I Became An Academy Spearman
Chapter 33 Table of contents

Chapter 33. Indomitable Will


“Instructor Kali. Thank you so much for today. It was really helpful for me.”

“It’s fine. Student Han Chunsung… you must be very tired now, go back and rest soon.”

“…Yes. Thank you. Then I’ll be going now.”

As Chunsung bowed his head slightly and turned around, Kali watched his retreating figure for a moment.


Student Han Chunsung’s entire body was now covered in wounds.

Even if he regenerated his body using the power of the magic engineering item, it didn’t heal everything.

I even used a potion myself when I couldn’t bear to watch anymore, but still, the wounds etched on Student Han Chunsung’s body showed no signs of healing.

Of course, they wouldn’t heal since new wounds kept appearing as soon as they were treated.

And even if they healed on the surface, the wounds would accumulate in the body, leaving fatigue behind. Yet… Student Han Chunsung never stopped training.

No, it wasn’t even training, just a one-sided duel.

Student Han Chunsung just got hit, rolled, fell, lost his spear, and lay on the ground miserably.

He must have fallen at least dozens of times.

Yet Student Han Chunsung didn’t stop.

ㅡPlease, let’s duel again.

ㅡI’m sorry, but please, one more time.

ㅡIt’s fine. You don’t need to go easy on me. I’d be grateful if you duel like before.

The voice of Student Han Chunsung, who kept asking for duels with a firm tone… seemed to echo in my ears continuously.


As the door closed and Student Han Chunsung completely disappeared, I unconsciously let out a small sigh.


While feeling sorry for Student Han Chunsung, a whirlwind of other subtle emotions swept through me.

Honestly, I didn’t know what this feeling was right now.

And why I had shown such great favor to Student Han Chunsung….

There were some guesses, but it had to be said that I had shown too much favor for it to be just that.

And now. I seemed to know one thing for certain.

“I understand well now why yesterday’s duel ended in a draw.”

In the duel with this year’s top entrance exam student, Leonhardt, Student Han Chunsung achieved the unbelievable result of a draw. No matter how many times I heard about it, I couldn’t understand.

Because Student Han Chunsung’s Talent is Common. A draw between a student with a Legendary Talent and one with a Common Talent was an incomprehensible result by common sense.

But after spending time together like this today, I completely understood the reason.


Student Han Chunsung had a strong will that could be called indomitable above all else.

Moreover, that will never breaks. No, even if it breaks, he gets up again and immediately tries to face me.


Even thinking about it… it was so amazing.

At the start of the duel, I felt very sorry for using too much force. Because I had given Student Han Chunsung a great frustration beyond my expectations.

I shouldn’t have shown such strong power to a student from the beginning. Especially to a C-class student, it was even more taboo. But I ended up doing it.

Because there was one phrase at the foundation.

ㅡYou can only move forward by facing reality.

The words Student Han Chunsung suddenly uttered in the cafeteria.

Those were incredibly important words to me. Words that completely changed my life.

That’s why I stopped Student Han Chunsung, and even personally introduced my private training room, which I would never show to ordinary students.

And I tested Student Han Chunsung’s will directly.

How strong his will was and if he could really move forward. I had to know if the student could put into action the words he had uttered.

And this was the result now.

I slowly lowered my head.


Then I saw the pair of ruby-studded earrings resting in my hand.

Until just now. They still retained a faint warmth from Student Han Chunsung wearing them.

I wanted to let Student Han Chunsung keep wearing them, but… I couldn’t do that because I couldn’t say the magic engineering items were entirely my personal property.


Carefully gripping the earrings, I nodded.

“…I didn’t expect my mind to be made up like this on the first day.”

Even as I smiled gently, foolish words escaped me.

My heart was made up in just one day.

Discrimination is rampant within the academy. Basically, numerous discriminations exist based on students’ grades, backgrounds, Talent grades, individual abilities, and so on…

And even among the students instructors teach, various discriminations exist. Instructors naturally come to like and cherish students with brilliant Talents and abilities, like shining raw gems.

And… now I had such a student.

ㅡHan Chunsung.

An unusual name. A student with a Common-grade Talent.

But what did that matter?

He most aligned with my values… and the student directly showed me his all.

His worth and talent. And his future potential. And even clear evidence of ‘those words’ that I cared about most…

“I’ll end up favoring Student Han Chunsung from now on. But that can’t be helped.”

Even as I spoke lightly, my heart felt light.

