Sword God in a World of Magic (Novel)
Chapter 302 Table of contents

Shang really didn't like hearing that.

There was something no one in the Skythunder Kingdom had ever seen before above him, and he couldn't access it.

He wanted to know what was in it and why he could feel an Abomination there.

Yet, there was no way to enter.

Shang tried a couple of other things, but all of them failed.

Eventually, Shang walked through the portal again and tested the ceiling in that room too.

Same thing. Too hard.

'Maybe I should climb up. Maybe there is a spot that's not as hard and thick.'

Shang exited the room and looked up.

Then, he jumped to the first wall and jumped to the second one.

However, due to the Gravity, Shang couldn't even nearly reach the other wall in his jump.

'I can't even zig-zag upward due to the strong gravity and the gap. To think that a gap of ten meters would be so insurmountable for me.'

'Sure, I could use my Fire and Ice Blasts, but I would eventually run out of body to use.'

'Seems like we have to go at it the slow way.'

Shang walked to the first wall and put Sword on it. "Can you dig out some handholds for me?"

Sword didn't answer for two whole seconds.

"Do you know how long that will take?"

Shang sighed. "I know that it will take a long time. You needed like two hours for the hole. Sure, you only have to make some small cuts so that you fit in, but that will probably also take a couple of minutes each."

"And you can't even jump," Sword said. "We fell for around 20 kilometers, and I would need over ten minutes per meter, assuming I don't get exhausted."

As Shang thought about Sword's words, he realized that the process might take quite a long time.

Shang did some math in his head and came to the conclusion that creating a makeshift ladder to the hole he had made would take over four months.

'Four fucking months,' Shang thought with a frown. 'I have patience, but I won't wait in here for four months.'

Then, Shang got an idea.

"How about you just make a normal hole, and we travel through the Caves," Shang said.

"Shang," Sword answered. "Why are you overlooking the obvious problem?"

Sword's words took Shang by surprise. "What problem?"

"When we dig through this hole, where will we be?"

"The Caves, obvious-"

And then, Shang realized the problem.

Sure, they would be in the Caves, but they would be at their deepest part.

This meant that Shang would reach the home of True Path Stage beasts and maybe even beasts of the fifth Realm.

Beasts of such power had a terrifying perception, and Shang was certain that they would very quickly notice him.

And when they did?

Sure, the Thunder Horse's mark would probably dissuade beasts of the Fifth Realm from attacking, but True Path Stage beasts would probably directly attack Shang since they would think that he was an Abomination.

And even if Shang managed to climb up, he would enter an area filled with Peak Commander Stage beasts.

Yes, this was called the Calm Zone, but that wasn't a guarantee that no beast would be here.

The Entropy Ore had some deterring effect on beasts, but it didn't injure them. At most, it was uncomfortable or a bit scary for beasts.

The map had also said that there rarely were beasts on the big slide, but Shang had met the Crack Spider there.

"So, you're saying we're stuck?" Shang asked with furrowed brows.

"No," Sword answered.

"Well, how are we not stuck?" Shang asked. "We can't get out without dying."

"Ask for help," Sword said.

Shang's expression turned uncomfortable.

He really didn't want to call the Dean or Duke Whirlwind.

Sure, in Shang's mind, they would have done the same thing as Shang if they were in his shoes, but they weren't.

But eventually, Shang had to give up.

He was stuck, and he needed help.

"Fine," Shang said as he took out a Communication Crystal.

"What do you want?" came the voice of the Dean through the Communication Crystal.

"I need your help," Shang said.

"With what?"

"Do you know about the Calm Zone in the Caves and about that black wall?" Shang asked.


The Dean didn't answer for a while.

"You made a hole in the wall?" the Dean asked with a serious voice.

"Yes," Shang said.

Another moment of silence passed.

"I can't fault you. I would have done the same thing," the Dean said.

Shang only helplessly smiled.

"What happened?"

Shang told the Dean everything that had happened ever since he entered the Caves, and he told the Dean also everything about what he had found in this strange building.

As Shang was narrating these things, the Dean was in shock. Shang had done a lot of surprising things in the past, but nothing had truly shocked the Dean.

That was until he heard of Shang's victory over Vice-Commander Wilbury.

The matter of the strange building was put to the back of the Dean's mind since Shang's power was far more surprising to him.

The Dean had always believed Shang to be about as powerful and talented as him.

But today, the Dean had received a nasty wake-up call.

The Dean knew Vice-Commander Wilbury, and he also knew that Vice-Commander Wilbury was one of the most powerful Mid Commander Stage warriors in the entire world.

Vice-Commander Wilbury was about as powerful as Soran had been when he had been at the Mid Commander Stage, and Soran had incredible talent.

It was only a matter of time until Soran overtook Vice-Dean Ranos. Vice-Dean Ranos had perfected his battle style and power over more than a century at the Peak Commander Stage, while Soran was barely seventy in total.

