The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 15 Ch. 28 Table of contents

The only time I was on the side of the human side was over.

To be honest, it's a shame.

Former ...... I really enjoyed the conversation with Usato, who made me feel the same atmosphere as my colleagues, who don't even speak words now.

I really miss the feeling of being treated roughly, and the fact that my words and actions are noisy in various ways.


「…… I thought there was something to the magic bullet you gave me!"


It's really a magic bullet that is nothing out of the ordinary.

The magic bullet, which consisted only of magic power that was only paler in color than the healing magic I knew, didn't feel like it was going to explode at all, unlike the exploding magic bullets that he and I handled...... It should have been.


"I've just put an explosive bullet in it."


"It's a lie."



Just as I hurriedly tried to absorb the impact with my impact magic, Usato's outstretched right hand touched another magic bullet attached to me, causing a powerful shockwave.

He managed to stick his sword into the ground and was not blown away, but Usato's onslaught did not stop.




Light from the gauntlet!?

I braced myself when the magic bullet attached to me was detonated again, but it was my left fist that flew in———、


"It's dangerous!?"



Boom!! A fist that makes you feel the pressure of the wind passes by.


"Ahh If I wasn't used to being blown away, I'd go crazy!!"


Is it something that explodes when a magic bullet is attached?

Or is it just a normal magic bullet?

At that point, you will be forced to respond! In addition, magic bullets that do not explode can be detonated in some way!

- I can also make you pay attention to the right hand that detonates!


"Evacuate once!!"


In order to stop himself from attacking Usato, he injects a shock spell into himself and forcibly retreats backwards.

Adjust your position and remove the magic bullets that have stuck to it.


「…… You can make this magic bullet explode with the system enhancement, right?"



It seems that there is no problem even if you get caught because you will easily admit it.

What I don't understand is that his magic is healing magic, so why does the healing magic explode with his lineage enhancement?

At the very least, the captain's lineage enhancement shouldn't have had such a bizarre effect.

Perhaps sensing my doubts, Usato-kun explains as he runs on the ground.


"If you touch the system degradation that reduces the quality of magic power with a system strengthening, it will repel and cause a shockwave."

「…… Eh, I'm sorry. Please explain it more clearly——"

"Lineage degradation is a technique that reduces the quality of magic power to improve the efficiency of magic power and the healing power of myself. In addition———"

"Gyaaa Please don't come to deceive me with the amount of information!?"


I feel like I've been told the horrible Nanika in the world!

What's more, what is wrong with the nature is that Usato himself understands and explains it!

Or rather, what is system degradation?

I don't understand what it means to reduce the quality of my magic! Isn't it a technology that usually undermines?

In the first place, the technology that came out of nowhere!


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Don't be fooled!! Me!!"


The more I think about it, the more I feel like I'm stuck in a rut.

Forcibly pulling his thoughts back, he attacks him with the urge to attack Usato.

First of all, stand around so that you can't stick the magic bullets!


"Well, I've saved enough shocks, so I'm going to use them with all my might!!"


My magic is the magic of absorbing and releasing shocks.

The stock impact is trapped in a magic bullet, and it is possible to move at high speed while using it as thrust.


"Then this one too!!"


Then this is also the case! It's not!

At the same time as I saw that I had accelerated due to the thrust of the shockwave, a green magic light erupted from the elbow of the gauntlet on Usato's right arm, and it accelerated in the same way as me.


"Usato Mr./Ms. defense...... Huh?'

"Keira! Rune! You guys focus on protecting Mr./Ms. Hannah on your back!! You guys can't handle Owl Mr./Ms.'s movements!!"

"Oh, yes!!"


He holds his sword as if he is drawing a sword imbued with magical power, and flicks Usato's outstretched arm.

Focusing on defense, he gathers shock while trying not to stick his magic bullets together.

And when he sees an opening, he ——— strikes a blow!


"Oh my God!"


The sword, which is imbued with shock magic, doubles as an attack by slashing and blowing the enemy away with a shockwave.




No matter how much Usato is attacked, he should be frightened...... At the moment when I was about to slam the attack with such speculation, I saw that he, like me, was trying to thrust his right fist out at me.


"Healing Continuous Fist!!"


A gauntlet-covered fist that clashes with my sword.

In an instant, the magic of me and Usato-kun exploded at the same time, and we were both blown away from the spot.


"Mr./Ms.!? Do ...... do the same trick as me!?"

"What are you really!? Do you like me!?"


