The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 15 Ch. 26 Table of contents

We made our way into the ruins to join up with Usato.

It was a dangerous place with a dank air and signs of demons in the ruins, which were difficult to navigate without proper lighting, but it didn't matter much to me and Kannagi.



"Yes, there is a demon ahead. Let's go a different way."

"That's right."


Share and explore information about kannagi and precognition.

This is only possible because we have two clairvoyant wizards, and this allows us to make good progress through the ruins with minimal combat.


"Predictive magic is useful, and having it on your side makes you think so."

"As long as you don't get too confident."


In response to Koga's muttering, he shrugged his shoulders.


"I know, I know that because I've seen Hinomoto's Jinya's husband's growth all the time. It's also interesting to talk about seeing too much and clouding your eyes."

"People often say that one of the reasons for the runaway was that."

"It's certainly not what you could say."


Koga cringes at the words of Nea, who is on his shoulder in an owl state with me.


"I ...... it was bad at the time."

"I don't really care, it's the result of Jinya going out of control."


Jinya, a former beastman chieftain who had stolen her mother's Mr./Ms.'s precognitive magic.

He was about to steal the clairvoyant magic from me and join forces with the Demon Lord's army to invade the human realm, but we stopped him.

As for Koga, Jinya was always ambitious, so I guess it was just a trigger.


"I'm glad I was able to fight you guys then."

"I think Usato's mess was a mess."

"Haha, I guess so, I know I was doing a pretty nasty thing back then."


I think it's bad to do it when you're aware of it.


"When the captain went to Hinomoto? Ah, the story of when Sister Armira led us."


Mr./Ms., one of Koga's subordinates, muttered in a thoughtful tone.


"No, I was the one who led it, right? Don't fake your memory, do you?"

"Ha, I know. Captain"


Mr./Ms. Elle laughed completely with her nose.

Koga, whose cheeks twitched as if annoyed by this, turned to her.


"......, well, that Sister Amira has been training with Usato's early morning lately!!"



Mr./Ms. suddenly pressed her chest and began to suffer!

It's not something serious, it's like this...... The expression on his face is like a demonic one.


"Mr./Ms. Elle suddenly started suffering!?"

"Train with Sister Amira every morning ......! I'm jealous ......!"

"Wow, good jealousy!! It's a feast!!"


These people are also rich in many ways.

But I don't think Usato said it every morning, .......

And I don't think it's that sexy.

I'm sure they would have had a mock battle that would make everyone in the area pull Mr./Ms..


「…… Is it training?"


It's not that I want to join the life-saving team like Suzune, but I wonder if I should stay the way I am.

Throughout the journey, as I do now, I've always been protected by Usato.

I have precognitive magic, so I can protect myself to some extent, but I can't fight.


"I wonder if I can be as strong as a kannagi."

"Amako, what are you talking about...... Are you insane ......?"


I muttered for a moment, and Nea doubted my sanity.

No...... yes, I know you're going to question your sanity.


"I don't think Amako needs to be a clairvoyant wizard like me, do you?"

"I'm just being protected when I'm dealing with Usato, and I want to be able to move to some extent, not as much as Kannagi."



Kannagi puts his hand to his chin and growls in annoyance.


"Amako is petite."

"The growing season is coming."

「…… Uh-huh—"


"So, Soudane......"


I won't let you say more than that.

I'm almost 15 years old.

I'm sure you'll grow taller like your mother and Mr./Ms..


"Well, I'm the same clairvoyant wizard, and if you want to be instructed, I'll help you, and I'll be part of the life-saving team."

"Oh, I'm a little bit of a lifesaver, and there's a tin in there."

"The reason why I don't want to go in is because of the tin !?."


After all, Shinjukusha is under the same roof as Suzune, right?

It seems to sneak into bed normally...... I mean, we came here as part of a trip together.



「? What's the matter?"


Kannagi, who was walking in front of him, stopped in his tracks.

It doesn't seem that the enemy appeared when Veena, who was searching for enemies with magic sensing, didn't react to anything, but what the hell happened?

He held aloft the light of the torch he was holding in his hand and .......


"...... a picture on the wall?"


What I saw was something like a picture on the wall of the hall.

What is depicted...... A monster with a long body like a snake in Mr./Ms. and a huge monster that looks like a larger version of it.

