The Reincarnated Extra
Chapter 416 Table of contents
  1. Tales of the Gods 17 Muwidgi, the False Harvest Fallen Wheat God


* * *


Whirr, whirr, whirr!

Whirr, whirr, whirr, whirr!


White ropes and wide bandages flew in from all directions, entangling and covering Muwidgi’s body.


<<<Wh-What is this!? MUGIIIIIIIーーー!?>>>


Muwidgi frantically twisted and tried to shake them off, but for some reason, it didn’t work.

Muwidgi, who had taken countless risks to absorb as much of Shuhavekmeg’s divine energy as possible and gained an extraordinary second form, couldn’t break free from the restraints of mere ropes and cloths wrapped around her body!

The more it tried to tear them off, or corrode them with curses, the stronger they became!

What’s going on!?


“Stop your futile resistance. Muwidgi-chan, it’s already checkmate for you.”


A carefree voice, almost sounding cheerful, reached the ears of the shaken Muwidgi.

Muwidgi, who could no longer even move her neck, glared at the source of the voice, standing diagonally to her left, with only her eyes.


Standing there was a god, in human form.


Unlike Muwidgi or Mochulchi, this god was truly human-sized.

However, they were wearing strange attire.

Just like Muwidgi, their entire body was wrapped in ropes and cloths, leaving no skin exposed.

Their head was covered with something like a veil, and their face was further covered with a single piece of cloth hanging from their forehead, concealing even their expression.

The only thing that could be discerned was that the god seemed to be a goddess, judging by the pitch of their voice and the curves of their body.


<<<Bandage woman… who are you!? >>>


“Haaa… You’re being rude. Your attitude towards your senior is unbecoming! Well, I guess it can’t be helped? After all, you’re just a ‘big fish in a small pond’ who was confined to a small field… No, a ‘Queen of the Field’? Hahaha, such a phrase doesn’t exist!”


No matter how much Muwidgi tried to intimidate her with her 【Intimidation】, this Bandage Woman was unfazed.

She shrugged, chuckling, without a hint of fear.

While they were talking, Muwidgi’s body was completely bound by ropes and cloths, leaving only her eyes exposed.

But Muwidgi’s anger didn’t subside.

From the small gaps between the ropes and cloths, she emitted a curse that could wither and rot everything, desperately resisting.


Seeing that, the Bandage Woman sighed again, and spoke in an exasperated tone.


“…Your very being is so twisted, it’s too late. You’re truly pathetic, looking at you, it makes me sad. I think it would be better for you if I just destroyed you… but this is my job.”


She formed several hand seals in front of her chest and snapped her fingers.

And then, Muwidgi’s body…!

Starting from her roots, her body gradually… slowly… turned to stone, cracking with each transformation!


“Now then, I, Ee, the Sealing God, will seal you, as requested by the Earth God.”




Her sense of her body was fading.

Muwidgi, terrified, screamed.


“Muwidgi-chan, the decision to strip you of your divinity has already been made with the consent of the Super Upper Gods. Therefore, you will be redefined as a ‘Fallen God’. ‘Muwidgi, the False Harvest Fallen Wheat God’, that’s your new name. Please accept it gracefully.”


Crack, crack, crack, crack.


<<<Mugi… mugiii, m…!>>>


Finally, Muwidgi was completely petrified, up to the tip of her wheat ears.

She could no longer move or even think.

She had turned into a complete stone statue.


“…You can still hear me, right? I’ll continue the explanation, but as I mentioned before, you’ve been recognized as a new calamity by the higher-ups. So, you can’t be kept in the Divine Realm anymore. You’re being banished. I’ll drop you in a place that has a deep connection with you… So, while you’re a stone, reflect on what you did wrong.”


The Bandage Woman… Ee, the Sealing God, continued to make her one-sided announcements to the petrified Muwidgi, with her usual nonchalant attitude, and then, she calmly extended her right arm forward.

And then.


“Well then.”


With those words, she snapped her fingers.



The next moment, a flash of purple light erupted.

And Muwidgi’s stone statue suddenly disappeared from the divine realm’s field.

She was forcibly teleported to the ground.


And in the spot where she had stood… a goddess with wheat-colored skin was lying there.


<<<Ah! Shuhavekmeg-sama!>>>


Mochulchi hurriedly approached her, extended two flat noodles from his body, and gently lifted the motionless Shuhavekmeg.


“…She’s alive. She’s been drained quite a bit, though.”


Hearing Ee’s words, Mochulchi quietly took a deep breath.

And then.


“You should take her to the Earth God quickly.”


Hearing Ee’s following words, he shuddered for a moment.


<<<Ah, yeah… Y-You’re right… We have to take her to the Earth God…>>>


“Hahaha, you’d better hurry, Mochulchi-chan… You received power from the Earth God, and yet you ended up being saved by me… At this rate, I’m sure he’s going to be very angry.”




“But, even though he’s quick to anger… He just gets angry, so I think he’s rather human-like and lenient for a God of Gods, created directly by the Creation God. That’s why Muwidgi-chan was only sealed.”


<<<But… but! I’m still scared of him…!>>>


What happened to his initial dramatic attitude?

Mochulchi, his skin pale with fear, trembled.

The Earth God is scary.


“Well, good luck, Mochulchi-chan. Still, your actions saved Shuhavekmeg-chan… His daughter. I’m sure he won’t do anything bad to you. Right now, Necondnerun-kun is being scolded, so… if you go now, maybe he’s tired of being angry? It’s your chance.”


<<<…!! I’ll go! I’ll go right now!!>>>


Mochulchi, spurred by Ee’s words, embraced Shuhavekmeg and emitted steam from the lower part of his body.

With that momentum, he flew into the sky, leaving this divine realm.


* * *


A gentle wind blew through the Harvest God’s divine realm field.

The surviving wheat and rice, swaying gently, as if exhausted.




In that field…

Ee, the Sealing God, the only one left there, stretched, letting out a big sigh.


“I’m tired. I really haven’t worked this hard in a while.”


She then fell on her back, lying on the field.


“But… it was quite a good payday. Hahaha.”


She took out something like a bankbook from her pocket and somehow looked at it, despite the cloth covering her face, and smiled happily.


“Geez… When the world is stable, I have so little work. I miss the days of the Age of Gods, when I was running around the world, sealing Kenu, sealing Gogo Henego… Ah, was I a human back then…?”


She put the bankbook back into her pocket, shifted her position, and lay on her side.

And then, she started muttering complaints.


“But the lack of income is really depressing. The Holy Maidens are all so worldly now, they don’t worship me properly… What a pain. I wonder… if there are any god enemies somewhere… that would be worth sealing…”


And after muttering to herself for a while, Ee…


“…I think I’ll sleep.”


…Suddenly fell asleep.

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