The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 15 Ch. 14 Table of contents

I was able to reach the Demon Realm from Verhazar without any accidents.

Well, Mr./Ms. Nagi, who has precognition magic, and Bullin with Amako are running in the lead, but either way, ordinary monsters would have been able to fight them off without difficulty.

But according to Mr./Ms. Nagi, such an impossible method cannot be used in the realm of demons.

Well, it's more about exploration than it was originally, so you can't ignore the terrain and other things as you go. In the field, I will also use the detection abilities of Mr./Ms. Veena and me, who can sense magic.


"Mr./Ms. Hannah, are you okay?"

"I'm not aware ......."


In order to get into the search in perfect condition, I decided to take a rest when I arrived in front of the demon realm...... I smile wryly when I see Mr./Ms. kneeling in front of the bonfire and feeling depressed.

It was already dark, and in the camp tent we had set up, Koga and his subordinates, who had just changed guards, were sleeping.


"I thought you wouldn't talk about anything halfway through, but I'm surprised you're sleeping normally."

"It's covered with dark magic, and it doesn't shake at all, so when I notice it, I'm stunned.

"I was aware of it, but I thought it would be a bad idea to wake it up......"


Mr./Ms. growls as if she is even more depressed by Nea and Keira's words.


"Huh, I'm a lifeguard, and I'm doing special training to reduce the burden on the injured."

"Was there anything in Usato's training that wasn't special?"

"It's a run-in."

"It's just the normal letters, it's not the same thing."


This is what it means to talk without teeth.

Eating Amako's sharp peck, he calls out to Hannah, who is still depressed Mr./Ms..


"But I was releasing healing magic to everyone in the squad, so that might be partly to blame."

"I think that's definitely because of that...... I felt strangely calm, and I thought, ......!!"


I was running in front, so I could release a healing spell behind me to spread the magic to everyone in the squad.

Perhaps Hannah, who was right behind her, was affected by Mr./Ms..


"But Usato, is it okay to consume that kind of magic?"

"That's right, I'm going to enter the realm tomorrow ......."


Hmm? Oh, I hadn't told them about the degradation of the system yet.


"Recently, I developed a technique called System Degradation, so I can save my magic power."

「…… Eh, system degradation? What's that, ......?"

"It's an incomprehensible technique that deliberately lowers my magic properties, and I used it to reduce the consumption of magic power and make it more efficient."


"Hehe, don't be surprised at how much this guy has done in the past month......


Nea, who looks somewhat twilight, sighs as she looks away from the bonfire.

Mr./Ms. Nagi gives her a subtle expression.


"I've used up a lot of magic in my fights so far and I've fainted."

"I used to fall down every time I went on a letter-giving trip or after a fight."

"What do you mean that monsters with healing magic often fall due to running out of magic......


A lot of the troubles we encountered were rather unusual......

I can see that Mr./Ms. Hannah pulls back.


"If this lineage degradation research progresses, we may be able to reduce the number of people who suffer from the strength of their own magic lineage, such as Olga Mr./Ms. and Mr./Ms. Alc, and maybe even the dark wizards."

"What, are you a dark wizard?"

"Yes, if you're going to let the magic run wild, I think it would be less dangerous if you reduced the nature of the dark magic itself."

「…… It's not impossible."


This systemic degradation is more likely than you think.


"Well, I've left the research to the Wealthy Mr./Ms. of the Ringle Kingdom......

"Welsey, I'm sure you're screaming at home, or rather, from the text you sent me."


To be honest, I feel bad for Mr./Ms..

No, really...... I thought so more in the sentence after sending the report of the system deterioration.


"Usato-sama, that's a lie, isn't it?"

"Systematic degradation? You haven't finished thinking about magic sensing yet?"

"Is it a new technology again?"


"I don't mind if you also serve as the deputy leader of the rescue team, so why don't you come to my house?"


I was almost scouted by a wizard in the kingdom.

Although he refused because he had the skills but no knowledge of magic, he thought that he would actively cooperate when he returned to the Lingle Kingdom.


"I don't have any technical knowledge of magic......

"Even if you don't have any knowledge, your very existence is strange. The structure of the body is so mysterious that when it dies, it will be used as research materials, right?"

"Don't tell me I'm scared......


I don't even want to think about what happens after I'm dead.

That's why I can't forgive the demons who are taking advantage of the corpses of Mr./Ms..


"Well, I don't think you're going to die of anything other than old age, but before that, I'm going to turn you into a vampire."

"Did you still joke about it......


I've said that before.

When I was returning from a trip to deliver letters.

He doesn't even say it's a joke, but he feels something a little chill in the smiling Nea.


"But I'm really curious about what Mr./Ms. Halfa would look like if she saw Usato."

「…… Certainly."


I'm curious about how Mr./Ms. Halfa, who has magic eyes, sees me.

I wonder if he's still doing well in Luxvis......

Well, it's about time I got to ...... Will Amako, who was riding on the back of a bulllin, be okay?

It's flattering, but the ride on the back of the Bulllyn isn't comfortable.


"Isn't Amako tired?" Bulllin's back must have shaken, didn't he?"

"I'm used to it, so I don't have to worry about it as long as I rest, and it was less shaking than Kannagi's back."

