The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 15 Ch. 18 Table of contents

The day after I found the ruins.

We started our activities around the time the sun came out, and we made our way through the forest, relying on the footprints of the shea on the ground and the smell of the shea left in the packet of preserved food.


"Bulllyn, can you follow the smell?"

"Grua ......"

"It's subtle, but do you know the direction?"


"Okay, then I'll do you a favor."


If you know the direction, you can go in that direction.

Along the way, you'll have to pay attention to the ground, as you'll have to find traces of Shea's footprints.


"I can tell you because I'm a beast person, but Usato can communicate perfectly with Bulllin, right......?"

"You don't speak the language, do you? However, I feel like I somehow understand what this guy wants to convey. So do you, Bulllyn."


"I'm getting hit in the leg as hard as I can......


Mr./Ms. Nagi pulls back and sees me being beaten by Bullin.

…… He's not honest.

I sigh at Bulllin, who slams a bear punch into my leg as usual.


"Don't you have the gaze you felt yesterday?"


For me, it's just a gut feeling or something like that, so I don't have much accuracy.

If it was Rose, I'd almost certainly know...... I guess I don't have that wild instinct yet.

As he mutters this, Amako, who is riding on the back of Bulllin, calls out to him.


"What did Usato's sense of hostility?"

"Well, I don't know, I think it was, maybe I was just looking at it. …… Honestly, if it's just my mind, I'm fine with it."


"If they attack you, you've got to deal with it, and if they're people who live here, it's better to take care of them."


I want to build good relationships with people who may live here for the future.


"It's hard, what Usato's going to do now."

"If you fail, you'll be choked by the Demon King, so you can't fail ......!!"


I'm not going to fail, but I can't stand being groped by the Demon Lord.

I have to do my best to make sure he doesn't have a chance.


"......, Kannagi, maybe the Demon Lord's impression of Usato is less formal than I thought?"

"Uh-huh, it felt like we were hitting each other with words, I guess."

"Well...... I can imagine. Even at the end of the fight, we were beating each other."


That fight seems like a long time ago.

I don't want to fight the Demon Lord again.

The next time we fight, they'll use tactics that will never let us get closer.


"Shea is drawn to the power of the Demon Lord, which is possessed by demons...... It's okay to think about it."

"It's not strange considering the relationship between Hisago and the Demon Lord, maybe it's a later generation...... Well, in this day and age, it's possible that Shea is the insurance in case you guys don't defeat the Demon Lord."


I indulge in thoughts at Mr./Ms.'s words.

Then, Nea, who was on his shoulder, opened his mouth with a sigh.


"There may have been a discrepancy in the fact that the Demon King, who was supposed to die, is alive even though the human side is victorious. A fragment of the Demon King's power to correct the discrepancyKill・・・Or so it seems."

"I need to find it quickly."


There are three demon powers, the Demon Lord's Realm and the Demon Realm.

One is in the possession of Lord Farga, and the other three are in the human realm based on the Demon Lord's speech, but I would like to retrieve all of them as soon as possible.


「…… Usato"


Amako's voice.

In that voice mixed with tensionRaid of something・・・・・・Realizing that he was about to receive it, he silently put on the gauntlet and radiated a wide range of healing magic that had degraded the system.

A little later, Mr./Ms. Nagi also put her hand on the sword at her waist.


"Everyone is ready for battle, Mr./Ms. Elle and the others will ask for Hannah's escort Mr./Ms.."

"They come all at once, like they're being chased by something...... No way."


Amako, who has seen a series of precognitive observations, looks up at me.


"Usato, put me on your back, I'm aiming for you."

"What do you mean? The opponent is ———."


Just as Nea was about to raise her question, there was a rumbling sound that made the ground tremble.

It's not a big shake. However, this is something that a lot of monsters are running towards us.






With a battle cry, many large monsters appeared after knocking down the trees.

The common denominator among these sparse and completely uncoordinated monsters is that they attack us and charge at us as if they are being chased by something———

If we continue to be quiet, we will be crushed.

I grab Amako's hand as she reaches out and move it to her back and cover it with her cloak.


"Dense formation" "Three"!!"

"Got it!"


When I shout this, the members of the squad strengthen their defenses with a combination of their own magic.

