The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 15 Ch. 16 Table of contents

It's been about three days since I stepped into the Demon Realm.

It's natural that it takes time to move while exploring, but the frequency of monster attacks is still high.

For the time being, I choose a place where I won't be attacked at night and rest, but even so, I was attacked several times by taking advantage of the dark night.

Well, even at that time, I and Veena, who have magic senses, Mr./Ms. one of Amako and Nagi, who have clairvoyant magic, and one of the Mr./Ms. Nagi, who have clairvoyant magic, were on guard, so we were able to deal with it without difficulty...... That's why the place called the Demon Realm could be said to be a harsh land.




And now we are being chased by a horde of monsters.

A large monster that resembles a monkey with green fur.

I sighed once more when I saw countless monsters running on the ground and chasing me while jumping through the trees.


"Venom Monkey, it's a nostalgic monster."


I remember the time when I fell into the forest with my seniors.

The one I'm chasing now is much more ferocious than it was then, and it has a gorilla-like physique.

When I was thinking about what was going on, Amako, who was running next to me, called out to me.


"Usato, what are you going to do? Even if you defeat it, other monsters will come to the side."

"It's a great place to be."

"Oh, Usato-kun! Oh, that poisonous mucus is flying over here!?"


Mr./Ms., who is carrying her back to back, shouts while pointing behind her.


"Mr./Ms. Elle!!"

"I know!!"


Mr./Ms., who was following behind me, activated wind magic and dropped the venom that was blown away.

Anyway, I don't want to be bothered if the other guys get poisoned.


"I guess I can slide it with Nono Mr./Ms.'s water magic."

"Well, I don't think it makes sense, that monster can climb trees."


If you deal with them, you will surely be able to defeat them.

But that's troublesome when you think that you have to deal with other monsters as well.

We're not here to destroy the environment, and if we can avoid fighting, we should do so.


"Alright, this is the place...... Koga! Bring out your alter ego!!"

"Are you going to be a decoy?"



Let's go with a decoy operation here.

Since they talk about it beforehand, Koga will immediately create an alter ego.

It looks like a pitch-black alter ego in the shape of a koga.


"Nea, the magic of restraint"

"Yes, I do."

"Thank you."


…… Okay, I'm ready to go.

I removed my gaze from my palm and touched the shoulder of Koga's alter ego who appeared to run alongside me, and then grabbed his arm.


"Hmm? What are you sticking to now———

"Then I asked for it!!"


He swings his grasped arm wide and throws it at the monster chasing him from behind.

Monsters who mistake him for the one who escaped begin to flock to Koga's alter ego.


"It works well as a decoy, even though it's so complicated."


Koga muttered with a blue face as he looked behind him——— and a green flash and shockwave exploded where the monsters were swarming, blowing the mountain of monsters away.


「…… Huh?"



Everyone except me, Nea, and Amako looked back stunned, but I'm glad we succeeded anyway.


"I put a healing explosive bullet in it before I threw the decoy at it, so I don't think they're going to chase me."

"Do you know how stupid you ...... just been? Hypothetically, you attached a bomb to my alter ego and used it as a decoy, ......?"

"It's healing magic, so it's okay."

"Don't think healing magic will always be an indulgence......!"


It's effective tactically, and above all, it doesn't hurt us.

Well, I don't think it's humane.


"This is me and Koga's friendship tag team, it's a healing alter ego blast."

"Hey, can I hit you!?"


For now, we've pulled away the horde of monsters, so let's check where we are in a safe place.


"Usato, Koga, I see something in front of me."



I look forward at Mr./Ms.'s voice.

I could see an artificial structure that was clearly different from the scenery of the demon realm, where I had only seen trees before.


「…… Mr./Ms. Nagi"

"It looks like a ruin, it looks like it's been inhabited for a long time."


When I got close and looked at it, it looked quite old.

It's a solid rock building, but it's too small to be called a ruin.


"Mr./Ms. Hannah, should we investigate here?"

「…… Yes. Wouldn't it be nice if we camped here in time?"


It's almost dark.

He nods at Mr./Ms.'s words and looks at Koga.


"Hey, guys, make sure there are no monsters around."

"'Got it, Captain!'"

"No, I'm the captain, right?"


Leave it to your subordinates to be vigilant about your surroundings.

Mr./Ms. and Nair seem to have already observed the ruins.

I also investigated...... I'd like to go, but I'll ...... first.


"Shall we pack up for the camp?"



When the cloak is opened, the tent and sleeping bag used for camping pop out from the inside.

That's it.


"It would be nice if there was a water hole after that......

"It's there because you can hear the river flowing nearby."


If Amako with a good ear says it, there is for sure.

So, why don't you check the location of the water hole now?


"Mr./Ms. Nagi, Koga, I'm going to check the water hole with Amako, so I'll ask you here."


"Yes, I was entrusted with it."


With the two of them, Mr./Ms. Hannah and Nea will be fine.