If so, I'll be conscious of it! …… Just kidding!!

I'm so confused that even I am surprised.

But I have to admit it.

As the captain said, Usato and I are similar.


「…… Haha."


Somehow, I found myself enjoying the situation.

I still don't like fighting according to the orders of the devil.

I hate the devil so much that I would want to scratch my head as soon as this body was free.



"It's the same as when I was fighting with them......


When I used to swear, get into fights over trivial things, and be scolded by the captain when I was found out...... Memories of the most fulfilling times of my life.

The fight with him is a strong reminder of that.

And I ...... that the captain who raised this child has not changed at all since that time, and has been our goal.


"So, are you close to the demon Mr./Ms. who are taking you in?"


"Okay, let's fight fast and move forward!!"


Well, that has to be the case with the demons who are trying to harass us.

- Gather your energy again and slash at Usato-kun with the urge to attack———、


"Healing Breakdown"



Waves of healing magic radiate unnaturally.

Even if my body is dead, I can feel the vibrations themselves, and I involuntarily stiffen.

I completely forgot about it...... Whew!!

Absorb his attacks with impact magic! Just after I thought about it, Usato's arm grabbed my right arm and left shoulder.



"Passive, please take it!"


Guru! My vision turned and my body was thrown into the air!




If you throw your whole body, you won't be able to absorb ...... shock!

But if it's a shock that slams into the ground!

Immediately passively strike the ground with magical power, absorbing the impact as it lands.


"It's the first time I've been thrown since I was a captain...... Yikes...... Ugh, I'm going to have a nightmare ...... someday."


The trauma of being thrown alone into the forest of Lingle .......

I'm working harder than I thought, so I'm ...... forced to extend the period.


"Gah Gaka!!"



If you look behind you, you will see a humanoid monster whose body is made up of bones.

Holding a sword with a spilled blade and wearing rags, it seemed to be directed at me with hostility...... Maybe this is .......


"What, a skeleton? Wow, I tried it for the first time."


I'm sure it's some kind of demon resurrected by a necromancer?

It's the same type of zombie, but I know we don't know much about it.

The skeleton was about to point its sword at me, but before I could do so, a large man came from behind the skeleton and swung his sword down.


"Hah, I've joined you, cerebral gorilla."


「…… I can't tell you something. Already."


Gilg, a former colleague who no longer has a will.

Along with his appearance, five other colleagues and the demon Reali, who has changed blood phases, arrive from the back.


"Huh!? What the hell is this guy doing? What kind of idiot put such a troublesome monster in the skeleton! Kayla is gone, and one of the twins loses herself and goes on a rampage! It's over!! …… Huh!?"


When she notices me, she brightens her expression and then screams angrily and rushes towards me.


"Owl!! Where have you been?!"

"Oh, Mr./Ms.! It's been a long time!!"

"It's been a long time, this useless thing!!


I see, so Rare was fighting a skeleton.


"Ga, Ka, Ka!!"

"It's a hassle because these guys will come back to life even if they break or break it!!"


The skeleton that Gilg cut in half stands up, and the bones reassemble and regenerate as if rewinding.

Wow, it's weak on its own, but it's the type that regenerates.

This is troublesome.


"It's just right! Hurry up and take command of these guys and clean up those corpses!!"

"Mr./Ms. Raeli, do you know why I was blown up here?"

"What? Didn't you come here alone?"


Leari asks, tilting her head.

Just then, I heard the sound of people walking on the wet floor from where I had been tossed.


"You've come as you wish, devil......


Usato's appearance was really ugly from the sidelines.

A jet-black cloak that flutters majestically even though the wind is not blowing.

On his shoulder is a small lion engulfed in blue-black flames.

The box carrying the demon Mr./Ms. named Hannah and her restrained sister Mr./Ms. looks like nothing more than a coffin.

Above all, he wore the same expression and atmosphere as the captain, and he seemed to be far from the healing wizard in general.


"Wow...... Uh-huh...... Ahh


Rare who is traumatized to the greatest extent by Usato and the captain sits down with her eyes black and white.

The next time he sees me, he grabs my shoulder with a look of anger.


"You're bringing him here!"

"Wasn't it Mr./Ms. who made it the top priority target?"

"It's Kayla's idiot who made it! I don't want to have anything to do with it anymore!! The wings are finally healing!?"


Isn't it enough to be so scared?

The devil is really mentally weak.

I don't think it's the same as being mentally frustrated, probably.