Shang had essentially jumped a level against someone with the power and talent of Soran.

And, most shocking of all, Shang was barely 21 years old.

When Soran had reached such power, he had been nearly 50.

For a moment, the Dean wasn't sure how he should feel.

On some level, he was proud of Shang, but on the other hand, Shang's power made him feel bitter, envious, and inadequate.

However, the Dean was an adult, and he wouldn't let his emotions cloud his judgment.

"I will contact Jerald," the Dean said. "This is his territory, and he has to know about what has happened."

"Alright," Shang said.

"Remain where you are. We will probably get there in an hour, at the latest."

'Remain where I am, huh?' Shang thought with frustration.

The connection was cut, and Shang released a sigh.

Eventually, Shang sat down, leaning against one of the walls as he waited.

The wait was long and annoying, but Shang was used to worse things.

That's when Shang felt a signal coming from his Space Ring, and he took out the Communication Crystal.

"Yes?" Shang asked.

"Where did you cut through the wall?" It was Duke Whirlwind's voice.

"I thought that you guys have probably already searched for the origin of the Calm Zone. So, I went to the most likely place where you did your experiments. I found a tiny cut in the wall," Shang explained.

Duke Whirlwind chuckled a bit. "Quite smart. That cut was left behind by one of the previous Kings. It was the culmination of Mana worth billions and billions of gold."

"We'll be there in five minutes."

And the connection was cut again.

Shang waited for another while.

But four minutes later, something happened.

Shang's remaining eye was drawn upward as he felt something.

The feeling Shang felt from the Abomination had become more intense, and he thought that he might have felt it moving.

And then, Shang felt something change.

It was like a wave was going through the air.

And moments later, Shang felt all the Darkness Mana vanish along with all the other kinds of Mana!

At the same time, Shang's clothes began to turn into dust.

'Entropy Domain!'

This was the same thing that happened when he activated his Entropy Domain. However, his Entropy Domain was nothing in comparison to this gigantic Domain!

Surprisingly, Shang didn't feel like he was in danger.

However, Shang still activated his own Entropy Domain.

After all, the Abominations Entropy Domain was turning Shang's clothing into dust, and he didn't want to be naked.

For safety's sake, Shang put everything but Sword, his clothes, and the Communication Crystal into his inner world, including the Space Ring.

"Shang! Are you still alive?!" came the shout of Duke Whirlwind from the Communication Crystal.

"Yes, I'm fine. I think I'm immune to this power. I should be asking you that question," Shang answered.

"We managed to get out of its reach in time, but all the stone and earth around us is vanishing! Shang, what did you do?!" Duke Whirlwind asked with nervousness.

"Nothing!" Shang shouted back. "I just sat here! I literally did nothing but wait!"

"Has the Abomination used that power before?" Duke Whirlwind asked.

"No, this was the first time," Shang said.

Some seconds of silence passed.

"Then, that means that it was probably us," Duke Whirlwind said. "I think it didn't react to you or Vice-Commander Wilbury since you two are too weak."

As Duke Whirlwind was talking, Shang could also hear sounds of collapsing stone coming from the Communication Crystal.

"We have to wait until it calms down. I think we might need to send someone weaker to get you, Shang," Duke Whirlwind said.

"It's fine. I can wait," Shang said.

A couple of seconds passed, and the Domain of Entropy eventually vanished.

It seemed like the Abomination had calmed down.

'It didn't pursue, which probably means that it can't.'

At that moment, a new idea came to Shang.

'Then, is this a prison?'

And at that moment, nearly all of Duke Whirlwind's Communication Crystals were going off at once.

"What's going on?!" Duke Whirlwind shouted into the Communication Crystal for the Commander of Warrior's Paradise.

"Sir, the- "


The voice was cut off as the entire Caves quaked violently.

Down below, even Shang felt a slight quake travel throughout the strange building.

'Is this an earthquake?' Shang thought.


Then, the building shook even more.

'No, that comes from a living thing!' Shang realized in horror. 'But what could be so powerful that it could shake this gigantic structure?'

And then, Shang realized what was happening.


A gigantic wave of vibration went through the entire building, and even Shang felt unwell under the powerful vibrations.


A gigantic talon pierced the top of the enormous building!

'Shit! I have to get out of here!'

Shang immediately stood up and ran into the room and directly into the portal.

And just moments after he left, a gigantic beak punched through the building as well.

"Shang! Shang!" Duke Whirlwind shouted into the Communication Crystal.

But then, the connection was cut.

Duke Whirlwind had used his power and flight to get out of the Caves with the Dean, and he was looking with horror at what was happening.

The Storm Eagle was aggressively digging a hole in the ground and attacking the black structure!

It had felt an Abomination, and it would deal with it!

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