I go in the direction of the sound of the river with the bulllin with the amako on my back.


"The fact that there is a river near those ruins means that it was originally intended to be inhabited by someone...... It's good, isn't it?"

"I think so, because I don't think it's an archaeological site at that size."


Isn't it a bit harsh to live in the realm of demons?

At least until you have settled in the area, it is infested with ferocious monsters, and it will be difficult to even live properly.


"Intelligent life forms that live in such an environment...... How?"

"Aren't you gone anymore?"

"It looks like no one lives in that building anymore."


But the fact that there was a building here means that someone lived there.

To my untrained eye, I didn't feel like the ruins were hundreds of years old.


"It depends on what Nea and Mr./Ms. think, I think it depends on how old the building is."

"Well, I'm sure Nea will find something, and I'll leave it to him."


I and Amako know how good Nea is.

There are a few things that are missing, but she's never failed when it mattered.


「…… While we were talking. You can see the river."


The sound of the river in my ears...... You can also hear the sound of a waterfall falling from nearby.

When you go through the trees and come out into the open, you find a large place that looks like a waterfall.


"Oh, you came out in a pretty big place."

"Yes, the water is beautiful, and the depth is not that deep, so you can take a bath."


If you boil it, you can get drinking water, and it's pretty good to be able to get water here.

Then, Bulllin, who was carrying Amako, immediately put his mouth on the water and began to drink.


"Bulllyn, can you drink it?"


「…… It looks like it's going to be okay."


Nodding to the cheerful squealing of Bulllin, Kira also stepped out of her cloak and peered into the water.


"It's beautiful water, and it looks like Mr./Ms. fish will Mr./Ms. hard."

"It's rich in nature, but it's different from the Demon Lord's Realm."


That's what I knew along the way here.

However, now that the power of the Demon King has been removed, the land of the Demon King Territory will eventually return to normal like the others.

Well, it's a natural thing, and I don't know how many years it will be.


"Okay, now that we've checked the water, let's go back, because if we stay too long, we might meet the demon that came to drink water."


"That's true, too."


Nodding at my words, Kira slipped into her cloak and Amako climbed on Bulllin's back.

When I got back, I asked Mr./Ms. Nea and Hannah how things were going...... Then———、


「…… Hmm?"


I look back at the tingling sensation.

Something is watching you...... I feel like.

Apparition...... I don't think so.



"Mr./Ms. Usato?"

"Something is watching you, Amako, be wary of foresight."

「! yes."


I was tormented by a strange sensation that my skin was rustling, or rather, I was being observed, and I floated multiple magic bullets in my palm.

I don't know if they're trying to attack us, but I'll find out first.


"Healing Magic Ranbuki, Applied Version"


Wrap the ——— in the manner of a healing explosive bullet.

Confirming that there are multiple magic bullets packed into the translucent magic bullet, I swing the magic bullet the size of a volleyball as hard as I can.


"Healing Diffusion Bullet!!"


He closes his eyes and throws a magic bullet at him.

After Kira's surprised voice, a magic bullet flies diagonally upward.

After flying in a mountain for a few seconds, the magic bullet bursts in mid-air——— and the healing magic bullet that pops out from inside falls to the ground as if it were bursting.

The healing magic particles that fell to the ground acted on the creatures that were present, and the sensation was transmitted to me.


「…… People?"


The one that is clearly different among the several reactions.

It was a humanoid figure that was different from a demon, almost human, and was about to run in a panicked manner.

Up to that point, you can judge that it is a subhuman or something, but the humanoid suddenly changes its appearance.


「…… What? Is it the devil? Or is it something else?"


You can see that the figure of "something" that touches the healing magic particles that he threw at it swells and runs away from the spot with a beastly movement.


"It's inhumanly fast, it's as fast as a tough guy."

"Hey, Usato, you're a tough-faced Mr./Ms. master ......."


Indulge in thoughts while going through Amako's tsukkomi.


「…… Do you want to chase it?"


Unfold your cloak and squeeze your legs.

I know where I am and where I fled.

I'm sure my legs and Kira's magic will be able to catch up with .......


「…… Nope."


I shouldn't be chasing here.

I can't leave Amako and Bullyn behind, and above all, I can't act alone.

It's bad to deviate in a land where you don't know right or left.


"Usato, did you find anything?"

"It looks like something was watching us, and it's no use chasing us because it's already out of range."

「…… It's going to be a bit of a mess here as well."


Hey, why are you looking at me with such distant eyes?

Sure, I have a feeling that something nasty is going to happen, but it's not my fault, right?


"Sia, is it?"


If she noticed us, she would have contacted us immediately...... Or is it so dangerous that it can't be tolerated?

That would explain it, but her magic shouldn't be light magic to change her appearance.

…… The mystery only deepens.


An alter ego bomb that is more than treated as a weapon.

Why does this healing wizard fight like a bomb demon...... (Other people's affairs)

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