassing to seduce them with my own power......


"He's not a bad guy...... It's a pervert, but.'

"The devil is surprisingly humane...... I'm a pervert."


It seems that Elle Mr./Ms. and Nono Mr./Ms. had a rough evaluation for some reason.


"Mr./Ms. Veena, don't worry, I'm not telling you to use your strength to make you unconscious. It's okay to have a strong desire to stay sane and run away in the easy direction."

"Well, what if you take it easy?"

「? That's training. What are you talking about?"

"Are you a demon?"


Isn't the devil on your side?

For some reason, I was certified as a demon by the devil.


"Don't worry, Mr./Ms. Vina will also participate in the training while releasing her magic. It's very hard, but if it's hard, you don't have to do the training——"

"I'll do it."


"This is completely disciplined......

"Mr./Ms. Veena has been made a servant in less than a few days."


I wanted to hear the answer.

I also need to tell Uluru and Kira to watch out for Mr./Ms. and Kira so that they won't be affected by the magic of the Veena Mr./Ms. during their training.

Of course, I myself will monitor within the sphere of influence of Mr./Ms.'s magic with my subordinates.


"I'm not sure how far I can go in the short training days I have left, but it's better than nothing."


In addition to the power of the Demon King, there is also Sia.

What if there is anything that can stop her from being at the mercy of the power of the hero...... I have to deal with the same light magic as Mr./Ms..


It's the start of demonic training that constantly puts a load on your mental health.


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