The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 15 Ch. 24 Table of contents

Mr./Ms.'s words that he deviated from the devil.

It also explains the mysterious circumstances of her and her dark wizard twin being together, but I still couldn't decide whether to believe it or not.


"Why did you stray from the devil?"


It is still possible that it is a trap set by the devil.

I know their cunning so well that I can't trust them unconditionally, but Mr./Ms. Owl says the next words with a somewhat stunned and throwaway look.


"In the first place, the devil side was caught in the trap of this ruin."

「…… Is it like an octopus leg in a lake?"

"Yes, the demons didn't know anything, so they swallowed it as it was, and for some reason, I had to rush in with the force of the order. That's how we got to where we are now."

"Are the devils stupid?"


Hannah Mr./Ms.'s toothless remarks made Mr./Ms. Owl smile twitchingly.

…… Wasn't that trick on the devil's side?


"So you're not going to be hostile to us at the moment?"

"The priority of the order itself has been overridden, and the order 'protect the devil' has been outweighed by the order 'kill Usato-kun,' so now I feel like I'm strongly tied to that."


I wish Nea was here.

I could have managed with the power of her necromancer, but .......


「…… Does that mean you still have the urge to attack Usato-kun?"


Mr./Ms. nods at Hannah Mr./Ms.'s words.

It didn't look like it, but does that mean you're still resisting......?


"I've seen hell under the demon captain during my lifetime, and there's no reason to put up with it."

「…… I see."

"Usato-kun, please come over here for a moment."


Hannah grabs her arm Mr./Ms. and pulls her a short distance away from Mr./Ms..

When I was wondering what it was, she suddenly stuck her finger at me.


"Usato-kun, you should learn to be a little suspicious, you look like your predecessor, but you're a puppet awakened by the devil, right? Even though there is an inherent intention, it is too dangerous to believe in it in a detour."


Mr./Ms. Hannah is right.

I'm gullible and I'm not good at lying.


"I know that, but ......."


"I'd like to take some risks to get information out of Mr./Ms. Owl and what the demons are trying to do to free her and her friends from ...... demons."


This is an opportunity.

You can pull information from the Mr./Ms. of the Owl...... Above all, I wanted to hear from her own mouth what she thinks about the current situation and Rose.

At my words, Mr./Ms. puts her hand on her forehead and drops her shoulders.


"Hah, Usato is a really troublesome person."

「…… I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, I'll be on my guard, so you don't let your guard down."

"Thank you."


Don't let Mr./Ms. Hannah get in trouble.

I'm going to keep an eye on the Mr./Ms. and be very careful not to put Hannah, Mr./Ms. and Rune in danger.


"Is the consultation over?"

"Yes, for now, I'm going into the ruins to join my friends. Of course, you are with me."


For now, I think I should join up with Nea.

If you have a girlfriend, you may be able to find a way to do something about Mr./Ms.'s situation.


「…… Maybe I'll attack you because I can't hold you back......

"In that case, please attack only me...... Whew, don't worry. It's fairly common to be attacked by your colleagues."


In the rescue team, he got into a lot of fights with the tough guys and was beaten up by Rose.

I'm used to that.


"Oh, is it still like that so far? Well, then you can rest assured."


Was it always like that?


"Plus, I'm always on the lookout for magic sensing, and most importantly, I've got Kira when it comes to defense."

"Eh, please leave the protection to me."

「…… I was curious about it during the previous attack, but it's strange that there is a demon child in the cloak."


I don't think I should go into detail about Keira's abilities.

I don't want information from Mr./Ms. to pass on to the demon side and end up targeting Kira.


"Rather, it's your next child, Rune."

"Usato, this guy doesn't move at all, his eyes are open, but is he dead?"


Rune holds down one of the twin dark wizards in the form of a panther engulfed in black flames.

The person who is being held down does not seem to move while remaining limp.


"You don't have to hold me down anymore...... Mr./Ms., what's wrong with this person?"

"It's usually like this when a corpse is manipulated without any orders, and in addition, this kid seems to be more lethargic without his twin sister...... Not long ago, I was clinging to it and it was hard."


Does that mean it's not a particular threat at this point?

Freed from Rune's restraints, her twin sister sat up and walked slowly——— clinging to Hannah's Mr./Ms.'s arm for some reason.

Her face turns blue at the sudden action of a person she thought had nothing to do with her.


"Uh, what do you mean? I'm clinging to the corpse of the demonic Mr./Ms.."

"Oh, you seem to like it."

"It's Usato-kun's job to be that kind of trouble, isn't it?! Oh, can you leave me?"



When Mr./Ms. called out, there was no response.

Hmmm, does it mean that even though you are not conscious, you are being pulled by your actions before you were alive?


"Isn't it because you look like your sister, Mr./Ms.?"

「…… Whew."

