I Became the Maid of the Lout Prince
Chapter 116 Table of contents

The first thing that greeted Gyeongmwajogyegigwat, the Hero, who had followed behind Ethan, was the sight of two hands flying up into the air.






When he hurriedly chased after Ethan, who suddenly rushed outside in the middle of their conversation, Ethan had already drawn the sword at his waist and swung it once.

On the other hand, the unknown noble, whose wrists had been sliced off, was letting out painful screams.  [GalaxyTL/Axiomatic]

Having witnessed this scene first, he momentarily began to speculate whether Ethan had acted on his original nature from the game.


‘Seeing that Ethan’s actions are still in his nature, is this regression rather than possession?’


Perhaps he hadn’t been able to abandon his original nature even in his second life.

Was it just his own delusion that Ethan might have a similar purpose to himself?

With these thoughts as he observed the situation, Ethan’s voice, filled with killing intent, soon reached his ears.

This served as a way for Gyeongmwajogyegigwat to make his next judgment.


“Say those exact words one more time. Then this blade will come out the back of your head.”


His words were so full of killing intent that it was hard to believe it was the same person who had been calmly conversing with him just moments ago.

Although it wasn’t clearly evident due to being hidden by the overwhelming killing intent, the Hero could tell that the current Ethan was filled with intense emotions.

He reached his own conclusion that it would be better to observe the situation for now.


“Eee, eeeek…! W-we must treat him quickly…!”

“…Serista, wait a moment.”


“…Let’s not interfere for now and just observe the situation.”


“It’s necessary.”



Gyeongmwajogyegigwat stopped Serista, who was trying to step in to resolve the situation, and quietly continued to observe Ethan’s next actions.

He thought that he could somewhat grasp how much Ethan had changed from Ethan in the game if he watched this situation to the end.



The man from the Raidenhart family, whose hands had been completely cut off, let out endless screams mixed with pain and fear.

The expressions of the other new students who had been watching my duel with him also gradually hardened in the chilling atmosphere.

Even I hadn’t expected Ethan to suddenly intervene in my duel with Raidenhart and cut his hands off, so it was all unexpected.  [GalaxyTL/Axiomatic]

Ethan’s sword was pointed at the neck of the guy who had fallen to the ground, looking at his two severed wrists.

Raidenhart’s body stiffened in place at the chilling killing intent surrounding his neck.


“What did you just say to Lilith?”

“Eee, eeek…!”

“Choose your words carefully… unless you want your parents to receive your head and wail tomorrow morning.”

“…Hic, ……kuh!”


Seemingly having noticed the crisis of death that had approached him just now, he bowed his head while prostrated on the ground.

He began to stammer out words of apology that he seemed like he would never utter until just a moment ago.


“I-I… was wrong…”

“…What did you do wrong?”

“I, I thoughtlessly co-committed an un-unforgivable rudeness to Young Master Blackwood’s woman… P-please, forgive me…”

“…If you understand that well, shouldn’t you also know that I’m not the one you should be apologizing to?”

“I-I’m sorry, miss… P-please forgive the rudeness I just co-committed…”



Ethan quietly looked at me without withdrawing his sword, even after Raidenhart’s apology ended.

Wondering what exactly he was looking for, I quietly looked back at him, and Ethan slowly opened his mouth.


“…What do you want him to do?”


“Do you think that insult you received could be compensated with just this shallow apology?”

“N-no! I, I’m sincerely…! Sincerely apologizing! P-please have mercy…!!”

“…That’s enough, Young Master Ethan.”


“I think this is sufficient.”


It wasn’t that I particularly felt sorry for that Raidenhart guy.

I just felt that if Ethan committed murder on top of bloodying his sword on the first day of school, his life in the academy would become complicated in many ways afterward.

There was no need for him to become a delinquent young master for such a trivial reason after growing up properly. I also didn’t particularly want to be known as the exclusive maid of a young master who killed a count’s son on the first day of school.

It was too much of a waste of all his efforts so far for Ethan’s reputation to be tarnished because of the blood of such a worthless piece of trash.

…Especially since I had watched the process of his training to the bone for those years.


“…Really, is just this much okay?”

“There’s no need for you to see more blood because of such trash, Young Master Ethan. Please put away your sword.”  [GalaxyTL/Axiomatic]

“…No, I can’t. Thinking of what this guy just said to you, Lilith, we should at least cut off his limbs and tongue just like he said…”

“Young Master Ethan.”


“Please, stop there.”


Although Ethan’s eyes wavered with much conflict at my ultimatum, in the end, he nodded quietly, listening to my words.

Turning his gaze towards Raidenhart, Ethan asked him in a cold voice.


“State your name and family.”

