I Became An Academy Spearman
Chapter 36 Table of contents

Chapter 36. A Fluttering Heart


ㅡRoyal High Academy.

The scale of the entire facility within the so-called RHA grounds was unimaginably vast compared to a typical academy.

Various amenities such as cafes, clothing stores, general stores, and food shops existed within the academy grounds, along with forges responsible for various armaments according to students’ needs, as well as magic tower branches and alchemists’ workshops.

It was no exaggeration to say that almost any facility one would need to visit in a city was available within the RHA.

This was possible due to the full support of the empire, and the support pouring in from various nobles and the royal family who sent their children to the academy was truly “enormous”.

Therefore, even spaces for momentary rest like cafes had extraordinary facility standards.


The cafe door opened with the sound of a bell.

Several students had already filled seats in the spacious cafe interior.

The students inside the cafe naturally couldn’t help but focus their attention on the group entering now.

ㅡOne man and two women.

Not only was the gender composition a special combination, but their appearances were all extraordinary, making it impossible not to look.

Nevertheless, the three acted nonchalantly.

Before long, they sat down at a square table, each holding their own drink.

Chunsung glanced at the two while picking up his drink.


As they looked at each other with straws in their mouths, the two had very different gazes.

One was full of goodwill and kindness, even feeling affectionate, while the other felt chilly, almost cold.

While alternately meeting Milia and Luna’s gazes, I carefully sipped my drink.

After taking a cool sip like that, I gently opened my mouth.

“Now that we’ve settled in, I’ll formally introduce myself first. My name is Han Chunsung. My Talent is Common Spearmanship, and my Talent level is 4. I thought I should clarify this before we talk.”

“Level 4……”

While Milia showed a surprised reaction to the level, Luna just looked at me with the straw in her mouth.

“That’s amazing. My Talent is still only level 1. To think you’re Talent level 4.”

“I was just lucky with that. I gained too much from the duel with Leonhardt.”

I calmly responded without boasting, meeting her gaze.

“You don’t need to be so modest. Level 4 is impressive in itself. Then I’ll formally introduce myself too. My name is Milia Evellon. My Talent grade is Rare, it’s called ‘Water Spirit Communion’. I can summon a child named Sesi.”

Saying that, Milia spread her left hand and emitted a pure white light from it.


In an instant, as the white light disappeared, a small bird made of water appeared as if by magic.

“This is… a water spirit.”

Although I already knew about Milia’s Talent, seeing a spirit for the first time was still surprising.

Spirits aren’t ordinary living creatures that breathe, yet they clearly exist in this reality now. Honestly, it felt the most unreal of everything I’d seen so far.

“I named this child Sesi. What do you think, isn’t it cute?”

As she spoke a bit boastfully, I found myself nodding.


As the spirit’s body rippled slightly like small waves, it tilted its head and looked around. It was like seeing a small bird full of curiosity.

Then as Milia gently smiled and brought her thumb close, the spirit pressed its body right against her thumb. It expressed affection as if rubbing its head.


Watching it, I really couldn’t think of anything but how cute it was, just as she said.

The spirit seemed to be nuzzling its body as a sign of affinity. Though it might not have much power right now, it was a Talent with limitless potential for growth.

And as it soon disappeared like water dispersing, I blankly looked at Milia.

“Actually… I’ve been summoning it all night, so it’s a bit burdensome to maintain Sesi now. It still needs some time to recover.”

As she explained as if embarrassed that the spirit summoning was canceled, I found Milia rather cute.

She could have made excuses or evaded, but she calmly stated her own shortcomings. That purity was rather intriguing.

“Still, it seems like a really good Talent. The potential for development is enormous, isn’t it?”

“Does it look that way to you…?”

“Of course. Aren’t there countless people renowned for spirit-type Talents now?”

Right away, the number of spirit users active on the frontlines is uncountable. And the treatment of spirit users is at an almost incredible level.

In fact, spirit users are considered top-tier personnel wherever they go.

“But I’m… still only level 1.”

“That’s because spirits are so difficult to become close with… and emotionally resonate with.”

I naturally empathized with her words and continued praising her.

Milia probably would have been assigned to A-class even if her Talent level was just 2. She was assigned to C-class because she was evaluated very low at level 1 in the entrance exam.

In fact. Milia’s level growth was particularly slow even in the novel.

‘Is it because she’s not a heroine?’

I think it’s because she’s a character half-abandoned by the author, but in fact, Milia was rarely mentioned compared to her frequency of appearance, unlike Luna.

She’s always there like air, but… she gives the impression of becoming just one of many supporting characters as time passes.

Still, looking at the Talent itself, it was right to see it as quite good.


As Milia looked at me gently, seemingly pleased by my words, I smiled softly back but my gaze unconsciously went to the side.


In fact, right now I was most puzzled by Luna, even more than Milia.

It was close to a miracle that she didn’t refuse me and sat down together like this. It was also strange that she was so quiet.

