I Became An Academy Spearman
Chapter 20 Table of contents

Chapter 20. King of All Weapons – (6)


“…This can’t be real?”
“This isn’t a joke. How could both of them…”
“Didn’t he clearly say his Talent was level 3 when introducing himself? Then now… it means it’s level 4, right?”
“Even after seeing Leonhardt, his spirit wasn’t broken…”
“A cadet achieving level 4 on entrance ceremony day, is this really possible?”
“No matter how Common it is… no, isn’t it harder to raise Talent levels if it’s Common?”
“This is unbelievable.”

Even more astonished voices than when Leonhardt’s Talent evolved rang out from all around.

That’s how alien and unbelievable the sight before everyone’s eyes was.

The incredibly bright blue light enveloping Han Chunsung’s entire body.

It formed strange blue waves while clearly shining as if nurturing Han Chunsung’s body.

The light of blessing said to be visible only upon reaching ‘Talent level 4’ was in the process of healing Han Chunsung’s body.

While most understood this, they simultaneously couldn’t believe it.

ー Unprecedented.

None of them had ever heard of a cadet reaching Talent level 4 at the entrance ceremony.

And among them, Grecia gave a blank stare.


Looking at Han Chunsung enveloped in blue light ー she was feeling complex emotional changes right now.

Ever since the match began.

How greatly Grecia’s heart had been shaken…

No one here knew.

Not even herself…

ー Han Chunsung.
A man in C class with the Common Talent of Spearmanship.

Yet he was a man I couldn’t understand at all, so I was interested.

I felt an extraordinariness that didn’t match his Talent grade.

So I readily accepted even the suggestion that we should spend time together.

Because I was curious about him.

And even when I brought up the match with Leonhardt, I didn’t say it with any grand thoughts.

Words I said thinking I would calmly accept it even if Han Chunsung refused the match. I knew well how unreasonable my words were.

Still, I watched with a shred of expectation.

With the groundless expectation that this man might show something different from others.

Then, unbelievably, Han Chunsung gave an answer beyond my expectations, as if responding to my gaze.

ー Alright. Leonhardt, let’s have a match.

He answered with a calm yet confident voice.

His confident voice didn’t change at the entrance exam, or in front of Leonhardt with his Legendary Talent.

As he stood in the match arena like that, Han Chunsung showed the people gathered there.

That he could face a match with Leonhardt who has a Legendary Talent without avoiding it despite his Common Talent, and proudly conduct the match while demonstrating his abilities.

And showing an appearance beyond expectations, he far exceeded everyone’s expectations.

Even then, I could watch the match with anticipation.

With pure admiration that he could show this much strength with a Common Talent.
As the match progressed, my thoughts gradually changed.

About Han Chunsung,
And about Leonhardt.

First, Leonhardt. The reason for his confidence was so clear that I wasn’t interested in him.

I thought it was too natural.

But Leonhardt’s appearance in the match couldn’t be seen as natural. Despite the overwhelming difference in Talents, he approached the match calmly and seriously.

He didn’t look down on Han Chunsung with his Common Talent, nor did he treat this match lightly.

Seeing Leonhardt’s completely changed eyes, I naturally realized how wrong my thoughts had been.

Leonhardt calmly demonstrating his abilities.
And he and Han Chunsung were very different.
I realized more that I didn’t understand him at all.

Then the two seemed similar at a glance, but felt like they had opposite natures.

Han Chunsung endlessly launching offensives despite being greatly fatigued.
Leonhardt devoting himself to defense with a calm and restrained appearance.

And the admiration I felt watching the match was soon shattered.


The moment Leonhardt evolved his Talent without any warning and manifested a mighty blue light.

Among the cadets expressing various admiration, I couldn’t say anything.

My heart sank incredibly heavily.

Leonhardt directly showed it while emitting brilliant light.

The huge difference existing between himself and Han Chunsung.

The Talents of Legendary and Common.
The difference in innate talent.

How seriously that gap could widen. He engraved it on everyone here.

I had to feel a chill at that sight.


Only then. I realized.

Only at that moment could I realize how unreasonable a thing I had done.

That I had created this situation under the pretext of curiosity.

Han Chunsung showed his abilities to everyone here while struggling hard.

That C class cadet showed such an amazing appearance that he drew admiration from everyone in the match arena that only A class cadets could enter.

But such a person…
Faced it right before his eyes.

ー Overwhelming Talent.
ー Enormous talent.