"Mr./Ms., let's get on with it."


Don't talk about that.

Mr./Ms. is mourning her own sister.

Unable to see her upset, I interrupt her and give Rune a glance before urging her to move on.


"Oh, and Mr./Ms. Owl, this."

"Huh? What is it? Magic bullets? Wow, this is so chewy and amazing!"


Before proceeding, give Mr./Ms. the healing magic bullet.

It is elastic and makes the shape stay in a sphere, which can also be used to illuminate the path.


"But somehow, I feel like it's lighter than the magic bullets of the two ...... there."

"Oh, really? Well, because the light itself doesn't change."

「…… Well, that's just the way it is."


Mr./Ms. Owl touched the healing magic bullet made by the deterioration of the system as it was, thinking that it was not something to worry about.

Noticing Mr./Ms. Hannah looking at me sideways as if she were looking at the outside road, I proceeded to illuminate the pitch-black ruins with healing magic.



My last memory was of losing my life in the arms of ——— Rose Mr./Ms., the captain.

Nero Argens.

I was slashed by his "magic sword that cuts off magic", and I couldn't heal my wounds with healing magic, and I died just as it was.

Resentment against the demon tribe...... To be honest, I don't get it.

We both fought with the intention of killing the other, and we both fell and died.

I couldn't change the outcome, no matter what, and I was happy that the captain survived at the end.

Our deaths are not meaningless.

In this era, the captainstrongesthuman beingIt can be said that it is the best result just to leave it.

That's the end of our lives.

It should have been———、


"I can't help it."


Just when I thought I was dead, I came back to life.

Technically, it's still dead, only the soul has returned, but it's still the worst.

You have to obey the devil's orders, and your colleagues are reduced to corpse gorillas with no intention of doing anything.

However, there was one good thing in the midst of all these terrible circumstances.

It is———、


"Keira, Rune, aren't you hungry? Are you okay?"

"It's okay!"

"No worries."


Usato is a healing wizard found and trained by ——— captain.

I squint at the sight of a demon kid who uses dark magic and him talking to his cloak.

It was one of the few good things that I was able to meet the same healing wizard as the captain, who I didn't think I was going to be with.


"Usato-kun, I'm scared of myself, what should I do!? They won't leave you at all!?"

"Well, well, I'm quiet, so let's let him do what he likes for now."

"......, that's the proposal! This person is a dark wizard, so you'd better stick with him!!"

"Don't try to impose it on me......"


It's lively.

The mere sight of demons and humans getting along is surprising, but he doesn't think it's strange in the slightest.

I know more or less what happened while I was dead.

The Demon King's army is resurrected,

The Kingdom of Ringle summons the heroes,

The Ringle Kingdom won three battles against the Demon King's army.

In the end, the heroes defeated the Demon King and surrendered, and the war came to an end.

It is said that at the center of it all were the heroes of the Ringle Kingdom and Usato.


"...... the Captain's Successor"


Fight using healing magichuman beingMonsters。

Up close, he looks like a really normal boy.

But I know. This normal-looking boy makes ridiculous movements and explodes healing magic.

Although the tactics used are different, this kid is undeniably the captain's apprentice.

There was enough in this child to be sure of it.


"That's it."


Usato throws the magic bullet in his hand at the end of the aisle.

The light rushes into the darkness, and the sound of popping is heard.


"No reaction, let's move on."

"Do you know that much......?"

"You can detect moving things and living things, especially when it comes to living things, because it activates healing magic, so it's easier to see that way."


This is what the demons are most wary of.

Usato's sensing ability.

His bizarre technology, which can detect even the magic of hiding his existence from the world, is also an ability that can be a natural enemy for demons, and it is enough to make them an enemy of their eyes.


"How did you meet Usato-kun and the captain?"

"What, how is it? …… Well, right after I was summoned to this world, I was tortured and thrown into the rescue team."

"Ah, I see."


I know, I know.

Even when I was there, I was suddenly grabbed by the neck and put in the unit.


"When I was first thrown into the squad, I was terrified, because all the bastards in the Lingle Kingdom had gathered together and it was like a cave."

"When I was there, there were tough-faced people who seemed to be bandits, and I was really scared at that time."


Tough ......? I'm curious about the mentality of the current captain's subordinates, but it seems that Usato-kun felt the same way as me.


"In my case, that's when the training started, but I managed to get through it."

"Did you get over it?"

"yes, I got over it."

"You had a hard time, didn't you?"




I was hitting it off until the halfway point, but something went off in ...... middle?

No, no, the rest of the story is going to be a deep story of darkness that even I, who don't have a body temperature, will turn pale, so I'll digress from the topic———、


"Ah, but it was crazy to keep receiving the Leader's fist to train my evasion, no, I really thought I was going to die."

"Why are you alive, ......?"


...... continue to receive the captain's fist? What on earth is he doing?