Wal Mr./Ms. and Kevin Mr./Ms. build a barrier to protect us from the demon's charge with the Thane Mr./Ms., Nono Mr./Ms. unleashes a special water spell in front of the barrier to destabilize our footing, and finally El Mr./Ms. sends the monster flying with a cloud of sand to destroy the monster's vision.

The coordination technique that was unleashed in a short instruction was enough to confuse the demons that rushed into it with hostility.


"Koga and Mr./Ms. Nagi, Bullin please deal with the monster!! Mr./Ms. Hannah is disturbed by phantom magic while waiting near her subordinates! !! Mr./Ms. Veena please do this with magic sensing!!"

"Hey, instructions to me!!"


Maybe I can't afford it as much as I thought.

There's a reason why I decided it would be better to fight with Amako.


"Usato,I'm here・・・!!」


Immediately after Amako's voice, it reacts to magic sensing!

What jumped out from the side at breakneck speed was a tiger-like monster wrapped in something like ——— black flame.

It was so large that it was well over five meters in size, and its angry eyes——— which could be seen from its shimmering black figure mixed with white, were directed straight at me.



"Oh yes, this guy is!!"


The identity of the mysterious sign that was watching us yesterday!

He angrily swings down to cut me through with his paws.


"It's so sweet!!"

"Wow! What?!?'


In response, he thrusts out his right hand, which is wrapped in a gauntlet, and holds it as if sandwiching it between his sides, and uses the momentum of the monster's thrust to throw it backwards.


"Koga!! I'll be the one to deal with that! You're going to ask for Hannah Mr./Ms.!!"

"Oh, leave it to me! Take him with you!"


His alter ego emerges from under Koga's feet.

I touch my alter ego as I pass by, transforming it into a gauntlet that wraps around my left arm, and running through the crowd of monsters to chase the monster I threw away.


"Hey, isn't it strange how I've been treated since I came here!? I'm a former commander of the Third Corps! Why are you treated like a weak girl?!

"But I think Mr./Ms. has the lowest physical strength along with Amako-chan, right?"

"Nono, noisy!"


What exactly is that monster?

The appearance itself looked like a black flame in the shape of a large tiger.


"Is that dark magic......?"

"Usato, are you here again?"

"Haha, that's the dark wizard Hoihoi."

"Just like me, a dark wizard......


For some reason, I was stunned by the little fox on my back and the owl on my shoulder.

It's not my fault that I encounter dark wizards! Or rather, the opponent has not yet been decided to be a dark wizard!


"Usato, coming from above!"



I sensed this too!

While dodging the monsters that jumped at you from above, you will dodge attacks with paws and bites that are unleashed one after another.


"Usato, it seems that you don't have to anticipate your movements thanks to your healing sense, so I'll predict your attack behavior and give instructions to Kira and Nea."


"A monster breathes fire from its mouth. Usato is a shockwave. Kira wrapped a deformed cloak around Usato's right arm."


As Amako said, the monster opened its mouth and spewed black flames from its mouth.

Stirring out the flames with his healing magic bursting palm, he joined his next paws with a hand encased in Kira's dark magic.




Pull your front paws away with a force technique.

Taking advantage of the momentary gap, Koga's alter ego on his left arm is transformed into a ——— sledgehammer, which he hits and throws at the monster's torso.


"It's amazing...... This is Amako's Mr./Ms. precognitive magic......

"It's not just foresight, but Keira is doing well."

"Thank you!"


I haven't sent Itachi a trip to deliver a letter.

There is a relationship of trust, and above all, Amako is very careful about her surroundings without any precognitive magic.

Now, I look at the monster that is threatening me while clutching the sledge in my left hand.



「…… If you can understand the language, please stop attacking me. We're not going to harm you."



First of all, I want to make sure that the opponent is willing to do so, and if possible, I want to avoid fighting.

If the opponent is a normal monster, you can just stun it and leave here quickly.


『…… You.'


I spoke...... Or?

After all, this monster has a will.

Or it could be that this was shaped by some kind of magic, and that there was someone inside.

For the time being, the voice coming from the monster seemed to be the same as Kira's, like a child's voice.



「…… Why do you want my name?"

"White, it moves strangely...... Dangerous guy.'


What kind of recognition is it?