It was difficult to distinguish from the figure of a person wandering along a maze-like intricate road, or a space with water pouring down like a waterfall, but I knew that there was some meaning.


"Wow, that's interesting."


The first person to show interest in it was, of course, Nair, who was on his shoulder.


"It's drawn by the guys who built it...... Is it a trap? Enemy? No, it's not. Is this an ordeal?"

"Nea, do you know anything?"

"I don't know what is written on it, but I can guess."


At times like this, Nea is strong.

It's more careless and dodgy than the original, but it's a monster that has accumulated knowledge for 300 years using the spare time it has.

He acknowledges his knowledge and thoughtfulness.


「…… Kannagi, it looks like we're in the middle of a trial."


"This is a place of death that puts a test on those who set foot in it.labyrinth・・。 It started with that water magic, and now it's going through a labyrinth infested with monsters."


…… A labyrinth that exists in the lake.

It seems that he is involved in more trouble than he thought.

Hearing Nea's words, Koga clicks his tongue.


"Are you being tested on your own? I don't like it."

"I agree, but there's a good chance that we'll find our goal beyond the trials of this labyrinth."

「…… Is it a fragment of the Demon Lord's power?"

"Yes, this is a glowing sphere, isn't it?"


When Nair points to the mural, there is indeed a glowing sphere below the painting of the ruins.

Does that mean that the power of the Demon King is the reward of trials? …… If you think about it with common sense, I feel like wishing for such a dangerous thing from here.




At that moment, my hearing as a beastman heard something like a sound.

Immediately afterwards, there was a boooo in the ruins! and the sound of something big falling.


「…… Kannagi, did you hear me?"

"Yes, I don't think it's that far away. The screams of monsters and the sound of something exploding."

"Isn't it Usato?"


I think it's terrible that the word explosion alone immediately associates it with Usato.

The sound has already stopped, so it seems that the battle is over soon...... Wow! What was the sound?

It was close to the sound of flames erupting or something like that...... Oh.


「…… Nea. Now, Rune was acting with Usato."

"Yes, yes, it's okay if Usato is there, right?"

"No, that's not what ...... meant."


Oh my God, I guessed.

At times like this, I want my imagination to be off, but I'm probably right.

For the time being, I hope Nea doesn't faint the next time they meet.



After passing through a hall infested with hordes of water dragons, I re-entered the passage and found myself in the same darkness.


"My name is Hannah, do you understand?"


"I'm a demon like you, and you're already dead."



I sigh at the fact that Hannah Mr./Ms., who is still behind my back, is trying to communicate with her twin dark wizard sister Mr./Ms..


"Mr./Ms., that person is unconscious, so there's no point in talking about it, right?"

"Even if I complain to Usato-kun, there will be more complaints that I want to complain about, so I'm letting this kid listen to my complaints instead."




"Excuse me, can you get off my back?"

"No, no, no!"


Shaking her back, Mr./Ms. clings to her deformed cloak and shows resistance.


"I now know that the safest place in this ruin is on Usato's back! Carry me until the end of the matter!"


It's already treated like a horse-drawn carriage.

Currently, the cloak is deformed to make it rectangular...... It is shaped like a coffin, but Hannah's Mr./Ms. and her sister Mr./Ms. are neatly placed side by side.


"And there's a benefit to carrying me."

"What is it?"

"It's just a good training."


…… Hah.

Don't think I'm being fooled by the word training.

Mr./Ms.'s words snort.


"I can't train with a weight like yours, it's too light to talk about."

「…… Heh, heh, that's it. I mean, Usato-kun, I'm light—"

"You should build more muscle."


I was hit in the head from behind.

I somehow guessed why she was beaten, but I think Mr./Ms. should eat more.

I feel like I'm carrying it on my back, and it's light enough to worry .......

…… Well, I won't say more because it would be rude.


"Yes, Hannah looks poor, she doesn't think she can survive in the woods."


Rune, who was listening to the conversation between Mr./Ms. and me, muttered something like that.


"Keira, give me ten days' worth of food right now. They eat and get bigger."

"It's a shame, so it's useless."


It's too extreme.

As I was comforting Hannah Mr./Ms., who was soberly shocked by Keira's cold voice, Owl Mr./Ms., who had been silently watching our exchange, shrugged her shoulders as if to do it.


