Just Because I Have Narrow Eyes Doesn’t Make Me a…
Chapter 128 Table of contents

My karma.

What else should I call it?

I can’t find any other way to describe the girl in front of me.

A monster that appeared with the corpses of the numerous people I killed haphazardly pieced together.

This is the sin I committed.

It was a terrible sight,

As if my past actions have come to light.

“You killed them! You ruined all our plans!”

“Yes. I killed them. But you guys are the type that are fine even if you die, aren’t you?”

I retorted to the girl’s hateful words.

Words that I had recited dozens of times in my mind.

The people in this world are all puppets.

But even so. Even if they are puppets.

I didn’t kill just anyone.

Did I try to kill Ha-Yul before? The Author somehow covered that up.

I think I gave the reason that I didn’t want to kill him because he seemed interesting.

At that time, she thought I was talking nonsense.

But thinking about it now, not killing him was the right answer.

If I had killed Ha-Yul then, I wouldn’t have been able to rationalize like this.

“You guys are villains. Criminals who go around killing people.”

That’s right.

The bad guys who always cause harm to society.

That’s why I could kill them even more without hesitation.

Because they weren’t good people.

Because they were the trash of society that didn’t make me feel any guilt that I forcibly buried.

“You also killed a lot of people.”

The Übermensch is a villain group.

Lies like not causing any harm won’t work.

Besides, this woman must be the reason Siwoo came here.

The culprit who killed several heroes in a surprise attack.

I didn’t notice when I only heard her voice, but…

If it’s now, I can clearly tell.

“I don’t care about that. I’m here for revenge.”

“Yes. You’re right. In fact, you didn’t care about that at all.”

But the girl didn’t seem to particularly care about her own sins.

Yeah, that’s right.

That’s how villains are.

That’s their way.

The fact that they tormented someone, hurt someone. Killed someone.

Those things don’t matter at all to them.

They only get angry when the same thing happens to them.

I’m no different.

Even if I kill villains, they’re ultimately villains. Just puppets playing the role of bad guys.

I thought it had nothing to do with me.

“Bring it on.”

I unleashed threads around me while somehow maintaining my blurry vision.

There’s no room for trivial talk about who wronged whom between someone who lost a loved one to another and someone who killed a loved one.

Just as the fact that I killed doesn’t change even if they were villains.

Even if the girl’s loved one was a villain.

Even if no one in the world sympathizes with her death,

The girl came for revenge.

The world is neither just nor logical.

That’s why the girl came for revenge.

She came to collect my life as debt.

“Sorry, but I have no intention of dying obediently.”

If Siwoo had died.

Would I have ended up like that girl too?

I don’t know.

But even if that were the case, I couldn’t die to this.

“Die. I want to see your blood.”

The girl’s arm twisted grotesquely, and soon, the enlarged arm swung at me.

I forcibly moved my aching body and flew while pulling threads and attaching them to a nearby building.

Then, the structure behind me collapsed in an instant.

Was it because of the earlier impact or the strike now?

One thing is certain, it looks like it will hurt terribly, even if it just grazes me.

“You’re like a fly.”

“I’d prefer if you said spider. Flies can’t use threads, you know?”


I tried to stall for time by opening my mouth, but the girl’s arm rose again as if there was nothing more to say.

Well, fine.

I don’t feel like dragging this out either.

Without hesitation, I released all the threads from my clothes.

I had no worries about showing an embarrassing sight.

There was no one to see anyway, and I’d rather die of shame than physically.

[Re-Reader-nim! Are you okay?!]

“Be quiet. My head is ringing.”

No matter how I looked at it, that girl had become far stronger than when we last met.

I don’t know how she did it, but is it because of those grotesque things stuck all over her?

To check the strength, I tried attacking by whipping the threads like a whip.

“Is this all? You killed Mir with just this level of skill?”

Then, a mouth that appeared on the girl’s hand breathed fire and burned the threads.

Ah, crazy.

What the hell is that now?

Wasn’t there only one ability per person?

Why is she suddenly breathing fire?

“Did you think I wouldn’t make any preparations even after seeing your battle?!”

As the girl shouted in a heated voice and stamped her foot, the ground began to tremble this time.

I saw a stream of water as I escaped the collapsing building from the vibration and moved to the next building.

I hurriedly used more threads to leave the spot, seeing buildings sliced easily like tofu wherever the stream of water moved.


[N-no, it’s not me! I really don’t know about this!]

I heard the Author muttering again as if startled, but I couldn’t listen to what she was saying.

Probably because the girl was charging at me with tremendous speed as if inspired by Amelia’s acceleration.

“Got you.”


But it’s not good to run too fast.

If you rush in at that speed, you won’t be able to spot the threads.

They were hard to be seen with, and I used white threads in broad daylight.

When she got close, it seemed she noticed the threads in front of her eyes, but it was already too late.

Unable to overcome the acceleration, the girl’s body running into the threads was sliced by the threads.

“Ugh, my head hurts.”

Is it over?

I held my throbbing head with one hand and kept rubbing my body with the other.

It’s already past autumn and heading into winter.

Even though it’s broad daylight, being outside naked in this weather made me feel like I might catch a cold.

I should ask the Author to get me some clothes.

“Phew, by the way, what the hell is that?”

It wasn’t a normal appearance, no matter how I thought about it.

A terrible appearance, as if it had just escaped from a lab in a horror game.

She wielded various abilities, ignoring the rule of one per person.

What on earth is it?

[Re-Read- Behind! Behind!]



There’s no way she could have survived being sliced by my threads.

It’s a strength that could easily cut rocks even at the beginning of enrollment.

Unless she went beyond being human…

“What is that?”

Her limbs should have been dismembered.

The girl, who had scratches but no major wounds, was still looking at me with a venomous gaze.

I hurriedly attacked, keeping the threads floating in the air as much as possible, but only scratches appeared.

The girl’s body didn’t get sliced or anything.


Thump, thump.

Every time the girl approaches me, the threads slice her.

It was useless. Wounds definitely appear one by one, but I couldn’t stop her.

The closer the distance between the girl and me.

The closer the distance between me and my sins.

I realized.

That there was nothing more I could do.

I was simply powerless in front of this opponent.

Finally, when the girl and I faced each other,

She gave me a sinister smile.

And pain followed.


“Ah, sorry. Your left side was all bruised, but I believe in equality, so your right side is the only logical move..”

“Ugh, ugh…!”

I can’t breathe well.

Every time I gasp, I feel a pain as if my lungs are being torn apart.

Maybe my ribs are broken.

I tried to get up, realizing I had collapsed in pain without knowing, but it didn’t work well.

I could only gasp in the pain I was experiencing for the first time in my life.

“What the hell? You’re going to slump down like that from just this much?”

The girl looked at me in disbelief.

Is she thinking that I can’t even endure this much pain?

But I couldn’t even counterattack the girl who looked at me as if pathetic and could only sit there slumped.

Because it was the first time I had been hit like this since coming to this world.

Because it was the first time I had felt such intense pain.

I thought I was pathetic too, but my body wouldn’t move.

I could only tremble like a leaf.

My body couldn’t get up again.

“This is really ridiculous. To think Mir was killed by someone like this.”

“Haah, haah…!”

“Where did the girl who said she wouldn’t die obediently just a moment ago go?”

“Cough, ugh…”

“Enough. Die.”

The girl’s arm twisted again with a terrible sound.

Instead of spreading wide to strike a large area, it took a sharp shape to pierce something.

“Mir, everything is for you.”


Fresh blood flowed down my cheek.

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