But thanks to that, my urge to attack Usato-kun seems to have been alleviated.





The skeleton picks up the sword and attacks Usato.

It seems that not only the demon forces but also Usato-kun are the target of the attack.




Usato lightly flicked the swinging sword with a gauntlet, and thumped...... and lightly place his right fist on the skeleton's torso.



"Healing Continuous Fist"


A shockwave of magical power was released from the fist that was touched, and the skeleton's entire body was blown apart.




Rare Ali, who was scared by this, also peels off the whites of her eyes.

However, Usato, on the other hand, looks angry when he sees the skeleton trying to regenerate even if it is shattered, and turns his expression to Reari.


"Not only the Owls Mr./Ms. but also those who have become bones...... This devil is with me!"

"Whew!? It's not me, it's not me!! This is a trap in the ruins here and here!!"

"What...... Whew!!"


He looked suspicious at the complaint of the rare man hiding behind my back, but soon he glared in the direction where his colleagues were holding the skeleton in its tracks.

If you look in the same direction as him, you can see a large number of skeletons avalancheing towards you, other than the one you are fighting now.


「…… Wow......"


It's too troublesome.

You're going to have to fight Usato and deal with him from now on, right?

Wouldn't it be wise to persuade Reali to deal with that horde of skeletons with Usato first?


"Raari Mr./Ms. here's a suggestion———

「…… ...... Okay."


"Get me out!! I don't care about that brave little girl or the power of the Demon King anymore! That healing wizard and the skeleton are enemies! Kick me or rub me away!!"


Yes!? Self-preservation is so self-preservation that it is impossible to make calm judgments!

This guy is really vulnerable to stress!

Well, I'm not complaining about involving Raeli, but if I were asked to fight against this number of skeletons or Usato-kun, I'd definitely hate fighting Usato-kun.

It's not about humanity or anything like that, it's just that he's too close to be seen in a melee fight.


"Oh, that Usato-kun, this is different!!"

"Nhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh First move!!"

"Wow, this is too early to judge."


He immediately shifted into a fighting stance, and he almost burst out laughing.

In the meantime, the skeletons that have been pouring in rush towards us and Usato.


"Huh, you guys! Intercept it quickly!!"



Together with his colleague gorilla, who has been slow to move until now, he comes alive and intercepts the skeletons.

Raari is stupid, cunning and stupid, but she won't try to run away and isolate herself.


"That's why this is ......."


It would be a good idea to intercept the skeleton with a body that has carried out orders while giving Usato a moderate amount of nudge.

I give Usato a quick glance and try to tell him what I mean——— and he immediately nods back.


"Keira! Rune!"

"I'll do it!!"

"These guys can be burned!!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, but I have to do it!"


Usato, who floats softly in the air, wraps his greatly deformed cloak with blue flames and dispels the skeleton.

…… It would have been pretty bad if I had used that flame in my fight.


"What's the matter, he's using weird magic again......


Behind me, Leari is really scared and hiding.

This devil is really a pawn ......!


"Mr./Ms. Hannah!"


Usato moves the box with the deformed cloak to his side, and the side of it snaps open.

From there, Hannah appears with a startled expression.

The fact that his twin sister, Mr./Ms., who does not move next to him, is also quiet is already a gag.


"Whew!? What do you think is that it suddenly brightens!?"

"For the time being, please shoot the illusion magic! I'll set the aim!!"

"Explain the situation...... Tsu! What does it mean to be a skeleton after a water dragon? I'll do as I'm told."


After such a noisy conversation, a series of phantom magic magic bullets are released from the side of the box.

Baba Baba!! When the magic bullet that flew like a storm hit the skeleton, the bones that make up the body came off in tatters.


「! You can temporarily collapse your body with a vision! Mr./Ms. Hannah, please do more!!"

"I want to cry the most because I'm used to this situation......


It doesn't make any sense at all.

Hannah herself has become accustomed to being treated like a battery.

The scariest thing of all is .......


"Let's do it, guys!!"

"I'll get rid of it!"

"These guys are nothing!"


He wiped out the approaching skeleton floating in the sky with his flaming cloak, and temporarily incapacitated the skeleton with the illusion magic that he had launched in succession.

I can't stop smiling at him as he fights in a completely different way than when he was fighting me one-on-one.


"Captain, what kind of education did you really ......?"


I don't think this would happen if I just trained normally.


The backpack (Hannah in) was transformed into a machine gun (!?)

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