“Ca-Cassius… Theodora Ra-Raidenhart. I’m the third son of the Raidenhart Count family, and I have two older brothers and one older sister.”

“…Cassius Theodora Raidenhart.”


“…I’ll remember that.”


“Make sure I don’t have to recall this incident again.”


With those words, Ethan withdrew the sword he had pointed at Raidenhart’s neck.

He wiped the guy’s blood that had stained the blade when cutting his wrists with a handkerchief before returning it to its scabbard.


“The Aurelian Church is behind the Magic Department Building.”


“…I’m telling you to take your severed hands and get out of my sight right now.”

“Th-thank you!”


He tried to pick up his hands on the ground with his two arms, whose hands had been cut off by Ethan’s sword, in order to recover the wounds.

Although it was a pitiful sight to the point of being pathetic, I didn’t particularly feel like helping him.


“Uck, *sniff*…! Huuu!!”


The guy who had been sobbing on the ground because he couldn’t grip his hands properly due to the pain finally got up, holding his two hands in his mouth.

He started running desperately towards the church to get away from Ethan…

…leaving even his longsword, which he had dropped during the fight, on the ground.  [GalaxyTL/Axiomatic]

Although the sword itself wasn’t a big deal, the scene with bloodstains everywhere was unsettling to look at, so I cleaned up the chaotic scene with a single Clean.

My spell cleaned Ethan’s uniform, which had been splattered with Raidenhart’s blood, as well as the ground, also stained with his blood.


“Thank you, Lilith.”

“…Were you really planning to kill him, Young Master Ethan?”

“If that’s what you wanted, Lilith.”

“…I think it would be better to leave it at threats next time. If you really commit an irreversible act, it could endanger you severely, Young Master Ethan.”

“…Right, I’ll be careful from now on.”


Ethan slightly bowed his head with a somewhat dejected voice at my warning.

Seeing Ethan look bitter after standing up for me made me feel a strange ache in my chest, but I still needed to caution him on this point.

It was undeniable that I had received some vicious threats from that guy, but trying to kill him outright for that much was almost crossing the line.

If he kept drawing his sword for such trivial reasons, Ethan would really be hastening his own death.

…Especially because of that Hero, who had mixed into the crowd at some point and was looking at Ethan with eyes that hinted an ulterior motive.




The protagonist had been focusing his gaze on me and Ethan for a while now with a strange expression.

As someone who wanted to let that guy know that Ethan wasn’t a villain, I couldn’t entirely welcome this current situation.

Although the killing intent he just showed in that situation couldn’t be easily glossed over, I needed to appeal to the hero as much as possible that Ethan had grown up to be a good person from now on.

Thinking about the future, it seemed beneficial to leave this place for now.


“How about having a meal first, Young Master Ethan? Aren’t you tired after being in the spotlight on stage for two hours?”

“Yes, Lilith. Also, if any guys bother you like that again, let me know whenever. No matter who it is, I’ll…”

“I’m fine, Young Master Ethan, so there’s no need for you to worry about it.”

“…I understand, Lilith.”


…There’s no need to look so deflated just because I said there’s no need to worry.

It’s not that I’m not grateful for what just happened. I clearly understand that it would be troublesome afterward if I incurred the enmity of the Raidenhart family with my status as a viscount’s daughter. [GalaxyTL/Axiomatic]

…But if I straightforwardly expressed my gratitude here, Ethan might get carried away, and that hero would see Ethan as a bloodthirsty psychopath.

Although Ethan’s appearance had changed as if it was a complete rebirth and was beyond a simple improvement, that didn’t guarantee the story wouldn’t flow similarly to the game.

A crazy Hero who named his character Gyeongmwajogyegigwat might try to kill Ethan and take me into his party at some point.

So, I deliberately moved my steps to a place where the Hero and his companions couldn’t see us, a bit farther from the scene.

After confirming that I couldn’t sense the presence of the Hero or others nearby, I quietly whispered words of thanks to him.


“Thank you for earlier, Young Master Ethan.”


“I know it’s wrong to say this as Young Master Ethan’s exclusive maid, but… you were kinda cool back there.”

“W-wait! What’s the last thing you said?! I couldn’t hear because you spoke too quietly!”

“…I just said thank you, that’s all.”

“No, it was definitely something else!”


I don’t know why, but it’s embarrassing to say such a thing twice.

Also, a man can find another man a bit cool. There’s nothing wrong with that.

…But no matter what, I didn’t have the confidence to say the same thing again, so I feigned ignorance and calmly answered regardless of Ethan persistently asking me.

Ethan’s obsession with somehow wanting to hear the compliment I had said again continued until that evening.

…Next time, I should be more careful about the words I use to compliment him.

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