How great a difference someone possessing everything could show.

And it wasn’t just making him feel a single wall.
Wouldn’t Han Chunsung have seen too many walls?

Anyone else, if they were in front of Leonhardt. Their heart would have crumbled right there.

The Academy is a place where only those with both Talent and talent can enter. Yet right upon entering, he faced a huge wall he could never overcome.

And for Han Chunsung with his Common Talent, that would have… hit him even harder.

When Han Chunsung lowered his head while breathing heavily after being pushed back. My heart felt like it froze right there.


My heart was more than heavy. It felt like even my thoughts stopped.

I couldn’t know at all how I should have acted.

I watched the match blankly like the cadets exclaiming in admiration while standing in place like a fool.
Without being able to think at all about what kind of sense of loss he must be feeling now. I shamelessly stood there watching.

And I expected.

The sight of Han Chunsung crumbling right there…

Numerous thoughts filled my mind.

Perhaps this moment might last a lifetime for Han Chunsung, and might have blocked all the infinite possibilities for him to move forward.

Only negative thoughts filled my mind.

Then suddenly. When Han Chunsung raised his head again.
I felt the greatest relief in years.

I was just grateful that Han Chunsung’s expression wasn’t dyed with despair, and that he wasn’t frustrated.

Because I strongly felt how my one word could create such a result.

At the same time, I thought to apologize to Han Chunsung right away.

I was going to approach Han Chunsung right after this match ended, strongly reproaching myself for standing there like a fool and shamelessly just watching him.

ー Leonhardt.

But his resolute voice heard then.

Made it impossible to do anything.

ー Raise your sword.

He said words no one had thought of.

When everyone couldn’t understand those words. I too couldn’t understand them.

Nevertheless, I thought this match should end right now.

The match was over now. Any further match would be nothing but recklessness and forcing it.

So I turned my head right away.

Instructor Avalanche, whom I had asked to observe the match. I thought he could conclude this match.

But I realized belatedly.

The intense blue sacred flame dwelling in the instructor’s left hand. It meant the instructor had been preparing for any situation from before.

‘Then why…’

Why doesn’t the instructor step forward? The match needs to end. But there was no sign of him stepping in at all.

ー …Han Chunsung. You know too. This match is already over.

Then. Leonhardt’s calm voice was heard.

An extremely calm voice. I was relieved that Leonhardt wasn’t swayed by emotions.

If he had swung his sword containing that enormous blue light, it would have been the end for Han Chunsung.

So if he had been badly injured, I wouldn’t have known how to face him afterwards.

It felt like I had committed a great wrong.

ー I told you to raise your sword. I haven’t given up yet.

Yet Han Chunsung continued with a resolute voice.

He was speaking as if only he didn’t know the result of this match that everyone now knew.
So I couldn’t understand even more.


How could he not have his heart broken, and be able to face Leonhardt?

The blue light gathered on Leonhardt’s sword was so clear it was hard to even guess its destructive power.

Han Chunsung too, was directly looking at that.
Yet he was speaking without hesitation.

To raise the sword, and to point that sword at himself.

From that appearance, I realized belatedly.

Han Chunsung knew now.

The end of this match. He wasn’t saying such things without knowing now.

‘He knows he’ll lose this match.’

He was clearly speaking knowing now.

And he faces that reality, not trying to avoid it.

Even if he directly realizes the difference in level with his body, he intended to accept it as is.

ー Raise your sword. I won’t say it again.

Along with his words that continued again.
ー ー ー!!

Suddenly an enormous blue light embraced him.

The light of blessing I thought had disappeared enveloped him so hugely, it was hard to believe even while seeing it.

‘A miracle…?’

I shook my head strongly at the thought that came momentarily.

This couldn’t be called a miracle.

This was purely Han Chunsung.

It was a reality he achieved. A reality that only he achieved, that no one else could have achieved.

So I shouldn’t belittle and disparage this reality by calling it a miracle.

“…Han Chunsung.”

I murmured his name blankly while taking in that appearance enveloped in blue light.

His greatly fatigued body regained vitality and returned to a whole state, and his expression held surprise.

Even though he had achieved that feat himself, his expression of great surprise strangely made me smile.

Suddenly I came to think.

‘Will I be able to understand that man?’
He said I could understand if I spend time with him.
But I couldn’t even guess.

Just how much time would I need to spend by that man’s side…

For me… to be able to understand that man.

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