I don't understand why I am treated as a dangerous person even if I leave aside the fact that my name is known!


"It's amazing, that monster knows you so well......

"It's so loud!"


Nair agrees!

I know it's because I'm wearing a school uniform because I'm white, but who taught me about me in the first place?

And why is this guy in front of me hostile to me ......?


"Sia, where did you do it?"

「…… Whew!"


Unexpected words.

I say something to the monster who mentioned Shea's name.


"Do you know her?!"

"You must have taken me with you!!"


What do you mean......?

The monster suddenly raises its voice and turns hostile at us, but instead of taking Shea with us, we are now following in her footsteps.

But the monster in front of me doesn't think so.


"Shea, I was by your side! In the morning, it was gone!! Then you guys came!! Suspicious guy! He's dangerous!!"



The monster that intensified the black flames on its body flew on the ground.

His movements are quite large for his large size, and he attacks me while lightly kicking the tree and using it as a foothold.


"Listen to me!"

"It's noisy! White one!'


There is no island to hold onto, even if you call out while hesitating to attack.


"That black flame, it looks like it can change shape. From now on, on the third landing, he will attack you in the form of a whip."

"Is it okay to touch the flames!?"

"It will burn physically, but Usato's gauntlet can grab it normally."


Waiting for the third landing, conscious of the information of Amako's prediction.

Just as she had predicted, the monster landed on the ground, and the black flames on its body flickered, transforming it into a whip-like shape.


"Usato, what's wrong? Are you going to attack!?"

"Now I'm going to focus on avoidance!" Healing Afterimage Fist!!"


It moves in accordance with the slow movement, leaving the remnants of the healing magic created by the elasticity in place.

The whip thrust out like a spear pierces the remnants of healing magic left on the spot and does not hit me.


"——— you! The movement is disgusting!! Gaa!!"

"AoE attack, you can crush it with a shockwave."



As soon as the monster opens its large mouth, it shifts into a healing explosive wave stance, releasing a black flame before it can be spewed out.




The black flames that are spewed out are blown away by a shockwave before they can reach their original power.

Taking advantage of the gap——— I fired a healing magic bullet containing Nair's restraint spell directly into the monster's torso.


"Healing restraint bullet!!"



I ——— to block the movement in an instant as it is!

Just as he was about to be hit by a magic bullet and the restraining spell was about to erode his black body, the black flames in the area where the bullet landed were torn apart from the monster.


"I saw it! You're going to up!!"



If you are aware of the threat of healing explosive bombs, did you see us being attacked by the Venom Monkey yesterday, or did you provoke us for today's attack?

In fact, it wasn't intended to be detonated with healing restraint bullets, but the adsorption-type healing magic would be detached from the body like that and dealt with.


"Black flames, huh?"

"It's like you can choose what you burn because it doesn't spread, and you can separate it from yourself."


This diversity is like dark magic.

It's also offensive.


"Don't worry, Usato, you don't seem to be going to listen to me."

"The opponent maybe...... It's a child."

"I feel the same way."


It's not an opponent you can't beat.

In order to detect his abilities, he can become that form by wearing a black flame created by dark magic on his body, and his physical ability has been dramatically improved.

It's similar to Koga's dark magic.


"The difference is that unlike him, he's too forceful."


Koga looks like a power type and is a technical person.

It can be said that this was the troublesome part.


"Hit!! Hit it!!"

「…… It's a child."


The whips that aim at you one after another are brushed off with a mallet that transforms Koga's alter ego.

No, is it faster to slash this?

When you think about it, the shape of the sledge in your hand changes on its own, and it becomes a scythe-like shape.


"What!? Why is it in such a noisy form!?"

"Afterthoughts! Don't do it!!"



Without having time to be surprised, the whip rushing towards him is severed by swinging it with a scythe with force.

I ...... this sharpness is too dangerous.


"A scythe in a black cloak...... Grimreaper Usato......"

"Who's the Grim Reaper?"


I was stunned by Nea's unobtrusive muttering.

I'm the exact opposite.

Rather, he is the side that is hated by the Grim Reaper.

It's dangerous, so he thinks as he puts the scythe back on the hammer.


"What's the matter......


There is also a way to pull out the contents by slamming a healing barrage fist with a goli push as it is...... As expected, it is rejected because it is too bad a way to do it.