I don't think he's going to do anything bad because he's that guy, and on the other hand, this kid has overcome that training and is here.


"Develop evasive powers that don't rely on healing magic...... That's the purpose of the training."

"That's ......."

"Now that I think about it, Nero Mr./Ms....... I think the leader of the group after the battle with Nero Argens tried to teach me."


The name of the demon tribe that killed me.

Without showing any agitation, I shrug my shoulders playfully.


"So it wasn't in vain that we died."


「…… I am sorry. I don't think it was a good way to put it."


He had been called insensitive quite often during his lifetime, so he immediately noticed that Usato had frowned.

As a dead man, I would like to give meaning to death, but I would think that he and the captain who are alive did not want us to die in the first place.


"Do you think I have a grudge against the Demon Tribe?"

"I don't know."


When he replied immediately, he smiled wryly.


"I only know you from word of mouth, that you are a trusted subordinate of the Leader, and that you have been entrusted with the position of Vice Captain."

「…… From the captain?"

"He said he had entrusted his trusted subordinate, the vice-captain...... His personality is similar to mine."

"With you?"

"It's like the part where you don't like to lose, and the part where you bite the leader."

"Aha, it certainly looks alike."


Is that why the captain chose this child...... I think for a moment, but I know it's probably not.


"So let me ask you, do you think Mr./Ms. Owl hates demons?"

「…… I don't think so."


I can't help but think so.

It's over.

The influence of the magic that resurrected me has forced me to hate him, but it doesn't matter.


"We didn't fight because we hated the demon tribe in the first place...... I fought because I was a subordinate of the captain."

"Is that so?"

"Captain...... You've settled with Nero Argens, haven't you?"


Usato nods in response to my question.


"yes, I was blowing it up."

"If the captain takes care of me properly, I really don't have anything to say, and I can go back to the other world in peace."


There is no source of unfinished business.

With that in mind, I smiled fleetingly and tried to put out a senior-like penetration.


"Oh, no, no, you're going to take me in front of the leader, okay?"


…… Oh.


"Well, I'm so sorry that I've done so much that I'll die if I ...... brought in front of the captain!!"

"I don't like it."

"You're my junior, aren't you?!"


I feel firm determination and good intentions.

The bad thing is that she knows exactly what kind of unreasonable things I'm going to do.


"Mr./Ms., you and I have worked for the same superior officer named Rose."

"Uh, uh, you know, you know, compassion for our predecessors or something like that...... Look, I'm senpai!!"

"There is no point in showing mercy to my predecessors in the face of the anger of the leader, and I will do my best to protect myself."

"Damn it! I'm relieved that I haven't changed even if I die!!"


He said it with a refreshing smile.

If I were in the opposite position, I would definitely do the same thing, so I can't say anything......


「…… Haha."


But I was relieved.

The captain hasn't changed at all.

He is still the person we looked up to and followed.

Above all, the boy walking next to me proves it.


"——— stop."


When he has various unspeakable emotions, Usato's feet stop.


"There's something in the open space ahead, not people...... Is this a monster? That's a lot."

"What are you going to do?"

「…… It doesn't seem to be inevitable. Mr./Ms., can you run if you're clinging to Mr./Ms. Hannah?"

"No, I don't think it's possible because I'm just wandering around, right?"


Usato makes a gesture of contemplation, but he transforms the cloak he wears.

Before Usato could say anything, a demon called Hannah stepped into his cloak and jumped on it, along with his clinging twin sister Mr./Ms..


"Better yet, why don't you carry me all the time? It's easier to ride than a horse."

"......, you should be a fixed battery behind me that shoots illusion magic."

"Oh, that? ...... it becomes rough to handle all at once? Usato-kun? Are you angry? Usato-kun?"


What is the principle of the cloak he wears?

…… Well, I don't have to explain it because I can't go against the devil's commands, so I'd rather not tell you.

As he thinks this, another demon child ——— called Rune is engulfed in black flames without warning.

To his surprise, the black flame gradually grew smaller and smaller, until it was about the size of a kitten and jumped onto Usato's shoulder.


"Oh, Rune...... Can you be that small? Is this a lion cub ......?"

"I imitated the little owl that always sits on your shoulder, and I'm not good at night, so I'll leave it to you to move."

"Oh, yes, okay, be careful not to shake it off."




Eh, isn't this me?

Until a while ago, we were acting as a group of 5 people, but it was actually reduced to 2 people!

Isn't it funny at the point when no one but me has any doubts!?


"Mr./Ms. Owl, let's move on."

"In a way, Usato-kun is more surprising than the captain......

「…… Well, I'm aware of it."


Is it salvation to be self-aware ......?

We've only had a pretty short exchange, but I ...... feel like I'm full.


Flight, illusions, magic, and fire made him an assault type Usato(?)

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