I Became An Academy Spearman
Chapter 41 Table of contents

Chapter 41. Stay with Me


A-Class Training Ground.

Night had already fallen deep, passing 8 PM.

Although it was time for students to have dinner and return to their dormitories, quite a few remained in the training ground.

Among them, there was a space that other students noticeably avoided approaching.

Swoosh! Swish!

A fierce gale struck the practice dummy, carving countless scars into it.


Blue hair whipped wildly as a woman retrieved her sword after a strike, only to swing it again.

Grecia was unleashing her Talent while wielding her sword almost maniacally.

This had been going on for hours. As her actions became infused with her strong Talent, unignorable destructive winds repeatedly swept through the training ground.

ㅡ! ㅡㅡㅡ!

The students who had been near Grecia had long since moved to other areas or distanced themselves considerably.

Although the gale winds were disruptive to training, everyone understood and gave her space, knowing that Grecia’s Talent was wind-based.

And now.

Despite this, someone was approaching her.


“Grecia. How about taking a break, even if just for a moment? You’ve been swinging your sword non-stop for hours now.”

It was none other than Leonhardt.


At this, Grecia gently lowered her sword and turned her head.

Her unfocused gaze gradually sharpened as if finding a focal point, life returning to her blue eyes.

“I’ll manage on my own.”


After uttering this curt single sentence, she began swinging her sword again.

Seeing this, Leonhardt let out a deep sigh and spoke again.

“…I know. Training is something each person does on their own. But even if I want to leave you to it, Grecia, your body isn’t in a normal state right now.”

As Leonhardt added, sounding frustrated, Grecia finally looked down at herself.

Her student uniform was already in shambles, and even the hand gripping the sword was trembling slightly.

Her stamina had reached its limit.

Knowing this, Grecia was still stubbornly, forcefully continuing to swing her sword.

“Grecia. Leonhardt is worried, and I’m a bit concerned too. Why don’t you take a break? If you’re not careful, you might collapse.”

As Yumia, who was stuck close to Leonhardt’s side, spoke up, Grecia let out a small sigh.

“Why are you so interested in other people’s training?”

Another curt answer.

As Grecia ignored her, speaking as if talking to a wall, Yumia let out a scoffing laugh.

“Even when we’re trying to be considerate, you respond like this… No wonder you’re always alone in class.”

Despite Yumia’s openly mocking words, Grecia remained silent.

ㅡ! ㅡㅡㅡ!

Instead, even stronger winds than before arose, continuously striking the steel practice dummy.

Seeing this, Leonhardt sighed and looked at Yumia, who was clinging to him.

“Yumia. How many times have I told you not to speak like that? Why do you talk without considering the feelings of the listener?”
“…No, I know that. But Grecia is a bit too much. She doesn’t understand even when we speak nicely. So we need to give her some harsh words too.”
“That depends on the listener. No one understands through insults. Those who would understand when spoken to nicely will do so.”
“Really? But Leonhardt, Grecia always maintains that attitude. Is what you’re saying really true? I don’t think so.”

As Yumia continued to speak sharply, Leonhardt called her name coldly and met her gaze.

After a moment of their gazes crossing, Yumia finally averted her eyes from Leonhardt.

Her cheeks were tinged slightly red.

“Alright. Grecia… um, I was a bit… harsh with my words.”

Even as Yumia offered an apology, Grecia continued swinging her sword with a vacant expression.

She was so immersed in her training that she was no longer aware of her surroundings.

Watching this silently, Leonhardt couldn’t help but feel sorry for her.

Setting aside personal feelings, it was painful to just stand by and watch someone damage their own body.


After letting out a soft breath, Leonhardt slowly drew his own sword.


Having reached Level 3 of Sky-Splitting Blade several days ago.

Leonhardt, who had made remarkable progress, could now freely manipulate the energy of Sky-Splitting Blade.


The moment a brilliant blue light enveloped the sword, Leonhardt swung it like a flash of light.


As the blue light left a trace in the air, Grecia’s form violently staggered, and the sword she had been holding was easily floating in the air.

ㅡA single strike.

The trajectory of the sword Leonhardt had shown was already at a different level from what he had displayed in his duel with Han Chunsung.


As Yumia was greatly surprised by this unexpected action.

Grecia turned to face Leonhardt with a completely hardened expression.

“Leonhardt. Don’t you know that deliberately interfering with a student’s training violates academy regulations?”
“I know.”
“And yet you’re going to interfere with my training now?”

Despite Grecia’s voice, no longer indifferent but clearly angry, Leonhardt didn’t avert his gaze from her.

“Yes. So, I’ll accept the corresponding punishment. Therefore, Grecia. Let’s stop the training now and go to the instructor together.”

As he spoke, offering to voluntarily accept punishment with a faint smile, Grecia hesitated while looking at Leonhardt.

Even Yumia looked at Leonhardt as if she couldn’t believe it, and at that moment, Leonhardt urged Grecia while looking at her.

“What? If you want me to be punished, that’s fine. I admit that I interfered with you. That’s why I swung my sword just now.”

Faced with his attitude of not caring about punishment, Grecia let out a big sigh and shook her head.

“…Fine. I’ll stop training.”

As she retrieved her sword and left the spot, Leonhardt watched her with a slight smile, saying nothing.

‘I wonder if this is enough.’

Such a thought crossed his mind involuntarily.

If she had been truly malicious, she would have gone to the instructor to request punishment for me, but while Grecia was blunt and strong-willed, she was by no means a bad person.

“Leonhardt! What was that action just now…? What were you thinking if you actually got punished?”

A faint smile lingered on his lips even as he looked at Yumia, who spoke as if greatly shocked.