"Usato, that kid, he's out of control, so you might as well let him be quiet once."

"I think so too, if he's a dark wizard, it's more dangerous to leave him alone."



That's true.

I don't know what the relationship is between her and Shea, but she's gone and she's mentally unstable.


"I have no choice but to do it."


If you want to do it, you have no choice but to drive it to the point of fainting in an instant.

Due to the nature of dark magic, it is too dangerous to run out of control any further.




A numb monster pounced on me with a whip.

This is the place to avoid it——— but I dare to step forward and take it as if I were defending with a sledgehammer.


"I'll crush it as it is!!"


He tries to crush me with his whole weight...... Naïve!!

That level of weight and power is not enough to crush me at all!


"I'm stronger!!"

"I'm used to it, but Usato's body is strange."

"It's true, but it doesn't make sense and it's funny."

"I don't care about the difference in physique......


"Hey, what the hell is this! I hear four voices!!"


Amako is protected by a cloak on her back, so from this child's point of view, I can hear four different voices from .......


"Ugh! This is it!!"



The whip is thrust out in a combined.

I let go of the gavel that the monster was biting me and stepped back.


"You're already there! I've lost my weapon!!"

「…… Oh, yes."


I saw him throw the hammer he was biting to the ground.last・・I decided to try to persuade them.


"I won't do anything terrible to you, but I can't guarantee you if you keep going."

"If you can do it, do it! It's a lie! I'm the one who is chasing you down!!"

"We're looking for Shea, too."

"What are you going to do to Shea?!"


It's not so much that I can't talk to him, it's that he sees me as an outsider......

In the first place, has this child ever met anyone other than Shea and me?

I don't think my obsession with Shea is normal.


"Shea! I was stunned! I was calling your name in my sleep and suffering!!"



…… If so, it's not a case of wasting time in a place like this.

I decided that it was meaningless to ask any more questions about his words, so I relaxed my stance.


「…… I'm sorry."


While apologizing, I was robbed by the monster earlierin order to・・・He gives instructions to Koga's alter ego.

The alter ego that has changed into its original humanoid form right next to the monster jumps on the monster's back as if hugging it from the back, transforming so that it will not be torn off.


"What!? What's this?!"


Suddenly, the monster panicked and swung its body to the side, but the clinging alter ego would not let go.


"Ha, go away! I can't tear it off! ———!???"


He must have seen a monster here.

Attached to the back of the alter egoHealing Explosive Bullet・・・・・At.


『!!!?? No way!! I don't like it! Go away!! Go somewhere!!"


Attached to his alter ego is a healing explosive bomb.

I put it on yesterday to use it as a decoy, but Koga's alter ego can move according to some instructions than before.

In other words, it is the movement of the koga,

As fast as Koga,

With the strength of Koga's arms,

With the persistence of Koga,

It's even possible to detain them.



"It's too late, the binding spell, activated."


In addition, he even interferes with the division with the spell of restraint.

When the movement is blocked, the healing explosive shell with the detonation time adjusted will explode.


"Healing Alter Ego"



Particles of healing magic are diffused, and a shockwave is released around the monster.

After the black flames scattered around and vanished, a child in a brand new cloak was unconscious at the center of the shockwave.


"This is the cloak that Mr./Ms. Sia wore."

"Who on earth is this child?"


He is unknown at the time he is in the realm of demons, but he is a dark wizard...... It's not uncommon to have this much power.

When Amako is lowered from her back and the unconscious child is awakened so that she is lying on her back, the hood that covers her head completely comes off, revealing her figure.


「! This is ......."


What I saw was a brown skin that represented the characteristics of the demon tribe.

However, it does not grow horns, and instead its child...... The ears of the girl, who looked somewhat older than Keira, were long, like an elf.


"What, the Demon Tribe...... But I was using dark magic......

"The circumstances of a demon tribe born with dark magic and an elf who hid in the forest...... Okay, that's what I mean."


Demons, half dark wizards and half elves.

I couldn't hide my confusion about the identity of the monster that was so unexpected.


Usato: "I'm not going to do anything terrible to you" (while setting up an automatic tracking bomb)


The application of Koga's seemingly unassuming weapon alter ego is quite ugly.

As expected, friendship tag team technique ()

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