"Usato-kun, I think you should take a serious look at the situation where I, the enemy force, am the only one with common sense."





"...... Mr./Ms. Owl is a common sense?"

"Excuse me!! We've only known each other for a short time, but can I poke him once!?"


No, you, Rose's subordinate, should not be a man of common sense.

In the first place, it must be abnormal when the corpse remains deranged and maintains a solid consciousness.

But this reaction from Mr./Ms. Owl is a good sign.


"Whew, it's finally starting to look like that, that's how it is."

"This irritating feeling...... !! It's exactly the same as my now-deceased gorilla colleagues......!!"


I think this kind of interaction is necessary for Mr./Ms..

…… Hmm? Mr./Ms.'s healing magic bullet is about to disappear.


"It looks like you're running out of healing magic bullets, yes, please."

"Oh, thank you...... After all, isn't it just me who is thin?"


Are you really suspicious?

So let's be a little more honest.


"Actually, I'm only making Owl Mr./Ms. thinner to save magic power, Owl Mr./Ms., healing magic doesn't work, right?"

"Oh, that's what it was, come to think of it, I'm a corpse, so healing magic didn't work at all......



As we were laughing, I could feel Mr./Ms.'s gaze on my back.

I don't know what kind of eyes you are looking at, but please don't look at me like that.

After all, it's also for your safety, right?


「…… Hmm, dead end?"


Even as he spoke, the magic bullet he was throwing was blocked by something that looked like a wall.

At first, I thought it was a dead end...... It's different.

There is an unnatural hole underneath...... Is there something like water flowing through it?


"Mr./Ms. Usato, what is this......

"Waterways, right?"


As I headed towards the dead end and illuminated it with a light, I saw a new passage-like space with water flowing like a river.

Mr./Ms. looked around with her hands behind my back and opened her mouth while thinking.


"Maybe the water dragon came in from here."

"I see, but there is no place for scaffolding, and it seems difficult to walk along."


And I didn't know where this waterway leads.

For the time being, I threw the healing magic bullet into the waterway to make sure it was connected.


"What do you think......?"

「…… For the time being, it seems to be connected to a large space."


It's a long way away.

Moreover, the waterway flows down like a waterfall, and you don't know what lies ahead.


"I'll try to detect the explosion for a moment."

"Don't make up words that don't make sense"


Throw in a healing explosive shell with an adjusted detonation time to detect a large space.

In about a dozen seconds, the healing explosive bullet explodes, revealing a wider structure.


"It's quite large, I can't grasp it with the magic scattering of explosive bullets......


Is it okay to keep going?

The flow of the waterway is moderately steep, but not so steep that there is no going back.

But I don't know what'...... there.


"There's no point in turning back, and we have no choice but to keep going, right?"


Mr./Ms. said these words to me as I was worried.

He looked at her with astonished eyes, crossed his arms and proudly raised his index finger.


"It's times like these to move forward, because it's much better than standing still."


…… Ah, I see. Is this what Rose was talking about?

The strength of mind to stay positive in any situation.

I felt the strength from her now that just showing her such a figure would cancel out the anxiety and fear of being trapped in the ruins.


"Then let's go! Kyra!! Diving form!!"

"Got it!!"

「…… What, do you want to be ......?"


Hannah and her sister Mr./Ms.Mr./Ms. on my back are covered with what looks like a box made of cloaks.

In addition, the collar of the cloak changes to look like a mask, and it becomes a cylinder.


"Rune, you're with Mr./Ms. Hannah."

「…… I get it."


Rune jumps into Mr./Ms.'s arms on her back.

At that time, she screamed with joy that could not be heard, and with a wry smile, she reached out to Mr./Ms. Owl just as she did with the water dragon earlier.


"Come on, Mr./Ms. Owl too."

"I'm not surprised anymore...... Haha......"


Mr./Ms. has moved to the back and is ready to go.


「…… Okay."


Thanks to Keira, it is possible to breathe underwater.

As for movement, it is possible with the movement ability of Kira's cloak and my healing acceleration fist.


"I'm going to dive!!"



Jump into the waterway and let yourself go with the current.

Of course, I'm worried, but as Owl Mr./Ms. said, it's much better to move on than to just stop here.


It was Usato, a healing wizard who gained an aptitude not only for the air but also for underwater.


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