“I know. Fortunately, it seems Grecia didn’t want me to be punished.”
“No, really! Do you want to ruin your grades from the start? Don’t you know how much punishment negatively affects future evaluations!”
“…I know. But I just felt like I had to step in.”

Even as he answered, he was grateful for Yumia’s concern.

It was just a shame that her kindness and gentleness were directed only at him….

“Haa. Really, Leonhardt. Sometimes when I look at you, I really don’t understand you at all. Why do you act so nice? You should treat others based on how they treat you. Why do you act so foolishly nice? Take Grecia just now. If she wants to ruin her own body, is that something we need to stop? Is Grecia a seven or eight-year-old child? Do we have to care about all of that?”

…I didn’t answer as Yumia raised her voice, seemingly genuinely angry.

I just calmly accepted the worry and anger she was showing.

As I silently met her gaze, Yumia let out a big sigh and looked at me as if frustrated.

“You, really. Every time I see you like this, you seem so foolish.”
“If you’re sorry, please don’t act like that next time. Do you know how much it hurts me to see you like this?”

…Hearing Yumia’s voice at the end, I slowly nodded.

Honestly, it wasn’t like I had thought through my actions.

At that moment, I just felt that stopping Grecia’s training was better, even if I would be punished.

“I’m sorry, Yumia. I have nothing to say.”
“Haa. Really, what would you do without me? I’m worried someone might take advantage of you.”
“…Then, Yumia. You should just stay by my side.”

I answered with a light smile to her kind words, and Yumia suddenly fell silent.


As Yumia remained silent even after that, I just liked her expression itself.

As we left the training ground and gently looked up at the darkened night sky, my feelings were quite mixed.

The thought that several days had already passed.

And as much as I had made remarkable growth. Someone came to mind.

The only student among those I had dueled with who had achieved a draw.

‘Han Chunsung.’

That guy must have surely progressed as well.

I wonder how much stronger he has become in these few days.

I suddenly became curious about that.

That guy who surely possessed talent beyond mine when it came to aptitude…..



Grecia’s mind was constantly blank as she slowly returned to her room, having left the training ground early.

‘Talent Level 4…’

How on earth can I reach it?
How can I… get to the same level as Han Chunsung?

She had been focused on just that for the past few days, but no answer came.

Just like Han Chunsung did, she even had a direct duel with Leonhardt, but she couldn’t gain even the slightest clue.

When they both fought at full strength, I had to admit defeat in less than a few minutes.

…Unbelievably, Leonhardt was stronger than I could have imagined.

He grew impossibly stronger with each passing day. Even as our swords clashed, I felt like my will was about to break.


“Why. Why can’t I do it?”

Amidst the tired voice… her heart felt a little heavy.

Han Chunsung, who was of Common grade, proved his worth by matching, no, surpassing that monster-like Leonhardt’s offensive.

Even after recalling that moment dozens, no, hundreds of times, I still couldn’t understand.

…Why, despite having a Talent two levels higher than Han Chunsung, couldn’t I achieve the same result as him?

No matter how much I tried to emulate the confidence, willpower, and indomitable spirit that Han Chunsung showed, I couldn’t reach it.

It felt overwhelmingly inadequate.

Even as I repeatedly trained with a body creaking at its limits, I felt absolutely nothing.

I couldn’t understand how Han Chunsung’s mysterious fighting spirit was possible.


My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a familiar voice.

“Grecia. Are you heading back now?”

Hearing that voice calling me… I blinked involuntarily.

“Han Chunsung?”

Why is this man in front of my eyes right now? And at such a late hour.

“You’re really something. Wow. You train quite intensely, don’t you?”
“Is that… what you say when we first meet?”
“What else should I say? Grecia. Take a look at yourself right now.”

At Han Chunsung’s words, I looked down at myself blankly, and a bitter laugh escaped.

A complete mess.

I had foolishly focused only on training, but thinking about it now, it was just futile effort.

Training that merely exhausted my body and manifested my Talent, without any meaning.

“Grecia. Don’t tell me you didn’t know you were in this state?”
“…No. I knew.”
“Then why are you training like this? You know very well that overexerting your body isn’t good.”

As he asked as if it were strange, I just looked at him.

Hair darker than the dark night, beneath it a faint smile as he looked at me. He still seemed overflowing with confidence.

Rather, after dueling with Leonhardt, this man seemed to have changed even more significantly.

Something… really something felt different.

To the extent that I felt Han Chunsung had changed again in just a few days.


While I’m stagnating like this right now. Is this man already trying to climb the next step?

That was incomprehensible yet simultaneously curious to me.

“…Han Chunsung.”

Looking at the man answering nonchalantly, I didn’t know what to say.

Although we met as if by chance. I felt I shouldn’t let Han Chunsung go like this.

Han Chunsung surely has something I don’t know.

Something I can’t understand at all.

If so… I needed to know a little more about it.

“How much would it cost…?”
“What do you mean all of a sudden?”
“Han Chunsung. I want to buy your time.”

Even as I spoke calmly, I thought I should at least spend some time with Han Chunsung.

Because he said so last time.

Then that must be the answer. That if we spend time together, I’ll naturally be able to understand him.

“Buy my time? What are you saying? And… it’s already night. We should be heading back to our dormitories now.”

At Han Chunsung’s words, I belatedly realized the reality.

But if we parted ways like this today, I felt like I would spend another meaningless day tomorrow.

That was really, really unpleasant.

The thought of having to spend time stagnant and futile again…..

“Please, I’m begging you. Han Chunsung… stay with me. I’ll pay as much as you want.”

Grecia was speaking with a desperate voice, without even realizing it herself.

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