From the start, taking charge of C1 class was because of the student named Han Chunsung, so this thought felt even natural.

Tap. Tap.

Even as I slowly prepared to leave, the faint warmth remaining on the earrings in my hand…

Strangely made her feel good.



Even as he entered his personal dormitory room, Chunsung suddenly staggered.


He barely managed to steady himself by leaning against the nearby wall.

“…I really feel like I’m going to die.”

Even as he spoke, there was really no strength left in his body.

As he leaned quietly against the wall like that. Suddenly, a foolish laugh burst out.

“Reality is harsh, they say.”

Today he properly realized that, and what he gained from it was unimaginably much.

It wasn’t like his Talent level evolved and he suddenly became stronger, like in yesterday’s duel with Leonhardt.

But rather, it felt like he had gained something beyond that.

Because his very mindset had changed.

That was more important than anything to him now.

Even before entering the academy, I constantly repeated self-hypnotic phrases like ‘It’s okay to lose.’ ‘It’s okay to break.’ to myself.

To the point where it became a habit.

And after coincidentally forming a connection with Grecia, I became even more conscious of it.

I tried to force myself to have confidence, and tried to eliminate any hesitation in doing things. Because being neither here nor there would truly amount to nothing.

I knew that from the start.

To survive in the academy with a Common-grade Spearmanship, I needed my own unique identity.

And the unique identity I could have was will.

To absolutely hone my will and use that alone to differentiate myself from others.

In a word, ‘indomitable’.

At the very least, I had to be able to confidently overcome everything in my actions.

For that, my will must not break. I had endlessly deceived myself.

And now finally…

I… didn’t need to deceive myself anymore.


Even as he slid down the wall and collapsed like crumbling…

His heart felt only refreshed.

If yesterday he felt great due to the sense of achievement from his Spearmanship Talent reaching level 4, now his heart just felt at ease.

A feeling of letting everything go.

Looking at the darkened interior, he unconsciously opened his mouth.

“Accepting reality like this. My heart really feels at ease.”

And before his eyes, the duel from just earlier seemed to flicker.

The duel with Kali lasted for several hours.

In that time, I couldn’t even count exactly how many times the duel with Kali continued.

Instead, I seemed to know one thing.

From Kali’s perspective, wouldn’t such persistent attacks from me have felt annoying?

Even for someone who values effort like her, she probably never had a student who pushed so recklessly like me.


Recalling my actions made me laugh again at how foolish they were, but I didn’t regret those actions at all.

Even if Kali hates me from tomorrow, right now I just felt good.

Because only by breaking down, falling, and being shattered countless times like this today could I properly accept myself.

If the first duel had ended ambiguously and that was it. I would have truly been left in limbo.


Just in words.
Only inside.

I would have just thought that I need to accept reality and move forward. Wouldn’t I have been thinking like that?

If a miraculous result like yesterday’s duel with Leonhardt didn’t happen. I strangely predicted that I would have gradually crumbled.

Because sincerely feeling that way and forcibly enduring while deceiving myself are completely different.

Rustle, as he gently brushed up his hair, he nodded.


He was just so satisfied with this situation.

This foolish me who got thoroughly shattered, broken, and knocked down… really, it felt so good.

Because now I could have true confidence.

Because I gained confidence that it’s okay even if I break and fall in the future.

Probably even if I lose, I’ll be able to smile.

So. I can move forward. I can grow more.

I felt that certainty today.

And I realized something else too.

ㅡThe limits of Spearmanship.

That even I had been defining the limits of my Talent.

“Status window.”

Gently opening his mouth, he focused his gaze on the air.

The transparent light that immediately appeared beautifully illuminated my vision.

Name: Han Chunsung
Gender: Male (20)
Title: None
Height · Weight: 178cm 67kg
Current Continental Influence: 207

*Talent Profile.
[Strength 13]
[Agility 21]
[Health 20]
[Mana 10]
[Luck 5]

*Possessed Talent [1]
[Spearmanship Lv.4]

*Skills [0]

The status window itself hadn’t changed much. Nevertheless, the slightly increased ability scores stood out.

Strength and Health had each increased by 1.

There seemed to be no other changes.


I know this isn’t the end.


My gaze was particularly drawn to the Spearmanship Talent.

Why only Common-grade Spearmanship exists. I felt like I finally understood the reason today.

“It’s up to me.”

That clue.
I clearly saw it.

Even though it’s clearly Common.
Earlier than Rare, Unique, and Legendary Talents…

The clear possibility of generating a ‘Skill’.

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