I Became An Academy Spearman
Chapter 9 Table of contents

Chapter 9. Royal High Academy Entrance Ceremony


“Han Chunsung. You’re in C1?”
“Yeah. C1 class.”

Even as I answered, I tried to feign nonchalance.

While she’s in A1 class with the novel’s protagonist, I’m in C1 class.

In a way, C1 class could be seen as between the middle and lower ranks.

But in reality, there was as much difference between A class and C class as heaven and earth.

Having read the entire novel, I felt this even more keenly.

“I guess B class was too difficult after all.”
“Well, since it’s a common grade. B class seems to have been difficult.”

Even as I answered calmly, I wasn’t as angry as I thought I’d be.

Even now, I could see people desperately pushing each other to check their names on the bulletin board.

“Move aside!”
“Please! I’ll just check quickly!”
“Really, move! Do you think others have all the time in the world?”
“…Is my name really not even in D class?”

Exchanging harsh words, they were frantically trying to find their names on the acceptance list.

Watching them from a step back like this, my mind calmed down.

Most of the people in sight now won’t even make it to D class, let alone C class.

In other words, they were Academy ‘rejects’.

At least compared to them, I was much better off.

Once I resigned myself to that, accepting reality was surprisingly easy.

‘Right. I’m common after all.’

Hoping for B class in the first place was greedy.

Even if Kali evaluated me favorably, it seemed right to think that I had been dreaming beyond my station.

“But Han Chunsung. If you’re C1, can’t you quickly move up to B class?”

At the voice from beside me, I let out a hollow laugh unconsciously.

“Yes, quickly. It’s just one level difference, isn’t it?”

As our eyes met, she spoke as if it should be easy. For a moment, I was at a loss for words.

Grecia is in A class, and at that, the very high ‘A1’ class, so she seems to view B class lightly.

From her perspective… that was correct.

The problem is that it’s not so easy for me…

I swallowed inwardly and nodded.

“Yeah. I’ll have to try.”

Because of what I said yesterday, I couldn’t show a dejected appearance or lack of confidence.

Grecia is interested in my confident and dignified self.

I had to show a confident appearance in front of her at all times.

Even so, I found myself looking at Grecia beside me again.


Grecia looked quite beautiful anew, visible through her blue hair fluttering in the light breeze. Seeing her up close like this made me realize again how pretty she was. But I also thought she had quite an eccentric personality.

This woman is now in A class. And she passed with the very high grade of A1, yet she was really showing interest in me.

To the extent of calling me first and asking which class I got into.

Something that generally couldn’t happen.

I was now convinced that her words about spending time with me were believable.

As I looked at her like that, one thing bothered me a bit.

‘If she’s in A1 class, she’ll surely get involved with Leonhardt.’

As far as I know, the protagonist of this novel is Leonhardt.

Now that Grecia is in the same class as that guy. She will probably get entangled with him to the extent that you could say ‘definitely’.


I could give advice or help in some way.

I know all the accidents and events that will happen in the future.

Of course, Grecia being assigned to A1 was unexpected, but I thought it wouldn’t change much in the grand scheme of things.

Then I can indirectly help Grecia.

With knowledge rather than strength.

Organizing my thoughts, I quietly opened my mouth.

“So Grecia. Have you thought about how often we’ll meet at the Academy?”

When we talked yesterday. We agreed to spend time together.

Once we both enter the Academy, we made quite detailed promises about when to meet.

Since it would be a bit awkward to visit each other’s classes. I left it to Grecia to decide when we would meet and agreed to give the answer today.

“Yes. I’ve decided.”

As she met my eyes and answered, I was a bit curious.

“How often will we meet?”

As I answered, I thought once a week would be appropriate from my perspective.

A class receives special attention compared to lower classes, so they have more classes and assignments to do.

I was thinking maybe we’d meet twice a month rather than once a week.

“Three times a week.”

Grecia gave an answer completely outside my expectations.

“…Meet three times a week?”
“Yes. I heard A class has quite a lot of classes and assignments. So I think that much would be appropriate.”

Even though she seems to know something about A class, Grecia spoke to me too calmly.

Meeting three times a week.

And as there was no playfulness in her eyes, I was rather surprised.

‘Does she want to understand me that much?’

Even as I thought this, I found myself nodding.

If Grecia suggests meeting often first, I welcomed it.

Being in the same class as Leonhardt means there’s more I can help with.

And because of that, I would surely get some scraps.