"Hey, Amako, does that mean you looked like a fierce bull when I carried you ......?"

"He was bouncing and climbing walls vertically and he was doing a great job......


Mr./Ms. Nagi with a twitching cheek drops her shoulders.

I could get from Hinomoto to here in almost a day, so I guess it was such a mess.

For us, it was helpful that they came so early.


"But if you're going through the Demon Realm, you can't force yourself to move like I did, because you'll simply get lost in the forest and you don't know what kind of monster will come out."


I nod at Mr./Ms.'s words.


"Mr./Ms. and Amako's precognitive magic, Burlin's sense of smell, and my and Mr./Ms.'s magic sense, these three should be enough to deal with most situations."

「…… It seems to be okay no matter what comes. In terms of strength, we have you, me, and Koga......


In terms of strength, it is more than sufficient.

From the devil's point of view, Mr./Ms. Nagi seems to be a really scary existence.




As she thinks about this, Kira leaks a gap.


"Mr./Ms....... Usato"

"You can go to bed without worrying about it."



Rubbing her eyes, Kira slipped into her dark magic cloak.

As it is, the cloak of dark magic moves by itself ——— is attached to my shoulder.


"Ehehe...... Good night......

"Yes, good night."

"Hey, wait a minute......!!"



Amako, who was watching the series of exchanges, talks to her.


"What's up, Amako?"

"I don't know what it is, but I want to ask a lot of questions, but I can't say anything...... frustration!"

「? …… Oh, and it seems that Kira's dark magic is okay with sleeping in magic, just like Ferm. Apparently I was influenced by her."

「…… Maybe that's not ...... influence."


He was muttering something, but what was the matter?

It's time for a change, and I need to rest for tomorrow.



With the camp fully prepared, we attempt to enter the realm of the monsters.

The Demon Realm and the Demon Lord's Realm are separated by a precipitous cliff, and you must first descend from the cliff to enter.

Well, it didn't take much effort for me and Kira to carry everyone's luggage and drop off everyone except Koga and Nagi Mr./Ms., who could get off on their own.


"You're a good vehicle."

"Ugh, uh, Sean......."

"Nono Mr./Ms. can you please stop crying every time you fly in the air, remembering every time......?"


The last of them, El Mr./Ms., Nono Mr./Ms., and Veena Mr./Ms., are placed in a transformed cloak and descend to the bottom of the cliff.

…… The demon Veena Mr./Ms. should be able to fly normally, but she corrects El Mr./Ms.'s words, although she is a little suspicious that she does not.


"It's not me, it's Keira."

"No, no, not ......, I can't carry such a large number of people on my own."



…… I've certainly never seen Keira carrying someone alone.


"Perhaps, but I think it reflects the power of Mr./Ms. Usato, who wears my magic, and the power when he transforms his cloak is clearly stronger than when I was alone."

"So, do you think that the more Kira herself grows, the stronger your magic becomes?"

『……! Yes, you're right......


The growth potential is amazing.

I can understand the feeling that the Demon King is paying attention.

However, if my physical abilities are reflected in the cloak, I may be able to use it in a different way than the assimilation of Ferm.


"Well, I think we've all gotten off."

"Okay, let's get into it."


After descending the cliff, you will find yourself in a deep forest.

The atmosphere is clearly very different from that of the Demon Lord's Domain, and Burlin, who is beside him, is wary.


"As I told you beforehand, we will be traveling on foot from here, and the first will be my healing sense, Bullin's sense of smell, Amako, and Mr./Ms.'s Nagi precognitive magic."



"Leave it to me."


Leading the way are those who have excellent search skills.

Well, in this group, my healing sense is kind of anti-demonic.

Nea stays by my side in an owl state without any further instructions, and Kira is still in her cloak.


"Mr./Ms. Hannah, know the terrain and location, and El-Mr./Ms., Nono Mr./Ms., Kevin Mr./Ms., Wal Mr./Ms., and Thane Mr./Ms. will escort her."

"Yes! Captain!!""

"No, Usato isn't the captain."

"I didn't think I'd be escorting Mr./Ms. Hannah again."

"Well, if you're going to do it, I'll do it properly, Nono, please be my shield."


Mr./Ms. seems to be in a good mood with her subordinates who give dashing replies.

No matter what you say, Mr./Ms. Nono must be a good friend.


"Koga is at the end of the line, warning and instructing, and if you avoid fighting a demon, he will use your alter ego as a decoy."



Koga is the most important role.

You have to keep an eye on them to make sure they don't stray from the squad.


"Oh, um, Mr./Ms. Usato, what am I?"

"Mr./Ms. Vina is searching for enemies with magic sensing behind her, let's go!!"

"Wow! You know how to handle me!!"


I was going to tell you about Mr./Ms. Vina after Koga, but she asked me very anxiously, so I just teased her.

Well, it seems that his motivation has also increased, so let's just say that the result is alright.


「…… What awaits you?"


The realm of demons that I have finally stepped into.

At first, it was supposed to be the Demon King's request, but I had a lot of things to do——— but first I want to make sure that Shea is safe.


This is the beginning of the Demon Realm arc.

He is a healing wizard who is normally mixed in with the sense of smell of precognition...... and demons as a search personnel.

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