Just two days ago at the entrance ceremony, how badly did we think of each other? Honestly, I don’t have good feelings towards Luna either, but… she’s an important heroine.

Perhaps misunderstanding my gaze, Luna abruptly opened her mouth.

“Luna. Talent is Combat Healing. Level 2.”

She spoke in clipped tones, saying only what was necessary and turning her gaze away from me, and I found it strange again.

At least she’s showing the minimum courtesy of trying to participate in our conversation.

“Sorry. Luna is actually very shy around people other than me. So Han Chunsung. I hope you don’t view Luna’s attitude negatively. Luna… I wish you’d speak a bit more gently too. It’s a rare occasion to be with another student.”

“I am really… speaking gently now. Milia, I’m really doing my best.”

At the conversation that followed between the two, I couldn’t help but laugh.

Now I didn’t think I’d feel much emotion looking at Luna. Rather, I just thought this setting was fine.

Honestly, I know too.

How arrogant and disdainful of others Luna is. And that she’s really giving her ‘best’ effort, just as she said.

‘I’m glad I approached them.’

Honestly, I wondered if I shouldn’t as I approached, but now it’s worked out so well that I’m glad I did.

Gears that normally would never mesh, like me and Luna, are somehow meshing and turning for now. Of course, that’s only possible with Milia as lubricant.

It’s something that it’s working at all.


As I smiled gently like that, the moment I put the straw in my mouth, I suddenly felt a gaze.

I turned my eyes following that gaze and naturally our eyes met.


Milia was looking at me.

And I unconsciously felt that her gaze wasn’t just an ordinary look.


“Ah, um…?”

At that moment. At Luna’s voice, Milia turned her head away from me with a slightly flustered expression.

“The desserts here are quite good too. I was hoping we could order together.”

As Luna calmly continued, Milia nodded awkwardly with a smile.

To that, I immediately added.

“Please get me an apple pie.”

I casually asked them to order mine too if they were going.


Luna glared at me and silently stood up.

“Okay. I’ll do that. But is one apple pie enough? I can order more if you want.”

“…Then Milia. Order one more dessert that you like.”


As Milia smiled gently and left her seat with Luna.

Left alone, I unconsciously mumbled.


Even as I muttered quietly, my heart was pounding.

‘Isn’t this a green light?’

No matter how I looked at it, Milia seemed to be clearly giving me signals now.

Right away, her gentle tone, her strange gaze looking at me. And even her consideration for me just now, everything felt subtle.

As if she really had interest in me…

‘Is this my imagination?’

But I thought carefully again.

Since falling into this world. I had never been self-conscious. I know that my appearance feels rather strange in this world, and looks unusual to others.

Anyone can see that I’m an Asian among Westerners. How could that not be strange?

And from the start, the protagonist of this world is Leonhardt. It was really natural given the medieval Western setting.


As I kept getting strange feelings, I couldn’t help having these emotions, even if they were groundless thoughts.


Thinking about it, it was strange from the start.

The conversation flowed more easily than expected. At the same time, Milia answered me warmly first. I even feel somewhat comfortable being here.

‘Yes. Milia is too different.’

I’m here in this cafe with them now because she’s showing clear favor towards me.

…As several circumstances knocked on my heart and made me feel strange.

“For now. I should think slowly.”

I put my feelings aside for now.

It’s always joyful to receive someone’s goodwill or affection.

And if an attractive woman like Milia shows favor towards me. It would be stranger not to feel excited.

But if I’m just misunderstanding now and getting excited on my own… It would really make this relationship awkward, so I needed to be careful for now.


Nevertheless, realizing that I was interested, my heart foolishly pounded.

Not long after waiting, the two returned with desserts.

“Han Chunsung. Did you wait long?”

As Milia asked gently with a smile, bringing a tray with various desserts, I shook my head.

“No, I didn’t wait long.”

Even as I said that, I found myself meeting her eyes.

People’s eyes don’t lie.

Milia’s pale blue eyes still looked full of goodwill even now. It was a subtle look, but at least I could say with certainty that it was a look that didn’t dislike me.


As the two sat down and Milia personally handed me an apple pie along with a chocolate dessert. Even that gesture felt strangely meaningful.

…Come to think of it.

‘Milia is close to my ideal type.’

She’s kind and gentle, and addresses me with a soft, sweet voice.
Her cute impression and tear mole make me feel various charms from her.

The more I thought about it… Milia was the woman closest to my ideal type.

And the more my mind wandered like that, the more I tried to control my feelings.


Let’s not rush to conclusions. I’ll confirm her feelings little by little.
Just as I picked up my fork to cut the apple pie.


Suddenly I felt something on my knee.

Though it touched gently. I felt a small pain because the tip was sharp.


I looked straight ahead, dumbfounded at what this was about.

Luna was looking at me with extremely indifferent eyes.
Right after, as Luna’s lips moved silently, my gaze unconsciously went to her lips.

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