‘There’s still hope.’

The hope called Grecia.

But that thought was brief.

“…Wait. Grecia. Let’s make it twice a week.”

I immediately changed my words.

If I agree to everything Grecia says, I might look like a yes-man. Considering both our positions, I needed to play hard to get a bit.

“What do you mean why…”
“Han Chunsung. Isn’t meeting three times better for you too?”

As she asked if meeting three times isn’t better as if it’s obvious, I found myself looking around unconsciously at Grecia’s behavior.


People immediately turning their gaze away as they meet my eyes.

As expected, there were a few people looking with envious eyes.

So I was even more dumbfounded.

‘Anyone watching would think this is a conversation between lovers.’

Because the suggestion to meet often subtly gave off that kind of feeling.

I cleared my throat briefly and continued speaking.

“Grecia. I also have my classes, and I need to train my Talent separately. Of course, compared to you in A class, I might have more free time. But I’m common, right? So I need to put in that much more effort.”

As I answered mixing about 80% truth, Grecia looked at me as if unsatisfied but reluctantly nodded.

“…That’s true too. Right. You’re common after all.”

Even though I said I was common, when Grecia repeated that I was common, it felt very strange.

…An unpleasant feeling.

“Then we’re meeting twice a week, right?”
“Yeah. Alright, twice. The days are Tuesday and Sunday. 6 PM in front of the dormitory. Don’t forget, Han Chunsung.”
“Tuesday and Sunday. 6 PM in front of the dormitory. Alright, I’ll remember that.”

As I answered, I thought Grecia had really thought about even the details.

‘That’s suitable.’

6 PM should be fine as it’s after classes end.

After chatting with her for a while like that, when it seemed there was no reason to stay here any longer, Grecia and I naturally headed towards yesterday’s café.

The gazes around were knowingly or unknowingly irritating…

The few gazes looking at me as if disgusted also felt petty to me.

‘Always when you’re with a pretty woman…’

You inevitably receive various gazes.

That was one of the truths that didn’t change even if my world had gone from reality to inside a novel.


Time passed quickly after that, and the day of the entrance ceremony arrived.

ー Royal High Academy Entrance Ceremony.

Among the many events held at the so-called GRA, the entrance ceremony was known as one of the best events.

It’s no exaggeration to say that from royalty to high-ranking nobles of ducal and marquis houses, and children of numerous other nobles, all enter this Royal High Academy.

As notable figures attend to accompany their entering children, the entrance ceremony had to be as splendid and grand as possible, showing the Academy’s authority.

Above all, they couldn’t show the perception that an academy attended by royalty was insignificant.

“Seeing it in person. The feeling is quite different.”

Chunsung couldn’t help but exclaim in admiration as he entered the Grand Hall of the Royal High Academy.

It was as spacious as what you’d call a dome stadium in reality, and he could freshly feel the Academy’s unbelievable scale and grandeur.


He found himself unconsciously tidying his clothes and examining his attire.

The student uniform with a strange design mixing blue and black.

Although it was his first time entering the Academy wearing the C class student uniform he was issued, he wondered why even the entrance ceremony was so splendid.


As he passed through the numerous crowd to find his seat, his gaze wandered here and there.

People in obviously lavish attire, probably high-ranking nobles, caught his eye, and above all, when he saw the golden knights guarding the royalty, his gaze was drawn involuntarily.

‘Come to think of it, even the prince and princess are at the entrance ceremony.’

Those who would usually be in the S class space that I couldn’t even approach were now in the same space as me.

Then I saw two adult men and women receiving escorts from those golden knights with sharp auras.

They looked like siblings, and above all, their brilliant golden hair stood out.

‘Is it bloodline that makes them look like that?’

Their noble aura was even more palpable than described in the novel… their appearance was admirable.

The name of the golden-haired man with a sharp and strong impression was ‘Dersen Luabella’, and the golden-haired woman with a delicate and gentle impression was named ‘Rachel Luabella’.

As they were somewhat significant characters, I was watching them carefully… but I had to turn my head away.

‘What a gaze…’

As one of the imperial knights glared fiercely, I suddenly felt a chill all over my body and couldn’t bear to look any longer.

As I found the seat where I should sit, I saw a seat marked with C1.

‘C class.’

Although it was really regrettable not to be in B class, thinking that even the head of a snake is okay, I sat down in the empty seat, when.

“You. Why are you sitting next to me?”

A sharp voice was heard right beside me.

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